162 research outputs found

    Chapter Transfer of Non-Academic Skills in Academic Context: towards a Sustainable Employability

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    This essay is an element of dialogue between educational practices acquired in territorial education contexts and the University. In particular, starting from the 10-year long experience consolidated in three educational centres operating in border areas of the Province of Naples, a series of ‘key competences’ have been highlighted that are indispensable to the containment of social risk disadvantage in an inclusion (Bertolini 1977; Freire 2004; Rossi 2014; Sabatano 2015a, 2015b) and well-being project (Iavarone 2007, 2009) from an educational point of view. Such competencies have become subject of a ‘participatory didactic planning’ between expert educators working in these contexts and a university course on ‘Pedagogy of relationships’ within the Department of Motor Science and Well-Being at the University of Naples Parthenope. The participatory planning practice has set the most ambitious goal of achieving a ‘system methodology’ to be used in the curriculum-design of the university courses in order to make the academic education offer a proper link element between the educational demand of young people, the demand for professional skills in the territory and the emerging social needs in order to improve employability processes. The main results that this experience has highlighted can be deducted from the student’s satisfaction survey, as well as from the data collected and processed by the University Assessment Team, in the Department’s Joint Commission Reports, which show a clear and overall improvement of the communication processes between non-academic institutions collaborating with the University for the conduct of internships, training sessions and placement-targeted activities. The empirical evidence and the positive results obtained provide substantial comfort in considering that the experience gained can be a ‘good practice’ to be included in the didactic planning process of the courses, even in relation to the need to improve the educational and didactic offer with reference to the new quality assurance parameters (QA) for the periodic accreditation of the CdS according to the AVA-ANVUR legislation in forc

    IP-Lab 3: Adolescenza

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    Dalla devianza alla speranza: il contrasto alle povertà educative come cifra di pedagogia civile

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    Il concetto di Povertà educativa è semanticamente un ossimoro. L’educazione dovrebbe essere sempre una ricchezza. Ciò di cui discutiamo attiene invece alla povertà di opportunità che alcuni gruppi di popolazionepurtroppo soffrono. Ciò, per dire che non si può discutere di “povertà educativa” in astratto, prescindendo dalle cause che l’hanno determinata, in ottica etiologica, piuttosto che meramente sintomatologica. E’ noto che le cause della povertà educativa sono ingiustizia e disuguaglianze, che sono spesso terreno in cui crescono esclusione sociale e devianza

    Knowledge Transfer in Doctoral Education During the Pandemic Time: An Exploratory Study of the PhD Students’ Experiences

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    The research aims to explore how PhD students interacted with professors and peers and transferred knowledge during pandemic time. We firstly aim to provide an overview of communication media used by students, as well as to classify them for different kinds, social presence, and media richness. Furthermore, our research also aims to explore how doctoral students took their courses by interacting with professors and with peers, in terms of learning (KT) and social exchange relations (LMX, TMX, POS), through online learning platforms and communication media. We conducted exploratory research on 25 PhD students from 5 Italian PhD Programs in ‘economic and statistical sciences’ area. Data was collected through (a) the focus group interview with PhD students for collecting their opinions and experiences on the usage of media for communicating with professors and peers and (b) an online questionnaire aimed to measure their experiences or perceptions on technology usage and social relations. Results shown that PhD students used e-learning platform for communicating with peers and professors, so developing good social relations -even at a distance- which have encouraged knowledge transfer among them

    Educational poverty and juvenile risk: phenomenology of a social crime

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    Economic Poverty is often the cause of Educational Poverty. The present paper, through the comparative analysis of statistical sources, sociological investigations and institutional documents, try to underline the close relationship between educational poverty and violent juvenile crime. The analysis of the baby gang case in the city of Naples shows how policies that focus exclusively on repressive interventions of criminal phenomena do not get the desired results. The fight against violent crime requires a balanced combination of social and educational policies that can accompany the judicial and repressive offensive. The institutional agendas, that neglect integrated social support and transformative education interventions, produce short-term results and are guilty of a social crime capable of progressively poisoning urban contexts.   Keywords: educational poverty, violence, risk prevention, juvenile crime, educational responsibilit


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    Le “povertà educative” possono essere definite come la “difficoltà per bambini ed adolescenti di imparare, sperimentare, sviluppare e perseguire le proprie capacità, talenti ed aspirazioni” (Save the Children). Una delle principali cause di povertà educativa, sebbene non l’unica, è molto spesso la povertà economica che si traduce in mancanza di opportunità di accesso a contesti aggregativi, quali ad esempio palestre o associazioni culturali. Al fine di contrastare questo fenomeno, l’Università degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope e l’Università di Salerno hanno istituito il corso di Laurea in “Progettazione dei Servizi Educativi e Formativi, "Media Education" e Tecnologie per l'Inclusione nei Contesti Formali e non Formali” interclasse LM50/LM93. Obiettivo di questo corso è formare professionisti in grado di analizzare le realtà territoriali e progettare interventi educativi adeguati anche attraverso l'uso delle tecnologie digitali