
Mitigating Poverty through Islamic Ideals of Administration in Nigeria: A Paradigm Shift


Reducing poverty has been plaguing the Nigerian state for time immemorial, and a quite number of policies and programs were conceived, designed and implemented to some certain degrees through the ages, however, the efforts are almost fruitless as the incidence of poverty has been rising defying all the efforts at mitigating its menace. Accordingly, this paper aims at exploring a paradigm shift in the course of addressing the scourge of poverty in Nigeria. To achieve this objective a conceptual model for poverty reduction has been proposed by the paper with a shift from the conventional mechanism or perspective to a proposed ideal Islamic conceptual model which if adhered to would ensure comprehensive prosperity in Nigeria thereby ensuring poverty reduction and overall well-being of the Nigerian populace. In the proposed conceptual model this paper envisaged the role of Islamic ideals of governance and administration in the quest for a better society free of squalor, hunger, hopelessness and despair. Consequently, relevant literature were used to develop the conceptual model and a discourse on Nigeria’s strive towards poverty reduction was carried out. Specifically, the conceptual model emphasized on amanah (trusteeship), adlah (justice), and istislah (public interest) as the mechanisms that would usherin and ensure prosperity and poverty reduction in Nigeria. Keywords: Poverty reduction, Amanah, Adlah, Istisla

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