18 research outputs found

    Kerangka pembentukan modul pengajaran bahasa al-Quran untuk masyarakat awam: The designing framework of Quranic language teaching module for the public

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    Pembelajaran bahasa Arab menerusi al-Quran telah mula mendapat tempat dalam kalangan masyarakat. Hal ini disebabkan oleh pengaruh media Islamik hari ini yang giat menyiarkan rancangan berbentuk pengajaran al-Quran, seperti tadabbur, tafsir serta siri bacaan al-Quran. Masyarakat awam memerlukan satu modul yang komprehensif dan selari dengan keperluan pembelajaran tersebut. Ini kerana masyarakat tidak terlepas daripada pendedahan terhadap bahasa Arab yang menjadi bahasa utama al-Quran dan Hadis. Tambahan pula, kesemua amal ibadah umat Islam tidak terlepas daripada penggunaan bahasa Arab, malah menjadi syarat sesuatu ibadah itu diterima oleh Allah SWT khususnya ibadah solat. Oleh itu pengkaji menggunakan kaedah rekabantuk ADDIE dan beberapa kaedah rekabantuk seperti modul Syeikh Abū Ḥassan al-Nadwī, modul Knowles dalam pembelajaran dewasa dan kaedah Pusar dalam menyediakan modul ini. Oleh itu, kajian ini akan membina kerangka sebuah modul pembelajaran bahasa Arab al-Quran dengan teknik yang menarik. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan baru, iaitu menerusi warna asas atau primer. Pembentukan modul ini juga mengandungi pendedahan asas kepada orang awam tentang hukum tatabahasa Arab yang terdapat di dalam al-Quran secara mudah. Pengkaji mencadangkan agar kajian terperinci bagi memudahkan orang awam memahami al-Quran menerusi bahasa Arab dapat digiatkan lagi usaha dan impaknya

    A review study of maintenance and management issues in Malaysian commercial building towards sustainable future practice

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    Good management of the building will be able to influence the quality of the buildings that remain long, safe and beautiful without any damage and problems. This research paper aims to explore the issue of maintenance and management that appear in managing the commercial building in Malaysian construction and property industry. The data in this research has been gathered through the reviewing process of secondary data such as journals, proceeding, thesis etc. in the area that related to maintenance and management issue in commercial building. As highlighted by previous study, building a good management can ensure that the facilities available in the building are well and meet the standard. Thus, exposure to the problems and needs in the management of the building would be able to improve the quality of building management systems to be more effective and fulfil the client needs and features

    Analysis of the impact of nuclear power plant on Malaysia's power systems: Costs, CO2 emission and system reliability

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    Although Malaysia is blessed with plenty of fossil fuel and natural resources, but the amount of fossil fuels is now depleting.This has led Malaysia to find other alternative resources to generate electricity to meet the demand. Some possible options are: 1) Coal, however this leads to the dependency on imported coal and increases gas carbon emission, 2) Renewable energy (RE), however, the resources are interruptible and expensive, 3) Nuclear power plant, however the recent Fukushima incident and the public acceptance are the major consideration. Despite the nuclear safety that should not be compromised, nuclear power plant has many advantages over fossil fuel power plants.Nuclear power plant produces less CO2 emission, cheaper levelized cost than coal and gas power plants and can operate continuously for long hours. Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water Malaysia (KETTHA) targets the energy from nuclear in Malaysia will be 17.8% of total generation mix in 2030. This paper studies the impact of nuclear power plant on Malaysia's power system in 2030, in term of cost, CO2 emission and power system reliability. Two scenarios have been considered and compared; 1) Existing generation mix as in 2013, 2) Generation mix with nuclear as targeted by KETTHA in 2030. Results show that the generation mix with nuclear power plants has lower operation and investment cost, lower CO2 emission and higher system reliability

    Ayam Didik Sdn. Bhd. / Adnan Zulkifli ... [et al.]

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    This business is based on agreement between five (5) members. The group is consisting of the General Manager, Administration Manager, Marketing Manager, Financial Manager and Operational Manager. The business capital is amounted to RM 606,804. Total contribution from each member is RM 106,804 and the rest is loan from Bank Pertanian Malaysia

    A Comparative Study of Levelized Cost of Electricity Between Photovoltaic and Concentrated Solar Powered Power Plants in Malaysia

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    Renewable Energy (RE) is crucial in energy generation towards a more sustainable and low-carbon approach. One of the well-known sources of RE is the sun through solar energy harvesting. Equatorial region like Malaysia seems to be at the very best advantage for generating energy from solar since that it receives sufficient solar radiation for the purpose. Photovoltaic (PV) and concentrated Solar Power (CSP) technology are the current technology in harvesting solar energy to generate power. However, referring to the Malaysian context today it seems that solar PV is the only technology practiced as one of the RE technologies that are eligible for tariff payment. The purpose of this study is to investigate the future prospect on current solar technologies which are PV and CSP by determining Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) and land usage comparison to determining the cost comparative between solar technologies for future sustainable energy generation. The result is very positive as CSP has the advantage to be the future sustainable energy generation in Malaysia although there are some setbacks at the moment. Collaboration between all parties such as researchers, industry players as well as support from the government will aligned CSP on the right direction upcoming years to come

    Kesan komposisi gentian dan kaedah pemprosesan ke atas sifat mekanik komposit NR/LLDPE diperkuat twaron

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    Penyediaan komposit getah asli termoplastik daripada NR/LLDPE yang diperkuat gentian Twaron telah dijalankan melalui proses adunan leburan. Dua kaedah penyediaan yang berbeza digunakan iaitu menggunakan mesin pencampur dalaman manakala kaedah kedua menggunakan pengekstrud skru kembar. Kandungan Twaron di dalam komposit telah diubah daripada 0 hingga 30%. Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa penambahan Twaron telah meningkatkan nilai tegasan maksima, modulus Young dan kekuatan hentaman komposit tetapi menurunkan nilai terikan maksima. Kandungan Twaron yang optimum adalah 20%. Kehadiran Twaron telah membentuk satu jaringan saling tindak gentian-matriks menyebabkan kekuatan regangan komposit meningkat. Twaron juga berfungsi sebagai penyerap hentaman yang berkesan. Penyediaan komposit menggunakan pengekstrud skru berkembar telah menghasilkan nilai kekuatan regangan yang lebih tinggi berbanding penggunaan pencampur dalaman sebaliknya kekuatan hentaman yang lebih rendah. Kajian morfologi menggunakan mikroskop imbasan elektron mendapati komposit yang disediakan menggunakan pencampur dalaman menghasilkan gentian dengan orientasi rawak manakala pengekstrud skru kembar menghasilkan orientasi gentian yang selari. Keputusan ini menunjukkan bahawa sifat mekanik komposit NR/LLDPE yang diperkuat Twaron sangat dipengaruhi oleh teknik pemprosesan

    Success factors in adaptation of newly graduated nurses: a scoping review

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    Abstract Background Difficulties in adapting to the workplace can affect newly graduated nurses’ transition. Such nurses must adapt quickly, as it can affect their future career prospects. Therefore, this review aimed to identify the success factors that promote newly graduated nurses’ effective transition and adaptation. Methods The Joanna Briggs Institute scoping reviews methodology was used. Data were extracted from MEDLINE, Scopus, EBSCOhost, and Web of Science publications published between 2011 and 2020. A total of 23 articles were included in this review, which comprised qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods primary research studies focusing on the contributing factors that aided newly graduated nurses’ adaptation to the work environment during their transition period. Key emerging themes were identified with thematic analysis. Results Three main themes were identified: (1) organisational contribution (social development, organisational culture, work characteristics, work readiness, work commitment, professional role), (2) personality traits (self-embodiment, personality masking, being proactive and confident), and (3) academic institutions (pre-entry knowledge and role of nursing faculty). Newly graduated nurses’ adaptation should begin during nursing education, be supported by the workplace organisation, and driven by the nurse’s personality. We determined that that the role of nursing education in aiding the provision of the required knowledge and actual clinical experiences to students profoundly affected developing nurses’ self-confidence levels in delivering nursing care effectively. Additionally, a warm environment supported nurses emotionally and physically. Conclusions While organisations and educational institutions have undertaken numerous efforts to ensure that newly graduated nurses are adequately supported, the nurse’s personality and values are also equally important to ease adaptation during the transition process. Academic and workplace programs designed for newly graduated nurses should apply and emphasise this knowledge to develop and strengthen their personalities and values, especially to increase confidence and promote proactive values that facilitate newly graduated nurses’ rapid and effective adaptation to their new employment