637 research outputs found

    Pressure waves oscillation levels: the influence of scale effects in solid rocket motors

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    The main objective of the present research is the characterisation of the unsteady internal fluid dynamics occurring in solid rocket motors (SRM). In particular, the attention is focused on the evaluation and the analysis of pressure waves oscillation (PWO) available in such type of motors and the manner through which such waves modify the amplitude and the frequency as the motor characteristic dimensions vary

    Inhaled micro- or nanoparticles: which are the best for intramacrophagic anti-infectious therapies?

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    The editorial aims to consider the impact of the particle size of inhaled powders administered to treat intramacrophagic infectious diseases on breathability and phagocytosis by alveolar macrophages

    Mucosa-Environment Interactions in the Pathogenesis of Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Mucosal surfaces play a central role in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Several risk factors, such as cigarette smoking, environmental pollution, and periodontitis interact with the host at the mucosal level, triggering immune system activation. Moreover, the alteration of microbiota homeostasis is gaining increased attention for its involvement in the disease pathogenesis, modulating the immune cell response at a local and subsequently at a systemic level. Currently, the onset of the clinical manifest arthritis is thought to be the last step of a series of pathogenic events lasting years. The positivity for anti-citrullinated protein antibodies (ACPAs) and rheumatoid factor (RF), in absence of symptoms, characterizes a preclinical phase of RA namely systemic autoimmune phase- which is at high risk for disease progression. Several immune abnormalities, such as local ACPA production, increased T cell polarization towards a pro-inflammatory phenotype, and innate immune cell activation can be documented in at-risk subjects. Many of these abnormalities are direct consequences of the interaction between the environment and the host, which takes place at the mucosal level. The purpose of this review is to describe the humoral and cellular immune abnormalities detected in subjects at risk of RA, highlighting their origin from the mucosa environment interaction

    Preparation and in vitro Characterization of Porous Carrier–Based Glipizide Floating Microspheres for Gastric Delivery

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    Floating microspheres have been utilized to obtain prolonged and uniform release of drug in the stomach for development of once-daily formulations. A controlled-release system designed to increase residence time in the stomach without contact with the mucosa was achieved through the preparation of floating microspheres by the emulsion solvent diffusion technique, using (i) calcium silicate (CS) as porous carrier; (ii) glipizide, an oral hypoglycemic agent; and (iii) Eudragit® S as polymer. The effects of various formulations and process variables on the internal and external particle morphology, micromeritic properties, in vitro floating behavior, drug loading, and in vitro drug release were studied. The microspheres were found to be regular in shape and highly porous. The prepared microspheres exhibited prolonged drug release (~8 h) and remained buoyant for >10 h. The mean particle size increased and the drug release rate decreased at higher polymer concentrations. No significant effect of the stirring rate during preparation on drug release was observed. In vitro studies demonstrated diffusion-controlled drug release from the microspheres. Microsphere formulation CS4, containing 200 mg calcium silicate, showed the best floating ability (88% buoyancy) in simulated gastric fluid. The release pattern of glipizide in simulated gastric fluid from all floating microspheres followed the Higuchi matrix model and the Peppas-Korsmeyer model

    Preparation and in vitro characterization of lipospheres as a carrier for the cosmetic application of glycolic acid

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    Lipospheres for the cosmetic delivery of glycolic acid were prepared by the melt method using tristearin as the lipid phase and hydrogenated soybean phosphatidylcholine as the emulsifier. The lipospheres, sized from 5 to 40 micron, contained a rather high glycolic acid loading level probably due to a partial polymorphic modification of the lipid and determined glycolic acid sustained release pattern

    Pain biomarkers in fibromyalgia syndrome. current understanding and future directions

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    Fibromyalgia is a complex and heterogeneous clinical syndrome, mainly characterized by the presence of widespread pain, possibly associated with a variety of other symptoms. Fibromyalgia can have an extremely negative impact on the psychological, physical and social lives of people affected, sometimes causing patients to experience dramatically impaired quality of life. Nowadays, the diagnosis of fibromyalgia is still clinical, thus favoring diagnostic uncertainties and making its clear identification challenging to establish, especially in primary care centers. These difficulties lead patients to undergo innumerable clinical visits, investigations and specialist consultations, thus increasing their stress, frustration and even dissatisfaction. Unfortunately, research over the last 25 years regarding a specific biomarker for the diagnosis of fibromyalgia has been fruitless. The discovery of a reliable biomarker for fibromyalgia syndrome would be a critical step towards the early identification of this condition, not only reducing patient healthcare utilization and diagnostic test execution but also providing early intervention with guideline-based treatments. This narrative article reviews different metabolite alterations proposed as possible biomarkers for fibromyalgia, focusing on their associations with clinical evidence of pain, and highlights some new, promising areas of research in this context. Nevertheless, none of the analyzed metabolites emerge as sufficiently reliable to be validated as a diagnostic biomarker. Given the complexity of this syndrome, in the future, a panel of biomarkers, including subtype-specific biomarkers, could be considered as an interesting alternative research area

    Hypovitaminosis D in recent onset rheumatoid arthritis is predictive of reduced response to treatment and increased disease activity: a 12 month follow-up study.

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    BACKGROUND: Vitamin D displays immunomodulatory activities and has been proposed as a potential player in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). A negative association between serum 25(OH) vitamin D levels and RA activity was demonstrated but longitudinal studies investigating the role of vitamin D levels in predicting RA activity and response to treatment are lacking. Therefore, this study was designed to test the hypothesis of an association between serum 25(OH) vitamin D levels at RA diagnosis and disease activity evaluated by clinimetric, laboratory and ultrasound (US) parameters and to detect the prevalence of remission and response to treatment after 12 months follow-up. METHODS: This is a longitudinal, retrospective study on data obtained from thirty-seven patients with early RA treatment-naïve. Serum inflammatory markers, auto-antibodies and 25(OH) vitamin D levels were obtained at baseline. Hypovitaminosis D was diagnosed for 25(OH) vitamin D levels < 20 ng/ml. Tender joint count (TJCs), swollen joint count (SJCs), Visual Analog Scales (VAS), Disease Activity Score (DAS) 28 score were assessed at baseline and 12 months after diagnosis. Joints synovitis and power-Doppler were evaluated at baseline and 12 months later. RESULTS: At baseline mean 25(OH) vitamin D levels were 24.4 ± 11.9 ng/ml; 35% of study subjects had hypovitaminosis D which strongly associated with higher RA activity and lower prevalence of remission and response to treatment (all p-values < 0.001). The percentage of patients not presenting a reduction of the US synovitis score after 12 months from diagnosis was significantly higher among patients with hypovitaminosis D than in those with normal serum 25(OH) vitamin D at baseline. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with early RA and basal hypovitaminosis D after 12 months follow-up reduction of disease activity and percentage of remission and response to treatment were significantly lower than those observed in patients with normal vitamin D levels. These results provide further support to the immunomodulatory action of vitamin D in RA and suggest a role of basal vitamin D status in the prediction of disease evolution. Vitamin D measurement and possibly vitamin D supplementation should be considered an additional option in the management of early RA patients

    Microparticulate polyelectrolyte complexes for gentamicin transport across intestinal epithelial

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    Polysaccharide microparticles for the oral administration of gentamicin were designed in order to obtainan increased drug absorption by means of microparticle transport across the intestinal epithelia. Alginate/chitosan microparticles with a size of ∼ 2 μm were developed by spray-drying a water solution containingthe drug complexed with the polyanionic alginate and subsequent alginate cross-linking process bycalcium ions and chitosan. The pre-formulation study, performed by changing the concentration of bothcross-linkers, led to the selection of the most suitable formulation which was assayed for its capacity to be translocated across intestinal epithelia, via both M cells contained in Follicle Associated Epithelium (FAE) ofPeyer’s patches and enterocytes of the mucosal epithelium. An ex vivo perfusion technique of rabbit andrat intestinal tissues containing Peyer’s patches combined with an in vitro method by using Caco-2 cellmonolayers demonstrated the microparticulate carrier ability to be taken up by both M cells and enterocytes.However, only the endocytosis by M cells appeared to provide the microparticle transport from theepithelium toward deeper sub-epithelial regions


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    Background:Fibromyalgia (FM) is a common rheumatic disease characterized by chronic widespread pain, sleep and mood disorders. A higher prevalence of FM in women compared with men is well known, although the specific differences in clinical manifestations related to gender are still poorly defined. Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) is an endogenous growth factor that gained attention for its potential as biomarker of several diseases, including FM and depression.Objectives:The aims of this study were to investigate gender-related difference among males and females affected by FM in clinical manifestations, depressive features and BDNF serum level, evaluating also the diagnostic potential of the latter.Methods:We consecutively enrolled adult patients affected by FM (ACR 2016) referring to our out-patient clinic. Each subject underwent clinical and answered to questionnaires for the severity of FM symptoms (Revised Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire, R-FIQ) and depressive symptoms (Beck Depression Inventory-II, BDI-II). We collected blood samples from a subgroup of patients of both sexes, matched for age, for BDNF serum level dosage through ELISA. BDNF levels were assessed also in a control group, matched for sex and age.Results:The cohort was composed by 201 FM patients (172 F, 29 M), mean age 49.13. Females showed higher values of R-FIQ total score (p=0,0005) as well the specific items of the R-FIQ for pain (p=0,013), fatigue (p=0,014), memory problems (p=0,007), tenderness to touch (p<0,0001), balance problems (p<0,0001) and sensitivity to environmental stimuli (p=0,012) when compared with males (fig. 1). There was no difference in BDI-II between males and females, but notably male patients reported a significantly higher frequency of coexisting depressive disorder (p=0,038) (fig. 2). Serum BDNF levels were evaluated in 40 FM patients and 40 healthy controls (HC) (F:M 1:1). BDNF levels were significantly lower in FM patients compared with HC (p<0,0001). Among FM patients, BDNF levels were lower in males compared with females (p<0,0001) (fig.3). BDNF did not correlate with any clinical and clinimetric parameter. BDNF showed a good diagnostic performance (AUC=0,89, CI95%=0,82-0,9630, p<0,0001) (fig. 4). At a cut-off value <6,47 ng/dl, BDNF showed a specificity of 75% and a sensibility of 92,31%,(CI 95%=79,68-97.35) for FM identification (LR=3,692).Conclusion:FM clinical manifestations are strongly dependant from gender. While females present a more severe disease and a higher burden of symptoms, mood disorders tend to be a major characteristic of males with FM. Reduced BDNF serum levels have been reported as typical of depressive disorders. Our findings of lower BDNF levels in male FM patients compared to females support this hypothesis. BDNF have potential as biomarker of the disease and should be validated in larger cohorts.References:[1]Sarzi-Puttini et al. Nature Reviews 2020[2]Colucci-D'Amato et al. Int J Molecular Sciences 2020[3]Nugraha et al. Rheumatol Int 2012[4]Schmitt et al. Ann Med 2016[5]Melchior et al. Neuroscience 2016[6]Stefani et al. Neuroscience Letters 2012Disclosure of Interests:None declare

    The role of protamine amount in the transfection performance of cationic SLN designed as a gene nanocarrier

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    Cationic solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) have been recently proposed as non-viral vectors in systemic gene therapy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the protamine amount used as the transfection promoter in SLN-mediated gene delivery. Three protamine-SLN samples (Pro25, Pro100, and Pro200) prepared by adding increasing amounts of protamine were characterized for their size, zeta potential, and protamine loading level. The samples were evaluated for pDNA complexation ability by gel-electrophoresis analysis and for cytotoxicity and transfection efficiency by using different cell lines (COS-I, HepG2, and Na1300). The size of SLN was ~230 nm and only Pro200 showed few particle aggregates. Unlike the Pro25 sample with the lowest protamine loading level, the others SLN samples (Pro100 and Pro200) exhibited a good ability in complexing pDNA. A cell-line dependent cytotoxicity lower than that of the positive control PEI (polyethilenimmine) was observed for all the SLN. Among these, only Pro100, having an intermediate amount of protamine, appeared able to promote pDNA cell transfer, especially in a neuronal cell line (Na1300). In conclusion, the amount of protamine as the transfection promoter in SLN affects not only the gene delivery ability of SLN but also their capacity to transfer genes efficiently to specific cell types
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