830 research outputs found

    La música en el cine, o cómo una relación simbiótica puede llegar a ser parasitaria

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    Decenes Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la FCHS (Any 2004-2005

    Analysis and spike detection of neural data from a CMOS MEA system

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    This thesis is intended to deal with the problem of analysis and spike detection in neural data acquired from a CMOS Microelectrode Array (MEA) system. In order for this to be carried out a Graphical User Interface (GUI) application has been created. The data to analyze comes from an in-vitro recording and stimulation system which uses a 65 x 65 CMOS MEA and it is stored in HDF5 files with the .cmcr extension. The GUI application developed in Python is able to read these files and perform a number of tasks which facilitate the detection and visualization of neural activity within the tissue subjected to analysis. This is accomplished by interpreting the voltage measurements at every coordinate of the array over time for the search of Action Potentials (APs) or spikes. Once the spikes are detected the information is stored to be presented in different ways and a comparison is carried out to detect when and where most activity has taken place. The GUI application created enables the visualization of both raw and filtered data at a particular coordinate over time and showing the spikes that have been detected. Moreover, a second type of plot makes it possible to view the whole array filtered data for an exact time sample, as well as which coordinates present most neural activity. Finally, a number of tables show useful information about the pixel coordinates, time and height of these spikes.Outgoin

    Diferenciación morfométrica de los géneros Poblana, Chirostoma y Menidia (Osteichthyes: Atherinopsidae)

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    Background: The recent origin of the genera Chirostoma and Poblana, and the scarce morphological differentiation between them, have made it difficult to define their taxonomic validity, in addition to the fact that both genera share a common ancestor, Menidia. Many taxonomic studies have recognized Chirostoma and Poblana as well-defined genera. Genetic analyses, however, indicate that Poblana is nested within Chirostoma, while other authors synonymize all silversides of the Central Plateau of Mexico within Menidia. Nevertheless, the differentiation between these genera has not currently been explored through a morphometric analysis. Goals: Under this scenario, in which the taxonomic validity of the genus Menidia is not in doubt, but the existence of Poblana is uncertain given that for some authors it pertains to the genus Chirostoma, the morphometric variations among the three genera and their species were analyzed in this study through Geometric Morphometrics. Methods: Seventeen landmarks were used on a sample of 393 Mexican specimens from various biological collections (216 of Chirostoma, 150 of Poblana and 27 of Menidia) obtained from several localities. The differences among the genera and species were tested using a Generalized Procrustes Analysis (GPA) and Discriminant Analysis (DA) computing the regression of shape on size-the vector of allometry, then remove this aspect of variation by looking at residual variation. Results: The cross-validated analysis showed 98.5% and 84.2% of classification among genera and species respectively, where the misclassifications were among species of Chirostoma. Conclusions: Morphometric differences were found among Poblana, Chirostoma and Menidia, therefore considered as discrete units.Antecedentes: El origen reciente de los géneros Chirostoma y Poblana, y la escasa diferenciación morfológica entre ellos, han dificultado definir su validez taxonómica, aunado a que ambos géneros comparten un ancestro común, Menidia. Varios estudios taxonómicos han reconocido a Chirostoma y Poblana como géneros bien definidos. Sin embargo, análisis genéticos indican que Poblana está contenido en Chirostoma, mientras que otros autores agrupan a todos los pejerreyes de la Mesa Central de México dentro de Menidia. Sin embargo, la diferenciación entre estos géneros no se ha explorado actualmente a través de un análisis morfométrico. Objetivos: Bajo este escenario, en el que la validez taxonómica del género Menidia no está en duda, pero la existencia de Poblana es incierta dado que para algunos autores pertenece al género Chirostoma, la variación morfométrica entre los tres géneros y sus especies se analizaron en este estudio a través de Morfometría Geométrica. Métodos: Se utilizaron 17 marcas o “landmarks” para una muestra de 393 individuos de varias colecciones biológicas (216 de Chirostoma, 150 de Poblana y 27 de Menidia) procedentes de diversas localidades de recolecta en México. Las diferencias entre géneros y especies se probaron mediante un Análisis Generalizado de Procrustes (GPA) y Análisis Discriminante (DA) con los residuales de la regresión forma-tamaño, para eliminar la variación asociada al tamaño de los especímenes. Resultados: El análisis de validación cruzada mostró 98.5% y 84.2% de clasificación entre géneros y especies respectivamente, las clasificaciones erróneas fueron entre especies de Chirostoma. Conclusiones: Se encontraron diferencias morfométricas entre Poblana, Chirostoma y Menidia, por lo que se consideraron como unidades discretas

    Five Factor Model of Personality and Structure of Psychopathological Symptoms in Adolescents

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    This study aims to explore the factorial structure of the most prevalent psychopathological symptoms in adolescence, and to explore the associations between the resulting psychopathological factors with both the Five-Factor Model of personality and the General Factor of Personality (GFP). A sample of 835 adolescents (M = 14.35, SD = 1.58; 49% girls) completed personality and psychopathology self-reports. The confirmatory factor analyses showed that a bifactor model of psychopathology, which included a general psychopathological factor (p factor) and specific factors (i.e., internalizing, externalizing, and hyperactivity and attention problems), better fitted the data than other competing models. The main associations found in the regression analyses were: neuroticism and introversion with the internalizing factor; low agreeableness with the externalizing factor; low conscientiousness with the hyperactivity and attention problems score; high neuroticism, low conscientiousness and low agreeableness with the p factor. Last, the GFP and p factor were substantially related, with β coefficients between 0.42 and 0.49 (p < .001). This study suggests that a bifactor model adequately depicts the psychopathology structure in adolescence. This structure was supported by differential associations of personality traits with each resulting factor

    Personality and nonjudging make you happier: Contribution of the Five-Factor Model, mindfulness facets and a mindfulness intervention to subjective well-being

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    Mindful individuals are able to acknowledge mind wandering and live in the present moment in a nonjudgmental way. Previous studies have found that both mind wandering and mindfulness are associated with subjective well-being. However, the main predictor of happiness is personality; more specifically, happier people are emotionally stable and extraverted. The present study aimed to explore the contribution of the five factors of personality, dispositional mindfulness facets and a mindfulness intervention to happiness. A sample of 372 university students was assessed with the NEO-Five Factor Inventory, and another sample of 217 community adults answered the Big Five Personality Trait Short Questionnaire. Both samples, 589 participants in all, completed the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire and the Subjective Happiness Scale. Furthermore, 55 participants from the general population sample took a 6-week training course in meditation and developing mindfulness. The regression analyses showed that emotional stability and extraversion traits were the strongest predictors of subjective well-being. Nonetheless, the nonjudging facet, which is nonevaluative/acceptance awareness of thoughts and feelings, still remained a significant predictor of happiness when personality was accounted for. Finally, mindfulness training did not increase subjective well-being. Being nonjudgmental of one’s inner thoughts, feelings and sensations contributes to happiness even when personality is taken into account. Accordingly, it seems reasonable that mindfulness training that intends to improve subjective well-being should focus on noticing thoughts without judging the

    Aprendiendo con textos multimodales: una experiencia práctica en clases de máster

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    Las sociedades actuales poseen un carácter eminentemente multimodal, ya que continuamente están lanzando mensajes compuestos por más de un modo de comunicación (texto escrito, imagen, música, etc.). De este modo, los textos multimodales se han de llevar a las aulas por dos motivos. Por un lado, se hace necesario enseñar al alumnado a saber leerlos e interpretarlos. Por otro, es posible incorporar elementos multimodales en el aprendizaje (presentación de power point o prezi, vídeo, etc.) para que éste sea más completo y permita desarrollar a los/as estudiantes distintas capacidades. La asignatura de Hipertextualidad, impartida en el máster de Nuevas Tendencias de la Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche, tiene como objetivo, precisamente, enseñar al alumnado a leer textos multimodales. Así, para conocer cómo valoran este aprendizaje se les pasó una encuesta a los/as alumnos/as matriculados en el curso 2013/2014. Los resultados de ésta muestran que el alumnado valora positivamente el uso de herramientas multimodales en las clases. Igualmente, considera que aprender a leer textos multimodales les permite generar una mayor capacidad crítica y descubrir los mensajes que las imágenes ocultan

    Introducing culture and critical thinking in the classroom: Analysing multimodal texts from NGOs in a Masters course

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    The multimodal nature of present societies makes clear that teaching with authentic multimodal texts can contribute to bringing different cultural realities into the classroom. For this reason, it was decided to use texts published by Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in order to teach visual grammar (Kress and van Leeuwen, 2006) in a Masters course in Spain. These texts were also selected because they are appropriate to teach cultural aspects, and raise awareness of the realities of poor countries; they may also foster the acquisition of interpersonal competencies. This paper offers textual analysis; this research will point out that teaching students to be critical with the discourse produced by NGOs is essential in order to unveil relationships of domination and power because discourse is always a powerful tool used to reproduce social reality.La naturaleza multimodal de las sociedades actuales deja claro que el aprendizaje con auténticos textos multimodales contribuye a llevar a clase diferentes realidades culturales. En este sentido, se decidió usar textos publicados por Organizaciones No Gubernamentales (ONG) para enseñar gramática visual (Kress y van Leeuwen, 2006) en un máster. Estos textos han sido seleccionados porque eran apropiados para enseñar aspectos culturales y las realidades de los países pobres; éstos también permiten la adquisición de competencias interpersonales. En este artículo se señala que enseñar a los estudiantes a ser críticos con el discurso producido por las ONG es fundamental para desvelar las relaciones de dominación y poder, porque el discurso es siempre una poderosa herramienta utilizada para reproducir la realidad social

    Multimodal Approach to the Image of Impoverished: A Visual Analysis of Covers in a Sample from Intermón Oxfam Magazines

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    Este artículo pretende ofrecer una aproximación al modo en el que las ONG representan a la población en países ricos y pobres así como a su propia representación como ONG de Desarrollo. Nuestro corpus consiste en todos los números de la publicación Revista IO publicados durante el año 2012 por Intermón Oxfam. Se ofrecerá un análisis detallado de las portadas por ser éstas la primera página que ven los lectores y por tratarse de la parte de la revista en las que la ONG se presenta. El análisis crítico del discurso, y específicamente el modelo propuesto por van Leeuwen (2008) así como la gramática visual de Kress y van Leeuwen (2006) serán empleados con el fin de ofrecer un análisis detallado de dichas portadas y con el objetivo de observar las principales características visuales empleadas para representar a personas de países del Sur y del Norte en una muestra de las revistas publicadas por Intermón Oxfam. Tras el análisis llegamos a la conclusión de que esta ONG crea una dicotomía entre las personas que trabajan con materias primas y artesanías, situadas en países pobres, y los consumidores de esos productos, situados en países ricos. De ahí que las relaciones entre ellos aparezcan mediatizadas por el dinero en lugar de por principios universales como la igualdad o la justicia social.This article intends to approach the way NGOs represent the population in poor and rich countries and their own representation as NGOs of Development. Our corpus consists of all the issues from the Intermón Oxfam’s magazine called Revista IO published in 2012. We will offer a detailed analysis of the covers because this is the first page seen by the readers and because this is the way in which the NGO introduces itself. Critical discourse analysis, specifically the model proposed by van Leeuwen (2008) and Kress and van Leeuwen’s (2006) visual grammar will be used in order to provide a detailed analysis of the covers and to observe the main visual characteristics used for presenting people from poor countries in a sample from Intermón Oxfam’s magazines. After analysing the said covers we conclude that this NGO creates a dichotomy between producers of raw materials and handicrafts, located in poor countries, and consumers of these products, located in rich countries. Thus, the relations between them appear mediated by money and not by universal values such as the equality or social justice

    Visible light harvesting alkyne hydrosilylation mediated by pincer platinum complexe

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    In this manuscript we assess the catalytic properties of pincer platinum complexes in alkyne hydrosilylation either under photo or thermal conditions. The visible light-induced hydrosilylation proved to be more efficient. It can be performed at room temperature and required lower catalyst loadings than that operating under thermal conditions. The platinum complexes play a dual role in photohydrosilylation as serve as a photosensitizer and a catalyst enabling species in bond breaking/forming transformations. In addition, alkyne hydrosilylation is achieved with moderate regio- and stereoselectivity but is enhanced under photocatalytic conditions and in the case of terminal alkynes we have observed the formation of β(Z) products not observable under thermal conditions. Such differences in selectivity constitute an example of stereodivergent catalysis dictated under photochemical or thermal conditions. The selectivity differences are ascribed to a distinctive reaction mechanism for the light- vs thermally-induced process that involve radical or organometallic intermediates, respectively.MICIU/AEI/FEDER (PID2021-126071OB-C22 and PID2019-104121GB-I00). Universitat Jaume I (UJI-B2022-23). Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEU/2020/028).Thanks to PID2021-126071OB-C22 and PID2019-104121GB-I00 funded by MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ FEDER “Una manera de hacer Europa”. Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEU/2020/028) and Universitat Jaume I (UJI-B2022-23). L. I-I. thanks MICIN for grant (FPU20/04385). The authors thank ‘Servei Central d’Instrumentació Científica (SCIC) de la Universitat Jaume I’