6 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine whether there is an influence between the variables of Brand Image, Price Perception, Product Quality on Customer Loyalty through Customer Satisfaction at Giant Surabaya. Thisresearch method is explanatory research with hypothesis testing. The population in this study are the visitors who shop for Giant Kedungsari Surabaya, with sample of 100 computed by Slovin formula. Data collected by using a survey method with questionnaire as instrument. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis and t-test for test the hypothesis. The results of the study show that brand Image has a significant influence on Customer Satisfaction, Brand Image has no significant influence on Customer Loyalty, Price perception has a significant effect on customer satisfaction and loyalty, Product quality has a significant influence on customer satisfaction, but has no significant effect on customer loyalty, Customer Satisfaction has a significant influence on Customer Loyalty. This indicates that to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, a good brand image, low price perception, good product quality, is needed


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    This research title "Celebrity Influence Through Advertising Support Fascination And Credibility Against Brand Image NutriSari By August 17, 1945 University Students(UNTAG) Surabaya". Celebrity Supporters rent role as people talk about the product, whichwill influence the attitudes and behavior of consumers who indicate on the product supports.Celebrity supporters in the advertising ads is someone known to the public because of theirachievements in different fields of product classes are supported, such as the artist movies,soap operas, comedian, and all the famous people who are engaged in the field ofentertainment. The purpose of this study are: (1) To identify, analyze and prove whetherFascination and Credibility can simultaneously affect the brand image NutriSari By August17, 1945 University Students (UNTAG) Surabaya. (2) To identify, analyze and verify whetherFascination and Credibility can simultaneously affect the brand image NutriSari By August17, 1945 University Students (UNTAG) Surabaya. (3) To identify, analyze and prove thecredibility of Attraction and the most dominant influence on brand image NutriSari By August17, 1945 University Students (UNTAG) Surabaya. The hypothesis of this study are: (1)estimated Fascination and Credibility can simultaneously affect the brand image NutriSari ByAugust 17, 1945 University Students (UNTAG) Surabaya. (2) Anticipated Fascination andCredibility can simultaneously affect the brand image NutriSari By August 17, 1945University Students (UNTAG) Surabaya. (3) It is assumed Credibility most dominantinfluence on brand image NutriSari By August 17, 1945 University Students (UNTAG)Surabaya. This study proves that the Fascination and credibility significant effectsimultaneously Against Brand Image NutriSari By August 17, 1945 University Students(UNTAG) Surabaya. Fascination significant effect partially to the brand image NutriSari ByAugust 17, 1945 University Students (UNTAG) Surabaya. Significant effect partiallycredibility to the brand image NutriSari By August 17, 1945 University Students (UNTAG)Surabaya. Credibility is the dominant influence on brand image NutriSari By August 17, 1945University Students (UNTAG) Surabaya.Keywords: Celebrity Supporters rent, Attractiveness, Credibility, Brand Image


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    Penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) dan Tipes sudah menjadi penyakit yang dapat dijumpai diberbagai belahan penjuru Indonesia, mulai dari perkotaan maupun pedesaan. Di desa Imaan, kondisi lingkungan pemukiman warga untuk saat ini, sangat rentan terjadinya penyakit demam berdarah, karena masyarakat untuk saat ini masih kurang peduli dengan kebersihan lingkungan dan masih kurang pengetahuannya mengenai perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat. Dan saat ini adalah musim pancaroba, pada musim ini biasanya wabah - wabah penyakit mulai berdatangan. Dengan menggunakan metode wawancara sebagai salah satu bahan pembuatan materi penyuluhan Tipes dan DBD. Dengan menggunakan angket atau kuisioner adalah salah satu teknik pengumpulan data yang dapat mengukur pemahaman masyarakat desa Imaan mengenai penyuluhan yang diberikan, dibantu dengan Microsoft Excel 2010 sebagai alat bantu perhitungan dalam mengolah data angket atau kuisioner. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan terjadinya peningkatan pemahaman setelah diberikan post test


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    Pacitan precisely in Krajan Wonodadi Kulon Ngadirojo, geographically wide area 891.88 ha, the majority of the land in the form tegal / fields covering an area of 420.53 ha. Potential in Agricultural Sector became the leading commodity contribute greatly to the economic development, both directly the raw material used and processed through a management process of making a cake. Commodity raw materials from the agricultural sector are: Clove, Coconut, Cassava, Banana, Bluebird, Melinjo, and Tuber (Sweet), who plays prop improve household incomes and expanding employment opportunities are raw materials tubers (Potato) processed form : Cakes (Brownies, Nugghets). Given the great desire of the group Partners Household Small Business to supplement the family income, then Program (IbM) wants to realize by means of procurement (TTG) in the form of machines and provide a wide range of training business groups cakes made from local plants Bulbs - tubers (Potato). Procurement of Appropriate Technology (TTG) in the form of machine is very helpful for a smooth production process from traditional to technology moderan, while by getting the various training areas of management will broaden pengetahuanya Partners Small Business, towards the preparation of implementing entrepreneurship in the management of baking brownies and cakes Nugghets based tubers (Potato). The results are very encouraging in the presence of procurement (TTG) in the form of machine Ovens and Machines Mixer, the production process is increasing and growing rapidly, while also implementing various management training to make the performance of Partners Small Businesses increasingly innovative in developing a business to make a cake made from plant ts ( Potatoes)Keywords : Management of Appropriate Technology (TTG) Cakes Brownies and Cake Nugghets Made from plant  Tubers (Potato

    Increasing Performance Through Motivation and Competence at 17 Agustus 1945 University, Surabaya

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    Student performance appraisal is an important part of the entire work process, serving as feedback about abilities, skills, attitudes and poten- tial that is useful for determining goals, paths, plans and career devel- opment later. This study aims to analyze the right model to improve performance. Data was collected through a survey using a question- naire instrument. distributed online, responded by 71 students of the faculty of economics and business,17 Agustus 1945 University, Surabaya. Data analysis using PLS. The results found, Motivation is the right model to improve performance. The relationship between latent variables, there seems to be no path from competency to performance. Competence influences motivation and Motivation influences per- formance. Implications of the results of this study, where the learning process is carried out online, motivation is a very important variable to spur student performance, lecturers are expected to continuously motivate students so that later student performance increases

    The Effect of Service Quality, Price Perception, and Brand Image on Feeling Value, and Customer Satisfaction at Dian Husada Mojokerto Hospital

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    This study aims to determine the effect of service quality, perceived brand image price and perceived value on consumer satisfaction at Dian Husada Hospital, Mojokerto. The hypothesis in this study is that there is a partial effect of service quality on price perceptions on perceived value and service quality. And there is a significant effect of perceived service quality, price, brand image and perceived value simultaneously affect customer satisfaction at Dian Husada Hospital in Mojokerto. The population used in this study were 100 consumers at Dian Husada Hospital Mojokerto. The data analysis technique used is validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, descriptive analysis, multiple linear regression analysis, multiple determination analysis, correlation coefficient analysis. The hypothesis test used is the F test and t test. Based on the t test results of Path Sub-Structure 1, service quality, price perception and brand image has a partial effect on perceived value. Based on the results of the t test Sub-Structure 2, the perceived service quality of price and value has a partial effect on service quality and brand image has no partial effect on customer satisfaction; Based on the results of the study of the F-Test Sub-Structure 1, the Sig. <0.05 is 0.000 <0.005, so the variables of Service Quality, Price Perception, and Brand Image have a significant influence on the Perceived Value. And based on the results of the study of the F-Test Sub-Structure Path 2, the value of Sig. <0.05 is 0.000 <0.005, so that the variables of Service Quality, Price Perception, Brand Image