15 research outputs found

    Fiqh Daruri: Kajian terhadap Aspek Daruri pada Pemberian Vaksin Rubella terhadap Masyarakat Muslim di Aceh

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    The development of science and technology has been able to do things that may have been considered impossible in the past. So the orientation of fulfilling the needs of life from things that initially only consider the daruriyyat aspect in the sense of survival shifts to things that lead to improved quality of life in the long run. One of the impacts of the development of science and technology is the discovery of the rubella vaccine. However, the vaccine is declared positive to contain pig enzymes, so it is not surprising that there are pros and cons among Muslims about whether or not the use of the vaccine is halal, given the consequences that seek to avoid the vaccine is not directly felt (more to preventive efforts). While on the other hand the consequences that will be felt by children who are not given vaccines are also no less worrying. Based on this issue, this study is directed to find the criteria daruri (primary/emergency) of each party that is pros and cons of the provision of the vaccine, along with the evidences, and supporting rules used. Abstrak: Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi telah mampu melakukan hal-hal yang mungkin dianggap mustahil pada masa lalu. Sehingga orientasi pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup dari hal-hal yang pada awalnya hanya mempertimbangkan aspek daruriyyat dalam pengertian untuk bertahan hidup bergeser kepada hal-hal yang mengarah pada peningkatan kualitas hidup dalam jangka panjang. Salah satu dampak dari perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi adalah penemuan vaksin rubella. Tetapi, vaksin tersebut dinyatakan positif mengandung enzim babi, sehingga tidak mengherankan jika timbul pro dan kontra di tengah-tengah umat Islam tentang halal atau tidaknya penggunaan vaksin tersebut, mengingat akibat yang berusaha untuk dihindari dari vaksin tersebut tidak langsung dirasakan (lebih kepada upaya preventif). Sementara pada sisi lain akibat yang akan dirasakan oleh anak-anak yang tidak diberikan vaksin juga tidak kalah mengkhawatirkan. Berdasarkan persoalan tersebut, penelitian ini diarahkan untuk menemukan kriteria daruri (primer/emergency) dari masing-masing pihak yang pro dan kontra terhadap pemberian vaksin tersebut, beserta dalil-dalil, dan kaidah pendukung yang digunakan.

    Pandangan Maqashid Al-Syariah Terhadap Ekploitasi Lobster di Kabupaten Simeulue

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    Penelitian ini menjelaskan ekploitasi lobster di Kabupaten Simeulue dalam perspektif maqashid al-syariah. Lobster merupakan sumber daya alam hewani yang bermanfaat bagi manusia baik sebagai sumber protein maupun sebagai sumber pendapatan (ekonomi). Lobster merupakan salah satu komoditas yang banyak diminati, di kancah bisnis lobster, menyasar pangsa pasar lokal dan dunia. Lobster dianggap punah jika ada penangkapan ikan terus menerus yang tidak mempertimbangkan perlindungan biota laut tersebut. Maka penelitian ini diusulkan untuk mengetahui praktik eksploitasi lobster di Kabupaten Simeulue dengan pendekatan maqashid al-syariah. Menempatkan maqashid al-syariah sebagai pisau analisis dinilai mampu mengungkap tujuan hukum Islam universal, termasuk perlindungan alam (hifz al-bi'ah) dalam hal ini perlindungan lobster. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi, dan analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan. Pertama, praktik pemanfaatan lobster di Kabupaten Simeulue dimulai dengan penangkapan lobster di laut lepas oleh nelayan kemudian memperdagangkannya kepada konsumen atau agen pengumpul dengan harga jual rata-rata Rp. 370.000,00.-/Kg. Kedua, Penangkapan Lobster yang dilakukan oleh nelayan dinilai tidak memperhatikan kelestarian Lobster karena nelayan juga menangkap Lobster di bawah standar (kurang dari 1 ons) dan masih tergolong baby Lobster. selain itu nelayan juga menangkap Lobster yang mengandung telur sehingga keberadaan Lobster di Kabupaten Simeulue semakin langka. Ketiga, dalam perspektif maqashid al-syariah Islam memiliki orientasi untuk menjaga kelestarian alam dari kerusakan (dar'ul mafasid wa jalbul mashalih) termasuk melestarikan lobster (hifz al bi'ah)

    Naskah undang-undang dalam sastra Indonesia lama

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    Buku Naskah Undang-Undang dalam sastra Indonesia lama ini semula merupakan naskah laporan penelitian yang berjudul "Naskah Undang-Undang dalam Sastra Indonesia Lama" yang disusun oleh tim peneliti Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa dalam rangka kerja sama dengan Proyek Penelitian Pusat Tahun 1979/1980. Setelah melalui penilaian dan kemudian disunting oleh Dra. Jumariam dari Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa naskah itu diterbitkan dengan dana yang disediakan oleh Proyck Penelitian Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia dan Daerah Pusat. Penelitian undang-undang ini bertujuan menyediakan transliterasi lengkap beberapa naskah dan deskripsi semua naskah sejenis serta singkatan undang-undang untuk memudahkan pengenalan isi undang-undang yang akan ditranslilerasikan

    Global, regional, and national burden of disorders affecting the nervous system, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021

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    BackgroundDisorders affecting the nervous system are diverse and include neurodevelopmental disorders, late-life neurodegeneration, and newly emergent conditions, such as cognitive impairment following COVID-19. Previous publications from the Global Burden of Disease, Injuries, and Risk Factor Study estimated the burden of 15 neurological conditions in 2015 and 2016, but these analyses did not include neurodevelopmental disorders, as defined by the International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-11, or a subset of cases of congenital, neonatal, and infectious conditions that cause neurological damage. Here, we estimate nervous system health loss caused by 37 unique conditions and their associated risk factors globally, regionally, and nationally from 1990 to 2021.MethodsWe estimated mortality, prevalence, years lived with disability (YLDs), years of life lost (YLLs), and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), with corresponding 95% uncertainty intervals (UIs), by age and sex in 204 countries and territories, from 1990 to 2021. We included morbidity and deaths due to neurological conditions, for which health loss is directly due to damage to the CNS or peripheral nervous system. We also isolated neurological health loss from conditions for which nervous system morbidity is a consequence, but not the primary feature, including a subset of congenital conditions (ie, chromosomal anomalies and congenital birth defects), neonatal conditions (ie, jaundice, preterm birth, and sepsis), infectious diseases (ie, COVID-19, cystic echinococcosis, malaria, syphilis, and Zika virus disease), and diabetic neuropathy. By conducting a sequela-level analysis of the health outcomes for these conditions, only cases where nervous system damage occurred were included, and YLDs were recalculated to isolate the non-fatal burden directly attributable to nervous system health loss. A comorbidity correction was used to calculate total prevalence of all conditions that affect the nervous system combined.FindingsGlobally, the 37 conditions affecting the nervous system were collectively ranked as the leading group cause of DALYs in 2021 (443 million, 95% UI 378–521), affecting 3·40 billion (3·20–3·62) individuals (43·1%, 40·5–45·9 of the global population); global DALY counts attributed to these conditions increased by 18·2% (8·7–26·7) between 1990 and 2021. Age-standardised rates of deaths per 100 000 people attributed to these conditions decreased from 1990 to 2021 by 33·6% (27·6–38·8), and age-standardised rates of DALYs attributed to these conditions decreased by 27·0% (21·5–32·4). Age-standardised prevalence was almost stable, with a change of 1·5% (0·7–2·4). The ten conditions with the highest age-standardised DALYs in 2021 were stroke, neonatal encephalopathy, migraine, Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, diabetic neuropathy, meningitis, epilepsy, neurological complications due to preterm birth, autism spectrum disorder, and nervous system cancer.InterpretationAs the leading cause of overall disease burden in the world, with increasing global DALY counts, effective prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation strategies for disorders affecting the nervous system are needed

    Pembayaran Kompensasi Tanah Rakyat dalam Perspektif Ihya al-Mawat dan Hukum Positif di Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui penerapan pembayaran kompensasi terhadap tanah rakyat dalam perspektif fikih muamalah (Ihya al-Mawat) dan hukum positif yang ada di Indonesia. Pelaksanaan pembayaran kompensasi tanah masyarakat kerap menuai persoalan yang disebabkan oleh pihak yang ingin menguasai lahan yang bukan miliknya atau sebaliknya tanah sah miliknya ingin dikuasai oleh orang lain atau negara. Padahal mengklaim lahan tanpa penyelesaian yang jelas termasuk ghasab yang dilarang. Sehingga penelitian diajukan untuk mendalami persoalan tersebut dengan pendekatan konsep ihya al-mawat dan hukum positif. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan normatif yaitu mengumpulkan data kepustakaan (library research) berupa buku-buku atau jurnal-jurnal terdahulu yang berkaitan dengan pembayaran kompensasi tanah rakyat. Dari pembahasan yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembayaran kompensasi tanah rakyat dapat dilakukan hanya untuk kepentingan umum semata dan bukanlah keuntungan pribadi. Pembayaran kompensasi tanah rakyat dalam kajian fikih muamalah dikaitkan dengan konsep ihya al-mawat, sedangkan dalam hukum positif pembayaran kompensasi mengacu pada aturan Undang-Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2012 tentang Ganti Rugi Pengadaan Tanah Bagi Bangunan Untuk Kepentingan Umum. Dengan menggunakan dua pendekatan di atas, pembayaran kompensasi tanah rakyat dibolehkan

    Global, regional, and national incidence of six major immune-mediated inflammatory diseases: findings from the global burden of disease study 2019Research in context

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    Summary: Background: The causes for immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (IMIDs) are diverse and the incidence trends of IMIDs from specific causes are rarely studied. The study aims to investigate the pattern and trend of IMIDs from 1990 to 2019. Methods: We collected detailed information on six major causes of IMIDs, including asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and atopic dermatitis, between 1990 and 2019, derived from the Global Burden of Disease study in 2019. The average annual percent change (AAPC) in number of incidents and age standardized incidence rate (ASR) on IMIDs, by sex, age, region, and causes, were calculated to quantify the temporal trends. Findings: In 2019, rheumatoid arthritis, atopic dermatitis, asthma, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease accounted 1.59%, 36.17%, 54.71%, 0.09%, 6.84%, 0.60% of overall new IMIDs cases, respectively. The ASR of IMIDs showed substantial regional and global variation with the highest in High SDI region, High-income North America, and United States of America. Throughout human lifespan, the age distribution of incident cases from six IMIDs was quite different. Globally, incident cases of IMIDs increased with an AAPC of 0.68 and the ASR decreased with an AAPC of −0.34 from 1990 to 2019. The incident cases increased across six IMIDs, the ASR of rheumatoid arthritis increased (0.21, 95% CI 0.18, 0.25), while the ASR of asthma (AAPC = −0.41), inflammatory bowel disease (AAPC = −0.72), multiple sclerosis (AAPC = −0.26), psoriasis (AAPC = −0.77), and atopic dermatitis (AAPC = −0.15) decreased. The ASR of overall and six individual IMID increased with SDI at regional and global level. Countries with higher ASR in 1990 experienced a more rapid decrease in ASR. Interpretation: The incidence patterns of IMIDs varied considerably across the world. Innovative prevention and integrative management strategy are urgently needed to mitigate the increasing ASR of rheumatoid arthritis and upsurging new cases of other five IMIDs, respectively. Funding: The Global Burden of Disease Study is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The project funded by Scientific Research Fund of Sichuan Academy of Medical Sciences & Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital (2022QN38)

    Global, regional, and national incidence of six major immune-mediated inflammatory diseases: findings from the global burden of disease study 2019

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