16 research outputs found

    Creatividad y construcción arquitectónica de vanguardia : estudio sobre proceso de invención y modelo didáctico de aplicación para el desarrollo creativo en la enseñanza [sic] aprendizaje en la introducción al diseño arquitectónico

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    En esta tesis, se profundiza en los estudios sobre el fenómeno de la creatividad aplicada en diferentes ámbitos de estudio, de la época de finales del siglo XIX principios del XX. La hipótesis planteada en este trabajo se centra en la posibilidad de dar a conocer el proceso del pensamiento creativo a los profesores-arquitectos, para que éstos puedan innovar y valorar el material adecuado en el desarrollo de la actividad creativa, y emplearlo con los alumnos de los dos primeros semestres de la carrera de ingeniero arquitecto, en el Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN) de México. El estudio se enfoca a realizar una exhaustiva revisión bibliográfica de las teorías de la creatividad, los entornos de aprendizaje, el arte moderno y la arquitectura, determinando algunas características y desarrollos especulativos, para luego cotejarlos con el análisis de dos obras arquitectónicas de gran envergadura. Se consultaron los programas de estudio de dos asignaturas de la etapa formativa de la carrera de ingeniero arquitecto, relacionadas con el diseño arquitectónico y el Nuevo Modelo Educativo del IPN.MadridBellas Artes, Sección de Tesis Doctorales y Publicaciones Académicas; El Greco 2, Ciudad Universitaria; 28040 Madrid; +34913943626; [email protected] de la Univerisdad Complutense. Servicio de Tesis Doctorales y Publicaciones Académicas; Noviciado, 3; 28015 Madrid; Tel. +34913946641; Fax +34913946599; [email protected]


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    The pandemic driven Movement Control Order (MCO) caused pain to mosque institutins in terms of activities, financial and digital. As the pandemic Covid-19 hit the country in early 2020, mosques were closed, number of congregation reduced, Friday and tarawih prayers were postponed, sadaqah collection dropped, and lesser knowledge based activities or Islamic teachings programmes were recorded due to social distancing order as the authority intended to stop the lethal virus transmission. In certain circumstances, social gathering activities were permitted at mosque; however, with a strict permission and stringent standard operating procedures. Coupled with lack of digital literacy, skills and equipment, as well as insufficient financial resources, mosque's engagement and visibility with larger societal members were also unfavourably impacted. Consequently, mosque institution is not able to carry out its function effectively as a centre of knowledge, centre of economy, and centre of community engagement. The research aims to explain the impact of pandemic Covid-19 towards mosque institutionn. Specifically, this conceptual paper discusses the implication of pandemic Covid-19 on activism, financial and digital well-being of mosques. It explores initial publications like academic articles, news, reports, and ministerial statements about the issue. The findings indicated the impact of pandemic Covid-19 towards mosque institutions’ well-being in the three areas i.e. activism, financial, and digital, and the response of mosques’ leadership and Muslim community. The study offers conceptual discussion, and generalisation take place cautiously. The value of the research embedded in its intention to assess the impact of pandemic Covid-19 on mosque institutions from three different dimensions namely activism, financial and digital. Moreover, the findings shall enhance the preparedness of mosque institution in those three areas to brace future shock. The findings also shall support the aspiration of SDG 16 in preparing mosque as a peace, justice and strong institution for community

    Comparative Study Of Solution Concentration Variations For Polymer Optical Fibers Sensor

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    In this paper, we report a comparative study of fiber optic sensors for the application of aqueous solutions concentration monitoring. A simple, economical, and efficient set-up for liquid concentration measurement system was developed using polymer optical fibers (POFs). Cornstarch, sucrose, and salt solutions with different concentrations were tested, and the output power and the refractive index obtained were compared. The sensitivity of the sensor is found ranging from 0.938 μW/ RIU to 96.9 μW/RIU in term of refractive index change and 0.04298 μW/molL-1 to 0.097 μW/molL-1 in terms of concentration. It has been found that the concentration is proportionally related to its refractive index where high refractive index will experience greater loss since the light rays tend to be refracted out of the fiber instead of being internally reflected. The experimental results also show that as the solution’s concentration increases, the output power decreases

    Butterflies of Southwestern Bungo Range

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    Tropical rainforests are distinguished by the enormous biodiversity they support, within which, insects are the most diverse animal group. Spectacular insect groups such as the lepidopterans are among the best-known insects and serve as a good bioindicator group. An expedition to explore and document the diversity of butterflies in Bungo Range is essential as it is an important water catchment area that covers primary forest and secondary forest resulted from logging and agricultural activities years ago

    Adolescent to Adolescent Transformation Program- Nurturing, Enhancing and Promoting Adolescents’ Healthy Habit (ATAP-NEPAH): Curbing Social Problems Among Adolescents in Kelantan Through Peer-To-Peer Health Education

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    The objectives of ATAP-NEPAH are to enhance and nurture healthy habits among adolescents as well as to empower adolescents in inculcating these healthy habits among them. Health education through peer-to-peer approach is used to instill the knowledge on important areas such as sexual and reproductive health, smoking, substance abuse, illegal street racing (rempit) and mental health. Specific modules were developed by experts (lecturers) in multidisciplinary fields in collaboration with Malaysian Association for Adolescent Health (MAAH), National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB), Reproductive Health Association of Kelantan (REHAK) and Rhaudatus Sakinah Kelantan. The trained Medical Students Facilitator Team (MSFT) of USM became trainers to secondary one school students. The selected school students were trained by the medical students to become peer educators to their juniors and peers. There was improvement in the readiness level of peer educators, knowledge and attitude towards healthy habits and risky behaviors of other school students after the intervention

    The concept of change in the philosophy of Mulla Sadra and Hegel: a comparative analysis

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    © 2010 Dr. Muhamad Razak IdrisThe meaning of change is one of the fundamental subjects of inquiry of philosophy. It plays a substantial role in providing our understanding of reality. This thesis investigates the meaning of change from the perspectives of Mulla Sadra and Hegel and compares them. Through this comparative analysis, the concept and the ontological position of change, its characteristics and the framework of its evolvement in the world will be elucidated upon. In the history of philosophy, there were at least three patterns of thought of the meaning of change that I found. They were; a total acceptance of the principality of change, a total rejection of its reality and finally a conciliatory position combining the both. This dynamic discourse of change and the ways thinkers have approached its meaning are elaborated on in chapter two of this study. The concept of change in the philosophy of Mulla Sadra and Hegel is discussed in chapter three and four. Their understanding of the meaning of change is constructed from the ontology of Being, which is one of the fundamental aspects of philosophy. In this study, the meaning of Being and the reality of its existence as manifested in the world and as understood by both thinkers, is explored. Through this ontology, the study expounds upon the reality of change and the process of its evolvement in the world. In chapter five, the meaning of change as conceptualized by Mulla Sadra and Hegel is analyzed. The study divides the comparison into three major areas; the ontological meaning of change, the process of change and the characteristics of change. Based on this comparison, the framework of change from the perspective of Mulla Sadra and Hegel is established. In the conclusion, which is chapter six, the study discusses the findings and recommendations of the research. This study demonstrates the significance of the meaning of change as one of the intellectual means towards understanding reality as a whole. It also shows the substantiality and relevancy of the philosophy of Mulla Sadra and Hegel in the process of enriching of our knowledge of the world and the application of this to contemporary life

    The concept of change in the philosophy of Mulla Sadra and Hegel: a comparative analysis

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    © 2010 Dr. Muhamad Razak IdrisThe meaning of change is one of the fundamental subjects of inquiry of philosophy. It plays a substantial role in providing our understanding of reality. This thesis investigates the meaning of change from the perspectives of Mulla Sadra and Hegel and compares them. Through this comparative analysis, the concept and the ontological position of change, its characteristics and the framework of its evolvement in the world will be elucidated upon. In the history of philosophy, there were at least three patterns of thought of the meaning of change that I found. They were; a total acceptance of the principality of change, a total rejection of its reality and finally a conciliatory position combining the both. This dynamic discourse of change and the ways thinkers have approached its meaning are elaborated on in chapter two of this study. The concept of change in the philosophy of Mulla Sadra and Hegel is discussed in chapter three and four. Their understanding of the meaning of change is constructed from the ontology of Being, which is one of the fundamental aspects of philosophy. In this study, the meaning of Being and the reality of its existence as manifested in the world and as understood by both thinkers, is explored. Through this ontology, the study expounds upon the reality of change and the process of its evolvement in the world. In chapter five, the meaning of change as conceptualized by Mulla Sadra and Hegel is analyzed. The study divides the comparison into three major areas; the ontological meaning of change, the process of change and the characteristics of change. Based on this comparison, the framework of change from the perspective of Mulla Sadra and Hegel is established. In the conclusion, which is chapter six, the study discusses the findings and recommendations of the research. This study demonstrates the significance of the meaning of change as one of the intellectual means towards understanding reality as a whole. It also shows the substantiality and relevancy of the philosophy of Mulla Sadra and Hegel in the process of enriching of our knowledge of the world and the application of this to contemporary life

    Tanggungjawab dan pelaksanaan zakat kalangan minoriti Muslim Thailand

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    Contributing zakat or alms is one of the most important Muslim obligations. This religious duty applied to all Muslims include those who live as a minority in a non-Muslim majority state. Muslim scholars such as Mahmud Shaltut, Yusuf al-Qaradawi and Zulfikar compare the obligation of contemporary Muslim minority with those in Mecca during the early period of Islam. They were required to give zakat although the method used is different compared to the Medinah period where they are a majority. This study suggests that contemporary Muslim minority in Thailand -in term of implementation- could use the methods applied to Muslim majority country. This suggestion is due to the special rights given to the Muslim community in Thailand compared to Muslim minority in other countries. Thai Muslims have a political and administrative rights which enable them to perform religious duties such as zakat which are guaranteed by the constitution of Thailand

    Pemikiran pembaharuan Surin Pitsuwan dalam membangunkan sosiopolitik Muslim di Thailand

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    Surin Pitsuwan (1949-2017) ialah salah seorang tokoh politik Muslim Thai yang dihormati di peringkat tempatan, serantau dan antarabangsa. Kepemimpinan politik Surin yang cemerlang di Thailand dan di peringkat Asia Tenggara menonjolkan gagasan pemikiran pembaharuan beliau ke arah membina kemajuan umat Islam di pentas global. Surin menggunakan wadah politik dan pendidikan bagi menggembangkan dan melaksanakan idea-idea pembaharuan terutama dalam membangunkan komuniti Muslim Thailand agar dihormati. Kajian ini mendedahkan latar keperibadian Surin, mengentengahkankan idea-idea utama pembaharuan masyarakat dan menilai implikasi dan sumbangan Surin terhadap pembangunan sosio-politik dan ekonomi masyarakat Muslim Thai khususnya dan kepada umat Islam di Asia Tenggara. Kajian ini menggunakan reka bentuk kualitatif secara lapangan bersandarkan dokumen, pemerhatian dan temu bual sebagai kaedah pengumpulan data. Data kajian dianalisis secara deskriptif. Kajian ini merumuskan ideaidea pembaharuan Surin dalam konteks mengangkat kedudukan umat Islam Thailand tertumpu kepada pembangunan nilai dan dasar kesaksamaan dalam pentadbiran dan kebudayaan. Selain itu, penekanan turut diberikan kepada tuntutan penerimaan dan penyesuaian secara positif dan harmoni oleh masyarakat Islam semasa terutama di Thailand bagi mendepani cabaran tamadun masa kini serta tuntutan pembinaan institusi pendidikan yang kukuh, terbuka dan bersepadu demi melahirkan generasi Muslim berdaya saing. Ketokohan dan sumbangan Surin dalam pembangunan sosio-politik dan ekonomi umat Islam Thailand besar. Pencapaian keperibadiannnya dalam bidang pendidikan dan karier politik menjadi satu sumber inspirasi kepada generasi muda Muslim di Thailand untuk menjayakan pembangunan diri demi mengangkat kedudukan umat Islam Thailand yang dihormati dalam segenap aspek kehidupan dan kenegaraan di pentasi dunia yang mencabar hari ini

    Cabaran sosial dalam pelaksanaan zakat kalangan masyarakat Muslim Bangkok

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    Nowadays, there are three major institutions which are officially responsible for managing the zakat affairs of the Muslim community in Bangkok, namely the Bangkok Islamic Religious Council, Bangkok Islamic Center Foundation and Santichon Bangkok Foundation. These three institutions face social challenges which are part of the obstacles towards the enhancement of the role of zakat among the Muslim society in Bangkok. Those social challenges can be divided into three aspects, namely the understanding, attitude and appreciation of the Muslim society towards zakat obligations. The study is based on interviews with Muslim leaders in Thailand namely Arron Boochom, the President of Bangkok Islamic Religious Council; Ismail Ali, an Adviser to the Islamic Centre of Bangkok; Banson bin Kasan, a Committee Member of Santichon Islamic Foundation; Samad Matlulim, the President of the Central Foundation Bangkok; Prasert Wongsan, the Deputy President of Santichon Islamic Foundation and Issra Santhisath, a lecturer at Chulalongkorn University. Based on the findings, these social challenges must be continously addressed by all parties in the Muslim society to ensure that the management of zakat in Bangkok will generate positive benefits enhancing the prosperity of sosio-economic life of Muslim society in Bangkok. Some recommendations are suggested in order to overcome the social challenges, namely the promotion of zakat forums, implemention of a population census and the establishment of zakat law in Thailand