3,878 research outputs found

    Saturated torque formula for planetary migration in viscous disks with thermal diffusion: recipe for protoplanet population synthesis

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    We provide torque formulae for low mass planets undergoing type I migration in gaseous disks. These torque formulae put special emphasis on the horseshoe drag, which is prone to saturation: the asymptotic value reached by the horseshoe drag depends on a balance between coorbital dynamics (which tends to cancel out or saturate the torque) and diffusive processes (which tend to restore the unperturbed disk profiles, thereby desaturating the torque). We entertain here the question of this asymptotic value, and we derive torque formulae which give the total torque as a function of the disk's viscosity and thermal diffusivity. The horseshoe drag features two components: one which scales with the vortensity gradient, and one which scales with the entropy gradient, and which constitutes the most promising candidate for halting inward type I migration. Our analysis, which is complemented by numerical simulations, recovers characteristics already noted by numericists, namely that the viscous timescale across the horseshoe region must be shorter than the libration time in order to avoid saturation, and that, provided this condition is satisfied, the entropy related part of the horseshoe drag remains large if the thermal timescale is shorter than the libration time. Side results include a study of the Lindblad torque as a function of thermal diffusivity, and a contribution to the corotation torque arising from vortensity viscously created at the contact discontinuities that appear at the horseshoe separatrices. For the convenience of the reader mostly interested in the torque formulae, section 8 is self-contained.Comment: Affiliation details changed. Fixed equation numbering issue. Biblio info adde

    Assessing LGUs' Health Service Delivery Performance: the Cases of Agusan del Sur and Dumaguete City

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    With the devolution of health service delivery from the Department of Health to local government units (LGUs) as mandated in the 1991 Local Government Code, how have the LGUs performed in their new task? And how have the local constituents responded to the new set-up? Read more on these...local government unit, health facilities, health service delivery, local government code, local service delivery

    Perkembangan Perpustakaan Elektronik

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    Istilah Perpustakaan Elektronik biasanya mengacu pada berbagai fungsi dalam sistem manajemen perpustakaan terautomasi, misalnya OPAC, katalogisasi, sirkulasi, akuisisi, pengelolaan terbitan berkala, silang layan maupun penyimpanan dan temu kembali informasi melalui Internet, CD-ROM, dan layanan Online. Banyak definisi muncul sekitar perpustakaan. Hans GeIefinse, seorang pustakawan dari Universitas Tilburg Belanda mengatakan bahwa pandangan orang tentang perpustakaan elektronik berawal dari sebuah workstation kecil yang kemudian dihubungkan dalam jaringan komunikasi kampus. Jaringan ini kemudian dihubungkan pula sécara nasional dan kemudian masuk ke dalam jaringan internasional (Ida Flynch, 1996)

    Alien Registration- Sandelin, Ida F. (Brunswick, Cumberland County)

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    Facilitating online discussion, tutoring and moderating skills in clinical psychology lecturers

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    The inclusion of online approaches in clinical psychology training has necessitated an examination of the skills required by trainers. This paper describes the development of a short tutorial to promote online discussion tutoring and moderation skills in clinical psychology lecturers

    Focus on Barangay Economic Development

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    Because the barangay is considered to be the local government unit closest to the people in terms of access and proximity, its role in local service delivery cannot be undermined. Hence, it is important for a barangay to learn how to maximize and use its limited funds effectively and efficiently so that such can redound to economic gains that would allow the barangay to support the generation and delivery of local services to its constituents. How and where can the barangay use its limited resources? Read on...local government unit, local government unit expenditures, local governance, decentralization and service delivery, institutions, local development, local service delivery

    KEBERSYUKURAN (Upaya Membangun Karakter Bangsa Melalui Figur Ulama)

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    Syukur menjadi salah satu bagian dari psikologi positif yang menggambarkan kondisi psikologis internal dalam nuansa Islam seperti jawaban dari respon terhadap semua yang mengalami. Bagi para ulama, syukur adalah ungkapan terima kasih secara penuh kepada Allah yang diwujudkan melalui tindakan yang terpuji. Proses syukur melibatkan kapasitas kognitif, unsur-unsur budaya dan agama yang dimiliki oleh setiap individu melalui proses belajar yang dialami. Orang-orang yang bersyukur dengan totalitas akan didorong untuk menjadi orang yang ikhlas, sabar, bersahaja, tidak mudah untuk menyalahkan Tuhan, murah hati, cukup, humanis, tidak materialistis, berpikir positif, dan nrimo. Dengan demikian, kondisi psikologis orang-orang yang bahagia, tenang, dan kedamaian dalam keadaan apapun. Orang-orang yang bersyukur mencerminkan nilai-nilai Pancasila sebagai ideologi dan dasar Indonesia , serta menjadi bagian dari upaya untuk membangun karakter bangsa

    Alien Registration- Pulkkiver, Ida F. (Paris, Oxford County)

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    Impact in networks and ecosystems: building case studies that make a difference

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    open accessThis toolkit aims to support the building up of case studies that show the impact of project activities aiming to promote innovation and entrepreneurship. The case studies respond to the challenge of understanding what kinds of interventions work in the Southern African region, where, and why. The toolkit has a specific focus on entrepreneurial ecosystems and proposes a method of mapping out the actors and their relationships over time. The aim is to understand the changes that take place in the ecosystems. These changes are seen to be indicators of impact as increased connectivity and activity in ecosystems are key enablers of innovation. Innovations usually happen together with matching social and institutional adjustments, facilitating the translation of inventions into new or improved products and services. Similarly, the processes supporting entrepreneurship are guided by policies implemented in the common framework provided by innovation systems. Overall, policies related to systems of innovation are by nature networking policies applied throughout the socioeconomic framework of society to pool scarce resources and make various sectors work in coordination with each other. Most participating SAIS countries already have some kinds of identifiable systems of innovation in place both on national and regional levels, but the lack of appropriate institutions, policies, financial instruments, human resources, and support systems, together with underdeveloped markets, create inefficiencies and gaps in systemic cooperation and collaboration. In other words, we do not always know what works and what does not. On another level, engaging users and intermediaries at the local level and driving the development of local innovation ecosystems within which local culture, especially in urban settings, has evident impact on how collaboration and competition is both seen and done. In this complex environment, organisations supporting entrepreneurship and innovation often find it difficult to create or apply relevant knowledge and appropriate networking tools, approaches, and methods needed to put their processes to work for broader developmental goals. To further enable these organisations’ work, it is necessary to understand what works and why in a given environment. Enhanced local and regional cooperation promoted by SAIS Innovation Fund projects can generate new data on this little-explored area in Southern Africa. Data-driven knowledge on entrepreneurship and innovation support best practices as well as effective and efficient management of entrepreneurial ecosystems can support replication and inform policymaking, leading thus to a wider impact than just that of the immediate reported projects and initiatives

    Penerapan Pendekatan Siklus Belajar (Learning Cycle) Berorientasi Kooperatif untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar

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    This action research aims to improve student outcomes and learning processes. The population of this research was 32 grade X Gunungsari Vocational High School students, amounting to 32 people on the subject of atomic structure and periodic elements. The study was designed in three cycles and adjusted to the stages of Classroom Action Research (CAR). Instrument testing includes power test difference, level of difficulty and reliability. The results for cognitive aspects measured by the test increased from cycle 1 (77.42%) to cycle 2 (87.50%) but decreased in cycle 3 (56.25%), while affective aspects were measured by attitude questionnaires shows the average attitudes/responses of students in the good category and psychomotor aspects as measured by performance tests provide learning completeness of 100% with an average of 84.18. For the results of observations the teaching and learning process states that the activities of students are in the category of being quite active in cycle 1, active in cycle 2, and very active in cycle 3. Activity of teachers is in the very active category for all three cycles. Based on this data, it can be concluded that the implementation of cooperative oriented learning cycle approaches has a positive effect on the results and learning process of class X students at SMK 1 Gunungsari on the subject of atomic structure and periodic elements
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