112 research outputs found

    Genetic Algorithm-based Robot Path Planning

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    Nowadays, building an intelligent robot that able to move by itself from one location to another without collides with other obstacles is of interest in many applications. In the real world, condition of an environment is always unpredictable and changes with the existence of dynamic obstacles. This paper tends to propose an algorithm for robot path planning in a dynamic environment using Genetic algorithm (GA) technique. The proposed algorithm is able to find an optimum path for a robot and avoid any static and dynamic obstacles. The variation of the proposed algorithm is shown with the implementation of the algorithm in 4-way movement robot and 8-way movement robot. The simulation results show significant performance of the algorithm when compared with real optimum path

    A resource-aware content adaptation approach for E-Learning environment / Mohd Faisal Ibrahim

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    The rapid growth of web and mobile technologies has allowed people to access E-Learning content from heterogeneous client devices. In order to deliver the best presentation of content requested, the E-Learning system must possess a mechanism that not only capable of accurately discovering the characteristics and capabilities of a client’s device but also capable of finding out about network and server resource availability. Three recurring issues need to be addressed when constructing such solutions: 1) How to identify the device characteristic and the capabilities of a device, 2) How to find out about network resource availability, and 3) How to adapt application behavior. Addressing these questions the dissertation makes three main contributions. First, a content negotiation and adaptation architecture was proposed to facilitate the process of identifying and detecting client device. It differs from other existing content negotiation approaches by introducing the idea of combining dynamic and static device capabilities detection methods. It consists of a device database and two processing components: (1) device identification module and (2) device capabilities detection module. The content negotiation and adaptation architecture was implemented and validated through various laboratory experiments and field studies which the results highlight the importance of using token attributes matcher by eliminating the need of using the entire user agent strings for device identification and capabilities detection. Besides reducing the processing overhead it also achieves better results in terms of accuracy compared to the user agent approach

    A genetic algorithm based task scheduling system for logistics service robots

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    The demand for autonomous logistics service robots requires an efficient task scheduling system in order to optimise cost and time for the robot to complete its tasks. This paper presents a Genetic algorithm (GA) based task scheduling system for a ground mobile robot that is able to find a global near-optimal travelling path to complete a logistics task of pick-and-deliver items at various locations. In this study, the chromosome representation and the fitness function of GA is carefully designed to cater for a single load logistics robotic task. Two variants of GA crossover are adopted to enhance the performance of the proposed algorithm. The performance of the scheduling is compared and analysed between the proposed GA algorithms and a conventional greedy algorithm in a virtual map and a real map environments that turns out the proposed GA algorithms outperform the greedy algorithm by 40% to 80% improvement

    Elemen Perbelanjaan dalam Perkahwinan Melayu: Tinjauan Hukum dari Perspektif Fiqh Kontemporari

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    Terdapat beberapa jenis perbelanjaan dalam perkahwinan Melayu di Malaysia. Justeru, penulisan ini mengkaji elemen-elemen perbelanjaan tersebut. Antara elemen perbelanjaan tersebut ialah perbelanjaan bagi tujuan majlis perkahwinan iaitu hantaran kahwin dan kad kahwin. Sejarah menyaksikan masyarakat umumnya keliru tentang hantaran kahwin dan mas kahwin. Selain itu, ahli masyarakat juga gemar mengadakan majlis perkahwinan yang serba mewah sehingga menyebabkan mereka terbeban. Kajian ini turut membincangkan bagaimana hantaran kahwin yang rendah serta majlis perkahwinan yang sederhana mampu merealisasikan maqasid al- syariah iaitu memelihara harta. Kajian menggunakan satu metode utama iaitu kajian kepustakaan bagi mendapatkan sorotan sejarah hantaran kahwin dan nilainya dalam ‘urf Melayu di samping analisis elemen perbelanjaan yang dituntut dalam Islam. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa Islam tidak melarang kewujudan elemen perbelanjaan perkahwinan tersebut tetapi ia perlulah dalam kadar yang sederhana dan tidak membebankan

    Sumbangan Tok Guru Haji Abbas dalam penubuhan sekolah kluster kecemerlangan

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    Penulisan ini mengkaji latar belakang tokoh ulama Melayu yang bernama Tok Guru Haji Abbas. Beliau merupakan perintis salah sebuah sekolah kluster kecemerlangan di Terengganu. Beliau telah menubuhkan Pondok Tok Jiring pada tahun 1953 dan kini pondok tersebut telah dinaiktaraf menjadi salah sebuah sekolah kluster kecemerlangan terkenal di negeri Terenggganu. Sekolah yang dimaksudkan ialah SMKA Dato’ Haji Abbas. Kajian ini membincangkan sumbangan tokoh dalam bidang pendidikan. Kajian menggunakan satu metode yang utama iaitu kajian kepustakaan bagi mendapatkan latar belakang tokoh, pendidikan beliau dan sumbangannya dalam bidang pendidikan di Terengganu. Selain itu, kajian turut mengenalpasti mereka yang pernah berguru dengan tokoh. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa Tok Guru Haji Abbas bukan sahaja perintis kepada Pondok Tok Jiring malahan turut mengasaskan beberapa tempat belajar di Terengganu dan Kelantan di samping menghasilkan beberapa karya ilmiah

    Integration of 3D printing in computer-aided design and engineering course

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    Engineering students at an undergraduate level typically learn the design aspect and concept through lectures and practical sessions using computeraided software. However, the current computer-aided design and engineering (CAD/CAE) course did not expose the students to apply and relate the latest advanced technologies to solve global issues, for instance as listed in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG). Therefore, an improved CAD/CAE course taken by the students of the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Programme in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia integrates 3D printing and conduct their project based on UN SDG themes. A total of 22 projects was produced, which involves both mechanical and electrical design with some of the physical models were 3D printed. Thus, students able to strengthen their understanding of the design concept through the integration of 3D printing and simultaneously aware of the current global issues

    A Finite State Machine Fall Detection Using Quadrilateral Shape Features

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    A video-based fall detection system was presented; which consists of data acquisition, image processing, feature extraction, feature selection, classification and finite state machine. A two-dimensional human posture image was represented by 12 features extracted from the generalisation of a silhouette shape to a quadrilateral. The corresponding feature vectors for three groups of human pose were statistically analysed by using a non-parametric Kruskal Wallis test to assess the different significance level between them. From the statistical test, non-significant features were discarded. Four selected kernel-based Support Vector Machine: linear, quadratics, cubic and Radial Basis Function classifiers were trained to classify three human posture groups. Among four classifiers, the last one performed the best in terms of performance matric on testing set. The classifier outperformed others with high achievement ofaverage sensitivity, precision and F-score of 99.19%, 99.25% and 99.22%, respectively. Such pose classification model output was further used in a simple finite state machine to trigger the falling event alarms. The fall detection system was tested on different fall video sets and able to detect the presence offalling events in a frame sequence of videos with accuracy of 97.32% and low computional time

    Performance of plastic wastes in fiber-reinforced concrete beams

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    Synthetic plastics are typically discarded, thus causing environmental pollution. Plastic wastes are recycled as fiber in concrete to solve this problem. In this study, synthetic fibers in a concrete matrix were investigated through compressive strength, splitting tensile, fracture energy, and flexural beam tests. The results show that an increase in fiber content improves the tensile strength of the concrete matrix. A high fiber content results in a substantial amount of fibers crossing a fractured section, thereby activating failure resistance mechanisms. Ring-shaped fibers, which are mainly designed to activate fiber yielding instead of fiber pullout, are better than irregularly shaped polyethylene terephthalate and waste wire fibers. Incorporating plastic fibers into concrete does not significantly change the failure mode of reinforced concrete beams compared to that of normal concrete beams. However, the first crack load presented improved results. The reinforced concrete containing ring-shaped plastic fibers with a width of 10 mm (RPET-10) exhibited remarkable results during the first crack load with an increment of 32.3%. It can be concluded that ring-shaped PET waste produces fiber concrete with a performance comparable to that of commercial synthetic fibers

    GA-based Optimisation of a LiDAR Feedback Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation System

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    Autonomous mobile robots require an efficient navigation system in order to navigate from one location to another location fast and safe without hitting static or dynamic obstacles. A light-detection-and-ranging (LiDAR) based autonomous robot navigation is a multi-component navigation system consists of various parameters to be configured. With such structure and sometimes involving conflicting parameters, the process of determining the best configuration for the system is a non-trivial task. This work presents an optimisation method using Genetic algorithm (GA) to configure such navigation system with tuned parameters automatically. The proposed method can optimise parameters of a few components in a navigation system concurrently. The representation of chromosome and fitness function of GA for this specific robotic problem are discussed. The experimental results from simulation and real hardware show that the optimised navigation system outperforms a manually-tuned navigation system of an indoor mobile robot in terms of navigation time

    Knowledge management strategic context in technological trajectories of firm influences their innovation strategy: Looking at Malaysian multinational firm

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    The paper study on the knowledge management strategic context in technological trajectories of firm influences their innovation strategy. Thus, to make use of technology as a competitive weapon; managers must manage it as a part of the business system. Failure to develop and integrate technology strategy and business is a major contributing factor in the decline of a firm's competitiveness In a turbulent and rapidly changing environment, every organization faces the challenge of how to best manage its knowledge assets to generate value for the market place and obtain competitive advantage Such advantage derives from special capabilities that are rare, valuable, nonsubstitutable, and costly to imitate. Historically, the focus was on capabilities involving tangible assets; now, knowledge is widely recognized as the source for competitive advantage, with the tangible assets representing the physical manifestation of but a fraction of this knowledge As companies scramble to develop strategies for more proactively and strategically managing their knowledge, the field of knowledge management (KM) receives increasing attention from trade organizations and academic journals. From this study it was found that to improve the chances of conclusively demonstrating value to the K-Economy, a new KM implementation in an innovation organization should address issues such as organization's goals and strategies, access tacit knowledge, provide search tools, promote creativity, capture new learning and build a supportive culture,insufficient communication, failure to integrate knowledge, lack of time to learn, lack of training a senses there was little personal benefit in knowledge management