188 research outputs found


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    Abstract:Aspects of human resources is still in the spotlight for the company to remain able to survive or even thrive. One form a human resource development is training. In addition, extraversion and conscientiousness shaping patterns of behavior and how they use it in their work. This study aimed to analyze the effect of training, extraversion, and conscientiousness on employee performance precision mechanical parts on PT X Surabaya. With a population of 53 mechanics at 5 Branchs of PT X. There are 53 employees in the sample. While the statistical analysis method used is the method of multiple linear regression analysis. The results is that training had no significant effect on the performance, extraversion no significant effect on the performance, and conscientiousness significantly influence employee performance. Simultaneously, training, extraversion, and conscientiousness significant effect on the performance of employees. Keyword: training, extraversion, conscientiousness and employee performance.&nbsp

    The Local Politics of Orthodoxy: the Majelis Ulama Indonesia in the Post-new Order Banten

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    The Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) has played an important role in guarding the Sunni orthodoxy in contemporary Indonesia. As it has chapters in almost parts of Indonesia in the provincial, district and municipality level, this role has been also translated into the local context. The strength of the MUI stems from “semi-officiality” and “semi-representative” nature of the organisation. This article is aimed to analyse this role in the post-New Order period, after the establishment of the Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) of Banten province in 2001, especially in dealing with deviant beliefs or sects and shirk (polytheist) and bid‘ah (religious innovation) practices. It is to show that orthodoxy and heterodoxy is not purely religious, but also political, as this is related to the problem of authority and power


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    Limbah B3 (Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun) sangat berdampak menjadi berbagai macam pencemaran lingkungan yang merupakan ancaman bagi manusia, telah terjadi selama ini karena faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi dimana semakin meningkatnya perkembangan dunia industri yang masuk kedalam Indonesia khususnya dalam hal kegiatan alat berat dan industri lainnya. Pemanfaatan kembali limbah pelumas oli sebagai bahan baku gemuk lumas (grease) merupakan salah satu cara untuk mengurangi pencemaran limbah pelumas oli di lingkungan sekitar dan mempunyai nilai ekonomis guna dan manfaat bagi penghasil limbah itu sendiri. Limbah adalah salah satu unsur yang sudah tak terpakai atau yang berasal dari hasil pembuangan. Biasanya, limbah ini ditemukan dari hasil industri yang akhir, seperti hasil pembuangan. Akan tetapi, zat ini tak bisa dibiarkan begitu saja, karena terdapat unsur tertentu yang berbahaya bagi lingkungan sekitar. Untuk itu, diperlukan proses pengelolaan, termasuk pada pengendalian limbah dengan Bahan Beracun dan Berbahaya (B3). Grease atau gemuk lumas adalah padatan atau semi padatan campuran pelumas dengan bahan pengental yang berfungsi mengurangi gesekan dan keausan antara dua bidang atau permukaan yang saling bersinggungan atau bergesekan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah dengan menganalisa dan melakukan eksperimen terhadap pembuatan pemanfaatan oli pelumas bekas menjadi pelumas gemuk atau grease, serta menguji kelayakan grease yang telah dieksperimen. Penelitian yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik dari hasil pencampuran antara limbah pelumas dengan zat aditif yang berupa NaOH dan CaCO3, menggunakan parameter pengujian Dropping Point ASTM D 566, Penetration at 25°C Worked ASTM D 217-17.Kata kunci: Limbah B3, Pelumas, GemukANALYSIS OF UTILIZATION TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS WASTE LUBRICANT OIL AS A SOLID ALTERNATIVE LUBRICANT (GREASE)B3 Waste (Hazardous and Toxic Materials) has an impact on various pollutions which are a threat to humans, this has occurred so far because of the influencing factors which increase the development of the industrial world that enters Indonesia, especially in terms of heavy equipment and other industries. The reuse of waste lubricants as raw material for lubricating grease is one way to reduce waste oil pollution in the surrounding environment and has economic value and benefits for the waste generator itself. Waste is one of the elements that have been used or that comes from disposal. Usually, this waste is found from final industrial products, such as disposal. However, this substance cannot be left alone, because there are certain elements that are harmful to the surrounding environment. For this reason, a management process is needed, including the control of waste with Toxic and Hazardous Materials (B3). Grease or lubricating grease is a solid or semi-solid mixture of lubricants and thickening agents that serves to reduce the effects and wear and tear between two planes or surfaces that touch or rub against each other. This type of research is to analyze and conduct experiments on the manufacture of used lubricating oil for grease or grease, as well as testing the feasibility of the experiments. The research conducted in this study aims to determine the characteristics of the results of mixing between lubricant waste and additives in the form of NaOH and CaCO3, using the Dropping Point ASTM D 566 test parameters, Penetration at 25°C Worked ASTM D 217-17.Keywords: B3 Waste, Oil, Greas

    Pengenalan Pose Tangan Menggunakan HuMoment

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    Computer vision yang didasarkan pada pengenalan bentuk memiliki banyak potensi dalam interaksi manusia dan komputer. Pose tangan dapat dijadikan simbol interaksi manusia dengan komputer seperti halnya pada penggunaan berbagai pose tangan pada bahasa isyarat. Berbagai pose tangan dapat digunakan untuk menggantikan fungsi mouse, untuk mengendalikan robot, dan sebagainya. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada pembangunan sistem pengenalan pose tangan menggunakan HuMoment. Proses pengenalan pose tangan dimulai dengan melakukan segmentasi citra masukan untuk menghasilkan citra ROI (Region of Interest) yaitu area telapak tangan. Selanjutnya dilakukan proses deteksi tepi. Kemudian dilakukan ekstraksi nilai HuMoment. Nilai HuMoment dikuantisasikan ke dalam bukukode yang dihasilkan dari proses pelatihan menggunakan K-Means. Proses kuantisasi dilakukan dengan menghitung nilai Euclidean Distance terkecil antara nilai HuMomment citra masukan dan bukukode. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, nilai akurasi sistem dalam mengenali pose tangan adalah 88.57%


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    The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the conditions of traditional markets based on the level of comfort, security and competition between traders. To know and analyze the process of distribution of goods and services at the level of traders in traditional markets and to find out and analyze the steps taken by the government related to the management of traditional markets. This research uses descriptive statistical analysis technique that is frequency analysis. The population of this research is traders or sellers in the traditional markets of Buko District, Banggai Kepulauan Regency, both retail and wholesale traders as much as 83 people. The sampling technique uses saturated or census sampling. The results showed that the condition of traditional markets in Buko sub-district according to the majority of traders were in a comfortable, safe condition with a healthy level of competition. The process of distribution of goods from traders to consumers is felt quite good based on the acquisition of a mean value of 3.50. The Banggai Kepulauan Regency Government through Law No. 3 of 2008 concerning protection, empowerment of traditional markets and structuring of modern markets is trying to make improvements. This is based on the acquisition of the mean value of 3.42

    Pengaruh Peluang Investasi Terhadap Return on Equity Pada Perusahaan Non Finansial Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh return on equity dengan peluang investasi.Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 98 Perusahaan non finansial yang terdaftar diBursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) periode 2009 hingga 2013. Varibel dependen dalam penelitian iniadalah return on equity sedangkan variabel independennya adalah peluang investasi yang diukurdengan ratio book value of fixed asset to market value of fixed asset, ratio market value of commonstocktobook value of common stock, ratio of earning per share to price per share. Penelitianmenggunakan metode analisis regresi linier. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tidak terdapatpengaruh antara ratio book valueoffixed asset to market value of fixed asset terhadap return onequity, terdapat pengaruh antara ratio market value of common stock to book value of commonstock terhadap return on equity dan terdapat pengaruh antara earning per share to price per shareterhadap return on equity


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    Abstract:Aspects of human resources is still in the spotlight for the company to remain able to survive or even thrive. One form a human resource development is training. In addition, extraversion and conscientiousness shaping patterns of behavior and how they use it in their work. This study aimed to analyze the effect of training, extraversion, and conscientiousness on employee performance precision mechanical parts on PT X Surabaya. With a population of 53 mechanics at 5 Branchs of PT X. There are 53 employees in the sample. While the statistical analysis method used is the method of multiple linear regression analysis. The results is that training had no significant effect on the performance, extraversion no significant effect on the performance, and conscientiousness significantly influence employee performance. Simultaneously, training, extraversion, and conscientiousness significant effect on the performance of employees. Keyword: training, extraversion, conscientiousness and employee performance.&nbsp

    Prayer in the Surinam-Javanese Diasporic Experience

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    The Surinam-Javanese community in the Netherlands is divided over the question of the prayer direction; some perform their prayers facing the East, but most turn to the West. The majority are kejawen, following the syncretic practices and beliefs of Java. In this community the keblat (qibla) expresses a unique diasporic experience and identity


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan lingkungan terhadap pembentukan sikap peduli lingkungan pada siswa SMA kelas XI di Kabupaten Karanganyar. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian deskriptif, sedangkan data yang diperlukan dalam penelitian ini berupa data kuantitatif yaitu data yang berupa angkaangka. Daerah penelitian ini mengambil tempat di Kabupaten Karanganyar. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri dan Swasta di Kabupaten Karanganyar tahun ajaran 2010/2011 yang terdiri atas Sembilan SMA Negeri dan Empat SMA Swasta. Sampel dalam penelitian ini dipilih dengan teknik stratified random sampling berdasarkan nilai angka akreditasi sekolah, sehingga diperoleh empat sampel sekolah Negeri dan dua sampel sekolah Swasta. Dari enam SMA tersebut diambil satu kelas secara acak, dan pada kelas-kelas tersebut terdapat tiga puluh siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes objektif untuk pengetahuan lingkungan dan sekala sikap untuk sikap peduli lingkungan siswa. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis statistik dengan teknik korelasi product moment. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan lingkungan dengan sikap peduli lingkungan. Penghitungan analisis korelasi produk moment menunjukkan rhitung sebesar 0,245 dan rtabel sebesar 0,146. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa rhitung lebih besar dari pada rtabel sehingga hipotesis nol ditolak dan hipotesis alternatif diterima. Kata kunci: Pengetahuan Lingkungan, Sikap Peduli Lingkungan, Siswa SM