57 research outputs found

    Patronage and the Idea of an Urban Bourgeoisie

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    From the reports of travelers and historians, people learn of the crafting of beautiful rock crystal and metalwork objects in the Cairo bazaar and, during the later Mamluk period, of beautiful gilded and enameled glass being produced in commercial areas of Aleppo and Damascus. Given the diverse subject matter of the manuscripts, people may speak of a patronage base allying the intelligentsia to the merchant class within a more broadly conceived bourgeoisie, one whose interests and aesthetic preferences, as compared with those of the court, might be productively investigated through such illustrated manuscripts. One of the frontispieces of a wonderful illustrated manuscript contains clearly Christian iconographical elements, and among the Christian community of Iraq and Syria, people encounter ample evidence for the patronage and production of metalwork, ceramics, and gilded and enameled glass as well as manuscripts

    Al-fihrist li-Ibn al-Nadīm

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    Índices[ed. 1929


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    Johannes Roedige

    Das Mathematiker-Verzeichniss im Fihrist des Ibn Abî Jaʿkûb an-Nadîm

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    zum ersten Mal vollst. ins Dt. übers. und mit Anm. versehen von Heinrich SuterAus: Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Mathematik, 6(1892

    Sanad ibn ҁAlī: Abū al-Ṭayyib Sanad ibn ҁAlī al-Yahūdī

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    [Al-fihrist. Árabe]

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    Índices2 t. en 1 v. con portada propia cada parteErster Band. Den Text enthaltend / von Johannes Roediger -- Zweiter Band. Die Anmerkungen und Indices enthaltend / von August Muelle