154 research outputs found

    VISP: a MALL based app using audio description techniques to improve B1 EFL student's oral competence

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    The last decade, mobile devices, defined as “any device that is small, autonomous and unobtrusive enough to accompany us in every moment” (Trifonova et al. 2004:3) are a familiar part of most teachers and students’ lives and their integration into learning and teaching is constantly increasing. In this contribution we concentrate on creating learning materials for mobile devices in order to suit the current ‘On Demand Generation’ that wants “anything, anywhere at anytime” (Caudron 2011: 25.). In order to explore the benefits of mobile learning away from the traditional classroom, we designed an app named VISP (VIdeos for SPeaking), which is available in Android operating systems. VISP consists of using audio description (AD) techniques to practice oral language skills. We present here the methodological steps followed in the design of VISP, as well as the first qualitative data obtained, derived from applying it to two Spanish students of English as a foreign language (EFL)

    A comparative analysis of a mobile app to practise oral skills : in classroom or self-directed use?

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    In this paper we present our findings on analyzing two different uses of a mobile application, VISP (VIdeos-for-SPeaking), designed to promote oral skills based on audio description: one use is integrated in the classroom and the other one is self-directed. Participants were divided in two groups: one group received an introduction on audio description and an explanation of how to use the app. They were also informed about what was expected from them. The other group was just asked to download the app and try it out, that is, they were supposed to direct their own learning autonomously. The results show that, regarding language practice, VISP is equally effective as a support tool in the classroom and as an independent app, used outside the classroom. However, when it comes to attitudinal issues, the group of students who used the app as part of the classroom activities were more positive towards the app than the ones who used the app in a self-directed way, who were less motivated about the app uses and benefits. This shows the effectivity and potential of mobile apps as support resources in the foreign language classroom and the need to design strategies to improve VISP towards learners’ autonomy and self regulated learning

    Audiodescripción para todos: revisión bibliográfica de sus valores pedagógicos en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras

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    En 2003, la Unión Europea identificó el acceso a la información como un derecho humano. Desde entonces, se han realizado esfuerzos específicos para garantizar la accesibilidad de todo tipo de productos a todo tipo de personas. Inicialmente, la audiodescripción (AD) se agregó a los eventos culturales (teatro, ópera, cine, televisión, museos, etc.) para satisfacer las necesidades de los discapacitados visuales. En esta contribución, reflexionamos sobre el estatus de la AD como un modo de traducción por derecho propio, y sobre su flexibilidad y aplicabilidad en diferentes contextos y para diferentes propósitos. Basamos nuestros argumentos en el análisis de la investigación actual sobre la traducción audiovisual (AVT), centrada principalmente en estudios de AD realizados en los últimos años. Sostenemos que, como práctica de traducción nueva pero legítima, la AD puede ser muy útil no sólo para mejorar la accesibilidad a los eventos culturales para las personas con discapacidad visual, sino también para las personas con problemas cognitivos, o audiencias de diferentes edades, diferentes orígenes sociales, diferentes culturas e incluso para aquellos que estudian una lengua extranjera, ayudándoles a desarrollar sus competencias lingüísticas e interculturales de varias maneras.In 2003, the European Union identified access to information as a human right. Ever since, specific efforts have been made to ensure the accessibility of all kinds of products to all kinds of people. Initially, audio description (AD) was added to cultural events (theatre, opera, film, television, museums, etc.) to meet the needs of the blind and visually impaired people. In this contribution, we reflect on the status of AD as a translation mode in its own right, and also on its flexibility in, and applicability to different contexts and for different purposes. We base our arguments on the analysis of current audiovisual translation (AVT) research, mainly focused on AD studies conducted in recent years. We argue that, as a new, but legitimate translation practice, it can be very useful not only to enhance accessibility to cultural events for visually challenged people,but also for people who are cognitively challenged or for audiences of different ages, different social backgrounds, different cultures and even for those who those who study a foreign language (FL), by helping them develop their linguistic and intercultural competences in several ways

    MOOC basados en tecnología móviles para profesores de lenguas: desafíos y oportunidades

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    The present paper explores pedagogical, technical, and institutional responses to the current challenges and opportunities that MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) present, specifically in the area of language teaching and learning. It does so through a review of the current state of the art in the field. Besides reporting on this, the aim of the present paper is ultimately to propose the factors to be taken into account in the design of a MOOC on MALL (Mobile Assisted Language Learning) for language teachers within CPD (Continuous Professional Development), which include technical, pedagogical and linguistic standards.El presente artículo explora las respuestas pedagógicas, técnicas e institucionales al actual desafío que los cursos masivos en abierto (en inglés MOOCs, Massive Open Online Courses) presentan, especialmente en el área de aprendizaje y enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras. Esto se hace por medio de una revisión del estado de la cuestión en la actualidad. Además, el objetivo de este trabajo es proponer una serie de factores a tener en cuenta para el diseño de un curso MOOC sobre aprendizaje de lenguas móvil (en inglés MALL, Mobile Assisted Language Learning) para profesores de lenguas extranjeras, que incluya estándares técnicos, pedagógicos y lingüísticos

    Análisis sociocultural de las estrategias comunicativas de estudiantes belgas flamencos en el aprendizaje de E/LE

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    En este trabajo analizo las estrategias de comunicación de estudiantes de español como lengua extranjera (E/LE) de nacionalidad belga, cuya lengua materna (L1) es el neerlandés. Establezco una relación entre las estrategias que más utilizan estos estudiantes y la influencia de factores socioculturales. El estudio revela que a pesar de tener altas habilidades orales debido a su tradición multilingüe, tienden a usar estrategias que revelan su timidez a nivel social. Esto tiene que ver con su pertenencia a una cultura donde en términos socio-pragmáticos prevalece el individuo sobre el grupo (Haverkate 2003, Goethals y Depreitere 2008). Los resultados obtenidos muestran la directa relación existente entre la cultura y la sociedad a la que el hablante pertenece y sus estrategias de comunicación.In this work I analyze the communication strategies of students of Spanish as a Foreign Language of Belgian nationality, and whose first language is Dutch. I draw on the relationship between their most frequently used strategies and the influence of socio-cultural factors. The study reveals that, even though they have high oral skills, due to their multilingual background, they tend to employ strategies that show their social timidity. This has to do with their pertaining to a culture where, in socio-pragmatic terms, the individual is over the social group (Haverkate 2003, Goethals and Depreitere 2008). The results obtained show the direct relationship that holds betweens the culture and the society to which the speaker belongs and his/her communication strategies

    Análisis sociocultural de las estrategias comunicativas de estudiantes belgas flamencos en el aprendizaje de E/LE

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    En este trabajo analizo las estrategias de comunicación de estudiantes de español como lengua extranjera (E/LE) de nacionalidad belga, cuya lengua materna (L1) es el neerlandés. Establezco una relación entre las estrategias que más utilizan estos estudiantes y la influencia de factores socioculturales. El estudio revela que a pesar de tener altas habilidades orales debido a su tradición multilingüe, tienden a usar estrategias que revelan su timidez a nivel social. Esto tiene que ver con su pertenencia a una cultura donde en términos socio-pragmáticos prevalece el individuo sobre el grupo (Haverkate 2003, Goethals y Depreitere 2008). Los resultados obtenidos muestran la directa relación existente entre la cultura y la sociedad a la que el hablante pertenece y sus estrategias de comunicación.In this work I analyze the communication strategies of students of Spanish as a Foreign Language of Belgian nationality, and whose first language is Dutch. I draw on the relationship between their most frequently used strategies and the influence of socio-cultural factors. The study reveals that, even though they have high oral skills, due to their multilingual background, they tend to employ strategies that show their social timidity. This has to do with their pertaining to a culture where, in socio-pragmatic terms, the individual is over the social group (Haverkate 2003, Goethals and Depreitere 2008). The results obtained show the direct relationship that holds betweens the culture and the society to which the speaker belongs and his/her communication strategies

    Epiphytic Iichens ofBarco de Ávila (Ávila, Spain)

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    IBÁÑEZ, 1. & BURGAZ, A. R. 1995. Líquenes epifitos de Barco de Avila (Ávila, España). Bot. Complutensis 20: 9-18. Se presentan los primeros resultados sobre flora liquénica epifita de la vertiente Norte del Macizo Central de la Sierra de Gredos. Del catálogo constituido por 94 táxones destacamos: Lecanora hagenit L. nemoralis, Parmelia subargentifera, Physconia detersa, Rama/ma obtusata, Rinodina anoma/a, Usnea fi/ipendula, ti. fu/voreagens, U. glabrata, U. g/abrescens, U. /appo`lira y U wasmuthii, por suponer importantes ampliaciones de su área de distribución en la Península Ibérica. Además, 77 táxones son primeras citas para la provincia de Avila.IBÁÑEZ, 1. & BURGAZ, A. R. 1995. Epiphytic lichens of Barco de Avila (Avila, Spain). Bot. Complutensis 20: 9-18. The first floristic results from the North of Macizo Central, Sierra de Gredos are presented. In the list, 94 taxa are included being 77 of tbem Íirst provincial records. We point out: Lecanora hagenil, L. nemoralis, Par,nelia .rubargentifera, Physconia detersa, Rama/ma ohtusata, Rínodina anotna/a, Usneajilipendula, U. jh/voreagens, U. glabrata, U. g/abrescens, U. lappon ¿ca and U. wasmuthii, because tbeir distribution arcas are enlarged

    How do we design authentic, meaninful, useful and enjoyable tasks? VISP , an enjoyable app to enhance idiomaticity in English

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    The ARDELE project (Audiodescripción como Recurso Didáctico en la Enseñanza del Español como Lengua Extranjera), which has been running since 2010 at the Department of Applied Language Studies at Ghent University (Belgium), aims at exploring the pedagogical benefits and limitations of the use of audio description techniques within the classroom of Foreign Languages. An audio describer provides oral descriptions turning the images into speech, in the gaps between dialogues or the pauses in monologues. In this project we work on the hypothesis that due to the time limitations, accuracy and idiomaticity are essential, so carrying out AD-based tasks can be useful to successfully enhance lexical and phraseological competence in the foreign language classroom, as well as awareness of intercultural differences and the learner’s own learning process (Ibáñez Moreno & Vermeulen 2013, 2014). In order to meet the wishes of the ‘On demand’ generation that wants anything, anyplace, and at any time, as well as to promote learners’ autonomy, in line with the principles of life-long learning, in 2014 we decided to take the AD-based tasks out of the classroom and implement them into the ubiquitous learning environment of mobile devices (android smart phones). Following the principles of the communicative approach to language teaching, and within it the task-based approach (TBLT), we designed a mobile application (app) named VISP (VIdeos for SPeaking). The users of the app are first asked to fill in an online pre-questionnaire/test in order to provide their basic personal data and to do a brief test on lexical and phraseological items that will later on be necessary to perform the AD-based task. Then they are introduced to the world of AD by a sample and some guidelines. After that, they can watch a very short clip of a film (31 seconds) as many times as they want. This clip has to be audio described. When they feel prepared (eventually after drafting a small written AD), they record an oral AD and send it. Finally, they fill in a second test/questionnaire containing formal and functional questions related to the task, and the official AD so that they to assess themselves by comparing both versions, their own one and the original one. The activities of one session, altogether, take an average of 30 minutes, but users may devote more or less time to them, depending on their own rhythm and motivation. Thus, the users perform an authentic, meaningful and useful task, based on a real film clip. The fact that final aim of audio describing is to make the clip accessible to blind or visually impaired people makes users feel it is a rewarding activity, as the results of the post questionnaire show. In our contribution we will present the results obtained from two case studies, one carried out with Belgian students and another one with Spanish Erasmus students of English as a foreign language, who tested the first version of VISP during the course 2014-2015, at the Department of Applied Language Studies at the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy of Ghent University (Belgium). Based on these results we will also present some proposals for improvement and future researc