9,645 research outputs found

    Social Media Marketing Integration: Agile Project Management

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    The implementation of digital and social media strategies to currently existing marketing strategies requires extensive knowledge and expertise. Project management techniques and practices can be utilized to implement this change and determine its success. Because of the constantly evolving nature of social media marketing, an agile project management approach should be utilized to enhance chances of success. Social media marketing requires a thorough understanding of the target market and their behaviors on social media to deliver appropriate content utilizing the right mediums of communication. The ability to evaluate the success of a project and make changes as needed to meet the goals of the marketing strategies makes agile project management a suitable technique for implementing social media marketing

    Modification of Angular Velocity by Inhomogeneous MRI Growth in Protoplanetary Disks

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    We have investigated evolution of magneto-rotational instability (MRI) in protoplanetary disks that have radially non-uniform magnetic field such that stable and unstable regions coexist initially, and found that a zone in which the disk gas rotates with a super-Keplerian velocity emerges as a result of the non-uniformly growing MRI turbulence. We have carried out two-dimensional resistive MHD simulations with a shearing box model. We found that if the spatially averaged magnetic Reynolds number, which is determined by widths of the stable and unstable regions in the initial conditions and values of the resistivity, is smaller than unity, the original Keplerian shear flow is transformed to the quasi-steady flow such that more flattened (rigid-rotation in extreme cases) velocity profile emerges locally and the outer part of the profile tends to be super-Keplerian. Angular momentum and mass transfer due to temporally generated MRI turbulence in the initially unstable region is responsible for the transformation. In the local super-Keplerian region, migrations due to aerodynamic gas drag and tidal interaction with disk gas are reversed. The simulation setting corresponds to the regions near the outer and inner edges of a global MRI dead zone in a disk. Therefore, the outer edge of dead zone, as well as the inner edge, would be a favorable site to accumulate dust particles to form planetesimals and retain planetary embryos against type I migration.Comment: 28 pages, 11figures, 1 table, accepted by Ap

    Monitoring and controlling distributed applications using Lomita (position paper)

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    Over the last four years, the Meta toolkit was developed for controlling distributed applications. This toolkit has been publicly available as part of the academic ISIS release, and has been used for building various system monitoring and control applications. One major stumbling block with using Meta has been the language (called NPL) it supports. NPL is very low-level and using it is difficult, in the same way it is difficult to write machine language programs or raw Postscript programs. Hence, a higher level language was built along with a runtime environment. The hope is that with this higher-level approach, more complicated Meta applications will be written and thereby concentrate more on the use (and limitations) of Meta as an architecture. The Meta toolkit is reviewed with its intended use. Next, the goals with Lomita and an overview is given of its architecture and language syntax. A detailed example is given of Lomita's use by presenting a complete program for a load-adaptable service

    Orbital Evolution of Planets around Intermediate-Mass Giants

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    Around low- and intermediate-mass (1.5-3 M_sun) red giants, no planets have been found inside 0.6 AU. Such a paucity is not seen in the case of 1 M_sun main sequence stars. In this study, we examine the possibility that short-period planets were engulfed by their host star evolving off the main sequence. To do so, we have simulated the orbital evolution of planets, including the effects of stellar tide and mass loss, to determine the critical semimajor axis, a_crit, beyond which planets survive the RGB expansion of their host star. We have found that a_crit changes drastically around 2 M_sun: In the lower-mass range, a_crit is more than 1 AU, while a_crit is as small as about 0.2 AU in the higher-mass range. Comparison with measured semimajor axes of known planets suggests that there is a lack of planets that only planet engulfment never accounts for in the higher-mass range. Whether the lack is real affects our understanding of planet formation. Therefore, increasing the number of planet samples around evolved intermediate-mass stars is quite meaningful to confirm robustness of the lack of planets.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Part of PlanetsbeyondMS/2010 proceedings http://arxiv.org/html/1011.660

    A Semicoarsening Multigrid Algorithm for SIMD Machines

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    A semicoarsening multigrid algorithm suitable for use on single instruction multiple data (SIMD) architectures has been implemented on the CM-2. The method performs well for strongly anisotropic problems and for problems with coefficients jumping by orders of magnitude across internal interfaces. The parallel efficiency of this method is analyzed, and its actual performance is compared with its performance on some other machines, both parallel and nonparallel

    Toward a Deterministic Model of Planetary Formation VII: Eccentricity Distribution of Gas Giants

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    The ubiquity of planets and diversity of planetary systems reveal planet formation encompass many complex and competing processes. In this series of papers, we develop and upgrade a population synthesis model as a tool to identify the dominant physical effects and to calibrate the range of physical conditions. Recent planet searches leads to the discovery of many multiple-planet systems. Any theoretical models of their origins must take into account dynamical interaction between emerging protoplanets. Here, we introduce a prescription to approximate the close encounters between multiple planets. We apply this method to simulate the growth, migration, and dynamical interaction of planetary systems. Our models show that in relatively massive disks, several gas giants and rocky/icy planets emerge, migrate, and undergo dynamical instability. Secular perturbation between planets leads to orbital crossings, eccentricity excitation, and planetary ejection. In disks with modest masses, two or less gas giants form with multiple super-Earths. Orbital stability in these systems is generally maintained and they retain the kinematic structure after gas in their natal disks is depleted. These results reproduce the observed planetary mass-eccentricity and semimajor axis-eccentricity correlations. They also suggest that emerging gas giants can scatter residual cores to the outer disk regions. Subsequent in situ gas accretion onto these cores can lead to the formation of distant (> 30AU) gas giants with nearly circular orbits.Comment: 54 pages, 14 Figures; accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa


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    What does rural Europe look like in 2030? Is agriculture still the main land user? In recent years, studies such as ESPON, Eururalis, SCENAR2020, SENSOR, SEAMLESS and PRELUDE have tried to address these questions. These studies resulted in a number of alternative futures of rural areas in the EU. In this paper a comparative analysis of these scenario studies is made in order to explore differences and similarities in the scenarios and alternative futures of rural areas in the EU. For this purpose, we designed a scheme for assessing the properties of the various scenarios and a scheme for a systematic description of the rural futures according to the scenarios. It appears that most scenario studies use a baseline scenario and a set of alternative scenarios with different degrees of policy regulation. Agriculture will continue to be a main land user in 2030, although some land abandonment will take place.Rural Europe, scenario studies, alternative futures, land-use, territorial disparities, Agribusiness, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,


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    The policy of removing the broker codes of securities companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) has occurred for the first time in the Indonesian capital market. This policy was expected to prevent investors from buying shares by following transactional activities carried out by brokers, because using the broker code of a securities company, it is possible to know which securities company buys or sells a particular stock. The aim of this research is to  analyze the differences in trading volume, trading frequency, and abnormal returns before and  after the removal of broker codes so that the IDX can find out the effectiveness of the removal of the broker codes of securities companies and to find out whether investors have knowledge or not in making decisions to invest in stocks. The non-probabilistic purposive sampling technique was used and 738 companies listed on the IDX were used as the research sample. This study used an event study approach and data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. The results show that there were differences in trading volume, trading frequency, and abnormal returns before and after the removal of broker codes. Based on these findings, the removal of broker codes is an event that has information content and investors are expected to be able to conduct a deeper analysis when investing in the capital market. Keywords: trading volume; trading frequency; abnormal returns; broker code removal. Peristiwa kebijakan penghapusan kode broker perusahaan sekuritas pada Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) adalah pertama kali terjadi di pasar modal Indonesia. Kebijakan tersebut diharapkan dapat mencegah perilaku ikut-ikutan investor dalam membeli saham dari aktivitas transaksi yang dilakukan oleh broker karena melalui kode broker perusahaan sekuritas dapat diketahui broker dari perusahaan sekuritas mana yang banyak membeli atau menjual saham tertentu. Tujuan riset ini adalah untuk menganalisis perbedaan volume perdagangan, frekuensi perdagangan, dan return tidak normal (abnormal return) sebelum dan sesudah penghapusan kode broker, sehingga BEI dapat mengetahui seberapa efektif penghapusan kode broker perusahaan sekuritas tersebut dan untuk mengetahui investor memiliki pengetahuan atau tidak dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk berinvestasi saham selama ini. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang dipergunakan adalah non-probabilistic sampling dengan jenis purposive sampling, dengan 738 perusahaan yang tercatat di BEI yang akan dipergunakan sebagai sampel penelitian. Riset ini menggunakan pendekatan event study dan data dianalisis menggunakan Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan adanya perbedaan volume perdagangan, frekuensi perdagangan, dan abnormal return sebelum dan sesudah penghapusan kode broker. Berdasar pada hal tersebut penghapusan kode broker merupakan peristiwa yang memiliki kandungan informasi dan investor diharapkan dapat melakukan analisis lebih dalam pada saat hendak berinvestasi pada pasar modal. Kata kunci:  volume perdagangan; frekuensi perdagangan; abnormal return; penghapusan kode broker