24 research outputs found

    Clickbait as a Potential Threat in the Development of Cybercrime in Indonesia

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    This research examines the advancement and extensive diffusion of online news in Indonesia which contains discrepancies between the titles displayed and the content displayed (clickbait), where the content has the potential to contain backlinks that can carry a cybercrime. The purpose of this research is to assess the potential of clickbait in threatening the development of cybercrime in Indonesia, as well as to investigate the best legal regulations for eradicating clickbait in Indonesia. This research uses the normative legal research method followed by the interview method. The outcomes of this research point to the shift in news media from conventional to online making the target of online news journalists not only limited to reporting factual information but also pursuing a target audience of readers by using a clickbait title. The content of clickbait news that clearly does not match the title can deceive Indonesians, especially if accompanied by backlinks that actually spread many forms of cybercrime. In addition, it was found that there are no regulations in Indonesia that prohibit the dissemination of online news with clickbait, be it in the Press Law, ITE Law, Journalistic Code of Ethics, Cyber Media Reporting Guidelines, and the Criminal Code, which can be overcome by revising the ITE Law by adding related prohibitions in Article 28


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    This research aims to know law enforcement against transnational criminals smuggling cultural heritage objects through national law and to know the efforts of the Indonesian government to return cultural heritage objects from any other country. This study uses normative legal research, data sources in the form of secondary data consisting of primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials. Data analysis is descriptive-analytical with the statutory approach and conceptual approach. The results showed that law enforcement against transnational criminals smuggling objects of cultural heritage both Indonesian and foreign citizens can be enforced using criminal provisions as regulated in Law Number 11 the Year 2010 concerning Cultural Heritage. This is based on the territorial principle and the passive national principle. The efforts of the Indonesian government to return cultural heritage objects from abroad can be done with diplomacy, Interpol cooperation, buy the Cultural Heritage objects from collectors, exhibitions with other countries and borrowing foreign museum collections for long term to complete the museum collections in Indonesia

    Optimizing the Role of BNPT in Preventing Terrorism Financing Using Cryptocurrency in Indonesia

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    The development of cryptocurrency technology is the latest innovation in the financial sector. The purpose of this study is to determine the efforts made by BNPT and to assess the ideal regulations in addressing this issue in the future. Through the use of blockchain technology, users can transact anonymously. This research is considered as a normative juridical research equipped with interviews using a statutory approach. Sources of data obtained from secondary data which includes primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials.  The novelty of the study shows that the BNPT establish the CTF Task Force which aims to combat terrorism financing through cryptocurrency and based on several previous studies and after looking at the above-mentioned examples of the phenomenon of terrorism financing, it is undeniable that many terrorists are trying to utilise cryptocurrencies to fund criminal acts. This has resulted in the issue of a legal or regulatory vacuum regarding the use of cryptocurrencies, in this case, the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency Regulation No. 6/2019 on Implementation of Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Prevention In its future endeavors, there is a need for specific regulations to ensure that the implementation process of the CTF Task Force with other agencies can be carried out more optimally

    Analisis Yuridis Terhadap Penjatuhan Pidana Tambahan Pencabutan Hak Memilih dan Dipilih Dalam Jabatan Publik Djoko Susilo

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    In against the corruption crime, it must be established the distinct sanctions inorder to provide a deterrent effect to the corruptor and it is expected to decrease acorruption crime for the others. One of the ideas is applying expropriation as theadditional punishment. Djoko Susilo was first convicted criminal sentenced to haveexpropriation to vote and be elected rights in public official. The additional punishmentof expropriation for corruption is still relatively new and it is interesting to study. Onthis study is about the compatibility of expropriation to vote and be elected DjokoSusilo’s case in the public official on criminal code section 38 and how it is viewed fromthe perspective of human rights. This study uses normative juridical approach on theconstitution then compared with the additional punishment of expropriation to vote andbe elected Djoko Susilo’s case in the public official. It has occurred misconduct ofhandedness because revoke the rights to vote and be elected in Djoko Susilo’s case inpublic official without limiting it within a certain period as set out on criminal codesection 38. The rights to vote and be elected in public office is a part of human rights,then revoke, eliminate or negate the human rights even though through the verdict is ahuman rights violation

    Pemberatan Pidana dalam Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Seksual Terhadap Penyandang Disabilitas

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    This study aims to analyze legal protection for persons with disabilities as victims of sexual violence and the best formulation of criminal sanctions for perpetrators of sexual violence against persons with disabilities. The research method used in this study is normative juridical research with a problem approach, namely the statutory approach, the conceptual approach, and the case approach. Having a disability status in Indonesia has not been fully accepted and appreciated by other normal humans. They are still considered different and are often bombarded with insults and inappropriate behavior such as sexual violence. The results of the study show that the high number of victims of sexual violence among persons with disabilities ranges from adolescence to various genders. Then the DPP PPDI stated that they seemed to be walking alone in fighting for justice for the weak position of persons with disabilities as victims of sexual violence without special attention from the State. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a new article to enforce legal protection for victims as well as their right to receive treatment, both short-term and long term after experiencing sexual violence and to increase the effectiveness of castration for perpetrators of sexual violence against persons with disabilities

    Pengecekan Handphone dalam Pengaturan Penggeledahan Badan oleh Penyidik Kepolisian

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    Penggeledahan adalah salah satu otoritas penyidik kepolisian yang dibenarkan dalam Undang-undang, sesuai pada Pasal 33 Ayat (1) KUHAP. Tindakan penggeledahan dibagi menjadi dua yakni penggeledahan rumah dan penggeledahan badan atau penggeledahan terhadap pakaian seseorang. Penggeledahan badan merupakan tindakan penyidik guna memeriksa badan dan pakaian tersangka guna menemukan benda yang disinyalir keras ada pada badannya, lantas jika seseorang membawa handphone dan diduga kuat ada hubungannya dengan tindak pidana, maka dapat diperiksa. Namun, pemeriksaan handphone harus dilakukan sesuai prosedur. Dalam Pasal 32 Ayat 2 Peraturan Kapolri Nomor 8 Tahun 2009 tentang Implementasi Prinsip dan Standar Hak Asasi Manusia dalam Penyelenggaraan Tugas Polri, polisi dilarang melakukan penggeledahan secara berlebihan yang berakibat pada terganggunya hak privasi yang digeledah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peraturan terkait penggeledahan badan mengenai pengecekan handphone yang dilakukan oleh penyidik kepolisian dan untuk mengetahui pengaturan ideal maupun sebaiknya prosedur penggeledahan badan dalam hal pengecekan handphone yang dilakukan oleh penyidik kepolisian. Penelitian ini menerapkan  penelitian hukum yuridis normatif melalui pendekatan perundang-undangan (statute approach) serta pendekatan konsep (conceptual approach). Hasil penelitian ini yakni penegak hukum khususnya penyidik dalam melakukan penggeledahan badan khususnya pada saat mengecek “paksa” alat komunikasi berupa handphone seseorang tidak bisa semena-mena hal tersebut bisa berakibat pada terganggunya privasi orang yang sedang digeledah, namun pelaksanaan penggeledahan tersebut hendaklah dilandasi oleh suatu peraturan perundang- undangan yang berlaku

    Pendekatan Spiritual Religius Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Fisik terhadap Anak dan Perempuan dalam Rumah Tangga

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the permissibility of hitting children who do not pray and a nuzyus wife in Islamic law and to find out that violence against children and women in the household is associated with the values ​​contained in Pancasila. The results showed that although hitting children who do not pray and wives who are nuzyus in Islam is permissible, the Prophet SAW taught to treat children and wives with respect, compassion, and gentleness. Not by hitting arbitrarily when the wife and children make mistakes. Because in Islam, if you are going to hit you must pay attention to the conditions for hitting in Islam, it cannot be done arbitrarily. Domestic violence which is increasingly cruel day by day does not at all reflect the human values ​​contained in Pancasila, Some Indonesian people no longer understand the philosophical values ​​that should be a guide in social life and also guidelines for behavior, so that domestic violence that often occurs today does not reflect the real Indonesian people according to the ideals of the ancestors.

    Disharmoni Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Disabilitas Mental Dalam Hukum Positif Di Indonesia

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    Criminal acts, which in essence cannot be separated from social life, seem to not only occur among ordinary people, but can also occur for and against persons with disabilities. However, the author sees that arrangements regarding criminal liability, especially for persons with disabilities, still contain ambiguity and disharmony between one another. So the authors in this paper aim to discuss the criminal responsibility of persons with mental disabilities in positive law in Indonesia, by using juridicial-normative research methods and guided by the statutory and regulatory approach and case approach. The problems in this study were then analysed and presented in the form of descriptive-qualitative research, so that the results of the research were that in Indonesia's current legal regulations regarding criminal acts by perpetrators of persons with disabilities there are no provisions governing the criminal liability of persons with disabilities at all. Thus, there is a disharmony in the laws and regulations regarding this matter which results in disparity in the judge's decision, even though it involves expert testimony as the judge's consideration. If using a futuristic interpretation that is in line with progressive legal theory, then the existence of the Law on Persons with Disabilities needs to be revised. This is also an implication of the birth of a new Criminal Code which in Articles 38 and 39 regulates more specifically in this regard compared to the old Criminal Code, but still requires further explanation and discussion in the Law on Persons with Disabilities. So in this case the author provides suggestions and recommendations in the form of the need for revision of the Law on Persons with Disabilities as a form of harmonization of positive law in Indonesia. Keywords: Disharmonization of Regulations; Criminal Offenders; Disabilities.Abstrak: Perbuatan pidana yang pada hakikatnya tidak dapat terlepas dari kehidupan bermasyarakat nampaknya tidak hanya terjadi di kalangan masyarakat biasa, melainkan pula dapat terjadi bagi dan pada kaum penyandang disabilitas. Namun, Penulis melihat bahwa pengaturan mengenai pertanggungjawaban pidana, terkhusus bagi penyandang disabilitas masih terdapat ambiguitas serta ketidakharmonisan antara satu dengan yang lainnya. Sehingga penulis dalam tulisan ini bertujuan untuk membahas mengenai pertanggungjawaban pidana penyandang disabilitas mental dalam hukum positif di Indonesia, dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis-normatif dan berpedoman pada pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan kasus. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini kemudian dianalisis dan disajikan dalam bentuk penelitian deskriptif-kualitatif, sehingga menghasilkan hasil penelitian yaitu, bahwa di dalam peraturan hukum yang dimiliki Indonesia saat ini terkait tindak pidana oleh pelaku penyandang disabilitas tidak terdapat ketentuan yang mengatur mengenai pertanggungjawaban pidana penyandang disabilitas sama sekali. Dengan demikian, terdapat disharmoni peraturan perundang-undangan mengenai hal tersebut yang berakibat pada disparitas putusan hakim, meskipun melibatkan keterangan ahli sebagai pertimbangan hakim. Jika menggunakan penafsiran futuristik yang sejalan dengan teori hukum progresif, maka keberadaan Undang-Undang Penyandang Disabilitas perlu direvisi. Pun merupakan implikasi dari lahirnya KUHP baru yang pada Pasal 38 dan 39 mengatur lebih spesifik terkait hal tersebut dibanding dengan KUHP lama, namun masih memerlukan penjelasan dan pembahasan lebih lanjut dalam Undang-Undang Penyandang Disabilitas. Sehingga dalam hal ini penulis memberikan saran dan rekomendasi berupa diperlukannya revisi Undang-Undang Penyandang Disabilitas sebagai bentuk harmonisasi hukum positif di Indonesia. Kata Kunci : Disharmonisasi Peraturan; Pelaku Tindak Pidana; Penyandang Disabilitas

    Ratio legis kewajiban untuk menjaga dan menghormati norma agama berdasarkan Undang-Undang Kepariwisataan

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    Pandeglang Regency is a tsunami-affected area in the Sunda Strait. In order to rebuild tourism, it is necessary to formulate an integrated planning by compiling regulations on tourism. This study aims to determine the Ratio Legis obligation to maintain and respect religious norms for tourists in tourism laws and to find out the form of legal protection for tourists who violate religious norms in tourist attractions. The research method used is in the form of normative legal research complemented by interviews with the head of the tourism village in Pandeglang district. The results showed that the ratio legis obligation to maintain and respect religious norms, customs, culture, and values that live in the community for tourists so that the local culture is not contaminated with foreign cultures brought by tourists. Then the sanctions applied only in the form of a warning are not commensurate with the losses incurred. How to cite item: Ramadhani, D., Ibrahim, A., Dirkareshza, R. (2021). Ratio legis kewajiban untuk menjaga dan menghormati norma agama berdasarkan Undang-Undang Kepariwisataan. Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum, 12(2), 159-167. doi:https://doi.org/10.26905/idjch.v12i2.535