683 research outputs found

    Studi In Vitro Permukaan Glass Ionomer Cement Setelah Perendaman dalam Minuman Bersoda dengan Gula Buatan

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    Carbonated soft drinks (soda) are often consumed by the world community including Indonesia by all people, both young and old. The high sugar content in soft drinks can increase blood sugar if consumed continuously. In addition, soft drinks with artificial sugar have a higher acidity than regular sugar. With such a high level of acidity and continuous consumption, tooth surface roughness can decrease. One of the most frequently used restorative materials in Indonesia is Glass Ionomer Cement (GIC) because it is easy to manipulate and binds directly to enamel and dentin. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of consuming soft drinks with artificial sugar on GIC restoration materials. Thirty GIC specimens with a diameter of 6 x 2 mm were immersed in mineral water and Diet Coke for 24 hours. Before and after immersion, the specimens were examined with a surface hardness test, scanning electron microscope and analytical scales. Data analysis used paired t test and kruskall wallis. From the paired t-test statistical test, there was a significant difference between the percentage reduction in weight of the GIC sample after immersion in water with Diet Coke. The Kruskal Wallis test results showed that there was a significant difference in the roughness value of GIC immersed in mineral water with Diet Coke. The pH of carbonated drinks with artificial sugar (Diet Coke) below the critical pH (5.5) can affect the solubility of the GIC specimens, thereby giving changes in surface roughness, changes in weight and changes in surface morphology of GIC specimens

    Impact of Coal Sales on Revenue Sharing Fund And Environment in The South Sumatra Province

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    Abstract. Coal prices between 2006-2015 trend was fluctuate but tend to decrease every year and affect regional income, especially South Sumatra Province. Coal prices fluctuation are influenced by several factors, the decline of world oil prices, coal production surplus, and China imports restriction. Coal mining industry also give a direct impact to the environment especially effect to work environment for the company workers and the people environment around mining. The coal mining company absorbs local labor so as to increase local revenues from individual income taxes. This research use quantitative approach using Ordinary Least Square (OLS) analytical method with E-views 7 software.  Multiple linier regression technique also applied.  The Secondary data is time series of 2006 - 2015. The results presented in form of tables, images and narration. From this research can be drawn conclusion that price fluctuations have no effect on regional income, but production sold has an effect on regional income. Keywords: Sale, price, royalty, Personal Income Tax Article 21, and Personal Income Tax Article 25/29 Abstrak (Indonesian)Harga batubara kurun 2006-2015 mengalami fluktuasi sehingga berpengaruh terhadap pendapatan Provinsi Sumatera Selatan. Fluktuasi harga batubara dipengaruhi oleh beberapa hal yaitu menurunnya harga minyak dunia, adanya kelebihan produksi batubara, dan pembatasan impor batubara oleh Cina. Industri pertambangan batubara memberikan dampak terhadap lingkungan salah satunya tenaga kerja. Perusahaan pertambangan batubara menyerap tenaga kerja lokal sehingga meningkatkan pendapatan daerah dari pajak penghasilan perorangan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode analisis yang digunakan Ordinary Least Square (OLS) dengan software E-views 7.0. Teknik analisa data secara regresi linier berganda. Data sekunder merupakan time series periode tahun 2006 – 2015. Data dan hasil penelitian disajikan dalam bentuk tabel dan gambar serta narasi untuk menginterpretasikan data tersebut. Dapat disimpulkan fluktuasi harga tidak berpengaruh terhadap pendapatan daerah, tapi produksi terjual berpengaruh terhadap pendapatan daerah. Kata Kunci : Penjualan, harga, royalti, PPh pasal 21, dan PPh Pasal 25/29

    Water pollution evaluation as consequent of old wells oil exploration

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    This research was aimed to investigate effect of oil spills on surface water from exploration in Dutch well.The investigation was carried out by in situ measurement of some parameters.Water sample was collected by grab sampling method and the analysis was conducted at Laboratory of Environment Badan Lingkungan Hidup dan Penelitian Pengembangan (BLHPP) Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin.The measurement result showed that some parameters did not fulfill the requirement of Standar Quality for Domestic Water Regulation according to Government Regulation No. 82 year 2001 i.e. COD and Oil&Fat content. The surface water and shallow ground water quality had some parameters that did not comply with standar quality according to regulation such as BOD, COD, DO, and oil-fat content.Calculation of pollution indeks (PI) showed that domestic water has 3.26 and was categorized into slightly polluted. At surface water in Angit River, the calculation of PI showed that upstream river was slightly polluted (3.23), while midstream was slightly polluted (3.22) and in downstream river was mildly polluted (9.60).

    Strategy for technology energy selection to achieve coal value added in PT. Bukit Asam (Persero), Tbk.,

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    The role of coal in providing national energy has already increased nowadays, and still taking an important subject. Government obligation to support added value is not really encourage industry player to applied technology energy that has been developed widenly in South Africa, China and others developing country. The scope of this research is technology energy for coal diversification, such as Coal Upgrading, Coal Gasification, Coal Liquefaction, Coal Water Mixture, and applied Coal Bed Methane Technology that extract gas methane from the pore of coal. The purpose of this research is to estimate coal resources, quality range and to select technology energy that can be potentially develop in PT. Bukit Asam (Persero), Tbk. Coal Resources and coal quality in each mining licences area becomes the basic strength for developing technology energy as part of SWOT Analysis. Based on the SWOT Analysis from 5 technology energy then the scope limited into 3 highest technology energy that is Coal Gasification, Coal Liquefaction and Coal Bed Methane as the most potential technology energy to develop in PT. Bukit Asam (Persero), Tbk.

    Pemetaan Kawasan Bawah Permukaan Air Tanah Dangkal Menggunakan Metoda Geolistrik Resistivitas 2-D Pada daerah Kenten Tengah dan Laut, Kotamadya Palembang, Sumatera Selatan

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    From 2D geoelectric data, it can be analyzed by looking at the 2-D resistivitypattern from the vertical profile such as the distribution direction and the depthposition of shallow groundwater. Based on the TDS value of the contaminatedarea evenly distributed with the TDS value ranging from 1500-10,000 mg/l. Thedepth above 3.8 m is the Kenten Tengah area with resistivity values ranging from8.10 ohms to 20.4 ohms, while for Kenten Ujung (Laut) with resistivity valuesranging from 11.3 ohms to 18.4 ohms. There is also a distribution of contaminatedwater but is localized based on its TDS value at a depth between 1.3 to 6.4 m. Forthe groundwater flow system that causes pollution, the Middle Kenten Tengaharea was an intermediate flow system and the Kenten Laut (Ujung) area was alocal flow system. Therefore, the groundwater contaminants are dominated byNa+ and Ca++ from factory and household waste. The type of pollution for theKenten Tengah and Ujung regions were dispersed

    Analysis of the Contribution of TSS, pH, Fe, and Mn Parameters to the Pollution Load Capacity of Coal Mines in the Oal River, South Sumatra

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    The Oal River receives coal wastewater input at several companies. Coal mining in the vicinity of the location adds to the burden of water pollution in the Oal River due to waste water disposal activities. The increase in the concentration of coal waste and the pollution load that enters the Oal River water body will have an impact on the reducing capacity of the pollution load. This study aim to provide information on the condition of the pollution load carrying capacity of the Oal River. Determination of the carrying capacity of water pollution loads at water sources using the mass balance method. The characteristic of the Oal River water with the parameters TSS, pH, Fe and Mn have not yet passed the quality standards for river water and wastewater, both according to PP No. 22 of 2021 and South Sumatra Governor Regulation No. 8 of 2012. The Oal River still has the capacity to accommodate TSS and pH parameters


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    Open-pit mining has affected landscapes and ecosystem balances immensely. The effects are including altered soil surface, decreased soil productivity, soil compaction, erosion and sedimentation, declined biodiversity, as well as deteriorated hydrological, hydrogeological, and atmospheric function of the surrounding area. Reclamation is one of the environmental restoration efforts that could be taken to improve these conditions. Physical and chemical properties of soil are the indicators of soil damage level as well as the success indicator of the reclamation program. This study aims to analyze the changes in post-mining soil characteristics after 5 years and 10 years of revegetation. The sample was selected by the purposive sampling method based on the age of plants and the vegetation density. The physical properties of post-coal soil after 5 years of revegetation are characterized by high soil acidity, low in organic matter (OM)/soil organic carbon (SOC), very low total N (nitrogen), moderate P availability, extremely high K2O, and moderate CEC. Whilst, the post-coal mining soil after 10 years of revegetation is found to be acidic (low pH), with moderate SOC, low total N, low P, very high K2O, and moderate CEC. Heavy metal (Fe, Mn, Al) contents in ex-coal mining reclamation area after 5 years and 10 years revegetation found to be in the high category.   Key words: post-mining land, revegetation, soil characteristic

    Study on Environment Characteristics for Mining Management at East Pit 3 West Banko Coal Mine

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    The management on mining environment is closely related to the environmental characteristics and the condition of mining itself.  In East PIT 3 West Banko Coal Mine Tanjung Enim mine drainage system has been developed which refers to the open pit method employed by the company. The observation and analysis showed that the sludge settling ponds have been constructed as well as adequate catchment area. To discharge water into the channel at 0.3016 m 3 / sec can still be accommodated due to the dimensions of the channel that can accommodate an intake capacity of 1,639 m 3 / sec. While the use of lime made in the settling ponds  with the ratio of 0.7 g: 1 liter of water indicates the water quality test results that meet the environmental quality standards that the pH is 6.7 with a TSS of 12mg / l Fe content was 2.1580 mg / l and Mn content of 1.3 mg / l


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    Ekosistem Internet of Things (IoT) berkembang dengan sangat cepat dan diperkirakan akan menghubungkan 5-20 miliar perangkat pada tahun 2020. Namun, dalam penerapan ekosistem IoT untuk manajemen data dan konfirgurasi terkadang harus dikelola langsung dari perangkat yang ada di lapangan. Platform IoT merupakan sebuah platform layanan yang dapat mempermudah dalam manajemen perangkat IoT, manajemen keamanan, manajemen policy, dan lain-lain. Dari penjelasan sebelumnya, maka penelitian ini membuat sebuah platform IoT yang dalam hal ini diberi nama “Management Service Platform (MENTOR) Ekosistem IoT”, sebagai alternatif yang mampu mendukung komunikasi berbagai perangkat IoT dan menjamin validitas dari perangkat yang mengirimkan data.Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa platform MENTOR IoT mampu berjalan dengan berbagai protokol yang berbeda, melakukan kontrol perangkat dan dilihat dari banyaknya pengguna yang mengirimkan data secara bersamaan dan terintegrasi serta waktu yang dihasilkan saat mengirimkan data melalui akses lokal dan akses publik tidak jauh beda. Sehingga berdasakarkan hasil tersebut menandakan bahwa platform ini sangat reliable dan scalable