1,064 research outputs found

    Social Prosperity Perception in Cultural Tourism Destinations: the Case of Peña de Bernal, Huejotzingo and Yuanhuitlán, México

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    The present quantitative study with a descriptive design tries to determine the conditions of "social prosperity" of three Mexican cultural tourist destinations, Yanhuitlán, Huejotzingo and Peña de Bernal. These places face similar conditions in aspects like marginalization and poverty but with activities like tourism have tried to reverse these adverse conditions. The objective was to know the perception of their population about the improvement of their living conditions as a result of the tourist activity through the application of surveys carried out in the chosen destinations. The instrument used was a questionnaire with a Likert scale to facilitate the response of the informants and the processing of the information. For the validity and reliability of the measurement instrument a factor reduction analysis and a Cronbach's alpha were elaborated, after which a one-way ANOVA was elaborated to know the differences of means taking the Bonferroni and Scheffe tests. The results show a significant difference between the averages of destinations in how residents perceive prosperity in the selected tourist destinations

    la herencia científica de Fernando Ortiz

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    Apuntes breves y maravillosos sobre el sol

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    En este artículo el autor señala que desde tiempos remotos el hombre registraba el curso del sol y de la luna, así como las sucesiones de los días y las estaciones, sobre placas de hueso sobre platos de guijarros, hasta llegar a las primeras formas de medir el tiempo basados en el sol, desde el reloj de sombra hasta el invento de la meridiana; posteriormente subraya la utilización de energías renovables y no renovables, los efectos del sol sobre el planeta, las necesidades de consumo energético de la población mundial y la posibilidad de utilizar la energía solar que llega hasta el planeta para producir toda la electricidad que necesitamos

    Mexican northern border municipalities, financial dependence and institutions

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    Mexican northern border municipalities have experienced economic and populational growth rates that are much higher than other Mexican regions resulting in higher demand for public services and infrastructure. The different institutional framework, both fiscal and legal, faced by municipalities in every Mexican State might impact the fiscal behavior of local governments. This article examines whether border municipalities are more financially dependent on central authorities due to the high demand for public services in their jurisdictions and their inability to obtain sufficient funding. Several econometric models are estimated for 300 Mexican municipalities in the year 2000. A strong and negative relationship between income and financial dependence is found, as expected. We also learned that institutional and regional factors should not be omitted in the model specifications. Statistical theory based on the estimations shows that the border municipalities of Ciudad Juárez and Puerto Peñasco have systematically lower financial dependence than others. However, there is no general rule regarding border municipalities and financial dependence

    Financiamiento y provisión de bienes públicos. Un modelo de negociación

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    In this paper we represent the process of financing and providing public goods with a fulI-information bargaining model where both supply and demand sides are explicitly considered. In this bargaining process a consumer-voter and a bureaucrat negotiate the level of provision and the total tax-payment of the public good. After characterizing the feasible set of transactions and defining the efficient set of outcomes, we consider the generalized Nash bargaining solution for this game. We find that the observed result depends upon the negotiation strength of the players and that in general it will be a compromise between the extreme cases analyzed in the literature.

    Tensión superficial de las mezclas O2-Ar, N2-Ar y O2-N2-Ar

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    articulo de investigacionThe surface tension of some binary and ternary mixtures was calculated by means of molecular dynamics simulations in a canonical set. The analyzed mixtures were oxygen-argon, nitrogen-argon and oxygen-nitrogenargon. The force field for argon was recalculated in order to reproduce the experimental surface tension. The corresponding force fields for O2 and N2 were taken from a previous work [Mol. Simul. 45 (2019) 958-966], where it was shown that such force fields reproduce the experimental surface tension curves, as pure fluids. The nitrogen-argon surface tension was calculated for several mole fractions of argon. The obtained curve was compared with those experimental data and a good agreement was found. The standard Lorentz-Berthelot combining rules were employed. For the oxygen-argon mixture it was necessary to modify the cross term of the combining rules in order to reproduce theoretical and experimental data. The surface tension of the ternary mixture was also estimated varying the mole fraction of argon at a certain concentration of oxygen and nitrogen, previously adjusted. Several temperatures were used in order to show a tendency mostly at relatively low temperatures. After comparing the available experimental data, which are scarce, a good agreement was observed

    Intrahousehold Bargaining Power in Spain: An Empirical Test of the Collective Model

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    This paper analyzes the intrahousehold bargaining power of spouses in Spanish families, in a collective framework. We estimate household labor supply equations and, under certain testable restrictions, we obtain a theoretically derived sharing rule for household income, which characterizes intrahousehold bargaining power. Then, using unique data on decision-making in the household, we construct Pareto weights, and study the validity of the collective model by comparing the theoretical sharing rule and the constructed Pareto weight. The results reveal that both the observed Pareto weight and the theoretical sharing rule display qualitative similarities, thus providing direct empirical support to the collective model. Furthermore, the results suggest that Spanish wives behave more altruistically, while husbands behave more egoistically. This should be taken into account by policy makers and researchers when analyzing inequality in the household, and contemplating specific policies affecting the household

    Convivencia vecinal y satisfacción con la colonia en los conjuntos habitacionales de México

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    La política urbana y de vivienda de México enfa-tiza la importancia del medio ambiente social, a través de la promoción de la cohesión social. La convivencia con los vecinos es un componente de dicha cohesión. En este artículo, analizamos la in-fluencia de la convivencia vecinal en el grado de satisfacción con la colonia, un determinante de la calidad de vida de las personas, de los residen-tes en conjuntos habitacionales mexicanos. Usa-mos los resultados de la Encuesta de Satisfacción Residencial 2013, agregados en los 512 conjun-tos habitacionales que incluye. Estimamos dife-rentes especificaciones por mínimos cuadrados generalizados, probit y logit. Encontramos que las variables relacionadas con la convivencia ve-cinal ayudan a explicar las variaciones en la satis-facción con la colonia entre conjuntos habitacio-nales. Este resultado es consistente entre métodos de estimación y variables de control.Mexican housing and urban policy emphasize the importance of the social environment by promoting social cohesion. Neighborly relations are a component of social cohesion. This article analyzes the influence of neighborly relations on neighborhood satisfaction, a decisive factor for individual quality of life in Mexican housing complexes. With data from the Residential Satisfaction Survey of 2013, which includes 512 housing complexes, different specifications are estimated using generalized least squares, probit and logit. Results show that neighborly relations variables help explain variations in neighbor-hood satisfaction across housing complexes. This result is consistent using different methods of estimation and control variables