82 research outputs found


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    The author’s interest in researching on de-radicalization of religion in the literature of islamic boarding school education was driven by the fact that religion de-radicalization are now starting to touch many aspects of society. Religious radicalism is often associated with terrorism, such as suicide bombers under the pretext of jihad (martyrdom), violence in the name of amar ma'ruf-nahy munkar (commanding the good and forbidding the evil), even now starting to organize religious radicalism in the establishment of the state. Ironically, some of the perpetrators of terrorism are graduates of boarding schools. This is due to the fact that there are several texts in the literature of boarding school education that are vulnerable to radical behaviors, such as jihad, commanding the good, or fighting against non-Muslims. It makes boarding schools are negatively affected despite the fact that they are institutions of Islamic education in Indonesia who spread the teachings of Islam which is rahmatan lil Alamin (blessing for the universe), tolerant, and contextual. Therefore, this study wanted to know about de-radicalization of religion in the understanding of texts in the literature of boarding school education, particularly related to the meaning of jihad, commanding the good, and Islam as the blessing for the universe.This research uses library research, which is a pure literature research. This method is used for obtaining data on de-radicalization in the view of boarding schools using descriptive approach. This research is a study on religious teachings in relation to society, nature, character, and the influence of the thoughts and ideas in forming the character of a group.De-radicalization of religion in the literature of boarding schools includes several things. First, boarding schools should not teach jihad with war, but with education. Next, the applications of amar ma'ruf-nahy munkar must be done through certain stages, so that the direction fits the condition of the object of the missionary endeavor. Violence must not be used as long as it is still possible to use subtle ways since violence is only legalized when the situation is extremely urgent.Keywords: De-radicalisation of Religion, Text, Literature, Boarding Schoo


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    The author’s interest in researching on de-radicalization of religion in the literature of islamic boarding school education was driven by the fact that religion de-radicalization are now starting to touch many aspects of society. Religious radicalism is often associated with terrorism, such as suicide bombers under the pretext of jihad (martyrdom), violence in the name of amar ma'ruf-nahy munkar (commanding the good and forbidding the evil), even now starting to organize religious radicalism in the establishment of the state. Ironically, some of the perpetrators of terrorism are graduates of boarding schools. This is due to the fact that there are several texts in the literature of boarding school education that are vulnerable to radical behaviors, such as jihad, commanding the good, or fighting against non-Muslims. It makes boarding schools are negatively affected despite the fact that they are institutions of Islamic education in Indonesia who spread the teachings of Islam which is rahmatan lil Alamin (blessing for the universe), tolerant, and contextual. Therefore, this study wanted to know about de-radicalization of religion in the understanding of texts in the literature of boarding school education, particularly related to the meaning of jihad, commanding the good, and Islam as the blessing for the universe.This research uses library research, which is a pure literature research. This method is used for obtaining data on de-radicalization in the view of boarding schools using descriptive approach. This research is a study on religious teachings in relation to society, nature, character, and the influence of the thoughts and ideas in forming the character of a group.De-radicalization of religion in the literature of boarding schools includes several things. First, boarding schools should not teach jihad with war, but with education. Next, the applications of amar ma'ruf-nahy munkar must be done through certain stages, so that the direction fits the condition of the object of the missionary endeavor. Violence must not be used as long as it is still possible to use subtle ways since violence is only legalized when the situation is extremely urgent.Keywords: De-radicalisation of Religion, Text, Literature, Boarding Schoo

    Pesantren dan Pendidikan Kebangsaan: Studi Tentang Buku Al-difâ‘ ‘Ani Al-wathân Min Ahammi Al-wâjibât ‘Ala Kulli Wâhidin Minnâ Karya Kiai Muhammad Said

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    Kelompok radikal kerap menyerang ormas Islam yang tidak sependapat dengan mereka, termasuk pesantren. Pemahaman kebangsaan pesantren dengan kaum radikal bertolak belakang. Kaum radikal anti nasionalisme, sedangkan pesantren sangat erat dengan nasionalisme. Dalam hal ini, Pesantren Lirboyo memiliki sebuah kitab yang berjudul al-Difâ‘ ‘ani al Wathân min Ahammi al-Wâjibât ‘ala Kulli Wâhidin Minnâ. Tulisan ini merupakan hasil penelitian tentang konsep, aplikasi, dan urgensi pendidikan kebangsaan pada kitab tersebut. Berdasarkan penelitian, konsep pendidikan kebangsaan adalah media dan sarana untuk menjaga persatuan dan kesatuan NKRI. Aplikasi pendidikan kebangsaan adalah menerapkan kaidah pendidikan kebangsaan, yaitu memperkokoh persatuan, memperkuat keamanan, menegakkan kemaslahatan, dan menanamkan rasa cinta tanah air

    Pendidikan Multikultural: Pengertian, Prinsip, Dan Relevansinya Dengan Tujuan Pendidikan Islam

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    Eksistensi Pesantren Salaf di Tengah Arus Pendidikan Modern

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    This research seeks to reveal the existence of traditional Muslim education institutions, the pesantren salaf. Pesantren salaf becomes a reference to the public. Thousands of the people follow the activities held by the pesantren salaf which is still exist though modern ones providing modern and advances technologies are growing rapidly. The focus of this research is on how the role of Kiai, various values, curriculum, and the devotion of pesantren salaf towards education..The method applied in this study is a qualitative research using a multi- site study design. The findings revealed that the three observed pesantrens are maintaining the existence of pesantren through four ways. They are (1) the role of Kiai; (2) the variety of values in boarding schools , such as religious values, the value of the Salaf, the values of obeying Kiai, the values of learning; and (3) curriculum / Kitab Kuning, like Alfiyah , imrithi , and Fath al-Muin; (4) community services, such as the role of alumni in the community, recitation activities, istighotsah, construction of mosques building mosque and the other public facilities.Keywords: existence , salaf islamic boarding school, modern education AbstrakPenelitian ini berupaya mengungkapkan keberadaan dunia pendidikan tradisional umat Islam, yaitu pesantren salaf. Pesantren salaf masih menjadi rujukan masyarakat, ribuan masyarakat banyak yang mengikuti kegiatan yang diadakan pesantren salaf, seperti pengajian dan istighosah. Di abad modern ini, pondok pesantren salaf masiheksis. Padahal dunia pendidikan modern semakin berkembang yang dibarengi dengan berbagai macam teknologi modern dan canggih. Adapun fokus penelitian ini adalah bagaimana peran kiai, ragam nilai, kurikulum, dan pengabdian pesantren salaf di tengah-tengah arus pendidikan modern. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian iniadalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan rancangan studi multi situs. Berdasarkan penelitian ditemukan bukti bahwa ketiga pesantren yang diteliti masih eksis. Eksistensi masing-masing pesantren memiliki andil yang cukup besar dalam mempertahankan eksistensi pesantren di tengah-tengah peradaban global. Ketahananpesantren salaf meliputi: (1). Peran kiai (2). Ragam nilai di pesantren, seperti nilai agama, nilai salaf, nilai patuh pada kiai, nilai belajar (3). Kurikulum/ kitab kuning, seperti kitab alfiyah, imrithi, dan fathul muin. (4). Pengabdian masyarakat, seperti peran alumni di masyarakat, kegiatan-kegiatan pengajian, istighotsah bersama masyarakat, bantuan pesantren untuk masyarakat dalam pembangunan masjid dan berbagai fasilitas umum


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    Corn is one of the important food crops besides rice. The variety of corn that is in great demand by the public is sweet corn (Zea mays saccharata Sturt). The main pest that often attacks sweet corn plants is Helicoverpa armigera Hubner. Pest control can be carried out using botanical insecticides of tuba roots (Derris elliptica benth.). This research aims to obtain a concentration of tuba root flour extract which was effective against Helicoverpa armigera Hubner. The research was conducted at the Plant Pest Laboratory and Organic Chemistry and Natural Material Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, Riau University. It was started from January to March 2020. This research used a completely randomized design (CRD) with five treatments and four replications so that 20 experimental units were obtained. The treatments given were various concentrations of tuba root flour extract, namely: 0%, 0.25%, 0.50%, 0.75% and 1%. The results showed that the difference in the concentration of tuba root flour extract had a significant effect on killing Helicoverpa armigera larvae. The concentration of 0.75% is effective in controlling Helicoverpa armigera larvae because it has been able to kill Helicoverpa armigera by 85% with the fastest initial death time at 3.75 hours, lethal time 50 at 17.00 hours after application.


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apa implikasi pemikiran dan gerakan radikalisme terhadap sosio religius di Indonesia. Adapun yang melatarbelakangi penelitian ini adalah makin berkembangnya pemikiran dan gerakan radikalisme yang banyah mempengaruhi sosio religius yang ada di Indonesia. Penulis mencoba untuk mengkaji dan mempelajari bagaimana dinamika pemikiran dan gerakan radikalisme yang ada di Indonesia yang kemudian akan dicarikan implikasinya terhadap sosio religius yang ada di Indonesia. Dan pada akhirnya penulis bisa mendapatkan implikasi dinamika pemikiran dan gerakan radikalisme terhadap sosio religius di Indonesia. Jenis metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah jenis metode penelitian kualitatif. jenis penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian yang memiliki maksud untuk bisa memahami suatu fenomena yang dialami oleh objek, dan dengan pendiskripsian dalam bentuk bahasa dan kata-kata. Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan metode studi pustaka. Adapun yang dimaksud dengan teknik ini adalah bahwa pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mempelajari dan memahami berbagai buku refrensi, jurnal-jurnal, laporan-laporan dan berbagai media lainnya yang berkaitan dengan penelitian ini. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deduktif. Analisis deduktif adalah analisis yang dilakukan pada hal-hal yang umum terlebih dahulu dan kemudian menuju kearah yang lebih khusus. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa dinamika pemikiran dan gerakan radikalisme terhadap sosio religius di Indonesia memiliki dua implikasi besar. Yang pertama adalah akan muncul berbagai macam tindakan terorisme yang mengatasnamakan Islam. Yang kedua adalah akan muncul Islamophobia yang akan sangat merugikan agama Islam


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    The rise of bullying that occurs among students in Indonesia shows that currently education in Indonesia is experiencing a problem of moral decadence. To prevent further deterioration of morals in students, it is necessary to instill moral education values in students in all educational institutions, including students taking boarding school programs. By using a qualitative method approach, this research aims to find out how to instill moral education values to prevent bullying behavior in dormitories and find out what the strategies are. The results of the research show that instilling moral education values to prevent bullying behavior is carried out through an integrated boarding program between providing theory and direct practice using five strategies, namely the exemplary method, the habituation method, the advice method, the attention and supervision method and the punishment method

    Peer Review Pemaknaan Jawa

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    Peer Review Jihad Online

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