102 research outputs found

    How far do shocks move across borders?: Examining volatility transmission in major agricultural futures markets

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    This paper examines the level of interdependence and volatility transmission across major exchanges of maize, wheat, and soybeans in the United States, Europe, and Asia. We follow a multivariate GARCH approach to explore in detail and under different specifications the dynamics and cross-dynamics of volatility in agricultural futures markets. We account for the potential bias that may arise when considering exchanges with different closing times. The period of analysis is 2004–2009 for maize and soybeans and 2005–2009 for wheat. The results indicate that there is a strong correlation among international markets. In particular, we find both own- and cross-volatility spillovers and dependence between most of the exchanges. There is also higher interaction between the United States (Chicago) and both Europe and Asia than within the latter. The results further show the major role Chicago plays in terms of spillover effects over the other markets, particularly for maize and wheat. For soybeans, both China and Japan also exhibit important cross-volatility spillovers. Finally, the level of interdependence between exchanges has not necessarily increased in recent years for all commodities. From a policy perspective, these findings suggest that any potential regulatory scheme to address (excessive) price volatility in agricultural exchanges should be coordinated across markets; localized regulation will have limited effects given the high level of interrelation between markets.volatility transmission, agricultural commodities, futures markets, multivariate GARCH,

    How Far Do Shocks Move Across Borders? Examining Volatility Transmission in Major Agricultural Futures Markets

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    This paper examines the level of interdependence and volatility transmission in global agricultural futures markets. We follow a multivariate GARCH approach to explore the dynamics and cross-dynamics of volatility across major exchanges of corn, wheat, and soybeans between the United States, Europe, and Asia. We account for the potential bias that may arise when considering exchanges with different closing times. The results indicate that agricultural markets are highly interrelated and there are both own- and cross- volatility spillovers and dependence among most of the exchanges. The results also show the major role Chicago plays in terms of spillover effects over the other markets, particularly for corn and wheat. Additionally, the level of interdependence between exchanges has only increased in recent years for some of the commodities.Volatility transmission, agricultural commodities, futures markets, Multivariate GARCH.

    Active Q-switched Fiber Lasers with Single and Dualwavelength Operation

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    A brief explanation on Q-switched fiber laser operating principle for active technique in terms of operation characteristics is presented. Experimental analysis of proposed pulsed fiber lasers by the active Q-switched technique is demonstrated. Experimental setups include the use of Er/Yb doped fiber as a gain medium and an acousto-optic modulator as cavity elements. Setup variations include the use of fiber Bragg gratings for wavelength selection and tuning and Sagnac interferometer for wavelength selection in single wavelength operation and for cavity loss adjustment in dual wavelength operation. The experimental analysis of principal characteristics of single-wavelength operation of the fiber laser and cavity loss adjustment method for dual-wavelength laser operation are discussed

    On the nature of the (de)coupling of the magnetostructural transition in Er5_5Si4_4

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    In this report, a successful thermodynamical model was employed to understand the structural transition in Er5_5Si4_4, able to explain the decoupling of the magnetic and structural transition. This was achieved by the DFT calculations which were used to determine the energy differences at 0 K, using a LSDA+U approximation. It was found that the M structure as the stable phase at low temperatures as verified experimentally with a ΔF0=\Delta F_0 = -0.262 eV. Finally, it was achieved a variation of Seebeck coefficient (\sim 6 μ\muV) at the structural transition which allow to conclude that the electronic entropy variation is negligible in the transition.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    NMR Study on Laccase Polymerization of Kraft Lignin Using Different Enzymes Source

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    The usage of laccases is a sustainable and environmentally friendly approach to modifying the Kraft lignin structure for use in certain applications. However, the inherent structure of Kraft lignin, as well as that resulting from laccase modification, still presents challenges for fundamental comprehension and successful lignin valorization. In this study, bacterial and fungal laccases were employed to modify eucalypt Kraft lignin. To evaluate the type and range of the chemical and structural changes of laccase-treated lignins, different NMR techniques, including solution 1H and 2D NMR (heteronuclear single quantum correlation (HSQC)), and solid-state 13C NMR, were applied. Size exclusion chromatography and infrared spectroscopy were also used. Interestingly, HSQC analysis showed substantial changes in the oxygenated aliphatic region of lignins, showing an almost complete absence of signals corresponding to side-chains due to laccase depolymerization. Simultaneously, a significant loss of aromatic signals was observed by HSQC and 1H NMR, which was attributed to a deprotonation of the lignin benzenic rings due to polymerization/condensation by laccase reactions. Then, condensed structures, such as α-5′, 5-5′, and 4-O-5′, were detected by HSQC and 13C NMR, supporting the increment in molecular weight, as well as the phenolic content reduction determined in lignins.This research was funded by Comunidad de Madrid via Project SUSTEC-CM S2018/EMT-4348; MCINN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe” via Project RTI2018-096080-B-C22; and MCINN via Project TED2021-132122B-C21

    Particle Physics Explanations for Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray Events

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    The origin of cosmic ray events with E \gsim 10^{11} GeV remains mysterious. In this talk I briefly summarize several proposed particle physics explanations: a breakdown of Lorentz invariance, the ``ZZ-burst'' scenario, new hadrons with masses of several GeV as primaries, and magnetic monopoles with mass below 101010^{10} GeV as primaries. I then describe in a little more detail the idea that these events are due to the decays of very massive, long--lived exotic particles.Comment: Invited plenary talk at PASCOS03, Mumbai, India, January 2003; 13 pages, 1 figur

    TANAMI monitoring of Centaurus A: The complex dynamics in the inner parsec of an extragalactic jet

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    Context. Centaurus A (Cen A) is the closest radio-loud active galactic nucleus. Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) enables us to study the spectral and kinematic behavior of the radio jet¿counterjet system on milliarcsecond scales, providing essential information for jet emission and propagation models. Aims. In the framework of the TANAMI monitoring, we investigate the kinematics and complex structure of Cen A on subparsec scales. We have been studying the evolution of the central parsec jet structure of Cen A for over 3.5 years. The proper motion analysis of individual jet components allows us to constrain jet formation and propagation and to test the proposed correlation of increased high-energy flux with jet ejection events. Cen A is an exceptional laboratory for such a detailed study because its proximity translates to unrivaled linear resolution, where one milliarcsecond corresponds to 0.018 pc. Methods. As a target of the southern-hemisphere VLBI monitoring program TANAMI, observations of Cen A are done approximately every six months at 8.4 GHz with the Australian Long Baseline Array (LBA) and associated telescopes in Antarctica, Chile, New Zealand, and South Africa, complemented by quasi-simultaneous 22.3 GHz observations. Results. The first seven epochs of high-resolution TANAMI VLBI observations at 8.4 GHz of Cen A are presented, resolving the jet on (sub-)milliarcsecond scales. They show a differential motion of the subparsec scale jet with significantly higher component speeds farther downstream where the jet becomes optically thin. We determined apparent component speeds within a range of 0.1c to 0.3c and identified long-term stable features. In combination with the jet-to-counterjet ratio, we can constrain the angle to the line of sight to theta approx 12deg-45deg. Conclusions. The high-resolution kinematics are best explained by a spine-sheath structure supported by the downstream acceleration occurring where the jet becomes optically thin. On top of the underlying, continuous flow, TANAMI observations clearly resolve individual jet features. The flow appears to be interrupted by an obstacle causing a local decrease in surface brightness and circumfluent jet behavior. We propose a jet-star interaction scenario to explain this appearance. The comparison of jet ejection times to high X-ray flux phases yields a partial overlap of the onset of the X-ray emission and increasing jet activity, but the limited data do not support a robust correlation

    Primary temporal bone angiosarcoma: a case report.

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    We present a rare case of temporal bone angiosarcoma diagnosed in a 26-year-old female patient at 36 week of pregnancy. The patient was referred with a 2 months history of left otalgia and tinnitus with a tender swelling above the mastoid. Cranial imaging studies showed a 7 x 5 x 4 cm hypervascularized mass located in the left middle fossa with lysis of the temporal bone and extension to the subcutis. After the baby was delivered by caesarean section, the patient entered the oncology protocol. Selective embolization of the feeding vessels was followed by gross total surgical resection using a combined supra- and infra-tentorial approach. Pathological findings were those of a poorly differentiated, highly malignant sarcoma with a large epitheloid component and immunohistochemical evidence of endothelial differentiation (CD31, Factor VIII related antigen, CD34), consistent with an angiosarcoma with epitheloid features. No extra-cranial tumor was found after extensive staging. The patient received adjuvant radiotherapy followed by a course of chemotherapy consisting of 6 cycles of paclitaxel. At 15 months follow-up, she developed multiple distant metastasis to a left postauricular lymph node and to the lungs and ribs. The patient was given a second line chemotherapy using doxorubicine and ifosfamide. Despite an initial good response, she died with metastatic disease 26 months after diagnosis. We present a rare case of primary temporal bone angiosarcoma and report our experience with a multimode therapeutic approach combining surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.Peer reviewe