1,022 research outputs found

    An improvement of customer experience by using net promoter score (NPS) at TMPoint Johor

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    This study focuses on the improvement of customer experience by using net promoter score at TMpoint Johor. Action research was applied in the study and an intervention plan was designed to determine the respondents' level of experience with TMpoint service quality. There are two objectives of this study: Identify the problems and challenges in strengthening the Net Promoter Score of customer experience and the impact of the intervention planned by using Net Promoter Score for improving customer experience at TMpoint Johor. The interview session was conducted involving two people from the management and operation personnel at TMpoint Johor to supply the information needed for this research and who satisfied the stated criteria. Respondents were chosen based on their employment at TMpoint in Johor. This is because these individuals are in charge of connecting the customers. TMpoint also serves as the first point of contact for TM customers, answering all of their needs and queries. It was found that a good NPS program results in more returning customers and lower customer acquisition costs. Attracting new clients is an expensive activity, but keeping existing customers is far less expensive. Using an adequate NPS program, TMPoint can determine the best strategy to keep existing customers in order to retain business for a longer period of time. From the analysis, the data from pre-intervention and post-intervention shows improvement in terms of customer satisfaction. The study shows the importance of establishing a relationship between customer experience and measurement models such as net promoter scores. The most important factor that determines customer loyalty is the customer experience. Customer experience will be assessed for this study by measuring service quality. NPS surveys are particularly useful because they are very short and may reach customers who may be more difficult to reach through traditional methods


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    Plant community distribution is associated with environmental factors, particularly, the soil properties of habitats. This study was conducted to determine the effect of soil properties on the association of tree communities within three distinct habitats in a semi-deciduous forest in Perlis State Park (PSP), Perlis.  Eighteen plots of 40 m × 60 m (0.24 ha each) with sampling areas of 1.92 ha (8 plots) in Setul Formation, 0.96 ha (4 plots) in Granite and 1.44 ha (6 plots) in Kubang Pasu Formation (totalling 4.32 ha) were established at the PSP. All trees with 5.0 cm and above diameter at breast height (dbh) were enumerated, while the top soil samples were collected from each plot for soil analyses. A total of 412 tree species, 207 genera, and 68 families were recorded; 270 tree species from 152 genera and 57 families in the Setul forest; 204 tree species of 130 genera and 50 families in the Granite forest; and 109 tree species from 76 genera and 31 families in the Kubang Pasu forest. Euphorbiaceae was the most represented family at Setul, Granite and Kubang Pasu with 36, 19 and 12 species, respectively. Soil properties significantly varied among the study sites.  Setul had loam, Kubang Pasu had clay-loam, and Granite had the sandy-loam texture.  The soils were acidic, and had low to high concentrations of available nutrients. Ordinations using canonical correspondence analysis indicated that the soil factors play an important role in the distribution and diversity of plants in these forest habitats

    The impacts of tourism development on community well-being in Langkawi: the case of Kampung Padang Puteh, Mukim Kedawang

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    Tourism has assisted the development of environmental, economic, social and cultural aspects of island communities. While there are some previous studies on the impacts of tourism development across Langkawi, it is necessary to consider the impacts of tourism development on individual island communities. Kampung Padang Puteh, Mukim Kedawang, Langkawi is located on the route between the island's main tourism attraction areas, Pantai Cenang and Pantai Tengah (which are highly affected by tourism activities). This purpose of this study is to examine the impacts of tourism development with regard to benefits and challenges based on the local community perspective. A combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches was used in this study through a questionnaire to 49 household representatives, and individual interviews that were conducted with 16 selected key informants in Kampung Padang Puteh. Analysis of mean, Spearman's rho correlation and qualitative approaches were used to interpret the data. The main findings concern community well-being and the benefits and challenges of tourism development impacts for the local community. It was found that the local community have improved their socioeconomic level through employment opportunities, additional income and language skills. While social ties were still good, negative aspects pose challenges

    Design and System Parameter’s Validation of the Unicycle Mobile Robot

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    Unicycle mobile robot is a robot that can move and maneuver on one wheel. The ability of this robot to stand in the upright position and move without falling down is considered a tough challenge for the researchers to conduct the investigation on it. The ideas of developing unicycle mobile robot are inspired from a human who rides a unicycle. In a real life, when a human rides a unicycle, he needs to balance his position or roll angle by moving his two arms, wrist and body in the unison manner. Meanwhile the pitch angle of the rider can be stabilized by pedalling the unicycle using the two legs back and forth, in order to control the speed and the position of the unicycle’s wheel. Besides that, the yaw angle of the unicycle is stabilized by rotating the left and the right hands synchronously. Thus, in this research, a unicycle mobile robot has been designed and fabricated. The parameter from the unicycle’s model is acquired and used as the input to its dynamic modelling which has been developed previously

    Islamic business coaching from the perspective of Indonesian coaches

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    In an increasingly competitive era of trade, training is insufficient to help solve business problems and challenges that often change daily. Meanwhile, business professionals realize that the coaching process used for the past dozen years by athletes, orators, and artists to improve their performance can also be used to help entrepreneurs to help accelerate business goals and personal success. Organizations that offer coaching have grown rapidly over the past decade. Even though in Indonesia, several coaching Islamic businesses have their communities, until now there is limited literature on Islamic business coaching. This study develops definitions for Islamic business coaching along with its characteristics for the Indonesian setting. This was achieved using qualitative research. Data were collected with interviewing 5 Islamic Indonesian master coaches. Recording of interviews was transcribed and coded. Then, those were analyzed with content analysis. The paper concludes that Islamic business coaching differs from conventional coaching due to being based on Islamic religiosity and principles. In Addition, the characteristics of Islamic business coaching include Islamic business coach’s role, Islamic business coaching session focus, and Islamic business coaching results

    Observation on SPME different headspace fiber coupled with GC-MS in extracting high quality agarwood chipwood

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    Agarwood is well known as one of the expensive woods in the world. It has a unique scent which brings it to have wide usages especially in perfumery ingredient, as incense, in traditional medical preparation, and as symbol of wealth. Due to that, this paper presents the analysis on chemical profiles of agarwood chipwood, as a part of agarwood grading system. The work involved of Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME) coupled with Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) GC-MS in extracting high quality. Three headspace fibers; PDMS-DVB, CAR-PDMS and DVB-CAR-PDMS were used during the extraction to identify the compounds with the sampling time of 60 minutes. The result showed that high quality agarwood chipwood is made up of terpene group which are monoterpene hydrocarbon, sesquiterpene hydrocarbon and oxygenated sesquiterpene. The relative peak areas (%) for compounds are tabulated and plotted. The finding in this study confirmed that the difference in compounds extracted and their relative peak area (%) are due to different fiber's polarity and absorbent, Thus, it is significant and benefit especially in agarwood oil quality grading and its related area

    An influence of the SS316L powder particle shape to the densification of metal injection moulding (MIM) compact

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    Metal injection molding (MIM) has acquired increasing importance as a production technique for small, complex stainless steel components [1, 2]. Sintering is critical for determining the final quality of the parts produced by MIM. Because high sintered density is imperative for good mechanical properties and corrosion resistance, achieving full or near-full density has been a major objective of sintering [3]. Therefore, most research on 316L stainless steel sintering to date has focused on the sintering behavior of the molded parts especially for gas-atomised powder in argon environment [3-6]. An understanding of the factors influencing densification of stainless steels is important as over 50% of the injection molded and sintered components are made from stainless steel compositions [7]. In a metal injection molding (MIM) process, gas-atomised powder is generally used due to their high packing density and associated feedstock rheology. The sintered components exhibit mechanical and corrosion properties similar or superior to that of wrought material. Water-atomised powders in MIM can be economical and have an improvement in shape retention during debinding and sintering. However, their use comes with a penalty of lower powder loading and sintered density, with a corresponding degradation in the mechanical and corrosion properties. Studies reveal that injection molded and sintered components using water-atomised 316L stainless steel powders have a residual porosity of 3–5% for similar particle characteristics and sintering conditions as that of gas-atomised powders [5]. This article investigates a densification of SS316L gas and wateratomised compact sintered in high vacuum environment at temperature ranging from 1340 to 1400 °C

    Phenology of Gonystylus bancanus in Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia

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    A study on the phenology of Gonystylus bancanus (ramin melawis) was conducted in Pekan Forest Reserve, Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia, which covers areas of virgin and logged-over forests. Observations revealed that the flowering of G. bancanus was supra-annual. The smallest G. bancanus tree to flower was 29 cm in diameter at breast height (dbh) and was located in a logged-over site. Most trees that flowered had larger dbh of more than 40 cm and were found in logged-over and virgin forests. A total of 71-86 days was recorded for full development from the budding stage to mature fruit formation. The budding phase was quite long, extending for more than a month. However, it took only about two weeks for the flowers to become fruits. The flowers of G. bancanus were pollinated by thrips (Heterothripts sp.) and stingless bees (Trigona canifrons and T. laeviceps), while aphids (Aphis sp.), Prevost's squirrels (Callosciurus prevostii) and plantain squirrels (C. notatus) were identified as predators of G. bancanus flowers and fruits. Gonystylus bancanus seeds were mainly dispersed by gravity but the Malayan flying fox (Pteropus vampyrus) was also observed to disperse the fruits. Other fruit bats, namely, Cynopterus sphinx, Megaerops ecaudatus and Penthetor lucasi were also identified as potential seed dispersal agents of G. bancanus

    Bachelor of Engineering (hons.) Electrical (EE220) pos performance analysis based on OBE-anas measurement tools / Mohaiyedin Idris

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    Nowadays, Outcome Based Education (OBE) is a vital practice for empowering the education system and requires no introduction to any academician. In the OBE, one of the important elements is measuring and monitoring the programme outcomes (POs). The process of collecting data has always been tedious and is required to be improved. In this paper, the mechanism of analyzing the program outcomes as one of the fundamental factors for the accreditation in FKE UiTMPP is presented. The tool was developed by the OBE committee unit and known as OBEANAS system to obtain the overall program outcomes performance of EE220 program in UiTMPP. The system was designed using oriented programming C# as graphical user interface (GUI) and the server system involves Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (MSSQL 2012). The OBE-ANAS system must comply with the Key Performance Indicators (set by the top management) as targeted indicator where students are expected to achieve a score as a minimum 50% or level 2 to attain the respective PO. At the end of the process, the tool provides better platform for observing and measuring POs parameters such as POs average, POs density, individual POs and Degree of Programme Achievement (DPA) achievement analysis. The developed system is believed to benefit the faculty in terms of accreditation and achieving the KPI


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    Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) currently considers as the biggest issue and its subcategory, rifampicin-resistant TB (RR-TB). MDR-TB is defined as a resistant to isoniazid (H) and rifampicin (R), while the latter is resistant to rifampicin (R) only. Poorly controlled diabetes mellitus increases the risk of TB and leads to poor TB treatment outcomes as well it is consider potentially threating TB control. Difference in patients’ response and side effect developments toward anti-TB (ATB) medications requires rechallenging procedure that can be complicated at times. The management of MDR-TB can be complicated, especially, when the patient cannot tolerate the short regimen. Difference in patients’ response and side effect developments toward ATB medications requires rechallenging procedure which can have prolonged treatment time, hospital stay, and make patients exposed to hospital-acquired infection. This challenges and obstacles, however, could be prevented earlier by having strong DOTS strategy to prevent the development of resistance and reactivation of TB