20 research outputs found

    Interactions moléculaires entre microorganismes au sein de biofilms en milieu marin : mise en évidence de biomolécules antibiofilm

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    In the marine environment, solid surface colonization by microorganisms is progressive and follows a taxonomic and/or functional logic. Biofilms formed are multi-cellular systems surrounded by a matrix of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). The objective of this work was to understand how microbial actors (bacteria and diatoms) interact in two types of marine biofilms (benthic biofilm and biofilm on metallic structures of a harbor). In this study, bacterial models isolated from these biofilms have been identified and characterized. In a first part, their ability to form stable biofilms was evaluated under various conditions. Four strains were selected: Flavobacterium sp. II2003, Roseobacter sp. IV3009, Roseovarius sp. VA014 and Shewanella sp. IV3014. In a second part, the effects of secretomes of the marine bacteria from the same habitat were evaluated on these models. Two strains are distinguished by their ability to produce molecules negatively influencing biofilm formation: Pseudoalteromonas sp. IIIA004 produces a 2224 Da peptide with an antibiofilm activity toward Roseovarius sp. VA014 and Pseudomonas sp. IV2006 inhibits the biofilm formation of Flavobacterium sp . II2003. In both cases, the antibiofilms are active against a broad spectrum of bacteria suggesting several potential applications in marine and medical fields. In the last part, the effects of secretomes of the Navicula phyllepta diatom were evaluated on benthic bacteria models. This diatom was distinguished by its ability to secrete polysaccharides stimulating or inhibiting biofilm formation by target strains.En environnement marin, la colonisation des surfaces solides par les microorganismes est progressive et suit une logique taxonomique et/ou fonctionnelle des espĂšces. Les biofilms ainsi formĂ©s reprĂ©sentent des systĂšmes multi-cellulaires entourĂ©s d’une matrice de substances polymĂ©riques extracellulaires (SPE). L’objectif de ce travail Ă©tait de comprendre comment des acteurs microbiens (bactĂ©ries et diatomĂ©es) interagissent dans deux types de biofilms marins (biofilm benthique et biofilm sur structures mĂ©talliques portuaires). Dans cette Ă©tude, des modĂšles bactĂ©riens isolĂ©s de ces biofilms ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s et caractĂ©risĂ©s. Dans un premier volet, leur capacitĂ© Ă  former des biofilms stables a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e dans diffĂ©rentes conditions. Quatre souches ont Ă©tĂ© ainsi sĂ©lectionnĂ©es : Flavobacterium sp. II2003, Roseobacter sp. IV3009, Roseovarius sp. VA014 et Shewanella sp. IV3014. Dans un deuxiĂšme volet, les effets des sĂ©crĂ©tomes des bactĂ©ries marines issues du mĂȘme habitat ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©s sur ces modĂšles. Deux souches se distinguent par leur capacitĂ© Ă  produire des molĂ©cules influençant nĂ©gativement la formation de biofilms : Pseudoalteromonas sp. IIIA004 produit un peptide de 2224 Da prĂ©sentant une activitĂ© antibiofilm vis-Ă -vis de Roseovarius sp. VA014 et Pseudomonas sp. IV2006 inhibe la formation de biofilm de Flavobacterium sp. II2003. Dans les deux cas, les antibiofilms sont actifs contre un large spectre de bactĂ©ries suggĂ©rant ainsi plusieurs applications potentielles dans les domaines marin et mĂ©dical. Dans le dernier volet, les effets des sĂ©crĂ©tomes de la diatomĂ©e Navicula phyllepta ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©s sur les modĂšles de bactĂ©ries benthiques. Cette diatomĂ©e s’est distinguĂ©e par sa capacitĂ© Ă  sĂ©crĂ©ter des polysaccharides inhibant ou stimulant la formation de biofilms selon les souches cibles

    Molecular interactions between microorganisms within marine biofilms : identification of new antibiofilm molecules

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    En environnement marin, la colonisation des surfaces solides par les microorganismes est progressive et suit une logique taxonomique et/ou fonctionnelle des espĂšces. Les biofilms ainsi formĂ©s reprĂ©sentent des systĂšmes multi-cellulaires entourĂ©s d’une matrice de substances polymĂ©riques extracellulaires (SPE). L’objectif de ce travail Ă©tait de comprendre comment des acteurs microbiens (bactĂ©ries et diatomĂ©es) interagissent dans deux types de biofilms marins (biofilm benthique et biofilm sur structures mĂ©talliques portuaires). Dans cette Ă©tude, des modĂšles bactĂ©riens isolĂ©s de ces biofilms ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s et caractĂ©risĂ©s. Dans un premier volet, leur capacitĂ© Ă  former des biofilms stables a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e dans diffĂ©rentes conditions. Quatre souches ont Ă©tĂ© ainsi sĂ©lectionnĂ©es : Flavobacterium sp. II2003, Roseobacter sp. IV3009, Roseovarius sp. VA014 et Shewanella sp. IV3014. Dans un deuxiĂšme volet, les effets des sĂ©crĂ©tomes des bactĂ©ries marines issues du mĂȘme habitat ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©s sur ces modĂšles. Deux souches se distinguent par leur capacitĂ© Ă  produire des molĂ©cules influençant nĂ©gativement la formation de biofilms : Pseudoalteromonas sp. IIIA004 produit un peptide de 2224 Da prĂ©sentant une activitĂ© antibiofilm vis-Ă -vis de Roseovarius sp. VA014 et Pseudomonas sp. IV2006 inhibe la formation de biofilm de Flavobacterium sp. II2003. Dans les deux cas, les antibiofilms sont actifs contre un large spectre de bactĂ©ries suggĂ©rant ainsi plusieurs applications potentielles dans les domaines marin et mĂ©dical. Dans le dernier volet, les effets des sĂ©crĂ©tomes de la diatomĂ©e Navicula phyllepta ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©s sur les modĂšles de bactĂ©ries benthiques. Cette diatomĂ©e s’est distinguĂ©e par sa capacitĂ© Ă  sĂ©crĂ©ter des polysaccharides inhibant ou stimulant la formation de biofilms selon les souches cibles.In the marine environment, solid surface colonization by microorganisms is progressive and follows a taxonomic and/or functional logic. Biofilms formed are multi-cellular systems surrounded by a matrix of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). The objective of this work was to understand how microbial actors (bacteria and diatoms) interact in two types of marine biofilms (benthic biofilm and biofilm on metallic structures of a harbor). In this study, bacterial models isolated from these biofilms have been identified and characterized. In a first part, their ability to form stable biofilms was evaluated under various conditions. Four strains were selected: Flavobacterium sp. II2003, Roseobacter sp. IV3009, Roseovarius sp. VA014 and Shewanella sp. IV3014. In a second part, the effects of secretomes of the marine bacteria from the same habitat were evaluated on these models. Two strains are distinguished by their ability to produce molecules negatively influencing biofilm formation: Pseudoalteromonas sp. IIIA004 produces a 2224 Da peptide with an antibiofilm activity toward Roseovarius sp. VA014 and Pseudomonas sp. IV2006 inhibits the biofilm formation of Flavobacterium sp . II2003. In both cases, the antibiofilms are active against a broad spectrum of bacteria suggesting several potential applications in marine and medical fields. In the last part, the effects of secretomes of the Navicula phyllepta diatom were evaluated on benthic bacteria models. This diatom was distinguished by its ability to secrete polysaccharides stimulating or inhibiting biofilm formation by target strains

    Étude des biofilms bactĂ©riens isolĂ©s Ă  partir du systĂšme de distribution d’eau potable dans la rĂ©gion sud-est de l’AlgĂ©rie

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    Cette Ă©tude vise Ă  dĂ©terminer l'influence des caractĂ©ristiques des sources des forages et des matĂ©riaux utilisĂ©s dans les systĂšmes de distribution d’eau potable sur le dĂ©veloppement de biofilms dans les conduites de la rĂ©gion d’Ouargla (AlgĂ©rie). Nos Ă©chantillons ont Ă©tĂ© sĂ©lectionnĂ©s en fonction de la nappe, du matĂ©riau et de l’ñge des conduites alimentant la rĂ©gion. Pour la rĂ©alisation de nos expĂ©riences, nous avons prĂ©levĂ© mĂ©caniquement 27 Ă©chantillons de biofilms dans plusieurs conduites de distribution fabriquĂ©es Ă  base de diffĂ©rents types de matĂ©riaux : cuivre, polychlorure de vinyle (PVC) et polyĂ©thylĂšne haute densitĂ© (PEHD), et Ă  partir de diffĂ©rentes nappes (albienne, sĂ©nonienne et miopliocĂšne). Plusieurs souches bactĂ©riennes ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©es grĂące Ă  l’utilisation de la technologie de spectromĂ©trie de masse Ă  dĂ©sorption-ionisation laser assistĂ©e par matrice avec analyseur de temps de vol (MALDI-TOF). Les rĂ©sultats obtenus dĂ©montrent que les conduites en cuivre semblent ĂȘtre dĂ©favorables Ă  la colonisation bactĂ©rienne tandis qu’une grande variĂ©tĂ© d’espĂšces bactĂ©riennes a Ă©tĂ© retrouvĂ©e sur les matĂ©riaux en PVC et en PEHD. La capacitĂ© des souches isolĂ©es Ă  former des biofilms a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e in vitro. La majoritĂ© des souches isolĂ©es, cultivĂ©es en biofilm simple et mixte, ont montrĂ© une forte capacitĂ© Ă  former des biofilms.This study attempted to determine the influence of the characteristics of drilling sources and materials used in drinking water distribution systems on the development of biofilms in pipe networks in southeastern of Algeria (Ouargla). Our samples were selected according to the aquifer, pipe material and age in this region. To carry out our experiments, we mechanically took 27 biofilm samples from several distribution pipes based on different types of materials: copper, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and high-density polyethylene (HDPE), and from different aquifers (Albian, Senonian and Miopliocene). Several bacterial strains have been identified using the Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF) technology. The results obtained demonstrate that copper pipes appear to be unfavorable to bacterial colonization while a wide variety of bacterial species has been found on PVC and HDPE materials. The capacity of the isolated strains to form biofilms has also been studied in vitro. The majority of the isolated strains, cultivated in simple and mixed biofilm, showed a strong capacity to form biofilms

    Cell-bound exopolysaccharides from an axenic culture of the intertidal mudflat Navicula phyllepta diatom affect biofilm formation by benthic bacteria

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    International audienceAt low tide, intertidal mudflat biofilms cover large surfaces and are mainly responsible for the high productivity of these marine areas. In the European Atlantic coast, such biofilms are mainly composed of diatoms, especially Navicula phyllepta, bacteria, and microbial extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). To better understand interactions occurring between microorganisms, we first axenized a N. phyllepta culture with a new and simple protocol. Colloidal and bound EPS secreted by diatom cells during the exponential growth and the stationary phase were then harvested, and we tested their effects on the in vitro formation of biofilms by three marine bacteria. The latter had been isolated from a French Atlantic intertidal mudflat and were previously selected for their strong in vitro biofilm-forming ability. They belong to the Flavobacterium, Roseobacter, and Shewanella genera. Navicula phyllepta-bound EPS synthesized during the stationary phase specifically inhibited the biofilm formation by the Flavobacterium sp. strain, whereas they stimulated biofilm development by the two other strains. The EPS acted in all cases during the first stages of the biofilm establishment. Saccharidic molecules were found to be responsible for these activities. This is the first report on marine bacterial antibiofilm saccharides of microalgal origin. This work points out the complexity of the benthic natural biofilms with specific microalgae/bacteria interactions and underlines the possibility to use axenic diatoms as a source of bioactive compounds

    Marine bacteria from the French Atlantic coast displaying high forming-biofilm abilities and different biofilm 3D architectures

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    International audienceFew studies have reported the species composition of bacterial communities in marine biofilms formed on natural or on man-made existing structures. In particular, the roles and surface specificities of primary colonizers are largely unknown for most surface types. The aim of this study was to obtain potentially pioneering bacterial strains with high forming-biofilm abilities from two kinds of marine biofilms, collected from two different surfaces of the French Atlantic coast: an intertidal mudflat which plays a central role in aquaculture and a carbon steel structure of a harbour, where biofilms may cause important damages