7 research outputs found


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    Latar Belakang: Angka kematian ibu di Indonesia pada tahun 2020 menunjukkan 4.627. Jumlah ini menunjukkan peningkatan dibandingkan tahun 2019 sebesar 4.221. Persalinan lama adalah persalinan yang berjalan lebih dari 24 jam untuk primipara, dan lebih dari 18 jam untuk multipara. Tujuan dari penelitian ini Untuk mengetahui “Gamabaran Persalinan di PMB Eka Setyowati, S.Tr. Keb. Tembalang Kota Semarang Jawa Tengah” Metode Penelitian: kuantitatif deskritif kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu bersalin, dengan responden sebanyak 60 orang, Data yang digunakan data sekunder dilihat dari buku register bersalin di PMB Eka Setyowati teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan total sampling Hasil: Berdasarkan hasil penelitian di dapatkan dari 60 ibu bersalin mayoritas berusia 35 terdapat 5 (8,3%), berdasarkan paritas mayoritas responden primipara ada 36 (60,0%) dan untuk multipara terdapat 24 (40,0%) orang. Berdasarkan usia kehamilan terdapat ibu atrem 56 (93,3%) untuk pretrm ada 4 (6,7%), lama persalinan normal ada 52 (86,7%) persalinan lambat ada 8 (13,3%), sedangkan untuk berat bayi 2500-4000 ada 60 (100,0%). Simpulan: Dari hasil peneltian yang sudah dilakukan terdapat beberapa resiko yang dapat terjadi pada ibu bersalin usia, paritas, usia kehamilan, lama persalinan dan berat badan bayi

    Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat untuk Meningkatkan Indeks Pembangunan Manusia dalam Kegiatan Kuliah Kerja Nyata

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    Leyangan Village is a village located in the East Ungaran District. Administratively, Leyangan Village is divided into 4 hamlets. Then it is further divided into 14 neighborhood units (RW) and 72 neighborhood units (RT). Leyangan Village is a village that has a hilly area with an area of 203.14 Ha. A large population can be the basic capital of development and at the same time can be a burden for development. In order to be the basis for development, a large population must be accompanied by a high quality of human resources. Population management is very important so that the potential that is owned can be a driving force in development. In the post-COVID-19 pandemic, many problems are faced by the community in Leyangan village. Among the problems that occur are how the community restores the economy and community activities, especially problems in the health sector, due to the lack of information and education about COVID-19 so that people are less disciplined in carrying out government directives to carry out activities with the 5M health protocol. The number of fake news or HOAX also makes people reluctant to vaccinate in health services.ABSTRAKDesa Leyangan merupakan desa yang terletak di wilayah Kecamatan Ungaran Timur. Secara administrasi ,Desa Leyangan terbagi menjad i4 Dusun. Kemudian terbagi lagi menjadi 14 rukun warga (RW) dan 72 rukun tetangga (RT). Desa Leyangan merupakan desa yang memiliki wilayah yang berbukit-bukit dengan dengan luas 203,14 Ha. Jumlah penduduk yang besar bisa menjadi modal dasar pembangunan sekaligus bisa sekaligus bisa menjadi beban pembangunan. Agar dapat menjadi dasar pembangunan maka jumlah penduduk yang besar harus di sertai kualitas SDM yang tinggi. Penanganan kependudukkan sangat penting sehingga potensi yang dimiliki mampu menjadi pendorong dalam pembangunan. Pada masa pasca pandemi COVID-19 ini, banyak permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat di desa Leyangan. Diantaranya masalah yang terjadi bagaimana masyarakat memulihkan ekonomi dan kegiatan masyarakat terlebih permasalahan dibidang kesehatan, karena kurangnya informasi dan edukasi tentang COVID-19 sehingga membuat masyarakat kurang disiplin dalam melakukan arahan pemerintah untuk beraktifitas dengan protokol kesehatan 5M. Banyaknya berita bohong atau HOAX juga membuat masyarakat enggan untuk melakukan vaksinasi di layanan kesehatan

    Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat untuk Meningkatkan Indeks Pembangunan Manusia dalam Kegiatan Kuliah Kerja Nyata

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    Leyangan Village is a village located in the East Ungaran District. Administratively, Leyangan Village is divided into 4 hamlets. Then it is further divided into 14 neighborhood units (RW) and 72 neighborhood units (RT). Leyangan Village is a village that has a hilly area with an area of 203.14 Ha. A large population can be the basic capital of development and at the same time can be a burden for development. In order to be the basis for development, a large population must be accompanied by a high quality of human resources. Population management is very important so that the potential that is owned can be a driving force in development. In the post-COVID-19 pandemic, many problems are faced by the community in Leyangan village. Among the problems that occur are how the community restores the economy and community activities, especially problems in the health sector, due to the lack of information and education about COVID-19 so that people are less disciplined in carrying out government directives to carry out activities with the 5M health protocol. The number of fake news or HOAX also makes people reluctant to vaccinate in health services.ABSTRAKDesa Leyangan merupakan desa yang terletak di wilayah Kecamatan Ungaran Timur. Secara administrasi ,Desa Leyangan terbagi menjad i4 Dusun. Kemudian terbagi lagi menjadi 14 rukun warga (RW) dan 72 rukun tetangga (RT). Desa Leyangan merupakan desa yang memiliki wilayah yang berbukit-bukit dengan dengan luas 203,14 Ha. Jumlah penduduk yang besar bisa menjadi modal dasar pembangunan sekaligus bisa sekaligus bisa menjadi beban pembangunan. Agar dapat menjadi dasar pembangunan maka jumlah penduduk yang besar harus di sertai kualitas SDM yang tinggi. Penanganan kependudukkan sangat penting sehingga potensi yang dimiliki mampu menjadi pendorong dalam pembangunan. Pada masa pasca pandemi COVID-19 ini, banyak permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat di desa Leyangan. Diantaranya masalah yang terjadi bagaimana masyarakat memulihkan ekonomi dan kegiatan masyarakat terlebih permasalahan dibidang kesehatan, karena kurangnya informasi dan edukasi tentang COVID-19 sehingga membuat masyarakat kurang disiplin dalam melakukan arahan pemerintah untuk beraktifitas dengan protokol kesehatan 5M. Banyaknya berita bohong atau HOAX juga membuat masyarakat enggan untuk melakukan vaksinasi di layanan kesehatan

    ORIGINAL RESEARCH Utility of RNA Sequencing for Analysis

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    Transcriptome sequencing is a powerful method for studying global expression patterns in large, complex genomes. Evaluation of sequence-based expression profi les during reproductive development would provide functional annotation to genes underlying agronomic traits. We generated transcriptome profi les for 12 diverse maize (Zea mays L.) reproductive tissues representing male, female, developing seed, and leaf tissues using high throughput transcriptome sequencing. Overall, ~80 % of annotated genes were expressed. Comparative analysis between sequence and hybridization-based methods demonstrated the utility of ribonucleic acid sequencing (RNA-seq) for expression determination and differentiation of paralagous genes (~85 % of maize genes). Analysis of 4975 gene families across reproductive tissues revealed expression divergence is proportional to family size. In all pairwise comparisons between tissues, 7 (pre- vs. postemergence cobs) to 48 % (pollen vs. ovule) of genes were differentially expressed. Genes with expression restricted to a single tissue within this study were identifi ed with the highest numbers observed in leaves, endosperm, and pollen. Coexpression network analysis identifi ed 17 gene modules with complex and shared expression patterns containing many previously described maize genes. The data and analyses in this study provide valuable tools through improved gene annotation, gene family characterization, and a core set of candidate genes to further characterize maize reproductive development and improve grain yield potential

    DOI 10.1007/s10969-005-2651-9 Structural genomics of minimal organisms and protein fold space

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    space, structural genomics The initial aim of the Berkeley Structural Genomics Center is to obtain a near-complete structural complement of two minimal organisms, closely related pathogens Mycoplasma genitalium and M. pneumoniae. The former has fewer than 500 genes and the latter fewer than 700 genes. To achieve this goal, the current protein targets have been selected starting with those predicted to be most tractable and likely to yield new structural and functional information. During the past 3 years, the semi-automated structural genomics pipeline has been set up from cloning, expression, purification, and ultimately to structural determination. The results from the pipeline substantially increased the coverage of the protein fold space of M. pneumoniae and M. genitalium. Furthermore, about 1/2 of the structures of ‘unique ’ protein sequences revealed new and novel folds, and over 2/3 of the structures of previously annotated ‘hypothetical proteins ’ inferred their molecular functions. The goal of obtaining protein structures on a genomic scale has motivated the development of high throughput technologies and protocols for macromolecular structure determination, an