248 research outputs found

    How did the Sovereign debt crisis affect the Euro financial integration? A fractional cointegration approach.

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    This paper examines financial integration among stock markets in the Eurozone using the prices from each stock index. Monthly time series are constructed for four major stock indices for the period between 1998 and 2016. A fractional cointegrated vector autoregressive model is estimated at an international level. Our results show that there is a perfect and complete Euro financial integration. Considering the possible existence of structural breaks, this paper also examines the fractional cointegration within each regime, showing that Euro financial integration is very robust. However, in the financial and sovereign debt crisis regime, IBEX 35 appears to be the weak link in Euro financial integration, unless Euro financial integration recovers when this period ends

    Energy consumption in the US reconsidered. Evidence across sources and economic sectors

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    This study analyzes the impact of GDP shocks in USA on primary energy consumption and the reverse impact in a comprehensive and novel framework, distinguishing by economic sectors (commercial, industrial, residential and transportation) and energy source, i.e., total fossil (coal, natural gas and petroleum), nuclear, and renewable (hydroelectric, geothermal and biomass) for the period 1973:1 to 2015:2. To this end, we apply Granger causality analysis through the Hatemi-J [1] and Toda and Yamamoto [2] approaches from a time series perspective to evaluate the existence of asymmetries on this bidirectional relationship. The empirical results suggest that the impact of GDP on primary energy consumption is heterogeneous and energy source-specific, and an asymmetric behavior appears among cycles. Moreover, it seems clear that the US economy is highly dependent on petroleum energy consumption. The renewable energy sources do not seem to show any relationshipsources seem to show no relationship with economic growth, and finally, our results suggest that energy consumption in the industrial sector is key to economic growth and is also very sensitive to negative economic shocks

    Economía sostenible: teoría y política

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    [Resumen] La compatibilidad entre crecimiento economico y sostenibilidad ambiental es un gran reto que deben afrontar a medio y largo plazo tanto la politica economica como los ciudadanos y las empresas. En los ultimos años estamos asistiendo en el ambito de los procesos de decisión públicos y privados a la aparicion de nuevos paradigmas en los que la sostenibilidad se ha convertido en una cuestion de justicia intergeneracional que introduce restricciones a dichos procesos de decision. Con el título de Economia sostenible. Teoria y politica, en este libro se analiza el impacto de esos nuevos paradigmas tanto en el ambito de la teoria como en el de la politica economica. Se entiende aqui por economia sostenible el analisis economico con restricciones de sostenibilidad ambiental, en contraposicion a definiciones de ese termino que impone la agenda politica actual, mas amplias pero menos operativas. Se trata asi de abordar cuestiones como la escala optima de la economia en relación con el ecosistema que la sustenta, las reglas de explotacion de recursos naturales, el diseño de impuestos ecologicos optimos o los indicadores que se deben utilizar para medir la sostenibilidad ambiental de un pais. Especial atencion merece en el texto el analisis de la politica economica con restricciones de sostenibilidad. Destacan, en este sentido, el estudio de los procesos de coordinacion entre las politicas fiscal, monetaria y ambiental, o el analisis del papel que desempeñan variables como los tipos de interes en los resultados de las politicas macroeconomicas cuando se pretende respetar el equilibrio ambiental

    Energy consumption in the US reconsidered. Evidence across sources and economic sectors

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    This study analyzes the impact of GDP shocks in USA on primary energy consumption and the reverse impact in a comprehensive and novel framework, distinguishing by economic sectors (commercial, industrial, residential and transportation) and energy source, i.e., total fossil (coal, natural gas and petroleum), nuclear, and renewable (hydroelectric, geothermal and biomass) for the period 1973:1 to 2015:2. To this end, we apply Granger causality analysis through the Hatemi-J [1] and Toda and Yamamoto [2] approaches from a time series perspective to evaluate the existence of asymmetries on this bidirectional relationship. The empirical results suggest that the impact of GDP on primary energy consumption is heterogeneous and energy source-specific, and an asymmetric behavior appears among cycles. Moreover, it seems clear that the US economy is highly dependent on petroleum energy consumption. The renewable energy sources do not seem to show any relationshipsources seem to show no relationship with economic growth, and finally, our results suggest that energy consumption in the industrial sector is key to economic growth and is also very sensitive to negative economic shocks

    Geant4-GATE Simulation of a Large Plastic Scintillator for Muon Radiography

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    Envisaging the possibility of using large-area plastic scintillator slabs as robust detectors for high spatial resolution muon radiography, and prior to prototype development, we study expected basic performance by Monte Carlo simulation. We present preliminary results for a scalable square footprint detector unit of similar to 1 m(2), defining a representative simulation model volume of 50 cm x 50 cm, with reflective surfaces and a light readout by direct coupling of 4 small PMTs (in a square arrangement) at one face of the scintillator slab. Light detection efficiency is calculated for several light collection configurations, considering different values of surface roughness, reflectivity, optical coupling index and scintillator thickness. Values maximizing photon detection have been identified. The light response function of 2.5-3.5 cm diameter PMTs for the proposed configuration has been determined. A detector intrinsic spatial resolution of the order of 1 cm is estimated for muon interactions at the center region of the detector module, using a simple centroid positioning algorithm (Anger logic)

    Collision of protons with carbon atoms of a graphene surface in the presence of adsorbed potassium

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    In this work we study the frontal collision of protons with the carbon atoms of a graphene surface with a low coverage of adsorbed potassium. It is aimed at the analysis of the effect of the adsorbates in both charge exchange and electron emission processes, when the binary collision occurs between the proton and a carbon atom of the surface. The frontal collision with the K adsorbate, already analyzed and discussed in a previous work, is compared with the frontal collision with different carbon neighbors. In the present work we studied the signals, due to the localized structures in the density matrix of the composed graphene plus potassium surface, that can be distinguished when the collision occurs either with the adsorbate, a nearby carbon atom, or a carbon atom that does not feel the presence of the adsorbate. The interacting system is described by the Anderson Hamiltonian which takes into account the electronic repulsion on the projectile site; the charge fractions, the energy distribution of electrons in the solid, and the electron emission after the collision are calculated by using the nonequilibrium Green-Keldysh functions formalism solved by the equation of motion method. In the binary collision with a carbon atom, the extended features of the band structure of graphene smooth the dependence of the projectile charge fractions on the incoming energy and notably decrease the negative ions formation. The localized structures of the density of matrix caused by the presence of the adsorbate are perceptible for scattered carbon atoms close to K. The intense emission of low energy electrons obtained in the case of the scattering by potassium is fundamentally associated with the very localized K-4s empty band. This characteristic, although less marked, remain in the scattering by nearby carbon atoms, due to both the interaction with K along the projectile trajectory and the perturbed local density of states on the carbon atoms due to the adsorbate presence. In addition, the extended nature of the electronic structure of graphene allows for the emission of more energetic electrons.Fil: Iglesias García, Adalberto de Jesús. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Física del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto de Física del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Romero, M. A.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Física del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto de Física del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: García, Evelina Andrea. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Física del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto de Física del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Goldberg, Edith Catalina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Física del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto de Física del Litoral; Argentin

    FinFET Versus Gate-All-Around Nanowire FET: Performance, Scaling, and Variability

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    Performance, scalability and resilience to variability of Si SOI FinFETs and gate-all-around (GAA) nanowires (NWs) are studied using in-house-built 3D simulation tools. Two experimentally based devices, a 25 nm gate length FinFET and a 22 nm GAA NW are modelled and then scaled down to 10.7 and 10 nm gate lengths, respectively. A TiN metal gate work-function granularity (MGG) and line edge roughness (LER) induced variability affecting OFF and ON characteristics are investigated and compared. In the OFF-region, the FinFETs have over an order of magnitude larger OFF-current that those of the equivalent GAA NWs. In the ON-region, the 25/10.7 nm gate length FinFETs deliver 20/58% larger ON-current than the 22/10 nm gate length GAA NWs. The FinFETs are more resilient to the MGG and LER variability in the sub-threshold compared to the GAA NWs. However, the MGG ON-current variability is larger for the 10.7 nm FinFET than that for the 10 nm GAA NW. The LER ON-current variability depends largely on the RMS height; whereas a 0.6 nm RMS height yields a similar variability for both FinFETs and GAA NWs. Finally, the industry preferred 110 channel orientation is more resilient to the MGG and LER variability in both architectures

    Spatial Sensitivity of Silicon GAA Nanowire FETs under Line Edge Roughness Variations

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    Standard analysis of variability sources in nanodevices lacks information about the spatial influence of the variability. However this spatial information is paramount for the industry and academia to improve the design of variability-resistant architectures. A recently developed technique, the Fluctuation Sensitivity Map (FSM) is used to analyse the spatial effect of the Line Edge Roughness (LER) variability in key figures-of-merit (FoM) in silicon Gate-All-Around (GAA) nanowire (NW) FETs. This technique gives insight about the local sensitivity identifying the regions inducing the strongest variability into the FoM. We analyse both 22 nm and 10 nm gate length GAA NW FETs affected by the LER with different amplitudes (0.6, 0.7, 0.85 nm) and correlation lengths (10, 20 nm) using in-house 3D quantum-corrected drift-diffusion simulation tool calibrated against experimental or Monte Carlo data. The FSM finds that the gate is the most sensitive region to LER deformations. We demonstrate that the specific location of the deformation inside the gate plays an important role in the performance and that the effect of the location is also dependent on the FoM analysed. Moreover, there is a negligible impact on the device performance if the LER deformation occurs in the source or drain region