53 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this research is to get an overview of the implementation of basketball-based shooting learning on the students, to produce basketball shooting learning model, and to develop conceptual model and procedural model of shooting set shoot learning, jump shoot and basketball shoot layup and also to know effectiveness of efficient model. This research and development use Research & Development (R & D) development method from Borg and Gall. Group trials were conducted on second semester students who took basic basketball courses consisting of 4 classes totaling 120 people, 60 treatment groups and 60 as control groups with eight (8) meetings. The effectiveness test of the learning model uses shooting skill set shoot skill instruments, jump shoot and basketball shoot layup using portofolio (process assessment). Analysis of research data using t test with a significance level of 0.05. Data analysis for shoot shooting set obtained an average value of pretest 50.43 and posttest 75.57 t-count ratio and t-table -188.500 <1.67065, while the jump shoot obtained the average value of pretest 57.55 and posttest 82 , 85 t-count comparisons and t-tables -89,235 <1,67065 and for shoot layups, the average pretest score is 48,02 and posttest 73,17 t-count ratio and t-table -167,667 <1,67065, significance (2-tailed) 0.000 with a significance level of 0.05 then of the three H0 rejected. Based on the data analysis, it can be said that the set shoot, jump shoot and drill layup-based learning models for students are developed, effective and can improve the results of basketball shooting learning.   Keywords: Effectiveness, Shooting Basketball Model, Based of Dril

    Multicriteria analysis for flood mapping of Sungai Pahang

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    The occurrence of floods is a natural disaster incidence that depends on the geographical, physical and rainfall. This study aims to investigate the geospatial analysis of flood in Sungai Pahang, Pahang. The objectives of the study are i) to analyse the use of factors for multi criteria analysis, and ii) to prepare a flood hazard mapping in Sungai Pahang, Pahang. Method used for this study is a multi-criteria analysis using Geographical Information System. Four important factors were used in this research; distance from the river, gradient, land cover and height of the land form. The finding show that the highly dense areas (such as Pekan and Kuantan) located close to the river are located inside the highest susceptible areas, which can give a high loss to the inhabitants in those particular areas. Thus, the recommendation suggests that determination of flood-prone areas of flood level 1 (protected area), level 2 (moderate sensitive rank), level 3 (controlled development area) and level 4 (development area) can be implement by the local authority in practice of development planning work

    Model Analisis Tahap Rentan Kawasan Banjir untuk Lembangan Sungai Pahang (An analysis model for flood susceptibility areas in Sg Pahang river basin)

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    This model was developed using ArchGIS system to study on the flood susceptibility area in the catchment of Sg Pahang river basin. It was designed by using five factors that was defined from literature review; (topographic & DEM, slope, land use, distance from the river and ARI for flood). All of these factors are processed using weightage to prepare a susceptibility map for Sg Pahang river basin

    The impacts of socio-economic indicator on urban growth in Selangor, Malaysia

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    All cities in the world including Malaysia are experiencing rapid urbanization which has given significant impact on the variability of socio-economy. The present study is conducted to investigate the expansion of urban growth in the state of Selangor by selecting appropriate socio-economic indicators used in urban growth studies. The study partly aims to describe a set of socio-indicators that most directly contribute to urban growth analysis. The objectives of the research are (i) to test the availability of dataset of each socio-economic indicators, (ii) examine the changes of each indicator in a decade, and (iii) propose new criteria for the selection of socio-economic indicators. Findings are derived from the secondary data from a local government agency and available digital datasets. The result advocates the use of criteria to validate the indicators to be used in future studies

    The impacts of tsunami on the well-being of the affected community in Kuala Muda, Kedah, Malaysia

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    The tsunami of 26 December 2004 was one of the most devastating tragedy ever occurred to men in the history of human civilization. Approximately 250,000 lives perished, millions injured and suffered, while the destruction of property loss of opportunities cannot be accurately estimated. The impact of the tsunami on environmental destruction shows that damage was inflicted on natural resources such as coral reefs, mangroves, sand dunes and other coastal ecosystem that acted as wave defense barriers. Moreover, inlands, wetlands and agricultural land were salinated and natural resources for livelihood and for source of income were badly affected, especially for coastal communities who were involve in fisheries. The situation worsened as basic facilities were also destroyed. As such, this research focuses on assessing and identifying on how the impacts of the tsunami on the infrastructure and environmental resources affected the community well-being inKuala Muda, Kedah, Malaysia. This study focuses on the impacts of tsunami on the affected community well-being in the coastal zone on the basis of available primary and secondary sources. Primary sources included questionnaires, interviews and observations while the secondary resources included books,government and international reports, scientific journals, maps and articles that highlighted tsunami related issues. The study tries to seek for both qualitative and quantitative impacts and also tries to find out some solutions that would help to minimize the impact of the tsunami on the community well-being. The information gained from this study can be used to help the community as well as the agencies involve in order to minimize the impacts of the tsunami on the community and develop a more effective mitigation measures for other environmental disasters such as tsunami. Besides, the research may help to create awareness on the community to be prepared in facing disastrous situation such as the tsunami. Through community preparedness, the impact can be minimized and reduced. As for the authority, this research may be of great assistance by allowing them to make better decision

    Vulnerabilities detection using attack recognition technique in multi-factor authentication

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    Authentication is one of the essentials components of information security. It has become one of the most basic security requirements for network communication. Today, there is a necessity for a strong level of authentication to guarantee a significant level of security is being conveyed to the application. As such, it expedites challenging issues on security and efficiency. Security issues such as privacy and data integrity emerge because of the absence of control and authority. In addition, the bigger issue for multi-factor authentication is on the high execution time that leads to overall performance degradation. Most of existing studies related to multi-factor authentication schemes does not detect weaknesses based on user behavior. Most recent research does not look at the efficiency of the system by focusing only on improving the security aspect of authentication. Hence, this research proposes a new multi-factor authentication scheme that can withstand attacks, based on user behavior and maintaining optimum efficiency. Experiments have been conducted to evaluate this scheme. The results of the experiment show that the processing time of the proposed scheme is lower than the processing time of other schemes. This is particularly important after additional security features have been added to the scheme

    A qualitative study of traditional healthcare practices: evidence from Ilorin less city

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    The object of research: This study aimed to explore different forms of healthcare practice in Egbejila an Ilorin less city, Nigeria. The investigated problem: Throughout the world, traditional healthcare practice leads the edge with regards to healthcare delivery for humanity. It follows that rural inhabitants marshal various forms of healthcare practice. This study investigated peculiar healthcare practices performed by traditional healthcare practitioners in Egbejila a rural Nigeria. The main scientific results: The research study unveiled different and various dimensions and approaches of healthcare practice that are visualized and sustained as an indispensable component of continuity and survival of human entity. The area of practical use of the research results: The results of this research study gave insight to various traditional healthcare services being sought after by rural inhabitants of variant cultural, religious, socio-political and economic backgrounds aside the orthodox medicine. Scope of the innovative technological product: The study adopted purposive sampling procedure for the selection of key informants. A total of twenty-five (25) key informants were purposively selected. Data obtained through the recorded interviews were transcribed into Microsoft Word and was analyzed by using N-Vivo softwar

    Putra BINGO : from pen and paper to digital

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    Gamification is one of the trends in education that is best suited to the current learning environment. Putra BINGO is a transformative assessment tool that uses gamification techniques. This research starts by elaborating the concept of Putra BINGO and its implementation using traditional method with pen and paper. The feedbacks gathered from the implementation are analyzed and applied to develop a multiplayer educational online game using Unity Game Engine. This paper describes details of the development for its two components; the database and the digital online game. Putra Bingo is available on PC and Android devices. It required additional plugins such as Photon Networking to handle game communication between multiple players. This is crucial to accommodate its test case application as an alternative assessment for teamwork skills using Rubrics and questionnaires. Further research will be conducted to enhance its functionality and user experience after the initial development of the digital online version is completed

    Reviews on the socio-economic indicators for spatial urban scale

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    In recent decades, socio-economic variables have been widely used to investigate regional scale particularly in climate change studies. This paper aims to review appropriate socio-economic indicators for studies related to environment and climate at the level of spatial urban scale. It has been a challenge to select appropriate indicators because the interrelationship between human interference and the environment has proved difficult to be understood. The method used for the review is content analysis. The finding proposes the future research to choose suitable socio-economic indicators by referring to the scale of study and the spatial coverage of the topic. This article also provides a socio-economic framework to ensure that the appropriate of urban scale is the key aspect for selection of indicators in environmental and climate related studies

    Pemuliharaan hutan dalam kalangan masyarakat Semaq Beri di Negeri Terengganu, Malaysia

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    Suku kaum Semaq Beri di negeri Terengganu adalah antara komuniti Orang Asli di Semenanjung Malaysia yang banyak bergantung kepada hutan untuk memenuhi keperluan makanan dan pendapatan. Kajian ini dilakukan untuk menyelami pemikiran suku kaum Semaq Beri tentang hutan berasaskan persoalan berikut: (i) Apakah konsep hutan dari perspektif mereka? (ii) Bagaimanakah sikap mereka untuk memastikan kelestarian hutan? Data kajian dikumpul menggunakan kaedah pemerhatian, pemerhatian ikut serta dan temu bual mendalam dengan 20 responden utama yang mewakili suku Semaq Beri di Kg. Sg. Pergam, Kemaman and Kg. Sg. Berua, Hulu Terengganu. Hasil kajian menunjukkan suku kaum Semaq Beri mempunyai pemikiran yang tersendiri berkenaan persekitaran hutan dalam kehidupan mereka. Antara lain, kepelbagaian biologi hutan dipercayai anugerah kuasa ghaib untuk kesenangan dan keharmonian hidup manusia, iaitu membekalkan keperluan seperti makanan, pendapatan, ubat-ubatan dan sumber lain. Justeru itu hutan rimba sering diibaratkan sebagai ‘bank’, iaitu sebagai institusi tempat individu menyimpan sumber kekayaan yang boleh dikeluarkan apabila perlu. Berasaskan persepsi sedemikian juga pendekatan suku kaum Semaq Beri dalam meneroka, memelihara dan menjaga kelestarian hutan terbentuk supaya manfaatnya dapat dinikmati oleh generasi masa kini dan akan datang