694 research outputs found


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    AbstrakKegiatan tafsir Al-Qu’ran telah dimulai sejak masa Nabi Muhammad Saw dan terus mengalami perkembangan dari masa ke masa, yaitu periode Nabi Muhammad Saw dan sahabatnya, periode tabi’in, dan periode modern. Dengan kembali mencermati sejarah perkembangan tafsir yang telah disinggung, maka tentu saja di setiap periode dan masa perkembangannya memiliki keunikan tersendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejarah perkembangan tafsir berdasarkan tiga periode yang telah disebutkan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah library research (penelitian pustaka) dengan mengumpulkan informasi-informasi yang dibutuhkan pada berbagai sumber referensi seperti buku, catatan, ataupun artikel penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa pada masa Nabi Muhammad Saw, kegiatan tafsir Al-Qur’an terus mengalami perkembangan hingga melahirkan aliran-aliran dan metode tafsir yang sangat beragam. Pada masa sahabat, Al-Qur’an ditafsirkan dengan metode riwayah atau terkadang ijtihad apabila sebuah ayat tidak ditafsirkan oleh Nabi Muhammad Saw. Pada masa tabi’in perkembangan tafsir ditandai dengan munculnya aliran-aliran tafsir di Mekah, Madinah, dan Irak. Perkembangan tafsir terus berlanjut hingga munculnya kitab-kitab tafsir yang terjadi pada periode tadwiin atau periode kodifikasi tafsir. Setelah masa ini, penafsiran Al-Qur’an memasuki periode modern yang ditandai dengan munculnya metode baru dalam menafsirkan Al-Qur’an, yakni metode maudhui. AbstractThe activity of tafsir Qur'an has been started since the time of the Prophet Muhammad. and continues to develop from time to time, namely the period of the Prophet Muhammad. and his companions, the tabi'in period, and the modern period. By looking back at the history of the development of tafsir that has been alluded to, then of course each period and period of its development has its own uniqueness. This study aims to determine the history of the development of tafsir based on the three periods mentioned. The research method used is library research by collecting the required information from various reference sources such as books, notes, or research articles. The results of this study reveal that at the time of the Prophet Muhammad, the activity of tafsir the Qur'an continues to develop until it gives birth to various schools and methods of tafsir. At the time of the Companions, the Qur'an was interpreted using the riwayah method or sometimes ijtihad if a verse was not interpreted by the Prophet Muhammad. During the tabi'in period, the development of tafsir was marked by the emergence of schools of tafsir in Mecca, Medina, and Iraq. The development of commentary continues until the emergence of books of tafsir that occur in the tadwiin period or the period of codification of tafsir. After this period, the tafsir of the Qur'an entered the modern period which was marked by the emergence of a new method of interpreting the Qur'an, namely the maudhui method

    Awareness, perceived risk and practices related to cervical cancer and pap smear screening among HIV-positive women in an urban HIV clinic in Johannesburg, South Africa

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    Wits School of Public Health May 2015Background and objectives: Cervical cancer is a major cause of cancer-related deaths in many developing countries yet it is a preventable and treatable in early disease. Recent research has seen increasing morbidity and mortality due to cancer of the cervix attributed to the advent of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic worldwide. Papanicolaou smears (Pap smears) to detect cervical abnormalities are currently the best known form of early detection and prevention of invasive cervical cancer (ICC). Knowledge and awareness about cervical cancer and associated risk factors, and cervical screening is very important in determining appropriate health seeking behaviours with the aim to reduce morbidity and mortality. This study examines awareness, perceived risk and practices related to cervical cancer screening among HIV-positive women in an urban HIV clinic in Johannesburg, South Africa. This will be useful in making recommendations with regards to designing and planning of screening programmes, and addressing cervical cancer education and awareness. Materials and methods: This study analysed secondary data collected from an ongoing cervical cancer study undertaken by Right to Care in partnership with the Clinical HIV Research Unit (CHRU) among HIV-positive adult (18 years and older), female patients enrolled in the Themba Lethu Clinic HIV care and treatment programme in Johannesburg, South Africa from November 2009 to December 2012. Clinical data for all respondents was extracted from TherapyEdge-HIVTM, the electronic medical database system used for patient management at the facility. Descriptive statistics were used to summarise baseline characteristics. Models using logistic regression were developed to estimate odds ratios (OR) to further identify baseline sociodemographic factors and clinical characteristics associated with behaviours studied (awareness, perceived risk and practice related to cervical cancer and Pap smear testing) and to identify the association between these factors and the prevalence and severity of cervical disease. Awareness of the Pap smear test and the human papillomavirus (HPV) was assessed based on whether the women report knowing what a Pap smear test is, and whether they have ever heard about HPV. Perceived risk about getting cervical cancer was assessed based on how worried the study participants were about getting cervical cancer. Previous Pap screening practice was assessed using reported screening history of the study participants. In addition to this, a subanalysis was conducted to see how these responses compare to 1) the recommended practice according to the South African national cervical cancer screening guidelines based on the age of participants, and 2) the latest HIV treatment guidelines based on year of HIV diagnosis. Analysis of attrition of study participants at 12 months of study participation was conducted using different time to event analysis techniques including Kaplan Meier, Log-rank test and Cox proportional hazards model. Cox proportional hazards models were fitted to investigate associations between baseline covariate and attrition. A sub-analysis was also carried out using descriptive statistics and chi-square tests to compare the cohort of patients that were included in the study (the VICAR1 cohort) and the rest of the larger Themba Lethu Clinic (TLC) population that was not included in the study to see if there were any significant differences noted between the two groups. In addition, a sensitivity analysis of the of 12 month follow up study visit was conducted using descriptive statistics and chi-square tests to determine if there were any significant differences between study participants that came for their 12 month study visit and those that did not come for their 12 month study visit. Results: Eight hundred and fifty seven (71.30%) participants reported to be aware of Pap smear screening, with only 18.15% reporting to be aware of HPV. Of the 1192 participant who had data to ascertain perceived risk regarding cervical cancer disease, 662 (55.54%) of the women were very worried, 250 (20.97%) were somewhat worried, 280 (23.49%) were not worried about getting cervical cancer. A total of 381 (36.46%) women had adequate practice according to the national cervical cancer screening guidelines. While 304 (28.57%) had adequate practice according to the national HIV treatment guidelines. Factors associated with Pap smear screening awareness were being in the 50+ age group (aOR=4.70, 95% CI 1.63-13.55) as compared to the 18-29 age group, being of non-South African nationality (aOR=0.41, 95% CI 0.20-0.83), having a grade 10 to matric level education (aOR=2.12, 95%CI 1.28-3.52), and a tertiary level education (aOR=2.62, 95%CI 1.07-6.41) as compared to having a less than a grade 10 level education. None of the factors assessed were found to be significantly associated with awareness regarding HPV. Factors associated with perceived risk regarding cervical cancer disease were having a tertiary education (aOR=3.74, 95%CI 1.13-12.38) as compared to having less than a grade 10 level, taking snuff (aOR=0.55, 95%CI 0.33-0.92) and drinking alcohol (aOR=2.53, 95% CI 1.24- 5.17). Being in the 30-39 age group (aOR=12.23, 95%CI 4.00-37.35) as compared to being in 18-29 age group, cohabiting with a partner (aOR=0.36, 95%CI 0.17-0.75) as compared to being single, being self-employed (aOR=2.95, 95%CI 0.82-10.66) as compared to those in full time employment, and being initiated on highly active antiretroviral therapy (aOR=0.17, 95%CI 0.06-0.55) were associated with Pap smear screening practices according to the national cervical cancer guidelines. None of the factors proved to be significantly associated with the practice according to the national HIV treatment guidelines, this is mainly because the HIV treatment guidelines have stricter screening requirements for HIV positive women. Those that had a moderate to severe baseline study Pap smear at enrolment into the study were 92% less likely to have disease progression at their 12 month Pap smear screening (aOR=0.08, 95%CI 0.05-0.13) compared to those that had a negative baseline Pap smear at study enrolment. This is mostly because they would have had a treatment intervention based on their baseline study Pap screening result therefore they would mostly likely not have disease progression at a follow up screening. Only seven women enrolled in the study died of non-cervical cancer related causes during the study period. In the analysis on all-cause attrition (deceased or lost to follow up) those that are initiated on highly active antiretroviral therapy were 92% less likely to be deceased or lost to follow up than those that were not initiated on highly active antiretroviral therapy (aOR=0.08, 95% CI 0.05-0.13). The global test for the overall model showed that the proportional hazard assumption had not been violated, p=0.684. Conclusions: Results for our study showed high levels of Pap smear screening awareness amongst the study participants. However, low levels of Pap screening uptake was observed for study participants. These results and results shown in previous studies show that awareness is only the first hurdle in the challenges related to cervical cancer prevention and treatment. Adequate practice is the factor that will have the most positive influence on the disease morbidity and mortality. Rates of screening practices have been found to be worse in populations with less than 70% Pap smear screening awareness. Findings from this study and similar findings from other studies highlight that more research needs to be done into effective health education programmes to address the gaps in adequate screening practice. These efforts should not only target the clients but also the health providers as they also have an important role to play in improving awareness, knowledge and practices related to cervical cancer and Pap smear screening amongst their clients

    The impact of Fintech on Islamic banking and the collaboration model: a systematic review studies in Indonesia

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    The Fintech company has raised its number significantly in Indonesia and threatened the banking sector as Islamic Banking is not the exception. Fintech can provide better financial services than Islamic Bank with its technological advantages. This research aims to observe the effect of Fintech's on Islamic banks and discover the collaboration model between Fintech and Islamic banks to improve financial services. The method was carried out by Systematic Literature Review (SLR), then analyzed using Nvivo 12 to quantify the words counted to the papers found. The result showed that there were 14 papers found to analyze in the systematic review. According to Nvivo 12 words counted result, the highest words counted was ‘services’ with 21%, followed by ‘user’ and ‘customers’ combined with 16%. Furthermore, Fintech acts as the disruptor for Islamic Banking, shown in its Return on Asset and its potential to take over the millennial customers segment. The collaboration can be done by sharing product marketing, loans, and transaction services. For the customer, big data analysis, the legal aspects, risk of human error, and data security protocol should be mitigated by tightening the registration system to minimize fraud, enhancing the internet server to prevent failure transactions, and closely cooperating with the Authority of Financial Service in Indonesia (OJK) to ensure the legal aspects are fulfilled

    Describing paediatric burn injuries at an academic hospital in Blantyre, Malawi

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    A research report submitted to the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Medicine Child Health Community PediatricIntroduction and back ground Burn injuries in children remain one of the leading causes of deaths and disabilities worldwide. It is estimated that 5 million children die from burn injuries every year. In Malawi burn injuries are reported to be the third leading cause of deaths in children. No known study has been conducted at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH) Burns Unit to describe the characteristics of children with burn injuries and their outcomes. However, an observation study was conducted previously that looked only at the aetiology, presentation and management of all the burn injuries that were being attended to at QECH. On the other hand, the current descriptive, retrospective, quantitative study aimed at describing the characteristics of the paediatric burn injuries at an academic hospital in Blantyre, Malawi. Methodology The study used descriptive, retrospective design that employed quantitative data collection and analysis methods. The study reviewed 148 patients’ files of paediatrics with burn injuries admitted during the period from September 2011 to August 2012 at the Burns Unit of QECH in Malawi. The study used a checklist to extract information on demographics, causes, anatomical distribution, depth, place of incidence of the burn injury, period taken from time of incidence to time of arrival to hospital, season of the year when the incidence occurred, whether the child had been admitted straight to QECH or referred, complications that occurred, period of hospitalisation and outcomes. Data was analysed using Microsoft Excel 2007® (Microsoft, Seattle, USA). For the purpose of descriptive analysis, data was then exported to Statistical 9.1® (Stat soft, Tulsa, USA) which was utilised for all other analysis. Results Results of the study showed that 51% (n=75) of the children admitted with burns over the period of the study were boys while 49% (n=73) were girls. Furthermore, males admitted with burn injuries were significantly younger than the females (p = 0.001 [Figure 2]). The median age for boys was 3 years (IQR: 2-4 years) whereas the median age for girls was 4 years (IQR: 2-6 years). Hot liquids and open fire were the only sources of burn injuries with hot liquids affecting 68% of children. The Arms and hands were the most affected body parts with about 59% while the least was the back. The depth of the burns were 17.2% (n=25) superficial, 52.7% (n=78) superficial partial, 7.5% (n=11) deep partial and 22.6% (n=34) full thickness burns. The incidents of burn injury that occurred in the home premises were 96.6% (n=143), 2% (n=3) at school and 1.4% (n=2) in the surrounding gardens. There were 42.5% (n=63) incidents of burn injuries that occurred in cool dry winter season, 43.8% (n=65) in warm wet and 13.7% (n=20) in hot dry season. The outcome of the burn injuries were that the median length of hospitalisation was 14 days (IQR: 7-27).The children who were discharged were 75.7% (n=112) and had median of 16 days (IQR: 11-29 days) in hospital. The children who died were 24.3% (n=36) and had median of hospital stay of 5 days (IQR: 3-10 days). Children who died spent significantly less number of days in hospital than those that were discharged. Out of 148 children, 59 were referred from other health centres to QECH representing 40%. Children that were admitted directly to QECH were associated with a 57% decreased odds of mortality compared to those referred from other health facilities OR 0.43 (95% CI: 0.20-0.93). Conclusion The study concluded that the male and female children were almost equally vulnerable to burn injuries. Hot liquids and open fire were found to be the only sources of burn injuries in this study. This was due to cooking places that were at ground level which were easily accessible by the children. Those that were referred from other health facilities were associated with 4 times odds of death from burn injuries compared to those that were admitted straight to Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (OR 3.79 (95% CI: 1.33-10.79), p<0.001. Based on the results, it could also be concluded that burn injuries in children mostly affected the under five year children. The mortality was greatly influenced by the referral systems, total burnt surface area (TBSA), depth of the burns, and age of the child. Results of the study have implications on improving the referral system and community sensitisation on the prevention of burns.MT201

    Inefisiensi Pengadaan Tanah untuk Kepentingan Umum (Studi Kasus Pembangunan Waduk Jatigede di Kabupaten Sumedang)

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    The construction of the Jatigede Dam for the public interest is imbalanced in its implementation. Based on the results of observations, researchers see a lot of problems that occur, including land acquisition issued a lot of regulations, implementation is quite long, and the costs incurred are quite large. The researcher uses E. Bardach\u27s theory, to determine administrative operability (authority, institutional commitment, capability, organizational support) criteria, to find out the impact of policy researchers using the theory of Thomas R. Dye. Research methods and approaches are carried out with qualitative and quantitative research methods with a descriptive approach. The method of data collection is through observation, semistructured interviews and documentation. The informant selection technique uses purposive techniques and the validity of the data by data triangulation. The results of this study using the administrative operability criteria approach did not meet the criteria optimall


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar siswa setelah penerapan strategi pembelajaran Card Sort. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa Kelas VIIID SMP Negeri 2 Palimanan Kabupaten Cirebon. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi dan tes hasil belajar. Data dianalisis dengan menentukan persentase &nbsp;ketuntasan belajar dan rata-rata hasil belajar siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadi peningkatan persentase ketuntasan belajar siswa dan rata-rata hasil belajar&nbsp; IPA. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan strategi pembelajaran Card Sort dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa Kelas VIIID SMP Negeri 2 Palimanan pada mata pelajaran IPA materi getaran dan gelombang

    Perancangan Sistem Pemandu Wisata Berbasis Wap di YOGYAKARTA (2010)

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    Kebutuhan akan informasi yang semakin meningkat menyebabkan tuntutan ketersediaannya dimanapun dan kapanpun ia deperlukan. Hal ini terjawab dengan perkembangan teknologi komunikasi bergerak yang didalamnya menyediakan layanan informasi bergerak. Hadirnya internet pada peralatan mobile membuka peluang sector bisnis untuk mengembangkan sistem berbasis WAP (Wireless Application Protocol). Salah satu bidang yang dapat menerapkan sistem ini adalah pariwisata. Pariwisata bagi pemerintah daerah merupakan salah satu aspek untuk meningkatkan pendapatan daerah. Salah satu kendala yang dihadapi oleh pemerintah daerah dalam hal pengembangan pariwisata adalah tidak adanya sistem informasi yang efektif untuk para wisatawan. Wisatawan sering mengalami kesulitan dalam menemukan tempat atau fasilitas yang tepat dikota tersebut. Oleh karena itu untuk meningkatkan pelayanannya kepada wisatawan maka sector pariwisata perlu mengembangkan layanan informasi bergerak. Dengan dikembangkannya sistem pemandu wisata berbasis WAP, diharapkan dapat memberikan dan mempermudah para wisatawan dalam mendapatkan informasi dimana dan kapanpun dibutuhkan. Sistem pemandu wisata ini merupakan sistem yang menyediakan berbagai jenis informasi ke peralatan mobile berdasarkan pada lokasi, waktu dan peristiwa dimana wisatawan berkunjung

    Analisis genetik molekul dan imunofenotip penyakit non-Hodgkin's lymphoma di Kelantan

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    Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) is a heterogeneous malignancy. Recent advancement in techniques in the field of immunology and molecular biology enables the diagnosis and classifications of NHL to be made satisfactorily. Protein expression criteria such as p53 and bcl-2 play an important role in classifying lymphoma. There are three main objectives in this study. First, to observe the effectiveness of flow cytometry analysis as a technique for lineage assignment in NHL using fresh single cell suspension samples. Second, to detect immunoglobulin heavy (lgH) chain gene rearrangement as a technique to identify monoclonal population in NHL cases by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Third, to detect the expression and distribution of p53 and bcl-2 protein on different grades of NHL by immunohistochemistry technique. Lymph node samples were obtained from patients suspected of having lymphoma. In flow cytometry analysis, single cell suspension were prepared from 37 lymph node samples, reacted with monoclonal antibodies and analysed using FACScan machine. Detection of IgH gene rearrangement was done using DNA extracted from 43 fresh or frozen lymph nodes and was subjected to PCR using VpJJH specific primer. Monoclonal population was represented by amplified band at 90-160bp. Immunohistochemistry staining was done using monoclonal antibodies p53 (00-7) and bcl-2 (clone 124) on 56 paraffin embedded tissue sections. Flow cytometry analysis had .correctly assigned the lineage in 11/14 cases of confirmed NHL-B and 1 case of NHL-T. By doing peR in detecting IgH gene rearrangement, monoclonal population was observed in 18/21 cases of B lineage NHL, 2 cases of NHL-T and 2 cases of Hodgkin's disease while none was observed in reactive, metastatic carcinoma and tuberculosis. P53 and bcl-2 protein expression was analysed in NHL from different grades. Positive p53 pr<?tein expression was observed more frequently in cases of NHL from intermediate and high grade while bcl-2 protein expression was observed frequently in intermediate grade NHL especially in diffuse large cell subtypes. In conclusion, by flow cytometry analysis, lineage assignment coutd be assigned confidently on cases of B-NHL expressing abnormal kappa:lambda ratio and positive expression of B-cell surface markers. IgH gene rearrangement analysis could be used to show monoclonal population in cases of B lineage NHL. Thus, flow cytometry and detection of IgH gene rearrangement could be an adjunct to immunohistopathology in . making diagnosis and assigning lineage in NHL. Immunohistochemistry analysis could detect the expression of p53 and bcl-2 protein in NHL. Frequent expression of p53 observed in intermediate/high grade NHL and bcl-2 in intermediate grade could be used to show levels of aggressiveness in this malignancy

    Bertutur Santun Melalui Ttl

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    Courtesy ( politeness ) is one of the recalled strategies to maintain good relations between speaker and hearer . In this study, politeness is defined as the awareness of speakers will image the hearer; a concept called ‘the face\u27 (Brown and Levinson, 1987). To express politeness, one of which is realized with indirect speech act (TTL), for example, to declare a function directive, speakers can use direct speech (TL) with the imperative sentences and use TTL with declarative or interrogative sentences. This study aims to find a form of directive utterances in Japanese as well as politeness strategies. The benefit of this research is to provide choice to the learner how to speak Japanese, especially for express orders using TTL. Data obtained through the identification process to find speech that is suspected to contain commands mean. This step begins by identifying and marking the discourse in the form of dialogues that contains the event said directive . Directive speech is then transcribed (romanization) , which over the alphabet of Japanese characters into Latin letters. After transcription, triangulation to native speakers. Subsequently translation (transliteration) of the Japanese language as the source language (BS) into the Indonesian language as the target (BT). The translation process includes : (1) translation literally, is glossed words each forming the speech or discourse; (2) a free translation, the translation is bound context that focuses on BT. This is done so that the translation is communicative. Based on the results of the study found seven forms of expression TTL directive to express politeness in Japanese , namely : Form [ VTE ] , [ ~ mashō ] , [ ~ kara ] , [ ~ te hoshii ] , [ ~ yattorun ? ] , [ ~ U / yo ] , and [ ~ yoni suru shikanai ]