132 research outputs found

    Personal characteristics, occupational stress and turnover intentions among school teachers in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia

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    Stress is considered as a serious problem in the modern workplace. This paper summarizes occupational stress and turnover intentions experienced by secondary school teachers in the state of Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. The aim of this study is to investigate the differences across different personal characteristics of the teachers and their level of stress and turnover intention. A total of 150 self-administered questionnaires were collected from secondary schools in the state of Negeri Sembilan. The study reveals that there are significant differences between teachers’ personal characteristics with occupational stress and turnover intention. This study also revealed that there is a positive significant relationship between occupational stress and turnover intention experienced by these teachers. Based on the results, some recommendations are provided


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    Exploration activity in Batu Hijau and Elang Dodo has been conducted since contract of work was settled between PT. Newmont Nusa Tenggara and government of Indonesia. In practical level, dispute arose out between local people of Samaw a ethnicity and the government Indonesia against PT. Newmont Nusa Tenggara. Research show, that the causing factors for the dispute are, among other things, the unresolved compensation, worliforce issue, and an unexpected their party intervening into the contract. The society wishes to resolve this dispute through adat law by negotiating or mediating with adat leaders as the mediator. Kegiatan eksplorasi di Batu Hijau dan Elang Dodo dilakukan sejak kontrak karya disetujui antara PT. Newmont Nusa Tenggara dengan Pemerintah Indonesia. Dalam praktiknya, kontrak ini menimbulkan sengketa antara masyarakat etnis Samawa dan pemerintah Indonesia melawan PT. Newmont Nusa Tenggara. HasHpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor penyebab terjadinya sengketa antara lain adalah belum dipenuhinya permintaan ganti rugi, masalah ketenagakerjaan, serta adanya pihak ketiga yang masuk dalam kontrak. Masyarakat menginginkan penyelesaian secara adat melalui negosiasi atau mediasi tetua adat


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    The aim of this research is to show how the reconstruction of the existing Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia influences the promotion of a responsive legal culture in the bureaucratic system. The research methods are normative and empirical, along with the philosophical approach, statute approach, conceptual approach, and direct interview in the field. Concluding the reconstruction of the Ombudsman of the Republic Indonesia to be more ideal through the review of the Law  Number  37 from 2008 regarding the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia including the relation to its institutional authority, and the legal force of the Ombudsman’s recommendations that should be final and binding, so the recommendations have an executorial power

    The Ombudsman reconstruction of the Republic of Indonesia in promoting a responsive legal culture

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    The aim of this research is to show how the reconstruction of the existing Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia influences the promotion of a responsive legal culture in the bureaucracy system. The research methods are normative and empirical, along with the philosophical approach, statute approach, conceptual approach, and direct interview in the field. Concluding the reconstruction of the Ombudsman of the Republic Indonesia to be more ideal through the review of the Law Number 37 from 2008 regarding the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia including the relation to its institutional authority, and the legal force of the Ombudsman's recommendations that should be final and binding, so the recommendations have an executorial power

    A Study on Intercultural Communication between Japanese Employers Based in Malaysia and the Malaysian Employees

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    Intercultural communication is the process of exchanging, negotiating, and mediating cultural differences between people from different cultural backgrounds, encompassing language, non-verbal gestures, and spatial relationships. Research on intercultural communication involving Japanese individuals has mainly focused on comparisons between Japanese and Westerners, particularly Americans. As Japan plays a significant role in the global business environment, foreign businesspersons working with Japanese companies may encounter communication gaps due to cultural values, assumptions, business customs, and language differences. In Malaysia, where there are several Japanese companies employing many Malaysians, there is a strong interest in learning the Japanese language and culture. Malaysians are impressed with the work culture of Japanese companies and seek to learn from them, which enhances their chances of working in Japanese companies, both in Malaysia and Japan. Effective communication between Japanese employers and Malaysian employees is crucial for learning from people of different cultures. To gain deeper insights into the intercultural communication in Japanese corporations working environment, this study examines the situations and challenges faced by Japanese employers working with Malaysian employees, and vice versa. The participants consist of Japanese employers and Malaysian employees who interact with Japanese employers in their day-to-day jobs. A qualitative study using focus groups was adopted, and the responses were analyzed using thematic analysis, leading to the emergence of three main themes: working culture, communication ability, and cultural differences. This paper discusses the results based on these themes and presents recommendations to improve intercultural communication in the workplace. Keywords: intercultural communication, workplace, Japanese, Malaysia

    Ketegangan Politik Lokal: Konstruksi Konflik Agama Tanah Papua

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    Local political conflicts become an integral part ofIndonesia. Various cause roots are assumed comefrom a religious dimension, in addition to ethnicity.In cases of Jayapura, Papua, local political dimensionsof the conflict was obviously display as factorsthat religion should be integrating factor, but in factreligion become disintegrating factor. The variouspower of groups interconnect with a religious impulsethat local political tensions grew louder andspread. The aim of this study is to describe analyticallyabout the emergence of a strain on the locallevel in Jayapura Papua in the field of religion. Toelaborate the analysis in this article, the excavationdata through in-depth interviews, focus group discussion,and literature studies or documents on issuesthat occur on local level.KEYWORDS: local politics, Papua, conflict, religio

    Parallel strategy of implementing composite Newton-Cotes rules using message passing on parallel computing systems

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    The paper describes the parallel implementation of composite Newton-Cotes rules (Trapezoidal and Simpson’s ⅓ rules) under PVM-based environment for approximating one-dimensional definite integral on parallel and distributed computing systems.The parallelism is realized by master-slave relationship where the master process decomposes the interval of integration into n subintervals, then distribute to the slave processes.Thereby initiating work pool technique to ensure perfect workload balanced state to avoid unnecessary communication overheads among the various contending processors.The effectiveness of the approach used in connection with the novel workload management scheme is demonstrated in the good quality results and the global load optimization for the tested applied application problem

    Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Pada Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Dr. Zainal Umar Sidiki Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara

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    This study aims to analyze the financial performance of the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) dr. Zainal Umar Sidiki, North Gorontalo Regency. This study uses quantitative methods with data analysis techniques used is financial ratio analysis. The results of the study using the cash ratio approach, current ratio, debt collection period ratio, fixed asset turnover ratio, return on assets, return on equity, inventory turnover ratio, and POBO ratio, it is obtained that the financial performance of RSUD dr. Zainal Umar Sidiki, North Gorontalo Regency, for the last three years has experienced fluctuations and it can be said that it is not yet in the good category based on standard

    A linear model based on Kalman filter for improving neural network classification performance

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    Neural network has been applied in several classification problems such as in medical diagnosis, handwriting recognition, and product inspection, with a good classification performance. The performance of a neural network is characterized by the neural network's structure, transfer function, and learning algorithm. However, a neural network classifier tends to be weak if it uses an inappropriate structure. The neural network's structure depends on the complexity of the relationship between the input and the output. There are no exact rules that can be used to determine the neural network's structure. Therefore, studies in improving neural network classification performance without changing the neural network's structure is a challenging issue. This paper proposes a method to improve neural network classification performance by constructing a linear model based on the Kalman filter as a post processing. The linear model transforms the predicted output of the neural network to a value close to the desired output by using the linear combination of the object features and the predicted output. This simple transformation will reduce the error of neural network and improve classification performance. The Kalman filter iteration is used to estimate the parameters of the linear model. Five datasets from various domains with various characteristics, such as attribute types, the number of attributes, the number of samples, and the number of classes, were used for empirical validation. The validation results show that the linear model based on the Kalman filter can improve the performance of the original neural network
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