78 research outputs found


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    AbstractJavanese society is known for its people who hold tightly to traditions from their ancestors, one of which is tahlilan. Tahlilan is an inseparable part in the midst of the majority of Javanese people. As with the tradition of tahlilan carried out by the people of Belor Village, Ngaringan District, Grobogan Regency, Central Java, it is a unique activity, because the implementation of tahlil is carried out alternately in each house during the intricate month. This study uses a living hadith study approach. The results of this study show that the traveling tahlil tradition is a tradition inherited from their ancestors, the implementation time is for 30 days in the month of ruwah, usually more until the middle of the month of Ramadan due to the enthusiasm of the people who want their homes to hold this tradition. The motives and goals of the perpetrators of this tradition are to send spirits or pray for families who have died through tahlil. The majority of people are not satisfied if they do not carry out this tradition and there is something missing in their life. In terms of the benefits of this activity, there are many, including strengthening the relationship between Muslims, competing to give alms and others.Keyword: Tradition, Tahlilan, Ruwah, Living HadisAbstrakMasyarakat Jawa dikenal dengan masyarakat yang memegang erat tradisi-tradisi peninggalan nenek moyang, salah satunya adalah tahlilan. Tahlilan merupakan bagian yang tidak dapat dipisahkan di tengah-tangah mayoritas masyarakat Jawa. Seperti halnya tradisi tahlilan yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Desa Belor Kecamatan Ngaringan Kabupaten Grobogan Jawa Tengah menjadi kegiatan yang unik, karena pelaksanaan tahlil dilakukan keliling bergantian setiap rumah selama bulan ruwah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kajian living hadis. Hasil dari penelitian ini bahwasannya tradisi tahlil keliling ini merupakan tradisi tinggalan nenek moyang mereka, waktu pelaksanaanya ialah selama 30 hari di bulan ruwah, bahkan biasanya lebih sampai pertengahan bulan ramadhan dikarenakan antusianya masyarakat yang ingin rumahnya mengadakan tradisi ini.  Adapun motif dan tujuan para pelaku tradisi ini adalah  ingin mengirim arwah atau mendoakan keluarga yang telah meninggal dunia melalui tahlil. Mayoritas masyarakat merasa belum puas jika tidak mengadakan tradisi ini serta ada yang kurang dalam hidupnya. Dari sisi manfaat kegiatan ini sangatlah banyak diantaranya mempererat tali silaturahmi sesama umat Islam, berlomba-lomba ingin mengulurkan sedekah dan lain-lain.Kata kunci : Tradisi, Tahlilan, Ruwah, Living Hadi


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    Pendidikan Islam yang berada di Indonesia tidaklah muncul dan berkembang dengan tiba-tiba. Hal ini melewati proses sejarah yang panjang. Dengan mengkaji sejarah, dinamika serta epistemologi akan terurai terkait dengan historitas pendidikan Islam di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan masuk dalam kategori library research. Sumber datanya diperoleh dari buku primer dan jurnal yang berkaitan dengan tema, tenik analisis datanya menggunakan metode desktiptif analitik. Adapun hasil penelitian ini antara lain: bahwa pertama kali pendidikan Islam berada di bumi pertiwi selaras dengan masuknya Islam ke Indonesia. melalui dinamika yang panjang terdapat empat fase. Pertama, masa penjajahan Belanda yang diskriminatif tehadap pendidikan Islam, kemudian masa penjajahan Jepang pendidikan Islam agak longgar dari diskriminasi, karena Jepang pada masa itu memiliki misi perang dunia II. Kedua, masa orde lama perlahan pemerintah memberikan perhatian terhadap pendidikan Islam. Ketiga, orde baru, pada masa ini madrasah mendapatkan kesetaraan dengan sekolah umum. Keempat, masa reformasi, pendidikan Islam di masa ini sudah berkembang maju, kurikulum, kemudian pendidikan Islam juga diperhatikan dengan menggelontorkan anggaran 20% dari APBN. Kemudian terkait epistemology pendidikan Islam di Indonesia dapat dikenali dengan mempertegas melalui warisan budaya dan peradaban Islam berupa kehadiran madrasah

    Alfred Jules Ayer’s Logical Positivism: A Critical Examination and Its Relevance in Islamic Studies

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    This article delves into the philosophical ideas of Alfred Jules Ayer, specifically focusing on his contributions to logical positivism. The research methodology employed is a literature review, utilizing a descriptive-analytical qualitative approach. The study is structured around four key aspects. Firstly, it provides an overview of the historical evolution of logical positivism. Secondly, it elucidates the theoretical framework of Alfred Jules Ayer’s logical positivism. Thirdly, it explores the criticisms leveled by Karl Popper against Ayer’s logical positivism, particularly concerning induction and verification. Lastly, the article investigates the relevance of Ayer’s concept of verification to the field of Islamic studies. The study concludes by discussing the applicability of Ayer’s verification concept to Islamic studies, drawing parallels with the concept of “tabayyun” in Islamic jurisprudence. “Tabayyun” signifies the meticulous scrutiny and verification of information, particularly when it originates from an untrustworthy source (a “fasiq”). This process aligns with Ayer’s emphasis on verifying meaningful propositions, ensuring the quest for clear truths in both philosophy and Islamic jurisprudenc

    Konstruksi Puasa Waqi'ah

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    Fasting is divided into at least two groups, namely required fasting and non-required fasting. The only fast that is required in Islam is fasting during Ramadan. In addition to fasting on Mondays and Thursdays, there is one type of fasting done at Pondok Pesantren an- Nur 1, Bululawang, Malang, East Java, which is interesting. Motivation, method of implementation, history, transmission- transformation of Waqi'ah fasting are special and far different from other non-required fasts. The interview, observation, documentation, and utilization of the living hadith approach used in this study, is able to uncover the fact that this fast is a "unique" fast that is only found in Pondok Pesantren an Nur and places the kiai of the pondok pesantren as an agent who has a major role in the formation of this Waqi'ah fasting tradition. This fast originates from the transformation and construction of the benefit of surah al-Waqiah. The fasting which is carried out for seven consecutive days needs to be done together with the dhikr and read the surah al-Waqiah. Waqi’ah fasting must obtain permission from the kiai (ijazah). As the hadith is used as the basis for the implementation of this fast, the purpose of the implementation of this fast is none other than to get great fortune

    Pemberdayaan Pelabuhan Balohan, Kota Sabang, Provinsi Aceh

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    Balohan Harbor, located in Sabang City, Aceh Province, is a port of pride for the people on the island at the western tip of Indonesia. Currently, Balohan Port is the main domestic entry point to Sabang. Balohan Port has a lot of potential that can be developed, that it to bring income and profit to the City of Sabang, as well as Aceh Province in general. The results of the author's research indicate that the Port of Sabang should be developed to become a hub for Indonesian trade activities in the region, in addition to the Port of Belawan in North Sumatra as the main port. Export-import activities will later be able to go through Balohan Port because this port can also be developed to support the smooth running of foreign trade. In relation to the Sea Toll program from President Joko Widodo, Balohan Port can also become the locomotive of the national economy, not only Aceh. The Sea Toll program is also designed to be a locomotive for development in Indonesia, especially linking development in the western and eastern regions of Indonesia. In fact, if developed properly, Balohan Port, which is geographically located at the tip of the island of Sumatra, can attract world trade routes because it is directly adjacent to the Malacca Strait. In conducting this research, the authors used observation and field interviews to obtain the primary data needed. In addition, the authors collect secondary data through documentation studies through books, scientific journals, government documents, and articles in the mass media


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    The purpose of this study is to determine the role of the Department of Agriculture in the empowerment of farmers' groups in the District Manuju Gowa and identify the factors supporting and inhibiting factors in the empowerment of farmer groups. This type of research used was descriptive research and data analysis is the analysis of qualitative data. While data collection techniques used by researchers is the observation, interview and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the role of the Department of Agriculture in the empowerment of farmers' groups in the District Manuju Gowa which include the delivery of training and counseling, help seed and fertilizer, and assistance agricultural technologies. The factors supporting in the empowerment of farmer groups in the District Manuju namely the support of the Central Government in the form of budget allocations in the state budget, help the Provincial Government, District Government. Then factor inhibiting in the empowerment of farmers' groups in the District Manuju is the application of what is obtained by the groups of training and counseling is still lacking because most still use traditional patterns of farming. Besides the lack of seed stock and fertilizer from the manufacturer is still less. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui peranan Dinas Pertanian dalam pemberdayaan kelompok tani di Kecamatan Manuju Kabupaten Gowa dan mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor pendukung dan faktor faktor penghambat dalam pemberdayaan kelompok tani. Jenis penelitian yang di gunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif dan analisis data yaitu analisis data kualitatif. Sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data yang di gunakan peneliti adalah observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peranan Dinas Pertanian dalam pemberdayaan kelompok tani di Kecamatan Manuju Kabupaten Gowa yang meliputi pemberian pelatihan dan penyuluhan, Bantuan bibit dan pupuk, dan bantuan teknologi pertanian. Adapun faktor pendukung dalam pemberdayaan kelompok tani di Kecamatan Manuju yaitu adanya bantuan dari Pemerintah Pusat berupa alokasi anggaran dalam APBN, bantuan Pemerintah Provinsi, Pemerintah Kabupaten. Kemudian faktor yang menghambat dalam pemberdayaan kelompok tani di Kecamatan Manuju adalah pengaplikasian dari apa yang didapatkan oleh kelompok tani dari pelatihan dan penyuluhan itu masih kurang karena kebanyakan masih menggunakan pola-pola tradisional dalam bertani. Selain itu kurangnya stok bibit maupun pupuk dari produsen


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    Mitra Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) ini adalah pemilik usaha ternak kambing. Tujuan dari pelatihan ini adalah untuk memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam menganalisis Kelayakan Keuangan Usaha Ternak Kambing sebagai Usaha Keluarga. Metode pelaksanaan mengggunakan kombinasi ceramah dan praktek. Peserta terdiri atas pemilik usaha ternak kambing kampung di Desa Batulaya Kecamatan Tinambung Kabupaten Polewali Mandar. Teknik pelaksanaan kegiatan terdiri atas tiga tahap dimulai dari tahap persiapan, tahap pelaksanaan, dan tahap evaluasi kegiatan. Hasil yang dicapai dari pengabdian ini adalah (1) pemilik usaha sudah memiliki mindset jiwa kewirausahaan, sehingga penyuluhan menciptakan jiwa kewirausahaan ini dapat mengembangkan dan mengimplementasikan kreatifitas dan inovatif pada pelaku usaha dengan mengimplementasikan skill yang dimiliki, (2) pemilik usaha sudah memiliki pengetahuan dalam menjalankan usahanya sesuai dengan konsep analisis kelayakan usaha yang baik dan benar (3) pemilik usaha sudah mampu menjalankan pola pemeliharaan kambing yang dilakakan dengan intensif dengan memperhatikan pakan dan pengendalian penyakit, (4) pemilik usaha dapat mampu meningkatan nilai ekonomis usaha

    Contemporary Islamic Law in Indonesia: the Fulfillment of Child Custody Rights in Divorce Cases Caused by Early Marriage

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    A marriage license in Indonesia is only allowed to be granted to a man and woman from age 19 and above. The aim is to prevent early marriages which are very vulnerable to divorce due to the psychological immaturity of the couple. For example, Kotagajah Timur was observed to have a common case of divorce among underage people that married due to pregnancy outside of marriage. Therefore, this descriptive-analytical field study was conducted based on a phenomenological method. Moreover, data were collected using observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that divorcees from early marriages were unable to fulfill the provisions of Child Custody Rights. This was observed from the fact that the couple did not provide the required child protection after the divorce in addition to the non-fulfillment of other rights such as Nasab, Nafkah, Care (Hadhanah), and Child Education Patterns. Furthermore, the mother is required by the law to have full custody while the father provides living expenses. This requirement is observed to have been ignored because the mother is underage and lacks the maturity to perform the necessary obligations such as caring for and educating the children. Therefore, the children are discovered to be under the care of the parents of the mother
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