36 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Kinerja Reksa Dana Saham di Indonesia Menurut Metode Sharpe, Treynor dan Jensen Serta Perbandingan Return Reksa Dana Saham dengan LQ45 Periode Januari 2009 – Juni 2010

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    The purpose of this research is to measure the performance of Equtiy mutual fund by the method of Sharpe, Treynor and Jensen and compare Equity mutual fund return with return of LQ45.The theories used in this research related with the investment, risk, return, and portfolio. Equity Fund performance measurement based on the method of Sharpe, Treynor and method of Jensen\u27s is also one of the crucial theory base. Within the framework of thought, Equity Fund Return, LQ45 Return, Return of SBI, and the risk (standard deviation and beta ) will affect the performance of Equity Fund. The object of this research is the Equity Fund that registered in the period January 2009 to June 2010, LQ45 index and SBI interest rate (BI Rate) period from January 2009 until June 2010. Research variable is Net Asset Value, LQ45, SBI interest rate, and return. Where SBI interest rate (BI Rate) serves as the Risk Free Return. This research uses 24 of the Equtiy Fund recorded during the period January 2009 to June 2010. Data processed by calculating the average return LQ45, the average return of Equity Fund as a whole or sub-period, the average return of SBI, and risk calculation of beta and standard deviation. Based on the results of data processing, the performance of Equity mutual fund can be measured by the method of Sharpe, Treynor and Jensen. Then, perform the comparison of mutual fund returns with returns LQ45 Shares (which represents the market return) The final result of all the research shows the whole period, the product Panin Dana Maksima showed the best performance based on the three methods.Meanwhile, BNI Dana Berkembang as the worst performance based on these methods. In calculating the performance of the Fund Shares that will be used as investment vehicles, can use the method of Sharpe, Treynor and Jensen, so investors are keen to see the performance of Equity Mutual Fund


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    Sebagai Lembaga Pendidikan berbasis pesantren, serta pola interaksi sebaya dalam waktu 24 jam. Maka santri mendapatkan kesempatan berkomunikasi hanya dengan antar santri dan para ustadz/ustadzah. Oleh karenanya, tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah memberdayakan santri sebagai kader kesehatan melalui pembekalan dan edukasi kesehatan reproduksi berbasis kearifan lokal. Kegiatan yang dilakukan pada kegiatan pengabdian terintegrasi ini, yaitu; 1) memberikan edukasi konsep dasar kesehatan reproduksi dengan memberikan buku dengan judul mengenal kesehatan reproduksi kepada santri secara langsung, dengan tujuan meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kesadaran terkait konsep yang harus dipelajari. 2) memberikan pendampingan terhadap santri tentang persiapan usia perkawinan (PUP) dan identifikasi gangguan kesehatan reproduksi dengan small group discussion, dan 3) melakukan tanya jawab dan mensinergikan secara langsung dengan materi pembelajaran yang diberikan pondok pesantren, melalui metode participatory educative and inquiry model. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian terintegrasi ini mendapatkan respon dan antusiasme yang cukup tinggi. Santri merasakan kebermanfaatan dari kegiatan dengan adanya wadah untuk diskusi dan komunikasi terkait permasalahan yang dihadapi seputar kesehatan reproduksi. Harapannya, santri akan terus meningkatkan pemahaman dan membudayakan secara baik, untuk berkomunikasi dan berdiskusi dengan teman sebaya melalui program kader sebaya, sekaligus terus berikhtiar dalam meningkatkan kesehatannya, melalui pemahaman dari materi yang diajarkan dalam kitab-kitab, khususnya pembahasan tentang perilaku dan tata cara bergaul laki - perempuan/suami-isteri, tata cara mandi besar, dan tata cara ketika haid (menstruasi)

    Revitalisasi Peran Karang Taruna sebagai Komunitas Penggerak Antimadat dan Seks Bebas (Kompas) Remaja di Kawasan Lokalisasi Dolly, Surabaya

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    Issues related to adolescent sexual deviation cases and drug abuse in Indonesia continues to increase. A total of 75 % of the 3.2 million drug users in Indonesia was a teenager . Of the 84 respondents who had experienced adolescent unwanted pregnancy , 60 % of whom have an abortion . The case with the teenagers in the Localization Dolly , Surabaya . The existence of Dolly contribute 71 % of the adolescent premarital sexual behavior in the vicinity. Meanwhile , youth are expected to play a role in movement and free sex antimadat in the region has not seen the real Dolly . This community service program aimed at restoring the role of youth organizations as an active community and helpless in society in movement and free sex antimadat promotive and preventive centered community -based approach , through the formation of peer educators . The method used is based on a theoretical framework Precede - PROCEED as a frame work development of health education programs . This program is proven to improve cognition in the Dolly teen population at risk as cases of sexual perversion and drug abuse . This activity produces an output in the form of the Youth Center as youth centers , triggering a re- active youth organizations in the target area . The key point of this program \u27s success is the involvement of the subject \u27s empowerment in decision-making that aims to arouse the internal motivation that makes the subject of empowerment as a necessity . Revitalization Role as Community Youth Activator Antimadat and Free Sex ( COMPASS ) Localization Region Youth Dolly , Surabaya is expected to be a best practice implementation of the empowerment of adolescent reproductive health , especially in the area of prostitutio

    Memory reactivation in slow wave sleep enhances relational learning in humans

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    Sleep boosts the integration of memories, and can thus facilitate relational learning. This benefit may be due to memory reactivation during non-REM sleep. We set out to test this by explicitly cueing reactivation using a technique called targeted memory reactivation (TMR), in which sounds are paired with learned material in wake and then softly played during subsequent sleep, triggering reactivation of the associated memories. We specifically tested whether TMR in slow wave sleep leads to enhancements in inferential thinking in a transitive inference task. Because the Up-phase of the slow oscillation is more responsive to cues than the Down-phase, we also asked whether Up-phase stimulation is more beneficial for such integration. Our data show that TMR during the Up-Phase boosts the ability to make inferences, but only for the most distant inferential leaps. Up-phase stimulation was also associated with detectable memory reinstatement, whereas Down-phase stimulation led to below-chance performance the next morning. Detection of memory reinstatement after Up-state stimulation was negatively correlated with performance on the most difficult inferences the next morning. These findings demonstrate that cueing memory reactivation at specific time points in sleep can benefit difficult relational learning problems

    The rapid formation of functional monolayers on silicon under mild conditions

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    We report on an exceedingly mild chemical functionalization of hydrogen-terminated Si(100) with unactivated and unprotected bifunctional α,ω-dialkynes. Monolayer formation occurs rapidly in the dark, and at room temperature, from dilute solutions of an aromatic-conjugated acetylene. The method addresses the poor reactivity of p-type substrates under mild conditions. We suggest the importance of several factors, including an optimal orientation for electron transfer between the adsorbate and the Si surface, conjugation of the acetylenic function with a π-system, as well as the choice of a solvent system that favors electron transfer and screens Coulombic interactions between surface holes and electrons. The passivated Si(100) electrode is amenable to further functionalization and shown to be a viable model system for redox studies at non-oxide semiconductor electrodes in aqueous solutions

    Thesaurus Termediasikan Augmented Reality Text Untuk Peningkatan Pemahaman Baca

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    Belajar merupakan proses pemahaman terhadap suatu informasi, dalam pembelajaran sering dituntut untuk memahami kata-kata atau pengertian dengan cepat, maka dari itu pembelajaran harus bersifat inovatif dan didukung oleh media pembelajaran yang dapat membantu pemahaman dan kinerja pebelajar. oleh karena itu tujuan dari penulisan ini untuk meningkatkan kinerja pemahaman baca pebelajar dengan cepat menggunakan produk tesaurus. Tesaurus merupakan sebuah kumpulan dari persamaan kata atau sinonim yang akan memberikan alternatif kata guna memudahkan pebelajar dalam memahami bacaan, namun untuk mencari sebuah makna kata dalam tesaurus pebelajar memerlukan waktu yang lama untuk sekedar mencarinya, oleh karena itu diperlukan sebuah teknologi yang dapat mempercepat proses tersebut, yakni dengan menggunakan teknologi augmented reality. Augmented reality merupakan sebuah penggabungan antara dunia nyata dengan dunia virtual dalam satu waktu itu juga, karena itu teknologi augmented reality dalam tesaurus dirasa mampu membantu dalam pemahaman baca yang mana ketika pebelajar memiliki kesulitan dalam memahami kata-kata atau istilah dalam modul pebelajar tinggal scan kata-kata tersebut dengan smartphone kemudian akan muncul sinonim dari kata-kata atau istilah tersebut yang akan memudahkan pebelajar memahami makna bacaan di waktu itu juga dengan cepat (just in time learning)

    Memory reactivation in slow wave sleep enhances relational learning in humans

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    Abstract Sleep boosts the integration of memories, and can thus facilitate relational learning. This benefit may be due to memory reactivation during non-REM sleep. We set out to test this by explicitly cueing reactivation using a technique called targeted memory reactivation (TMR), in which sounds are paired with learned material in wake and then softly played during subsequent sleep, triggering reactivation of the associated memories. We specifically tested whether TMR in slow wave sleep leads to enhancements in inferential thinking in a transitive inference task. Because the Up-phase of the slow oscillation is more responsive to cues than the Down-phase, we also asked whether Up-phase stimulation is more beneficial for such integration. Our data show that TMR during the Up-Phase boosts the ability to make inferences, but only for the most distant inferential leaps. Up-phase stimulation was also associated with detectable memory reinstatement, whereas Down-phase stimulation led to below-chance performance the next morning. Detection of memory reinstatement after Up-state stimulation was negatively correlated with performance on the most difficult inferences the next morning. These findings demonstrate that cueing memory reactivation at specific time points in sleep can benefit difficult relational learning problems