13 research outputs found

    Vaskularisasi Pembuluh Darah Arteri Otak Pada Kambing Lokal (Capra SP.)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui vaskularisasi pembuluh darah arteri pada otak kambing lokal (Capra sp.). Penelitian ini menggunakan 3 ekor kambing berumur 2 tahun. Pengamatan dilakukan setelah proses pembuatan preparat kambing. Hasil pengamatan didokumentasi dengan menggunakan kamera digital dan dianalisis secara deskriptif. Vaskularisasi pembuluh darah pada kambinglokal berasal dariA.carotis interna yang berasal dari A.maxillaris dan A.basilaris yang berasal dari A.vertebralis.Pada permukaan otakcabang-cabang kecil dari A.maxillaris membentuk suatu anastomose yaitu rete mirabile epidurale rostralis sinistra dan dextra. Setelah menembus epidurale,A.carotis interna mencabangkan A.cerebri rostralis dan A.cerebri media.A.cerebri rosralis sinistradan A.cerebri rostralis dextra bergabung menjadi A.communicans rostralis.A.carotis interna kemudian mencabangkan A.hypophysia rostralis.A.cerebri media melepaskan rami corticales danrami centralis. A.basilaris mencabangkan rami medullaris, A.cerebelli caudalis, A.mesencephalica, rami pontis dan A.cerebelli rostralis.A.cerebelli caudalis mencabangkan A.labyrinthina


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui vaskularisasi pembuluh darah arteri pada otak kambing  lokal (Capra sp.). Penelitian ini menggunakan 3 ekor kambing  berumur 2 tahun.  Pengamatan dilakukan setelah proses pembuatan preparat kambing. Hasil pengamatan didokumentasi dengan menggunakan kamera digital dan dianalisis secara deskriptif. Vaskularisasi pembuluh darah pada kambinglokal berasal dariA.carotis interna yang berasal dari A.maxillaris dan A.basilaris yang berasal dari A.vertebralis.Pada permukaan  otakcabang-cabang kecil dari A.maxillaris membentuk suatu anastomose yaitu rete mirabile epidurale rostralis sinistra dan dextra. Setelah menembus epidurale,A.carotis interna mencabangkan A.cerebri rostralis dan A.cerebri media.A.cerebri rosralis sinistradan A.cerebri rostralis dextra bergabung menjadi A.communicans rostralis.A.carotis interna kemudian mencabangkan A.hypophysia rostralis.A.cerebri media melepaskan rami corticales danrami  centralis. A.basilaris mencabangkan rami medullaris, A.cerebelli caudalis, A.mesencephalica, rami pontis dan A.cerebelli rostralis.A.cerebelli caudalis mencabangkan A.labyrinthina. Kata kunci : Kambing  lokal, arteri, ota

    Vaskularisasi Pembuluh Darah Arteri Mata (Organum visus) pada Kambing Lokal (Capra sp.)

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    Eye (organum visus) vascular of  local goat (capra sp.)ABSTRACT. The aim of the study was to determine of eye vascular in local goat (Capra sp.)  The study used a local goat, aged 2 years old. Observation was made after specimen preparation. The observations was documented using a digital camera and analyzed descriptively. The vascular to the eye originated from externa ophthalmica artery and divides into several branched musculares arteries, lacrimalis artery, rete mirabile ophthalmicum gives off supraorbitalis artery, ethmoidalis artery, anteriores ciliares arteries and anastomoses with interna ophthalmica artery and devides into lateralis posterior longae ciliares arteries and medialis posterior longae ciliares arteries and the terminal branched into lateralis posterior shortae ciliares arteries and medialis posterior shortae ciliares arteries. Superficial temporalis artery gives off two branches lateralis inferior palpebral artery and lateralis superior palpebral artery. Malaris artery gives off two branched medial inferior palpebral artery and medial superior palpebral artery

    Vaskularisasi Pembuluh Darah Arteri Mata (Organum visus) pada Kambing Lokal (Capra sp.)

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    Eye (organum visus) vascular of  local goat (capra sp.) ABSTRACT. The aim of the study was to determine of eye vascular in local goat (Capra sp.)  The study used a local goat, aged 2 years old. Observation was made after specimen preparation. The observations was documented using a digital camera and analyzed descriptively. The vascular to the eye originated from externa ophthalmica artery and divides into several branched musculares arteries, lacrimalis artery, rete mirabile ophthalmicum gives off supraorbitalis artery, ethmoidalis artery, anteriores ciliares arteries and anastomoses with interna ophthalmica artery and devides into lateralis posterior longae ciliares arteries and medialis posterior longae ciliares arteries and the terminal branched into lateralis posterior shortae ciliares arteries and medialis posterior shortae ciliares arteries. Superficial temporalis artery gives off two branches lateralis inferior palpebral artery and lateralis superior palpebral artery. Malaris artery gives off two branched medial inferior palpebral artery and medial superior palpebral artery

    Spermatogenesis and Semen Quality of Male Muntjak (Muntiacus Muntjak Muntjak) During Antler Growth Periods

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    Muntjak (Muntiacus muntjak muntjak) belongs to Cervidae family which distributed in Java Island and Southern part of Sumatera. This cervid has been protected by Indonesian Government since 1999. In order to support breeding program of the species and to avoid them from extinction, itsreproductive biology such as spermatogenesis and the correlation to semen quality is important to be investigated. Therefore, the objective of this study was to examine spermatogenesis and semen quality of two adult male muntjaks during antler growth periods that consist of hard antler (H), casting (C), andvelvet antler (V). Testicular tissues and semen (ejaculates) were obtained by core needle biopsy and electroejaculation methods respectively. Testicular tissues were processed histologically and stained with periodic acid Schiff (PAS) to observe spermatogenesis whereas semen was evaluated to obtaine itsquality. The results showed that spermatogenic activities were detected in all antler periods which marked by PAS positive staining (magenta colour) of round and elongated spermatid acrosomes. In H period, spermatogenic activity was higher than those C and V periods. According to semen evaluation,motile spermatozoa were found with different concentration in all antler periods. The highest sperm concentration (x 106 spermatozoa/ml) in both of muntjaks was found in H period (506.25 ± 61.87), and slightly decreased in C (288.75 ± 37.12), and V periods (362.60 ± 17.68). These finding showed thatspermatogenesis to produce spermatozoa is taken place while muntjaks are in C and V periods with differ activities that provable with the existence of motile spermatozoa from ejaculates in both of male muntjaks. Therefore, muntjaks could provide reproductive function throughout the year of reproductiveaseasonality which is similar to the reeves and formosan muntjak


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ekstrak vesikula seminalis terhadap kualitas spermatozoa dan konsentrasi testosteron tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus). Dalam penelitian ini digunakan 20 ekor tikus putih jantan dewasa, galur Wistar, berumur 3 -4 bulan, berat badan 250-300 g dan dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok (K1, K2, K3, dan K4), masing-masing kelompok berturut-turut diberikan 0,2 ml NaCl fisiologis, 25 μg cloprostenol, 0,2 ml ekstrak vesikula seminalis (EVS), dan 0,4 ml EVS secara intraperitoneal. Pada akhir perlakuan, seluruh tikus dikorbankan secara dislocatio cervicalis. Selanjutnya, kauda duktus epididimis dinekropsi untuk dikoleksi spermatozoanya. Pemeriksaan kualitas spermatozoa, meliputi motilitas dan konsentrasi spermatozoa. Pemeriksaan konsentrasi testosteron serum darah dilakukan menggunakan teknik enzymelinked immunosorbant assay (ELISA). Motilitas dan konsentrasi (x10 6 ) spermatozoa pada kelompok K1; K2; K3; dan K4 masingmasing adalah 3,00±0,00; 3,20±0,28; 2,00±0,86; dan 3,20±0,28 dan 146,60±71,90; 187,80±60,80; 124,20±64,70; dan 129,40±27,07. Konsentrasi testosteron pada kelompok K1; K2; K3; dan K4 masing-masing adalah 5,53+1,75; 4,68+4,56; 2,51+1,33; dan 2,40+1,60 ng/ml. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian EVS mampu meningkatkan motilitas spermatozoa tetapi tidak memengaruhi konsentrasi spermatozoa dan testosteron serum darah tikus putih


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui distribusi glycoconjugate yang terekspresi pada sel epitelium oviduk kancil (Tragulus javanicus). Dalam penelitian ini digunakan satu oviduk kancil yang berasal dari satu ekor kancil b etina dewasa berumur lebih dari satu tahun. Sampel difiksasi dengan larutan Bouin dan diproses menurut standar histologi sampai menjadi blok parafin dan dipotong dengan ketebalan 5 µm. Jenis lektin yang digunakan adalah biotinylated (Con A, PNA, RCA, UEA I, dan WGA) dengan dosis masing-masing sebanyak 15 µg/ml. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa glycoconjugate dengan residu gula galaktosa, glukosa, manosa, N-asetilgalaktosamin, N-asetilglukosamin, fukosa, dan asam sialat ditemukan pada bagian apikal sel epitel dan di dalam sitoplasma. Glycoconjugate dengan residu gula N-asetilgalaktosamin merupakan glycoconjugate yang paling banyak ditemukan di bagian apikal sel epitel dan di dalam sitoplasma dibandingkan dengan glycoconjugate dengan residu gula lainnya


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    This study aims to explain how the personality development of students through an Islamic counseling approach at the Ma'had Darul Istiqomah Islamic boarding school, Padang Sidempuan. As a formulation of the problem how to plan the personality development of students, the implementation of personality development of students, and how to evaluate the personality development of students. This type of research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. Sources of field data are in the form of primary data and secondary data. Collecting research data using observation techniques, interviews and document studies. Data analysis techniques consist of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The data validity techniques consist of credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. The conclusions in this study are: first, the planning of student personality development consists of: identifying forms of student delinquency, factors causing student delinquency, efforts to handle student delinquency. Second, the implementation of student personality development through an Islamic counseling approach including: coaching the personality of students through moral development, congregational prayers, sunnah fasting, tadarus Qur'an and social activities. Third, the evaluation of the personality development of students includes cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Evaluation of the psychomotor domain is the part that gets the most attention in the personality development process because it is closely related to practice, namely the participation of students in carrying out personality development activities

    Persentase Kebuntingan Kambing Betina Resipien Setelah Pelaksanaan Embrio Transfer

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    ABSTRACT. A study on the pregnanncy rate of recipient does following embryio transfer procedure had been carried out. This study used 2 donor does and 10 recipient does. Donor does are subjected to both estrous synchronization (using progesterone in CIDR-G device) and superovulation protocols using follcle stimulating hormone in Folltropin-V. However, recipient does are only subjected for estrous synchronization protocol. Estrous synchronization protocol ni donor does and recepientb ones are conducted at the same tame. Embryo collection is carried out through cervix at day 7 following breeding. Parameter of this study is pregenancy rate of recipient does fillowing embryo transfer. Data collected in this study will be analyzed descriptively. Recipient does received two embryos by non-surgery method. This study showed that recipient does were foun non-pregnant during pregnancy diagnosis. It can be related to the incidence of early embryonic death are nutrion and overcrowding in uterus. It can be conclude that embryo transfer procedure carried out in this study was not effective