6 research outputs found

    The Mahogany’s (Swietenia machrophylla King) Planting using the Bare Root Method

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    Kerusakan bibit dalam pengangkutan sering terjadi pada bibit yang menggunakan kontainer (polybag, potray, dan sebagainya), terutama pada saat penyusunan bibit ke dalam alat angkut, selama perjalanan, pada saat bongkar dan pada saat distribusi bibit ke lubang tanam. Salah satu solusi mengatasi masalah kerusakan bibit dalam pengangkutan adalah dengan menggunakan bibit akar telanjang. Penggunaan bibit mahoni yang disemai pada media cocopeat dapat dijadikan bibit akar telanjang dan diharapkan dapat menjawab permasalahan selama pengangkutan dari persemaian ke lokasi penanaman. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh umur bibit mahoni (pada media cocopeat di persemaian) dan lama penundaan waktu tanam (bibit akar telanjang) terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman mahoni. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dan rancangan acak lengkap faktorial (RALF) dengan dua faktor yaitu umur bibit dan lama penundaan waktu tanam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan tanaman mahoni yang berasal dari bibit akar telanjang dipengaruhi oleh faktor umur bibit dan interaksi umur bibit dengan lama penundaan waktu tanam. Perlakuan umur bibit yang tua (5,5 bulan) menunjukkan pertumbuhan yang lebih baik dibandingkan perlakuan lainnya. Penundaan waktu tanam hingga 6 hari masih diperbolehkan karena dapat memberikan respon pertumbuhan yang baik. Kata kunci: bibit akar telanjang, penundaan waktu tanam, Swietenia macrophylla, umur bibitSeedling damage during transportation often occurs in seedling that using container. The use of mahogany seeds sown on cocopeat as bare root seeds is expected to answer the problems during transportation from the nursery to the planting site. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Mahagony seedling age (on cocopeat medium in the nursery) and the length of time to delay planting (bare-root seedling). This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) and factorial completely randomized design (CRD) with two factors, namely the age of the seeds and the length of time to delay planting. The results of this study indicated that the growth of mahogany bare root seedlings was influenced by the age of the seedlings and the interaction between the age of the seeds and the delay in planting time. The old seedling (5,5 months old) showed better growth than other treatments. Delay in planting time of up to 6 days is still allowed because it can provide a good growth response. Keywords: age of seed, bare root seedling, delayed planting time, Swietenia macrophylla

    Sustainable mangrove management strategy in Sumber Nadi Village, Ketapang District, South Lampung Regency

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    The sustainability of mangrove forests really depends on the involvement of communities in the areas surrounding the mangrove forests. If the mangrove environment is to be used in the long term, it must be managed and preserved. This research aims to determine strategies for sustainable mangrove management in Sumber Nadi Village, Ketapang District, South Lampung Regency. The method used in this research is a qualitative approach. Data was obtained through in-depth interviews involving key informants who were selected and determined using snowball sampling and analyzed using SWOT analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats, which includes Natural Resources and Human Resources. The results of this research show that the total value of the influence of internal strategies has a value difference of 0.32. Likewise, the external value has a difference of 0.11. Then, combining the two values of the difference between strengths and weaknesses and opportunities against threats, a coordinate point is obtained, namely the coordinate point (0.32; 0.11). The strategy that must be implemented in Sumber Nadi Village, Ketapang, is to support aggressive growth policies (growth-oriented strategy). Mangrove forest management strategies, as in the quadrant above, show a favorable situation. The relevant agencies, management and the community should support this management development strategy so that it can maintain the potential of existing mangrove

    Implementation of local superior plant of forest and land rehabilitation based on community perception in Girimulyo Village, East Lampung Regency, Indonesia

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    Public perception is important in implementing Forest and Land Rehabilitation (FLR) in forest areas where tenure conflicts are thick. The research aims to analyze community perceptions of the implementation of FLR based on local superior plants in Girimulyo Village, Marga Sekampung District, East Lampung Regency. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire of 30 respondents determined by purposive sampling. The collected data was analyzed descriptively to analyze farmers' perceptions and their relationship to social, economic and ecological aspects. Public perception of FLR activities based on forestry plants (Trees) is included in the medium category. The public's perception of FLR based on the superior Siger avocado crop in terms of social, economic and ecological aspects is in the high category. The community realizes that FLR for local superior plants is more profitable than FLR based on forestry plants. It is necessary to increase human resources in the Mulyo Lestari Agro Forest Farmers Group in order to facilitate the administrative management proces

    Role of organic soil amendment of paramagnetic humus and compost for rehabilitation of post tin-mined tropical land

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    Open tin mining on tropical Bangka Island, Indonesia exposed heavy metals that had become a major cause of land degradation and severe local_global environmental damage. The goal of this study is to accelerate the remediation of degraded ecosystems in tin mined land, and thereby promote sustainable land use and environmental productivity. To the tailings of a former tin mined on Bangka Island, we applied an organic amendment comprising compost and paramagnetic humus at dosages of 0%, 5%, and 10%, and analyzed the results using a factorial completely randomized design (FCRD). We found the soil from the former tin mining site to be acidic (pH 5.34) and dominated by sand particles (88%) with a very low cation exchange capacity. The soils also had a very low nutrient content (available and total-N, P, K, Ca, Mg), high toxicity levels of Zn, Cu, B, Cd and Ti, as well low toxicity levels of B, Zn, Cu, Ti, Cd. Organic soil amendments of organic paramagnetic materials and compost can improve soil quality by increasing the pH, the high availability of P and K and the cation exchange capacity, as well as maintain low toxicity. The growth (high, diameter, biomass, top-root ratio) of the exotic pioneer plant Reutealis trisperma increases the quality of soils to which proper soil amendments have been applied. The overall concept and appropriate technology for rehabilitating the ecosystem of degraded tin-mined land in tropical regions which serve as the world’s lungs, will strongly contribute to the development of a healthy and sustainable environment for all life on this plane