277 research outputs found

    Pharmacological Evaluation Of An Aqueous Extract Of Orthosiphon Stamineus (Misai Kucing). For Its Diuretic Property

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    The diuretic property of o. starnineus was evaluated in unananesthetised, male albino rats. Twelve rats, divided into three groups of four were used. Une representing the controls, tredted with distilled water(1ml/kg), tne second Group, treated with frusemide (l0mg/kg) as the standard and finally the third' group was treated with the v. stamineus extract, all were injected intraperi toneal1y


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    Ekosistem Internet of Things (IoT) berkembang dengan sangat cepat dan diperkirakan akan menghubungkan 5-20 miliar perangkat pada tahun 2020. Namun, dalam penerapan ekosistem IoT untuk manajemen data dan konfirgurasi terkadang harus dikelola langsung dari perangkat yang ada di lapangan. Platform IoT merupakan sebuah platform layanan yang dapat mempermudah dalam manajemen perangkat IoT, manajemen keamanan, manajemen policy, dan lain-lain. Dari penjelasan sebelumnya, maka penelitian ini membuat sebuah platform IoT yang dalam hal ini diberi nama “Management Service Platform (MENTOR) Ekosistem IoT”, sebagai alternatif yang mampu mendukung komunikasi berbagai perangkat IoT dan menjamin validitas dari perangkat yang mengirimkan data.Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa platform MENTOR IoT mampu berjalan dengan berbagai protokol yang berbeda, melakukan kontrol perangkat dan dilihat dari banyaknya pengguna yang mengirimkan data secara bersamaan dan terintegrasi serta waktu yang dihasilkan saat mengirimkan data melalui akses lokal dan akses publik tidak jauh beda. Sehingga berdasakarkan hasil tersebut menandakan bahwa platform ini sangat reliable dan scalable

    Tahap Perlaksanaan Amalan Pengajaran Sains Dalam Bahasa Inggeris Di Sekolah Rendah Di Daerah Johor Bharu

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    Perlaksanaan pengajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam Bahasa Inggeris telah laksanakan sejak tahun 2003 hingga kini . Namun sejauhmana tahap perlaksanaannya di sekolah masih menjadi persoalan. Oleh yang demikian kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji perlaksanaan amalan pengajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam Bahasa Inggeris di sekolah rendah. Kajian ini melibatkan 270 orang pelajar dari lapan buah sekolah rendah di daerah Johor Bahru. Alat Kajian yang digunakan ialah soal selidik yang mengandungi 31 item. Nilai kebolehpercayaan alat kajian adalah ? .81. Hasil dapatan data dianalisis secara statistik deskriptif dan inferensi. Dapatan Kajian ini menunjukkan min perlaksanaan amalan pengajaran Sains dalam Bahasa Inggeris ialah 2.54. Ini menunjukkan perlaksanaannya berada pada tahap tinggi. Perlaksanaan pengajaran Sains dalam Bahasa Inggeris antara sekolah bandar dengan luar bandar tidak menunjukkan perbezaan yang signifikan. Kajian ini juga mendapati terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara perlaksanaan pengajaran Sains dalam Bahasa Inggeris dengan persepsi murid terhadap guru, terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara perlaksanaan pengajaran Sains dalam Bahasa Inggeris dengan sikap pelajar terhadap matapelajaran Sains. Manakala tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara perlaksanaan Sains dalam Bahasa Inggeris dengan pencapaian pelajar dalam mata pelajaran Sains

    Rising Temperature: Evidence of Global Warming in Northern Nigeria

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    Climate change phenomenon is recognized worldwide as serious environmental problem; the risk it poses to all sectors of the economy justifies the considerable attention given to the issue. Trend detection although is not a new exercise is gaining more prominence as tool for analyzing evidence of climate change. The current study used temperature record from 1970-2012 for 11 States of northern Nigeria to detect trend and quantify the magnitude of temperature change in the region, using the Mann-Kendall test and Sen Slope estimator. Findings of the study showed that over the period of forty two years significant (p< 0.01) and positive increase in temperature was recorded in the region. Findings of the study led to the conclusion that there was evidence of global warming in the area and the implication for the study was the need for an urgent mitigation and adaptation measures to reduce the negative impact of global warming. Keywords: Temperature; increase; evidence; global warming; northern Nigeri

    Factors Influencing Farm Income among Farmers in Northern Nigeria

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    The observed decline in farm income in recent times was a source of concern for farmers and other stake holders in Nigeria’s agricultural sector. This could be a serious setback for Nigeria’s drive to achieve self-sufficiency in food production. This paper focused on identifying the determinants of farm income in northern Nigeria. Result of the study could be beneficial to farmers and policy makers by providing insight on the factors that could raise farm income. The study was based on the hunch that certain socio economic factors and climatic elements could improve farm income. Findings of the study revealed that livestock keeping, access to credit, farm power, proximity to market, marital status, gender and climate influenced farm income. In addition variation in factors due to difference in agro ecological zones significantly affected revenue. Conclusion of the study was that farm specific factors could be used as a framework to improve farm income. Keywords: Factors, farm income, farmers, Northern Nigeri

    Information technology: a tool for effective SME material management practices

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    Nowadays, various strategies have been adopted to ensure reduction or elimination of waste in materials management practices in the construction industry for overall project performance. However, there are significant challenges related to Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) materials management practices, these challenges arise due to shortage of skills, practical know how, workers capability and financial difficulties in information technology (IT) adoption. Therefore, the aim of this study is to explore the potentials of IT as a tool for waste elimination or reduction in the Nigerian SME materials management practices for overall projects performance. The data were collected using structured questionnaires and administered to SME in the construction industry in the Northeast of Nigeria. The obtained data were analysed using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) to determine significant level of IT in SME materials management practices. Outcome from the model of this study revealed that, IT adoption is significant with R2 =0.622 (62.2%) which indicates that adoption of IT can improve SME materials management practices for overall projects performance

    An Assessment of Effective Serials Management in Selected Academic Libraries in Niger State, Nigeria.

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    This paper reports an examination of effective serials management practices in some academic libraries in Niger state. The study specifically investigated the types of serial materials in the libraries. It also examined the acquisition methods as well as methods applied in organizing serial materials in the studied libraries. Challenges bedeviling effective management of serial information sources also form the objective. The study further made a review from different sources on management of serials in libraries. The population of the study consisted of twenty three (23) staff manning the serials units of the affected libraries. Questionnaire and observation check-list were used as the instruments for data collection. 23 copies of questionnaire and observation check-list were distributed, filled and completely (100%) returned for data analysis. Descriptive statistics of frequency and percentages was used for data analysis. The study revealed that Newspapers, magazines and academic journals are the major serial materials available in the academic libraries. Direct purchase from book vendors, Constant subscription of physical serials and online databases were the main methods applied in acquiring serials in the libraries. It discovered that shelving and shelf reading, carding among other were the organizational techniques adopted by the libraries. Paucity of funds, Inadequate ICT facilities as well as inadequate working tools was the factors bedeviling effective serials management in the libraries. The study thus recommended among others that adequate funds be allocated to the libraries, online subscription be enhanced, conducive working environment for library personnel, independent power sources be provided to the academic libraries

    Shariah auditing in Islamic financial institutions: exploring the gap between the "desirable" and the "actual"

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    Persistently high expectations from the operations of Islamic financial institutions (IFIs) appears to give way for a gap to exist between “what ought to be” shariah auditing and the current practice of shariah audit in IFIs in Malaysia. Sulaiman (2005) mentioned that “what ought to be desired (the desirable)” may not coincide with “what is actually desired (the desired)” and in consequent “what is actually desired” may not be the same as “the actual” practice. This paper aims to explore empirically the gap between “the desired” and “the actual” practice of shariah auditing in IFIs in Malaysia. It is found that there exists a gap between the two concepts in terms of certain issues discussed in this study. Even though this paper cannot hope to bridge the gap that exists, it nevertheless shows that shariah audit function has not seriously taken an impact in IFIs in Malaysia despite its potential as a monitoring tool for shariah complianc

    Mitigating Poverty through Islamic Ideals of Administration in Nigeria: A Paradigm Shift

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    Reducing poverty has been plaguing the Nigerian state for time immemorial, and a quite number of policies and programs were conceived, designed and implemented to some certain degrees through the ages, however, the efforts are almost fruitless as the incidence of poverty has been rising defying all the efforts at mitigating its menace. Accordingly, this paper aims at exploring a paradigm shift in the course of addressing the scourge of poverty in Nigeria. To achieve this objective a conceptual model for poverty reduction has been proposed by the paper with a shift from the conventional mechanism or perspective to a proposed ideal Islamic conceptual model which if adhered to would ensure comprehensive prosperity in Nigeria thereby ensuring poverty reduction and overall well-being of the Nigerian populace. In the proposed conceptual model this paper envisaged the role of Islamic ideals of governance and administration in the quest for a better society free of squalor, hunger, hopelessness and despair. Consequently, relevant literature were used to develop the conceptual model and a discourse on Nigeria’s strive towards poverty reduction was carried out. Specifically, the conceptual model emphasized on amanah (trusteeship), adlah (justice), and istislah (public interest) as the mechanisms that would usherin and ensure prosperity and poverty reduction in Nigeria. Keywords: Poverty reduction, Amanah, Adlah, Istisla