416 research outputs found

    Replanning Missouri farms

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    January, 1938

    New systems on northwest Missouri upland farms

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    November, 1938

    Sub-monolayer nucleation and growth of complex oxide heterostructures at high supersaturation and rapid flux modulation

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    We report on the non-trivial nanoscale kinetics of the deposition of novel complex oxide heterostructures composed of a unit-cell thick correlated metal LaNiO3 and dielectric LaAlO3. The multilayers demonstrate exceptionally good crystallinity and surface morphology maintained over the large number of layers, as confirmed by AFM, RHEED, and synchrotron X-ray diffraction. To elucidate the physics behind the growth, the temperature of the substrate and the deposition rate were varied over a wide range and the results were treated in the framework of a two-layer model. These results are of fundamental importance for synthesis of new phases of complex oxide heterostructures.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Friction force on slow charges moving over supported graphene

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    We provide a theoretical model that describes the dielectric coupling of a 2D layer of graphene, represented by a polarization function in the Random Phase Approximation, and a semi-infinite 3D substrate, represented by a surface response function in a non-local formulation. We concentrate on the role of the dynamic response of the substrate for low-frequency excitations of the combined graphene-substrate system, which give rise to the stopping force on slowly moving charges above graphene. A comparison of the dielectric loss function with experimental HREELS data for graphene on a SiC substrate is used to estimate the damping rate in graphene and to reveal the importance of phonon excitations in an insulating substrate. A signature of the hybridization between graphene's pi plasmon and the substrate's phonon is found in the stopping force. A friction coefficient that is calculated for slow charges moving above graphene on a metallic substrate shows an interplay between the low-energy single-particle excitations in both systems.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Nanotechnology for a special issue related to the NGC 2009 conference (http://asdn.net/ngc2009/index.shtml

    Low-Temperature Orientation Dependence of Step Stiffness on {111} Surfaces

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    For hexagonal nets, descriptive of {111} fcc surfaces, we derive from combinatoric arguments a simple, low-temperature formula for the orientation dependence of the surface step line tension and stiffness, as well as the leading correction, based on the Ising model with nearest-neighbor (NN) interactions. Our formula agrees well with experimental data for both Ag and Cu{111} surfaces, indicating that NN-interactions alone can account for the data in these cases (in contrast to results for Cu{001}). Experimentally significant corollaries of the low-temperature derivation show that the step line tension cannot be extracted from the stiffness and that with plausible assumptions the low-temperature stiffness should have 6-fold symmetry, in contrast to the 3-fold symmetry of the crystal shape. We examine Zia's exact implicit solution in detail, using numerical methods for general orientations and deriving many analytic results including explicit solutions in the two high-symmetry directions. From these exact results we rederive our simple result and explore subtle behavior near close-packed directions. To account for the 3-fold symmetry in a lattice gas model, we invoke a novel orientation-dependent trio interaction and examine its consequences.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Data analysis and recommendations for the determination of the equilibrium constant for CO steam conversion and of consumption ratios of ammonia production

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    Проведений аналіз значень константи рівноваги конверсії СО водяною парою Кp1, визначеною за різними джерелами. Для розрахунку Кp1 обґрунтовано використання рівняння Тьомкіна М.І. Витратні коефіцієнти виробництва аміаку по РПГ та ТПГ, розраховані з використанням значень Кp1, визначеної за рівняннями Тьомкіна М.І. і Kjer J., рівняннями апроксимації табличних даних Семенова В.П. та даних Wagman D., відрізняються не більше як на 0,1 %.Analysis of the equilibrium constant for CO steam conversion, Kp1 from various sources was conducted. To calculate Kp1 it is reasonable to use the equation of Temkyn M.I. Equilibrium constants Kp1 for the watergas shift of carbon monoxide is recommended to determine by the Temkin M.I. equation. Expense ratios of ammonia by an RNG and FNG, calculated using the Kp1 values, defined by the equations of Temkin M.I.; Kjer J., by the approximation equations of tabular data of Semenov V.P. and data of Wagman D., — differ by no more than 0,1 %

    Graphite and graphene as perfect spin filters

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    Based upon the observations (i) that their in-plane lattice constants match almost perfectly and (ii) that their electronic structures overlap in reciprocal space for one spin direction only, we predict perfect spin filtering for interfaces between graphite and (111) fcc or (0001) hcp Ni or Co. The spin filtering is quite insensitive to roughness and disorder. The formation of a chemical bond between graphite and the open dd-shell transition metals that might complicate or even prevent spin injection into a single graphene sheet can be simply prevented by dusting Ni or Co with one or a few monolayers of Cu while still preserving the ideal spin injection property

    Geometry and quantum delocalization of interstitial oxygen in silicon

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    The problem of the geometry of interstitial oxygen in silicon is settled by proper consideration of the quantum delocalization of the oxygen atom around the bond-center position. The calculated infrared absorption spectrum accounts for the 517 and 1136 cm1^{-1} bands in their position, character, and isotope shifts. The asymmetric lineshape of the 517 cm1^{-1} peak is also well reproduced. A new, non-infrared-active, symmetric-stretching mode is found at 596 cm1^{-1}. First-principles calculations are presented supporting the nontrivial quantum delocalization of the oxygen atom.Comment: uuencoded, compressed postscript file for the whole. 4 pages (figures included), accepted in PR

    Relaxation and reconstruction on (111) surfaces of Au, Pt, and Cu

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    We have theoretically studied the stability and reconstruction of (111) surfaces of Au, Pt, and Cu. We have calculated the surface energy, surface stress, interatomic force constants, and other relevant quantities by ab initio electronic structure calculations using the density functional theory (DFT), in a slab geometry with periodic boundary conditions. We have estimated the stability towards a quasi-one-dimensional reconstruction by using the calculated quantities as parameters in a one-dimensional Frenkel-Kontorova model. On all surfaces we have found an intrinsic tensile stress. This stress is large enough on Au and Pt surfaces to lead to a reconstruction in which a denser surface layer is formed, in agreement with experiment. The experimentally observed differences between the dense reconstruction pattern on Au(111) and a sparse structure of stripes on Pt(111) are attributed to the details of the interaction potential between the first layer of atoms and the substrate.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Physical Review