37 research outputs found

    Isolation of Soil Thiobacterii and Determination of Their Bio-Oxidation Activity

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    36 strains of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria were isolated in Southern Kazakhstan soda-saline soils and identified. Screening of strains according bio-oxidation (destruction thiosulfate to sulfate) and enzymatic (Thiosulfate dehydrogenises and thiosulfate reductase) activity was conducted. There were selected modes of aeration and culture conditions (pH, temperature), which provide optimum harvest cells. These strains can be used in bio-melioration technology

    Isolation of Soil Thiobacterii and Determination of Their Bio-Oxidation Activity

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    36 strains of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria were isolated in Southern Kazakhstan soda-saline soils and identified. Screening of strains according bio-oxidation (destruction thiosulfate to sulfate) and enzymatic (Thiosulfate dehydrogenises and thiosulfate reductase) activity was conducted. There were selected modes of aeration and culture conditions (pH, temperature), which provide optimum harvest cells. These strains can be used in bio-melioration technology

    Isolation of Soil Thiobacterii and Determination of Their Bio-Oxidation Activity

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    36 strains of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria were isolated in Southern Kazakhstan soda-saline soils and identified. Screening of strains according bio-oxidation (destruction thiosulfate to sulfate) and enzymatic (Thiosulfate dehydrogenises and thiosulfate reductase) activity was conducted. There were selected modes of aeration and culture conditions (pH, temperature), which provide optimum harvest cells. These strains can be used in bio-melioration technology

    Modern Trends in Mediatisation of Culture in a Digital Society

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    The establishment of a new dominant technological order is caused by the growth dynamics of the digital media space – an important component of the global media space, the development of which is a natural stage in the era of electronic communications. The media space is a sophisticated self-organising system and is a part, a subsystem of the information and communication universe as a set of all systems, one way or another related to communication processes. The novelty of the study is determined by the postulate that the media space constitutes a component of the global space of social life of people, generates and organises the production and consumption of information in various forms of social communication; this is a special reality. The authors show that its development is facilitated by the growth of the variety of communication technologies that accompanied the historical and cultural development of society. The paper shows that the media space is described by several components that determine social life: the technosphere built on information and communication technology; an infosphere based on information network highways; socio-infosphere, which includes information flows and organised structures that control the processes of their creation and consumption and affect the state of social intelligence. The practical significance of the study is that the media space is not only a retransmitter of information, but also its producer, in connection with which it acts as a complex, global system that contains all socio-cultural components capable of developing information prerequisites and requests and catering to the information needs by all possible communication means

    Synthesis and Myelostimulatory Activity of 1-(2-Ethoxyethyl) Piperidine Derivatives

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    AbstractThis study concerns the synthesis of 1-(2-ethoxyethyl)-4-oktynyl-4-hydroxypiperidine derivatives. The condensation of 1-(2-ethoxyethyl)-4-oxopiperidine with 1-oktyne by modified Favorskii reaction gave 1-(2-ethoxyethyl)-4-oktynyl-4-hydroxypiperidine. The structure of 4-alkynylpiperid-4-ol is in a good agreement with the results of elemental analysis and IR and 13C NMR spectral data. Acylation of hydroxyl group of obtained alcohol led to corresponding esters. To carry out the preliminary pharmacological study and to obtain the solid forms of new potentially biologically active piperidine derivatives their β-cyclodextrin complexes with β-cyclodextrin have been synthesized. The pharmacological activities of new compounds were predicted by PASS computer program. It has been found that 1-(2-ethoxyethyl)-4-oktynyl-4-acyloxypiperidines can exhibit anesthetic, anesthetic local, spasmolytic and immunosuppressory effects. The preliminary study of 1-(2-ethoxyethyl)-4-(oktyn-1-yl)-4-propionyloxypiperidine (BIV-71) and 1-(2-ethoxyethyl)-4-(oktyn-1-yl)-4-benzoyloxypiperidine (BIV-81) activities were carried out. It was shown that esters complexes possess a higher myelostimulatory activities compared with levamisole as standard. The acute toxicity of the β-cyclodextrin complexes is smaller than levamisole ones

    Исследование структуры основного капитала в полиграфической промышленности

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    XXI век — век инновационных технологий. Полиграфия, как и другие отрасли промышленности, подверглась существенным изменениям в части производственного оборудования, периодически появляются образцы новой техники и технологии. Основная задача полиграфических предприятий сводится сейчас к оперативному реагированию на современные новшества в области прогрессивного полиграфического оборудования, а также экономически эффективное использование уже действующего оборудования. Проблемы использования основного капитала и производственных мощностей в полиграфии были предметом специальных исследований Машталера P. M., Миклашевского И. П., Шпеера Е. В. и др. [1–3]. Однако эти работы были выполнены в 70–80‑е годы прошлого столетия. В условиях рыночной экономики вопросы формирования и использования основного капитала в достаточной степени проработаны не были, поэтому вопросы теории и методологии оценки основного капитала в современных условиях остаются актуальной проблемой.XXI century is the era of innovate technology. Printing, like the other industries, has undergone significant changes in the terms of production equipment, periodically there are examples of new techniques and technologies. Nowadays, the main task of printing enterprises are reduced to a rapid response to modern innovations in the fi eld of progressive printing equipment, as well as the eff ective use of already existing equipments. Problems of capital resources and production capacity in the printing industry have been studied by Mashtaler P. M., Miklashevsky I. P., Speer E. V. etc. [1–3], however, these works were carried out in 70–80 years of the last century. In a market economy questions about formation and use of fi xed capital haven’t been stydied suffi ciently, so the theory and methodology of capital evaluation in modern conditions remain an actual problem

    Технологические факторы, влияющие на качество тиснения полиграфической фольгой

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    В статье рассмотрены основные технологические факторы, влияющие на качество тиснения полиграфической фольгой, и приведены сведения об оптимальных режимах (давление, температура штампа и т. д.) тиснения фольгой на переплетные материалы, о влиянии различных параметров на качество тиснения. Тиснение фольгой, благодаря своим широким изобразительным возможностям, является самым распространенным видом тиснения и всегда осуществляется при помощи горячего клише. Фольга от температуры оплавляется и оставляет на поверхности металлический оттиск. Сегодняшний ассортимент полиграфической фольги позволяет реализовать самые смелые решения, что актуально в использовании разнообразной полиграфической продукции не только в брошюровочно-переплетных процессах, а также в сфере дизайна, включая изделия от упаковок до открыток.This article describes the main technological factors affecting on the quality of the printing foil stamping and provides information on optimal conditions (pressure, temperature, stamps, etc.) of foil stamping on bookbinding materials and about influence of various parameters on the quality of stamping. Foil stamping, due to its wide visual capabilities, is the most common type of embossing and it always carried out with hot cliché using. Foil temperature melts and leaves on the surface of a metal stamp. Today’s range of printing foil allows to realize the most daring design decisions, that is actual in the use of various printed products not only in book-binding processes, and also in the field of design, including different products such as the packages and cards

    Omnibus modeling of listeria monocytogenes growth rates at low temperatures

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    Listeria monocytogenes is a pathogen of considerable public health importance with a high case fatality. L. monocytogenes can grow at refrigeration temperatures and is of particular concern for ready-to-eat foods that require refrigeration. There is substantial interest in conducting and modeling shelf-life studies on L. monocytogenes, especially relating to storage temperature. Growth model parameters are generally estimated from constant-temperature growth experiments. Traditionally, first-order and second-order modeling (or primary and secondary) of growth data has been done sequentially. However, omnibus modeling, using a mixed-effects nonlinear regression approach, can model a full dataset covering all experimental conditions in one step. This study compared omnibus modeling to conventional sequential first-order/second-order modeling of growth data for five strains of L. monocytogenes. The omnibus model coupled a Huang primary model for growth with secondary models for growth rate and lag phase duration. First-order modeling indicated there were small significant differences in growth rate depending on the strain at all temperatures. Omnibus modeling indicated smaller differences. Overall, there was broad agreement between the estimates of growth rate obtained by the first-order and omnibus modeling. Through an appropriate choice of fixed and random effects incorporated in the omnibus model, potential errors in a dataset from one environmental condition can be identified and explored.This research was part funded by the Irish Department of Agriculture, Food, and Marine Research Funding Program, Project Reference 17/F/244, “Understanding Listeria monocytogrenes growth in food”. U. Gonzales-Barron and V. Cadavez are grateful to the EU PRIMA program and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) for funding the ArtiSaneFood project (PRIMA/0001/2018) and to FCT for financial support through national funds FCT/MCTES to CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020). U. Gonzales-Barron acknowledges the national funding by FCT, P.I., through the Institutional Scientific Employment Program contract.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Lasia spinosa Chemical Composition and Therapeutic Potential: A Literature-Based Review

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    Lasia spinosa (L.) is used ethnobotanically for the treatment of various diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation of the lungs, bleeding cough, hemorrhoids, intestinal diseases, stomach pain, and uterine cancer. This review is aimed at summarizing phytochemistry and pharmacological data with their molecular mechanisms of action. A search was performed in databases such as PubMed, Science Direct, and Google Scholar using the keywords: "Lasia spinosa,"then combined with "ethnopharmacological use,""phytochemistry,"and "pharmacological activity."This updated review included studies with in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo experiments with compounds of known concentration and highlighted pharmacological mechanisms. The research results showed that L. spinosa contains many important nutritional and phytochemical components such as alkanes, aldehydes, alkaloids, carotenoids, flavonoids, fatty acids, ketones, lignans, phenolics, terpenoids, steroids, and volatile oil with excellent bioactivity. The importance of this review lies in the fact that scientific pharmacological evidence supports the fact that the plant has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, cytotoxic, antidiarrheal, antihelminthic, antidiabetic, antihyperlipidemic, and antinociceptive effects, while protecting the gastrointestinal system and reproductive. Regarding future toxicological and safety data, more research is needed, including studies on human subjects. In light of these data, L. spinosa can be considered a medicinal plant with effective bioactives for the adjuvant treatment of various diseases in humans.This work was supported by Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT) PIA/APOYO CCTE AFB170007. N.C.-M. acknowledges the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under the Horizon 2020 Program (PTDC/PSI-GER/28076/2017)

    Raman Study of Polycrystalline Si3N4 Irradiated with Swift Heavy Ions

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    A depth-resolved Raman spectroscopy technique was used to study the residual stress profiles in polycrystalline silicon nitride that was irradiated with Xe (167 MeV, 1 × 1011 cm−2 ÷ 4.87 × 1013 cm−2 ) and Bi (710 MeV, 1 × 1011 cm−2 ÷ 1 × 1013 cm−2 ) ions. It was shown that both the compressive and tensile stress fields were formed in the irradiated specimen, separated by a buffer zone that was located at a depth that coincided with the thickness of layer, amorphized due to multiple overlapping track regions. The compressive stresses were registered in a subsurface region, while at a greater depth, the tensile stresses were recorded and their levels reached the maximum value at the end of ion range. The size of the amorphous layer was evaluated from the dose dependence of the full width at half maximum (FWHM) (FWHM of the dominant 204 cm−1 line in the Raman spectra and scanning electron microscopy. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland