114 research outputs found

    Analisis Komparatif Prediksi Kebangkrutan Denganmodel Ohlson, Springate, Zmijewski, dan Grover pada Perusahaan Konstruksi dan Bangunan yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    This study purpose to determine the bankrupcty prediction model is most suitable for use in its application to construction and building companies in Indonesia, by comparing four financial distress prediction model, the model of Ohlson, Springate, Zmijewski and Grover. Comparisons were made by analyzing the accuracy of each model. The data used in the form of annual financial statements published by the company on the Indonesian Stock Exchange website. The sample used is a construction and building company in Indonesia listed on the Stock Exchange during the years 2009-2013. The sampling technique is purposive sampling with a total sample obtained by 5 companies. The results showed that the most accurate model is the model Springate, Zmijewski, and Grover with accuracy level 100%.Keywords: Bankruptcy, Predictions Models, and Financial Ratio

    Pengaruh Pengalaman Auditor, Kompetensi, Risiko Audit, Etika, Tekanan Ketaatan, dan Gender terhadap Ketepatan Pemberian Opini Auditor dengan Skeptisme Profesional Auditor sebagai Variabel Intervening

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    The purpose of this study is to find out the effect of auditor experience, competence, audit risk, ethics, adherence pressure, and gender to the accuracy of auditors opinion, directly or indirectly, by using auditor professional skepticism as an intervening variable. The research was conducted in KAP Kota Pekanbaru and KAP Medan City. The samples were obtained randomly as many as 79 respondents. The data were analyzed by using Partial Least Square (PLS) techniques with SmartPLS 2.0 M3 versions. The results showed that auditor experience did have a significant relation to the accuracy on giving opinion. Secondly, competence did have a significant relation to the accuracy on giving opinion. Third, audit risk did have a significant relation to the accuracy on giving opinion. Fourth, ethics did have a significant relation to the accuracy on giving opinion. Fifth, adherence pressure did have a significant relation to the accuracy on giving opinion. Sixth, gender did have a significant relationship to the accuracy of auditors opinion. From the indirect test, the result showed that the variable of auditors professional skepticism was able to strengthen the competence relation and situation of the accuracy of auditors opinion. In the other hand, the variable of auditors professional skepticism was not able to strengthen the relationship of ethics and pressure to the accuracy of auditors opinion.Keywords: Auditor Experience, Audit Risk, Ethics, Adherence Pressure, Auditor Professional Skepticis

    Analisis Performa Network Intrusion Detection System (Nids) Menggunakan Metode Signature Based dalam Mendeteksi Serangan Denial Of Service (Dos) Berbasis Udp Flooding

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    Cloud computing telah menjadi tren teknologi yang digunakan oleh berbagai kalangan terutama para pelaku startup dan Perusahaan besar. Beberapa kelebihan yang ditawarkan cloud computing seperti kemudahan untuk membuat layanan cloud sendiri, hemat biaya infrastruktur dan fleksibel dalam menambah atau mengurangi kapasitas layanan sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Terlepas dari kelebihan-kelebihan tersebut, aspek keamanan cloud computing menjadi salah satu faktor yang harus diperhatikan oleh Perusahaan. Penggunaan antivirus dan firewall belum menjamin sistem cloud sepenuhnya aman. Selain itu keterbatasan administrator dalam memonitor traffic dan serangan di seluruh bagian jaringan cloud menjadi kendala dalam pengelolaan cloud computing. Salah satu solusi untuk meningkatkan keamanan jaringan, memonitor serta mengawasi traffic serangan pada cloud computing adalah Network-based Intrusion Detection System (NIDS). NIDS merupakan salah satu jenis Intrusion Detection System (IDS) yang dapat melakukan pemantauan terhadap serangan serta traffic pada seluruh bagian jaringan. Signature based adalah salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan NIDS dalam mengidentifikasi setiap paket data yang keluar dan masuk ke jaringan. Pada penelitian ini, penulis melakukan uji performa NIDS dengan metode Signature Based dalam mendeteksi serangan DoS berbasis UDP Flooding. Penelitian ini juga melakukan analisis terhadap hasil dan evaluasi performa NIDS untuk mengetahui kinerja diterapkannya NIDS dan keakuratan NIDS dalam mengklasifikasikan serangan. Kata Kunci : IDS, Network Intrusion Detection System, NIDS, Cloud Computing, Signature Based Nowadays, cloud computing has become a new trend technology used in various areas, especially in startup and big companies. Cloud computing offers some advantages such as the easiness to create their own cloud services, cost-effective infrastructure and flexible to increase or decrease the capacity of the service in accordance with the requirements. Apart from these advantages, the security aspects of cloud computing is becoming one of the factors that must be considered by the company. The use of antivirus and firewall doesn't guarantee the cloud system is fully secure. Besides that, the limitation of administrator to monitor traffic and attacks throughout the cloud network become a constraint in cloud computing management. One solution to improve network security, traffic monitoring and overseeing attacks on cloud computing using Network-based Intrusion Detection System (NIDS). NIDS is one type of Intrusion Detection System (IDS) which can monitor the attacks and traffic throughout the network. Signature Based is one method that can be used NIDS to identify each packet of data in or out to the network. In this research, the author conducted performances test NIDS with Signature Based method based on UDP Flooding. This research also perform conducted analysis of the result and performance evaluation of NIDS on cloud computing. The aim to determine the performance of NIDS and the accuracy of NIDS in classifying attacks. Kata Kunci : IDS, Network Intrusion Detection System, NIDS, Cloud Computing, Signature Based DAFTAR PUSTAKA R. Eka, “Tren Penggunaan Teknologi Cloud Di Kalangan UKM Indonesia Terus Bertumbuh,” Korpora.net, 7 Februari 2015. [Online]. Available: http://www.korpora.net/post/tren-penggunaan-teknologi-cloud-di-kalangan-ukm-Indonesia-terus-bertumbuh/. [Diakses 15 Februari 2015]. J. Enterprise, “Jenis Layanan Cloud Computing,” dalam Trik Mengoperasikan PC Tanpa Software, Jakarta, PT Elex Media Komputindo, 2010, p. 3. Deliusno, “Cloud Computing Cocok untuk Startup,” Kompas Tekno, 5 Oktober 2012. [Online]. 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    ABSTRAK: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar sikap siswa antara kelompok siswa yang mendapatkan perlakuan model pembelajaran kooperatif NHT dan model pembelajaran kooperatif STAD pada pembelajaran biologi sistem pencernaan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 2 Gerung pada siswa kelas XI jurusan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam semester genap tahun pelajaran 2014/2015. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuasi eksperimen dengan menggunakan rancangan Type Between Group Design dengan Posttest Only Design. Populasi penelitian berjumlah 44 siswa terdiri atas dua kelas, dimana keseluruhan populasi dijadikan sebagai sampel penelitian. Melalui teknik simple random sampling ditentukan dua kelas eksperimen. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif yaitu dengan menghitung rata-rata dari jawaban yang diberikan kemudian dinyatakan dalam bentuk angka persentase dari setiap pernyataan. Angka persentase yang menggambarkan sikap pada indikator: rasa ingintahu, tanggungjawab, dan disiplin diuji hipotesisnya menggunakan analisis uji-t dengan bantuan program SPSS versi 20 for Windows. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan hasil belajar sikap yang signifikan antara kelompok siswa yang menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif NHT dan model pembelajaran kooperatif STAD dimana diperoleh nilai thitung ≤ ttabel (p>0.05) pada setiap indikator sikap. Kata kunci:      Model pembelajaran kooperatif NHT, STAD, hasil belajar sikap siswa.      ABSTRACT: This study aims to determine differences of student’s attitude learning outcomes between groups of students who receive NHT cooperative learning model and STAD cooperative learning model treatment for biology digestive system learning. This research was conducted at SMAN 2 Gerung in class of XI. This study is a quasi-experimental research using Type Between Group Design with Posttest Only Design. The number of population was 44 students consit of two classes, and all member of population used to sample study. By using simple random sampling obtained two classes of experiments. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical and than with count the average of data, obtained scaling data and than hypothesis was tested using t-test analysis with SPSS version 20 for Windows. The results showed there was no significant difference about attitude learning outcome between the group the of students using NHT cooperative learning model and group of students using STAD cooperative learning model in all indicators of attitude that gained tcount ≤ ttable (p> 0.05). Key words:          NHT cooperative learning model, STAD, model, student’s attitude, learning outcome

    Isolasi Trimiristin Minyak Pala Banda Serta Pemanfaatannya Sebagai Bahan Aktif Sabun

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    Biji pala mengandung fixed oil sebesar 20–40% yang terdiri dari asam miristat, trimiristin dan gliserida dari asam laurat, stearat dan palmitat. Trimiristin yang terkandung dalam biji pala mencapai 85% dan digunakan dalam pembuatan kosmetik kulit sebagai pemutih (whitening agent). Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mempelajari penyulingan minyak pala Banda dan isolasi trimiristin, kemudian digunakan sebagai bahan aktif tambahan pada pembuatan sabun mandi. Penyulingan minyak pala Banda menggunakan alat yang terbuat dari stainlesss steel dengan kapasitas sepuluh kilogram bahan. Isolasi trimiristin menggunakan sistem refluks dengan ester dan dimurnikan dengan aseton, kemudian diuji dengan menggunakan kromatografi gas. Trimiristin yang dihasilkan digunakan untuk pembuatan sabun mandi dan diuji sifat anti bakteri dan fungi. Hasil penyulingan minyak pala Banda diperoleh rendemen sebesar 12,5%. Isolasi trimiristin diperoleh kristal putih dengan hasil sebesar 80,02% dan kemurnian mencapai 99,35%. Sabun mandi dengan bahan aktif trimiristin minyak pala berdasarkan hasil uji semakin lama disimpan akan memberikan jumlah asam lemak semakin tinggi dan asam lemak tak tersabunkan semakin kecil serta mampu menghambat secara kuat pertumbuhan bakteri dan fungi


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    The development of human resource management will continue to change along with the times. At the same time, there have been various emerging developments in the model approach within human resource management. This study aims to look at the various models of human resource management approaches and find the most suitable approach to human resource management. This research will be carried out using a descriptive qualitative approach. The data used in this research comes from the results of research and previous studies that are still relevant to the content of this research. The results of this study found that the researcher with the Zoroastrian approach model was the most suitable approach model for human resource management in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era. This is because, in this approach, values of a fairly high work ethic, empowerment, community improvement, fairness, and good manners are important in developing business excellence

    The central subgroup of the nonabelian tensor square of Bieberbach group with point group C2 C2

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    A Bieberbach group with point group  C2 xC2  is a free torsion crystallographic group. A central subgroup of a nonabelian tensor square of a group G, denoted by ∇(G) is a normal subgroup generated by generator g⊗g for all g∈G and essentially depends on the abelianization of the group. In this paper, the formula of the central subgroup of the nonabelian tensor square of one Bieberbach group with point group   C2 xC2 , of lowest dimension 3, denoted by S3 (3) is generalized up to n dimension. The consistent polycyclic presentation, the derived subgroup and the abelianization of group this group of n dimension are first determined. By using these presentations, the central subgroup of the nonabelian tensor square of this group of n dimension is constructed. The findings of this research can be further applied to compute the homological functors of this group.Keywords: Bieberbach group; central subgroup; nonabelian tensor square


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    This study aims to determine differences of knowledge biology student learning outcomes between groups of students who receive NHT cooperative learning model and STAD cooperative learning model treatment for digestive system. This research was conducted at SMAN 2 Gerung in class of XI. This study is a quasi-experimental research using modified of Type Between Group Design with Pre-posttest design. The number of population was 44 students that using simple random sampling in order to obtain two classes of experiments. Data were analyzed using inferential statistical analysis and hypothesis was tested using t-test analysis with SPSS version 20 for Windows. The results showed: First, there was no significant difference about knowledge learning outcome between the group the of students using NHT cooperative learning model and group of students using STAD cooperative learning model in the substance of Food, Food Healthy Menu, Structure and Function of Cells Network of Human Digestive System, Network Structure System of Ruminant Digestion, and Digestive Disorders Bioprocess Systems that gained tcount ≤ ttable (p> 0.05). Second, a group of students using STAD cooperative learning model has an average value of knowledge learning outcome that is significantly higher than the group of students that use NHT cooperative learning model for Body Mass Index (BMI) and Basal Metallic Rate (BMR) that gained value ttable < tcount (p ≤ 0.05).Keyword: NHT cooperative learning model, STAD cooperative learning model, student’s knowledge learning outcome of biolog


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    This study aims to determine differences of knowledge biology student learning outcomes between groups of students who receive NHT cooperative learning model and STAD cooperative learning model treatment for digestive system. This research was conducted at SMAN 2 Gerung in class of XI. This study is a quasi-experimental research using modified of Type Between Group Design with Pre-posttest design. The number of population was 44 students that using simple random sampling in order to obtain two classes of experiments. Data were analyzed using inferential statistical analysis and hypothesis was tested using t-test analysis with SPSS version 20 for Windows. The results showed: First, there was no significant difference about knowledge learning outcome between the group the of students using NHT cooperative learning model and group of students using STAD cooperative learning model in the substance of Food, Food Healthy Menu, Structure and Function of Cells Network of Human Digestive System, Network Structure System of Ruminant Digestion, and Digestive Disorders Bioprocess Systems that gained tcount ≤ ttable (p> 0.05). Second, a group of students using STAD cooperative learning model has an average value of knowledge learning outcome that is significantly higher than the group of students that use NHT cooperative learning model for Body Mass Index (BMI) and Basal Metallic Rate (BMR) that gained value ttable < tcount (p ≤ 0.05).Keyword: NHT cooperative learning model, STAD cooperative learning model, student’s knowledge learning outcome of biolog

    Surface Fractal Study of Perovskite Alumina Ceramic Membrane Prepared By Sol-Gel Method From Adsorption Isotherm Description

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    Perovskite alumina membrane has been synthesized by the sol-gel method. The molar ratio of alkoxide to water and acid 1:100:0.07 was used to prepare the sol. Observation were made on pore size and BET surface area at different temperature using N2 sorption analysis. The average pore size increased with increasing of temperature. Pore surface roughness changes in perovskite-alumina mebrane have been investigated by surface fractal dimension analysis. The Frenkel-Halsey-Hill (FHH) model for multilayer adsorption was applied to obtain the surface fractal dimension. Surface fractal dimension increases while calcined from 400C to 600C but decreases at temperature 800C. SEM analysis observed the surface morphology of the mebrane