771 research outputs found

    Funkcionális genomikai, mikro-RNS és fehérjeszintű vizsgálatok a sporadikus mellékvese daganatok patogenezisének tanulmányozására eddig ismeretlen patomechanizmusok felderítése céljából. = Functional genomics, microRNA and protein level studies on sporadic adrenal tumor pathogenesis in search for novel pathomechanisms.

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    Különböző típusú mellékvese daganatok molekuláris vizsgálatát végeztem mRNS, mikroRNS és fehérje szintű megközelítéssel. A mellékvesekéreg daganatokban a hisztamin bioszintézisért felelős enzim és a hisztamin receptorok eltérő kifejeződését találtuk mind mRNS, mind fehérje szinten: a hisztamin 3-as receptora a malignitás markereként is szóbajön. Mellékvesekéreg daganatokban szignifikáns mikroRNS expressziós különbségeket találtunk a jó- és rosszindulatú mellékvesekéreg daganatok között: legalkalmasabb markernek a miR-503 és miR-511 expressziós különbsége tűnik. A mikroRNS-ek biológiai hatásának felderítésére egy új, párhuzamos mRNS expressziós vizsgálaton alapuló szövetspecifikus target predikciós módszert dolgoztunk ki, ami a sejtciklus G2-M ellenőrzőpontjának károsodását jelezte. Metaanalízis keretében vizsgáltuk a mellékvesekéreg daganatok eddig közölt funkcionális genomikai vizsgálatainak eredményeit, ami három fő patogenetikai útvonalat mutatott ki: 1. a sejtciklus károsodását, 2. a retinsav jelátviteli útvonalat, 3. immun-komplement rendszer eltéréseit. A c-myc protoonkogén csökkent expresszióját, mint központi patogenetikai elemet azonosítottuk. A phaeochromocytomák között is szignifikáns mikroRNS expressziós eltéréseket találtunk különböző sporadikus benignus, öröklődő és sporadikus recidiváló daganatokban. A miR-1225-3p a recidiva markereként jön szóba és bioinformatikai vizsgálat a Notch-jelátvitel fontosságát jelezte a recidiva folyamatában. | Different types of adrenal tumors have been studied by molecular approaches involving mRNA, microRNA and protein level studies. We have observed the differential expression of histamine biosynthetic enzyme and histamine receptors in adrenocortical tumors both at mRNA and protein levels: overexpression of type 3 histamine receptor might be a marker of maignancy. Significant differences in microRNA expression have been found among benign and malignant adrenocortical tumors: difference in the expression of miR-503 and miR-511 seems to be the best marker of malignancy. For the elucidation of the biological relevance of microRNAs, we have developed a novel, tissue-specific target prediction approach based on the results of a parallel mRNA expression profiling: this revealed damage of cell cycle G2-M checkpoint. Results of published functional genomics data on adrenocortical tumors were studied in a meta-analysis that showed three major pathogenic pathways: i. damage of cell cycle, ii. retinoic acid signaling, iii. immune-complement changes. The underexpression of c-myc was revealed as a central pathogenic event in the meta-analysis. Among pheochromocytomas, we have also revealed significant microRNA expression changes in different sporadic benign, hereditary and sporadic recurring tumors. miR-1225-3p was identified as a potential marker of recurrence that could be clinically relevant. Bioinformatical analysis showed the relevance of Notch-signaling in pheochromocytoma recurrence

    A szomatosztatinanalógok hatékonysága a neuroendokrin daganatok kezelésében az új klinikai vizsgálatok tükrében

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    Due to their inhibitory effects on hormone secretion, somatostatin analogues are of pivotal importance in the symptomatic treatment of hormone-secreting neuroendocrine tumours. Although several earlier clinical observations supported the view that these biological agents are capable of inhibiting the growth of neuroendocrine tumours, the PROMID study published in 2009 was the first to confirm the inhibitory effect of octreotide on tumour growth and demonstrated the prolongation of progression free survival. These findings have been confirmed and extended by the most recent CLARINET trial with lanreotide published in 2014. Somatostatin analogues are capable of inhibiting tumour growth and stabilizing disease irrespective of the hormonal activity of the tumour and, therefore, their applicability is expected to be extended to the treatment of hormonally inactive neuroendocrine tumours, as well. Orv. Hetil., 2014, 155(48), 1908-1912

    Fejezetek a középkori Ibér-félsziget állam- és jogtörténetéből : a Privilegio General de Aragón előzményei és háttere = Chapters on the State- and Legal History of the Medieval Iberian Peninsula : prelude and background of the Privilegio General de Aragón

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    The formation of the monarchy of the estates, as a complex process, also could not be separated from the development of the geopolitical and social conditions in the southwestern corner of our continent, on the Iberian Peninsula. There, in the state development, the Kingdom of Aragon reached the furthest, as evidenced by its written sources. In our article, we do not intend to deal with the possibilities of comparison, nor with the question of which contemporary European letter of privilege may have influenced one (or possibly several) others. Instead, keeping in mind the peripheral familiarity of the Iberian Middle Ages in Hungary, we will try to bring the Aragonese example of medieval royal letters of privilege closer to the readers, primarily based on local bibliography. We do this by presenting the path and background leading to it, in the broader context of state development on the Iberian Peninsula

    Early Cognitive/Social Deficits and Late Motor Phenotype in Conditional Wild-Type TDP-43 Transgenic Mice

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    Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) are two neurodegenerative diseases associated to mislocalization and aggregation of TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43). To investigate in depth the behavioral phenotype associated with this proteinopathy, we used as a model transgenic (Tg) mice conditionally overexpressing human wild-type TDP 43 protein (hTDP-43-WT) in forebrain neurons. We previously characterized these mice at the neuropathological level and found progressive neurodegeneration and other features that evoke human TDP-43 proteinopathies of the FTD/ALS spectrum. In the present study we analyzed the behavior of mice at multiple domains, including motor, social and cognitive performance. Our results indicate that young hTDP-43-WT Tg mice (1 month after post-weaning transgene induction) present a normal motor phenotype compared to control littermates, as assessed by accelerated rotarod performance, spontaneous locomotor activity in the open field test and a mild degree of spasticity shown by a clasping phenotype. Analysis of social and cognitive behavior showed a rapid installment of deficits in social interaction, working memory (Y-maze test) and recognition memory (novel object recognition test) in the absence of overt motor abnormalities. To investigate if the motor phenotype worsen with age, we analyzed the behavior of mice after long-term (up to 12 months) transgene induction. Our results reveal a decreased performance on the rotarod test and in the hanging wire test, indicating a motor phenotype that was absent in younger mice. In addition, long-term hTDP-43-WT expression led to hyperlocomotion in the open field test. In sum, these results demonstrate a time-dependent emergence of a motor phenotype in older hTDP-43-WT Tg mice, recapitulating aspects of clinical FTD presentations with motor involvement in human patients, and providing a complementary animal model for studying TDP-43 proteinopathies.Fil: Alfieri, Julio Armando. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Fisiología y Biofísica Bernardo Houssay. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Fisiología y Biofísica Bernardo Houssay; ArgentinaFil: Silva Pinto, Pablo Roberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Fisiología y Biofísica Bernardo Houssay. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Fisiología y Biofísica Bernardo Houssay; ArgentinaFil: Müller Igaz, Lionel Ivan. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Fisiología y Biofísica Bernardo Houssay. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Fisiología y Biofísica Bernardo Houssay; Argentin