129 research outputs found

    Implementasi Prinsip Good Governance Dalam Pelayanan E-Ktp Dan Kartu Keluarga Di Kecamatan Benda Kota Tangerang

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    The purpose of this research is to know the implementation of the principles of good governance in the service of E-KTP and Family Cards in Benda District, Tangerang City, Benda District in the E-KTP and Family Card services. To obtain data in this study, the method used is a qualitative research method. The data collection techniques are observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the Implementation of Good Governance Principles in E-KTP and Family Card Services in Benda District, Tangerang City has not gone well, there are still some things that are still not appropriate, such as the existence of services that prioritize people who have positions and kinship , as well as service employees who still serve with unfriendly looks. The results of this study found that the implementation of the principle of Good Governance in the E-KTP and Family Card services was not in accordance with the principles of Good Governance because there was still injustice in providing services by prioritizing one's position and when performing services if people who had families working there the service would be faster. , but behind that there are several principles of Good Governance that have been in accordance with such as Participation, Rule of Law, Transparency, Responsiveness, Consensus Oriented, Effectiveness and Efficient, Accountability, Strategic Vision


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    Beberapa studi tentang distribusi sumber daya negara di Provinsi Banten menunjukkan bahwa kerap terjadi politik distributif dalam distribusi hibah dan bansos dengan berbagai pola, terutama pola pork barrel, dimana distribusi hibah dan bansos dilakukan dengan pertimbangan politik balas budi pasca kontestasi politik. Penelitian ini hendak menindak lanjuti beberapa  temuan dalam studi sebelumnya tentang kecenderungan politik distributif dalam distribusi hibah dan bansos di Provinsi Banten. Penelitian ini ingin memfokuskan studi pada pola politik distributif dalam distribusi hibah Kesejahteraan Rakyat (Kesra) di Provinsi Banten pada tahun 2019. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dengan cara menganalisis data-data primer yang didapatkan, dan melakukan wawancara mendalam dengan narasumber yang dibutuhkan. Penelitian ini kemudian menemukan pola baru dalam distribusi hibah Kesejahteraan Rakyat Provinsi Banten tahun 2019, yang berbeda dengan pola yang ditemukan dalam beberapa penelitian sebelumnya.Kata Kunci : Politik Distributif, Kebijakan, Hibah Provins

    How Corporate Social Responsibility Enhance Banking Sector Customer Loyalty in Digital Environment? An Empirical Study

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    This study examines the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) perceptions and customer loyalty in the banking sector while considering the mediating effects of customer satisfaction, corporate image, corporate reputation, service quality between CSR activities and customer loyalty. A self-administered survey was conducted on the banking customers in Pakistan. Based on 221 customers' data, the analysis was performed using the structural equation modeling (SEM) approach. The study results show that CSR positively influences customer loyalty in the banking sector, customer satisfaction, corporate image, and service quality affect the customer-business relationship. Notably, a new finding from the study highlights the importance of the mediating role of corporate image and service quality in enhancing the effect of CSR on customer satisfaction. The research findings provide valuable insights to banks in developing counties on developing a CSR strategy to strengthen customer loyalty.JEL Classification: M19, L21, M10, D2

    Copper(ii)ion determination in water samples using magnetite-calcium alginate sorbent and flame atomic absorption spectrometry analysis

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    Conventional technique such as liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) is widely used in the analysis of Cu(II) ions from water samples. However, LLE is time consuming, tedious, and consume lots of high purity organic solvents. Solid phase extraction (SPE) is an interesting alternative to LLE but it is prone to channelling and is rather expensive. A greener technique such as magnetic solid phase extraction (MSPE) avoids the use of column cartridge and overcome channelling problem. MSPE using magnetite-calcium alginate (Fe3O4-CaAlg) as sorbent is proposed for the extraction of Cu(II) ion from tap and lake water samples and analysis performed using flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). Characterization of the synthesised sorbent was performed using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscope. The optimum conditions for Fe3O4-CaAlg MSPE of Cu(II) were achieved at a sample solution of pH 6 with 100 mL sample volume and the existence of interfering ions (Na+, K+, Mg2+, and Cl-) was found not to affect the extraction efficiency of the sorbent for Cu( II) ion significantly at the concentrations tested. Other MSPE parameters used were 10 min extraction time, 50 mg sorbent, 10 mL of 0.1 M HNO3 as desorption solvent and 5 min desorption time (sonication assisted). The calibration graph was linear from 20 - 600 ppb with good coefficient of determination (R2 = 0.9998). The LOD (3SD/slope) and LOQ (10SD/slope) of Cu(II) using Fe3O4-CaAlg MSPE with FAAS were in 6.75 and 22.5 ppb, respectively. The LOD achieved with the Fe3O4-CaAlg MSPE with FAAS is applicable to the determination of Cu(II) in real water samples (tap water and UTM lake water). Good relative recoveries and precision were achieved with this proposed method. The Fe3O4-CaAlg has great potential as an alternative sorbent for Cu(II) determination from water samples using the greener MSPE method


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    Beutong was one of the sub-districts in Nagan Raya Regency, with an area of ± 1.017 Km2. The shape of the earth's surface in the Beutong region supports freshwater fish cultivation. This activity aims to increase the understanding and skills of the target audience of cultivator partners in utilizing floating raft aquaponics technology and good fish farming methods. The method used in this activity was the method of counseling and technical guidance. The indicator of success in counseling and technical advice understands the material and practices presented by the presenters regarding floating raft aquaponics technology and good fish farming methods. This service activity was said to be successful if the target audience of cultivators obtains a questionnaire with a final average score of at least 85% of the post-test given. This activity was evaluated in the form of pre test and post test questionnaires about the material provided. The result of this service activity was an increase in additional income in the form of vegetables apart from fish farming. The turnover of the kale harvest was Rp. 75,000/harvest, and the turnover of the catfish was Rp. 4,050,000/harvest. The introduction of floating raft aquaponic technology and good fish farming methods has increased the understanding and skills of the target audience of UPR Mina Mandiri fish cultivating partners and the community around Beutong, Nagan Raya Regency.  ---   Beutong ialah salah satu kecamatan di Kabupaten Nagan Raya dengan luas daerah ± 1.017 Km2. Bentuk permukaan bumi wilayah Beutong mendukung untuk melakukan budidaya perikanan air tawar. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan keterampilan khalayak sasaran mitra pembudidaya dalam memanfaatkan teknologi akuaponik rakit apung dan cara budidaya ikan yang baik. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah metode penyuluhan dan bimbingan teknis. Indikator keberhasilan pada metode penyuluhan dan bimbingan teknis adalah memahami materi dan praktek yang disampaikan oleh pemateri mengenai teknologi akuaponik rakit apung dan cara budidaya ikan yang baik. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dikatakan berhasil jika khalayak sasaran mitra pembudidaya memperoleh nilai rata-rata akhir minimal 85% dari kuesioner post test yang diberikan. Evaluasi kegiatan ini dilakukan dalam bentuk kuesioner pre test dan post test tentang materi yang diberikan. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah terjadi peningkatan pendapatan tambahan berupa sayuran selain dari hasil budidaya ikan. Omset hasil panen kangkung adalah Rp 75.000/panen dan omset hasil panen lele Rp 4.050.000/panen. Introduksi teknologi akuaponik rakit apung dan cara budidaya ikan yang baik ini telah meningkatkan pemahaman dan keterampilan khalayak sasaran mitra pembudidaya ikan UPR Mina Mandiri dan masyarakat yang ada di Beutong, Kabupaten Nagan Raya

    Improvement on the external transmission system of a single-seated open wheel vehicle / Dzullijah Ibrahim

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    Operating a single seated open wheel vehicles designed for racing event require high engineering skills, driving skills and good teamwork. However, time is wasted when the driver has to use the clutch to upshift gear. Improving the external transmission system of single seated race car leads to higher chance of winning the race. Currently, Quickshifter™ available in the market for this purpose is designed for use on superbikes only. In this project, Quickshifter™ is referred to when modifying the transmission system to be fitted in a single seated race car. The new system is called Quick Gear Shifter (QGS), which allows the gear to upshift without using a clutch. Ignition cut-off and synchronized time are the crucial parameters to make the QGS works. The QGS system was designed and simulated using Matlab™ software. The system was tested and analysed based on the output of the simulation. The result shows that the system is working with 100 milliseconds ignition cut-off time. The ignition cut-off time for the modified transmission system was improved in terms of speed and acceleration

    Sains-Teknologi dan Ilmu Agama Menurut Bahasa al-Quran dan Hadis

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    Pada abad ini, sains-teknologi di serata dunia mempunyai banyak pengaruh sama ada dari aspek positif dan negatif. Dari aspek positif mendapati bahawa dengan adanya sains-teknologi kerja dan perbuatan manusia dapat dimudahkan. Walau bagaimanapun, dari aspek negatif, bahawa sains-teknoogi ini dapat mendatangkan masalah dari segi kekerasan, pergaulan bebas, hedonis dan perbuatan tidak bermoral lainnya yang merupakan bentuk nyata dari “manipulasi” konstruksi teori dan aplikasi sains-teknologi yang bebas nilai. Antara cara mengatasi aspek negatif dalam sains-teknologi ini adalah dengan merujuk, memahami, dan mengikut kembali ajaran teks dalam al-Quran dan hadis yang menjadi kesahihannya diyakini benar lagi sahih serta mendalami ilmu agama untuk mengetahui cara reformulasi tujuan sains-teknologi dalam Islam supaya melahirkan manusia yang ulul albab

    Future of Mathematical Modelling: A Review of COVID-19 Infected Cases Using S-I-R Model

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    أدى انتشار مرض فيروس كورونا الجديد (كوفيد -19) إلى حدوث فوضى في جميع أنحاء العالم. ولا تزال الحالات المصابة تتزايد، حيث لا يزال في  العديد من البلدان  ظهور متزايد في الحالات اليومية. للتنبؤ بظهور الحالات النشطة، تم استخدام نموذج رياضي، وهو نموذج SIR ، لتصور انتشار  .COVID-19 في هذا المقال، تم التنبؤ بانتشار الفيروس في ماليزيا، على افتراض أن جميع الماليزيين سيكونون في النهاية عرضة للإصابة به. مع عدم تطوير لقاح وعقار مضاد للفيروسات حاليًا، يمكن تقليل تصور كيفية ذروة العدوى (أي تسطيح المنحنى) لتقليل تأثير مرض COVID-19 وبالنسبة للماليزيين، علنا ان نؤكد على اتباع القواعد والامتثال لإجراءات السلامة الموحدة لخفض قيمة R0 من وقت لآخر، على أمل أن يختفي الفيروس يومًا ما.The spread of novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has resulted in chaos around the globe. The infected cases are still increasing, with many countries still showing a trend of growing daily cases. To forecast the trend of active cases, a mathematical model, namely the SIR model was used, to visualize the spread of COVID-19. For this article, the forecast of the spread of the virus in Malaysia has been made, assuming that all Malaysian will eventually be susceptible. With no vaccine and antiviral drug currently developed, the visualization of how the peak of infection (namely flattening the curve) can be reduced to minimize the effect of COVID-19 disease. For Malaysians, let’s ensure to follow the rules and obey the SOP to lower the R0 value from time to time, hoping that the virus will vanish one day


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    AbstractSnakehead fish (Channa sp.) is one of Indonesia's native freshwater commodities that has been successfully domesticated by fish farmers, yet the domesticated snakehead fish culture still has problems, namely the low survival and growth of local snakehead fish. Overcoming this problem requires a technology that can optimize the survival and growth of the domesticated snakehead fish (Channa sp.). One technology that can be applied is the use of probiotics. This reserach aimed to examine different probiotics through feed to optimize the survival and growth of domesticated snakehead fish (Channa sp.). This research was conducted with an experimental method. The experimental design used was a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments were control treatment (P0), treatment with probiotic composition of Lactobacillus sp., Bacillus spp. and Nitrosomonas sp. (P1), treatment with probiotic composition of Lactobacillus casei and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (P2), and treatment with probiotic composition of Lactobacillus sp., Acetobacter, Rhodobacter sp., yeast (P3). The results showed that different probiotic feeding had a significant effect (P0.05) on the growth parameters. The composition of Lactobacillus casei and Saccharomyces cerevisiae probiotics is the best probiotic composition to increase survival and growth of domesticated snakehead fish.Keywords: Domestication, Growth, Survival Rate, Probiotic


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    Siamese pangasius fish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) is a freshwater fish species originated from species introduced and has economic value for cultivation. This study aimed to analysed the administration of different commercial probiotics through feed on the survival rate and feed efficiency of Siamese pangasius fish. This research was conducted in the hatchery of Teuku Umar University. The method used a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments were control/administration of Mina Pro (P0) commercial probiotic, administration of Raja Grameh (P1) commercial probiotic, administration of EM4 (P2) commercial probiotic and administration of Boster (P3) commercial probiotic. Parameters observed were survival, feed efficiency, and water quality. Data were analysed using analysis of variance; for different treatments, Duncan's test was carried out. The results showed that the administration of different commercial probiotics had a significant (P0.005) on the survival rate of Siamese pangasius fish. Raja Grameh's commercial probiotic with the composition of Rhodobacter sp., Lactobacillus sp., Acetobacter sp., and yeast were the best commercial probiotic to increase the growth and feed efficiency of Siamese pangasius fis