26 research outputs found

    Teori Psikologi

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    Teori psikologi ini adalah psikologi yang mempengaruhi sikapagresif di kalangan pelajar. Terdapat beberapa faktor iaitu faktor persekitaran, teori neurologi, teori psikoanalisis, teori kognitif dan teori behaviourisme

    Tingkah Laku Agresif

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    Artikel ini menerangkan tentang definisi tingkah laku agresif di kalangan pelajar, jenis tingkah laku agresif dan dorongan tingkah laku agresif. Terdapat beberapa jenis tingkah laku agresif dan dorongan tingkah laku agresif

    Penggambaran Informasi Kajian Kes Membantu Aktiviti-Aktiviti Dalam Pembangunan Perisian

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    Kejuruteraan perisian merupakan suatu proses yang teliti dan dan rumit. Pelbagai jenis model boleh digunakan bagi menunjukkan dengan lebih jelas aktiviti-aktiviti yang terdapat dalam sesuatu proses pembangunan perisian. Projek ini menggunakan gambaran 3 dimensi untuk membantu dalam membangunkan perisian tersebut. Bahasa permodelan realiti maya VRML 2.0(Virtual Reality Modelling Language) digunakan untuk membantu merealisasikan gambaran 3 dimensi tersebut. Model Air Terjun dipilih daripada beberapa model yang lain kerana model ini adalah sebuah model yang linear dan agak mudah berbanding dengan model-model yang lain. Dengan itu, penggambaran secara realiti maya akan lebih mudah dibangunkan. Dengan ini, diharapkan pengguna akan lebih memahami kitaran hidup dalam model ini kerana setiap aktiviti yang dijalankan dalam model ini akan diwakili oleh gabungan objek-objek dan bilik-bilik yang tertentu

    Eksperimen Metode Contextual Teaching And Learning (CTL) Dan Discovery Learning (Dl) Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Ditinjau Dari Motivasi Belajar Pada Siswa Kelas VIII Semester Genap SMP Negeri 1 Teras Tahun 2015/2016

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    The Research is conducted to know: (1) the contribution of CTL and DL methods toward the results of mathematics learning, (2) the contribution of student motivation degrees in learning toward the results of mathematics learning, (3) the interaction between the CTL, DL methods and learning motivation towards the result of mathematics learning. This type of research is an experimental research. The population is the students of class VIII SMP N 1 Teras in theyear 2015/2016. Samples from this study are three classes in totaling 96 students. VIIIF class as the first experimental class uses the CTL method, VIIIA class as the second experimental class uses the DL method and the class VIIIG as the control class uses Expository method. The sampling technique is cluster random sampling. Data collected by the test, questionnaire, and documentation. Data were analyzed using two-way analysis of variance with different cells. The results of the study at α = 0.05 conclude that: (1) there is contribution in learning with CTL and DL method stoward the results of mathematics learning with F_obs = 18.1492124>F_α = 3.10; (2) there is contribution of learning motivation degrees toward the results of mathematics learning with F_obs = 5.466034957>F_α = 3.10; (3) there is an interaction between the CTL, DL methods and motivation towards the result of mathematics learning with F_obs = 0.755458266 <F_α = 2.48. Keywords: results of learning, learning motivation, CTL & DL method

    Fotran 77 untuk jurutera

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    Buku ini mengandungi beberapa bab iaitu kandungan, bab 1 operasi sebuah komputer, pengenalan, prinsip pengoperasian komputer digit, berhubung dengan komputer, cara-cara untuk menggunakan komputer, bab 2 asas-asas fortran, pengenalan, pemalar-pemalar dalam fortran, pemboleh-pemboleh ubah fortran, ungkapan aritmetik, bab 3 struktur-struktur kawalan aliran dan mereka bentuk atur cara, pengenalan, penggunaan cartaalir dan pseudokod dalam mereka bentuk atur cara, struktur-struktur kata putus dalam fortran, struktur-struktur gelung dalam fortran, tugasan pengaturcaraan i, bab 4 teknik-teknik asas pengaturcaraan, pengenalan, fungsi sebaris, mencari nilai minimum dan maksimum bagi set nombor-nombor, melaksanakan penghasiltambahan, tugasan pengaturcaraan ii, bab 5 penggunaan fail data, pengenalan, bentuk “terperinci” bagi pernyataan-pernyataan i/o fortran, penyataan open – menamakan fail data, perintah-perintah tambahan fortran bagi pengolahan fail, bab 6 asas-asas input-output berformat, pengenalan, pernyataan i/o berformat, pernyataan format, input dan output asas bagi teks, tugas pengaturcaraan iii, bab 7 pemboleh ubah bermatra dan gelung do, pengenalan, pernyataan dimension, storan dalaman bagi tatasusunan, gelung do

    Challenging Removal of Embedded Fishbone in Tongue: Multimodal Technique, Surgical Approach and Consideration of Migration

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    Fishbone ingestion is a common occurrence and patients present with various symptoms, posing challenges to the attending physicians. Here, we present two unique cases of patients with an unexpected rapidly migrating fishbone in the tongue. The first patient was operated transorally because of a foreign body embedded in the genioglossus muscle. In the second patient, CT scan located a fishbone embedded in the left hyoglossus muscle; however, the fishbone had to be relocated intraoperatively using bedside ultrasound guidance and was eventually found embedded within the mylohyoid muscle. The fishbone was successfully removed via transcervical approach following a failed transoral approach

    Reduction of POME final discharge residual using activated bioadsorbent from oil palm kernel shell

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    A double insulated carbonisation-activation reactor was developed in order to produce activated carbon with high yield and surface area. This reactor was double insulated using low cement castable and covered around the internal space of the reactor with stainless steel plated and fibre glass jacketed heat insulation layer, which allow efficient heat transfer into the bed of material in the reactor. The carbonisation of oil palm kernel shell (OPKS) at 400 °C, followed by steam activation at 500–1000 °C continuously in the same reactor, with steam flow rate of 12.80–18.17 L/min had improved the activated carbon surface area from 305 ± 10.2 m2/g to 935 ± 36.7 m2/g and gave a high yield of 30% within 7 h retention time with a low gaseous emission. The activated carbon produced was successfully applied as bioadsorbent for the treatment of POME final discharge with the reduction of TSS, COD, colour and BOD up to 90%, 68%, 97% and 83%, respectively which met the standard set by Department of Environment Malaysia (DOE)

    The Use of Blockchain Technology in the Health Care Sector:Systematic Review

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    BACKGROUND: Blockchain technology is a part of Industry 4.0’s new Internet of Things applications: decentralized systems, distributed ledgers, and immutable and cryptographically secure technology. This technology entails a series of transaction lists with identical copies shared and retained by different groups or parties. One field where blockchain technology has tremendous potential is health care, due to the more patient-centric approach to the health care system as well as blockchain’s ability to connect disparate systems and increase the accuracy of electronic health records. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to systematically review studies on the use of blockchain technology in health care and to analyze the characteristics of the studies that have implemented blockchain technology. METHODS: This study used a systematic review methodology to find literature related to the implementation aspect of blockchain technology in health care. Relevant papers were searched for using PubMed, SpringerLink, IEEE Xplore, Embase, Scopus, and EBSCOhost. A quality assessment of literature was performed on the 22 selected papers by assessing their trustworthiness and relevance. RESULTS: After full screening, 22 papers were included. A table of evidence was constructed, and the results of the selected papers were interpreted. The results of scoring for measuring the quality of the publications were obtained and interpreted. Out of 22 papers, a total of 3 (14%) high-quality papers, 9 (41%) moderate-quality papers, and 10 (45%) low-quality papers were identified. CONCLUSIONS: Blockchain technology was found to be useful in real health care environments, including for the management of electronic medical records, biomedical research and education, remote patient monitoring, pharmaceutical supply chains, health insurance claims, health data analytics, and other potential areas. The main reasons for the implementation of blockchain technology in the health care sector were identified as data integrity, access control, data logging, data versioning, and nonrepudiation. The findings could help the scientific community to understand the implementation aspect of blockchain technology. The results from this study help in recognizing the accessibility and use of blockchain technology in the health care sector

    The impact of school environment, student attitude and peer influence towards aggressive behaviour among secondary schools students in Johor Bahru

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    The objective of the study is to identify the significant differences between school environment, student attitude and peer influence among among secondary schools students in Johor Bahru according to gender. Secondly, this research is to identify school environment, student attitude and peer influence are predictors to aggressive behavior among students among secondary schools students in Johor Bahru. About 260 questionnaires were distributed at random stage to aggressive student from secondary one, two and four with total of 260 students. The instrument used was the Mooney Problem Check List which was later analysis by the SPSS 26.0 (Statistical Package for Sosial Science). T-test and regression (stepwise) used to analyse the data. The hypothesis shows that there is no significant difference between aggressive factor and student rate. There is no significant differences on school environment, family background, student attitude, peer influence and psychology according to gender. Thus, this research found that school environment, student attitude and peer influence are predictor to aggressive behaviour among student. The study suggested that the school should identify aggressiveness culture among the students and should implement the peer program therefore the problems will be decreas

    Exploring morality among orphans: a study of akhlaq and social standards in Pusat Jagaan Hembusan Kasih Sayang

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    This study explores the Islamic perspective on the care and treatment of orphans, focusing on their moral development within an institutional setting. Islamic teachings emphasize the holistic welfare of orphans, advocating for their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. This notion is grounded in the Quran and Hadith, where caring for orphans is not only a moral obligation but a means to attain spiritual reward. The study employs a quantitative cross-sectional design, using self-report questionnaires distributed among 50 children at Pusat Jagaan Hembusan Kasih Sayang, Kuantan. The questionnaire assesses various aspects of morality ('akhlaq') in relation to God, guardians, peers, and daily life. Results show a strong adherence to Islamic practices among the children, such as prayer, Quran recitation, and fasting, reflecting their spiritual upbringing. Their interactions with guardians and peers demonstrate respect, assistance, and effective conflict resolution, aligning with Islamic values of empathy and social harmony. Daily habits like tidiness and honesty are indicative of the institution's success in instilling Islamic principles of cleanliness and integrity. The study highlights the significant role of institutions like Pusat Jagaan Hembusan Kasih Sayang in shaping the moral development of orphans. These institutions provide not only physical care but also moral and spiritual guidance, crucial for children lacking familial support. The findings suggest that integrating religious teachings into the upbringing of children fosters a strong moral compass, preparing them to be responsible and ethical members of society. Overall, this research underscores the potential of religious education in promoting moral and ethical values in young individuals and calls for its replication in other childcare and educational settings. Future research could explore the long-term societal impact of such upbringing and the challenges faced by caregivers and educators in reinforcing these values