56 research outputs found

    Long-term labour market consequences of dropping out of upper secondary school : Minority disadvantages?

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    In this study, I compare the labour market outcomes of school completers and school dropouts 10 years after they have entered upper secondary education. I compare second-generation immigrant youth from Turkey, Morocco, Pakistan, Vietnam, India and Chile with native majority youth in terms of economic inactivity, employment probability and educational enrolment. I use register data from Statistics Norway, which contain information on all students who entered upper secondary school between 1994 and 1998. The results show that youths who drop out of school have a lower probability of being employed than school completers. However, the labour market penalty of dropping out is not more excessive among second-generation immigrant youth than among native majority yout

    PÃ¥virker innvandring investeringen i utdanning?

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    Hvor følsom er rekrutteringen til utdanning for endringer i forholdet mellom tilbud og etterspørsel i arbeidsmarkedet? Dette er den generelle problemstillingen vi ønsker å belyse i denne artikkelen. Konkret analyserer vi, for det første, om økningen i arbeidsinnvandringen til Bygg- og anleggsnæringen (BoA-næringen) har redusert rekrutteringen til fagutdanninger som etterspørres mye av bedrifter innen denne næringen. For det andre, om en, eventuell, slik reduksjon er et resultat av at elevene velger seg bort fra fagutdanninger der høyere innvandring gir økt tilbud i relevante arbeidsmarkeder, eller av at arbeidsgivere tilbyr færre lærlingeplasser innen de aktuelle fagområdene? Resultatene tyder på at det er en negativ sammenheng mellom innvandring til BoA-næringens arbeidsmarked og tilstrømningen til næringens fagutdanninger, og at dette i større grad skyldes endringer i elevenes valg enn i arbeidsgivernes rekruttering.Norges forskningsråd 19714

    Young people with long-term health challenges experiences in transition to adulthood: A qualitative metasynthesis

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    Author's accepted manuscriptThis is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Rasalingam, A., Fegran, L., Brekke, I. & Helseth, S. (2021). Young people with long-term health challenges experiences in transition to adulthood: A qualitative metasynthesis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77(2), 595-607 which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.14641. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions. This article may not be enhanced, enriched or otherwise transformed into a derivative work, without express permission from Wiley or by statutory rights under applicable legislation. Copyright notices must not be removed, obscured or modified. The article must be linked to Wiley’s version of record on Wiley Online Library and any embedding, framing or otherwise making available the article or pages thereof by third parties from platforms, services and websites other than Wiley Online Library must be prohibited.Aims: The aim of this study was to describe the experiences of the transition to adult-hood for young people with long-term health challenges.Design: The metasynthesis approach was based on the guidelines by Sandelowski and Barroso for synthesizing qualitative research.Data sources: Seven electronic databases: CINAHL, Medline, Embase, PsycINFO, Web of Science, Scopus, and SocIndex were searched on 6–10 February 2020.Review methods: Studies were critically appraised using the Joanna Briggs criti-cal appraisal tool. Qualitative data were extracted, meta-summarised, then meta-synthesized.Findings: Nineteen qualitative studies were included in this review. Six themes il-lustrated experiences in the transition to adulthood: wishing for an ‘ordinary’ life, significance of close network, working towards independence, in need of systemic resources and services, psychosocial challenges and keeping a positive attitude.Conclusion: Young people with long-term health challenges wished for as ‘ordinary’ a life as possible in the future. In the transition to adulthood, they gradually gained more competence in self-management skills and knowledge and strived to become more independent. By having a positive attitude and using other coping strategies, young people can work on some of the difficulties they experience in this phase. However, to achieve and maintain independence young people with long-term health challenges are dependent on the support of a close network and systemic support and services.Impact: The findings highlight the need to help alleviate the fears and worries of young people with long-term health challenges and create opportunities for success-ful transition to adulthood by increased awareness and interventions from policy-makers and professionals in the health and social systemacceptedVersio

    Doctor-certified sickness absence in first and second trimesters of pregnancy among native and immigrant women in Norway

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    Aims: The authors sought to estimate differences in doctor-certified sickness absence during pregnancy among immigrant and native women. Methods: Population-based cohort study of pregnant women attending three Child Health Clinics in Groruddalen, Oslo, and their offspring. Questionnaire data were collected at gestational weeks 10–20 and 28. The participation rate was 74%. A multivariate Poisson regression was used to analyse differences in sickness absence in pregnancy between immigrant and native women. Results: A total of 573 women who were employed prior to their pregnancies were included, 51% were immigrants. After adjusting for age, years of education, marital status, number of children, occupation, part-time/full-time work, health status, severe pregnancy-induced emesis and language proficiency, the immigrant/native differences in number of weeks with sickness absence decreased from 2.0 to 1.2 weeks. Part-time/full-time work, health status, severe pregnancy-induced emesis and language proficiency were significant predictors of sickness absence. Conclusion: Immigrant women had higher sickness absence than native women during pregnancy. The difference in average number of weeks between native and immigrant women was partly explained by poorer health status prior to pregnancy, severe pregnancy-induced emesis and poorer proficiency in the Norwegian language among the immigrant women

    Underernæring hos eldre hjemmeboende personer med demens

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    Bakgrunn: Eldre personer med hukommelsestap er svært utsatt for underernæring. Tidligere studier har i hovedsak fokusert på pasienter som bor på institusjon. Hensikt: Hensikten med denne studien er å kartlegge og belyse ernæringsstatusen til eldre hjemmeboende pasienter med demens og kognitiv svikt som får bistand av hjemmetjenesten i fire bydeler i Oslo. Metode: Det ble gjennomført en tverrsnittsstudie i fire utvalgte bydeler i Oslo, (N=282). Instrumentet Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) ble benyttet til innsamling av data. Logistisk regresjonsanalyse ble anvendt for å analysere dataene, og resultatene presenteres i oddsratioer. Resultater: Studien viser at underernæring er svært utbredt blant hjemmeboende pasienter med kognitiv svikt og demenssykdom. Omkring halvparten av pasientene var underernært eller sto i fare for underernæring. Det å være kvinne og ha problemer med matinntak viser seg å være viktige risikofaktorer for underernæring. Konklusjon: Resultatene i studien viser at det er avgjørende at helsepersonell og pårørende er kjent med risikofaktorene for underernæring. Nødvendige tiltak må iverksettes på et tidlig stadium for å forhindre alvorlig underernæring og sykdom som følge av dette.Malnutrition in elderly people living at home with cognitive impairment and dementia Background: Elderly people with memory loss are particularly vulnerable to malnutrition. Previous studies have mainly focused on elderly living in an institution. Objective: The purpose of this study is to identify the nutritional status of elderly with dementia who live at home. Method: The survey design was conducted in four selected districts in Oslo (N = 282). Mini Nutritional Assessment Instrument (MNA) was used for data collection. Logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the data and the results were presented in odds ratios. Results: Our results show that malnutrition is highly prevalent among home-living patients with cognitive impairment and dementia. About one-half of the patients were malnourished or were at risk of malnutrition. Being a woman and having problems with food intake appears to be important risk factors for malnutrition. Conclusion: One interpretation of these results is that it is essential that health professionals and the patients’ relatives are aware of these risk factors, and that necessary measures are implemented at an early stage, in order to prevent severe malnutrition and subsequent disease

    Effectiveness of the International Child Development Programme: Results from a randomized controlled trial

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    This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the International Child Development Programme (ICDP), a group-based parenting programme used internationally and implemented nationally in Norway. We used a cluster randomized controlled trial in which 81 groups were randomly assigned to either the intervention or waitlist control condition after the baseline data collection. A total of 590 parents completed at least one of three questionnaires (administrated before and after ICDP and 4 months after completing the intervention). Primary outcomes included parental self-efficacy, parental emotion sensitivity and positive involvement with their child. Secondary outcomes included parents' perceptions of their relationship with the child, child-rearing conflicts and the child's psychosocial health. We found significant effects favouring the intervention arm following the intervention and at follow-up on two primary outcomes (parental self-efficacy and emotion sensitivity). For the secondary outcomes, we found a significant reduction in child-rearing conflict at the 4-month follow-up, increased closeness to the child, reduced child internalizing difficulties and increased prosocial behaviour immediately following the intervention. However, ICDP seems to have limited effects on parent-reported changes in children. We conclude that ICDP as a universal preventive programme offered to parents in groups can be effective in strengthening parental self-efficacy and improving parental emotion sensitivity.publishedVersio

    Effects of dietary and physical activity interventions on the risk of type 2 diabetes in South Asians: meta-analysis of individual participant data from randomised controlled trials

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    Aims/hypothesis: Individuals of South Asian origin have a high risk of type 2 diabetes and of dying from a diabetes-attributable cause. Lifestyle modification intervention trials to prevent type 2 diabetes in high-risk South Asian adults have suggested more modest effects than in European-origin populations. The strength of the evidence of individual studies is limited, however. We performed an individual participant data meta-analysis of available RCTs to assess the effectiveness of lifestyle modification in South Asian populations worldwide. Methods: We searched PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane Library and Web of Science (to 24 September 2018) for RCTs on lifestyle modification interventions incorporating diet and/or physical activity in South Asian adults. Reviewers identified eligible studies and assessed the quality of the evidence. We obtained individual participant data on 1816 participants from all six eligible trials (four from Europe and two from India). We generated HR estimates for incident diabetes (primary outcome) and mean differences for fasting glucose, 2 h glucose, weight and waist circumference (secondary outcomes) using mixed-effect meta-analysis overall and by pre-specified subgroups. We used the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) system to rate the quality of evidence of the estimates. The study is registered with the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews ([PROSPERO] CRD42017078003). Results: Incident diabetes was observed in 12.6% of participants in the intervention groups and in 20.0% of participants in the control groups. The pooled HR for diabetes incidence was 0.65 (95% CI 0.51, 0.81; I2 = 0%) in intervention compared with control groups. The absolute risk reduction was 7.4% (95% CI 4.0, 10.2), with no interactions for the pre-specified subgroups (sex, BMI, age, study duration and region where studies were performed). The quality of evidence was rated as moderate. Mean difference for lifestyle modification vs control groups for 2 h glucose was −0.34 mmol/l (95% CI −0.62, −0.07; I2 = 50%); for weight −0.75 kg (95% CI −1.34, −0.17; I2 = 71%) and for waist −1.16 cm (95% CI −2.16, −0.16; I2 = 75%). No effect was found for fasting glucose. Findings were similar across subgroups, except for weight for European vs Indian studies (−1.10 kg vs −0.08 kg, p = 0.02 for interaction). Conclusions/interpretation: Despite modest changes for adiposity, lifestyle modification interventions in high-risk South Asian populations resulted in a clinically important 35% relative reduction in diabetes incidence, consistent across subgroups. If implemented on a large scale, lifestyle modification interventions in high-risk South Asian populations in Europe would reduce the incidence of diabetes in these populations

    Kjønnssegregering i utdanning og arbeidsliv : status og årsaker

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    Den horisontale kjønnssegregeringen i arbeidsmarkedet springer ut av en rekke sammensatte samfunnsprosesser. Prosessene utspiller seg på ulike nivåer, fra individuelle evner og valg, via familie og omgangskrets, barnehager, skoler og arbeidsplasser, til større samfunnsstrukturer, medierepresentasjoner og politiske og juridiske rammebetingelser. Gitt utdanningssystemets stadig voksende rolle som sorteringsinstans, ligger noe av utfordringen i gutters og jenters valg av utdanning. Hvorfor velger gutter og jenter såpass ulikt som de gjør? I hvor stor grad er gutters og jenters utdanningsvalg i endring? Særlig jenters utdanningsvalg har endret seg kraftig i løpet av de siste 50 årene. Dette indikerer at kvinners og menns preferanser og mulighetsrom er langt fra uforanderlige. Samtidig tyder den vedvarende kjønnsdelingen på at noen av arbeidsmarkedets kjønnede strukturer ikke så lett lar seg endre. Rapporten kartlegger status og endring i den horisontale segregeringen i utdanningssystemet og arbeidsmarkedet i Norge og diskuterer noen av de sentrale årsakene. Med utgangspunkt i rapportens konklusjoner foreslås ideer til tiltak for å motvirke kjønnssegregering, samt områder der det er behov for videre forskning
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