1,849 research outputs found

    The AIB1 glutamine repeat polymorphism is not associated with risk of breast cancer before age 40 years in Australian women

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    INTRODUCTION: AIB1, located at 20q12, is a member of the steroid hormone coactivator family. It contains a glutamine repeat (CAG/CAA) polymorphism at its carboxyl-terminal region that may alter the transcriptional activation of the receptor and affect susceptibility to breast cancer through altered sensitivity to hormones. METHODS: We evaluated this repeat polymorphism in the context of early-onset disease by conducting a case-control study of 432 Australian women diagnosed with breast cancer before the age of 40 years and 393 population-based control individuals who were frequency matched for age. Genotyping was performed using a scanning laser fluorescence imager. RESULTS: There were no differences in genotype frequencies between cases and control individuals, or between cases categorized by family history or by BRCA1 and BRCA2 germline mutation status. There was no evidence that the presence of one or two alleles of 26 glutamine repeats or fewer was associated with breast cancer (odds ratio = 1.03, 95% confidence interval = 0.73–1.44), or that women with alleles greater than 29 repeats were at increased risk of breast cancer. Exclusion of women who carried a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation (24 cases) and non-Caucasian women (44 cases) did not alter the risk estimates or inferences. We present raw data, including that on mutation carriers, to allow pooling with other studies. CONCLUSION: There was no evidence that risk of breast cancer depends on AIB1 CAG/CAA polymorphism status, even if affected women carry a mutation in BRCA1 or BRCA2

    Instrumental performance and results from testing of the BLAST-TNG receiver, submillimeter optics, and MKID arrays

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    Polarized thermal emission from interstellar dust grains can be used to map magnetic fields in star forming molecular clouds and the diffuse interstellar medium (ISM). The Balloon-borne Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope for Polarimetry (BLASTPol) flew from Antarctica in 2010 and 2012 and produced degree-scale polarization maps of several nearby molecular clouds with arcminute resolution. The success of BLASTPol has motivated a next-generation instrument, BLAST-TNG, which will use more than 3000 linear polarization sensitive microwave kinetic inductance detectors (MKIDs) combined with a 2.5m diameter carbon fiber primary mirror to make diffraction-limited observations at 250, 350, and 500 μ\mum. With 16 times the mapping speed of BLASTPol, sub-arcminute resolution, and a longer flight time, BLAST-TNG will be able to examine nearby molecular clouds and the diffuse galactic dust polarization spectrum in unprecedented detail. The 250 μ\mum detector array has been integrated into the new cryogenic receiver, and is undergoing testing to establish the optical and polarization characteristics of the instrument. BLAST-TNG will demonstrate the effectiveness of kilo-pixel MKID arrays for applications in submillimeter astronomy. BLAST-TNG is scheduled to fly from Antarctica in December 2017 for 28 days and will be the first balloon-borne telescope to offer a quarter of the flight for "shared risk" observing by the community.Comment: Presented at SPIE Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII, June 29th, 201

    HAWC+/SOFIA Polarimetry in L1688: Relative Orientation of Magnetic Field and Elongated Cloud Structure

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    We present a study of the relative orientation between the magnetic field and elongated cloud structures for the ρ\rho Oph A and ρ\rho Oph E regions in L1688 in the Ophiuchus molecular cloud. Combining inferred magnetic field orientation from HAWC+ 154 μ\mum observations of polarized thermal emission with column density maps created using Herschel submillimeter observations, we find consistent perpendicular relative alignment at scales of 0.020.02 pc (33.6"33.6" at d137d \approx 137 pc) using the histogram of relative orientations (HRO) technique. This supports the conclusions of previous work using Planck polarimetry and extends the results to higher column densities. Combining this HAWC+ HRO analysis with a new Planck HRO analysis of L1688, the transition from parallel to perpendicular alignment in L1688 is observed to occur at a molecular hydrogen column density of approximately 1021.710^{21.7} cm2^{-2}. This value for the alignment transition column density agrees well with values found for nearby clouds via previous studies using only Planck observations. Using existing turbulent, magnetohydrodynamic simulations of molecular clouds formed by colliding flows as a model for L1688, we conclude that the molecular hydrogen volume density associated with this transition is approximately 104\sim10^{4} cm3^{-3}. We discuss the limitations of our analysis, including incomplete sampling of the dense regions in L1688 by HAWC+.Comment: To be published in Ap

    Antibodies to Serine Proteases in the Antiphospholipid Syndrome

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    It is generally accepted that the major autoantigen for antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL) in the antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is β2-glycoprotein I (β2GPI). However, a recent study has revealed that some aPL bind to certain conformational epitope(s) on β2GPI shared by the homologous enzymatic domains of several serine proteases involved in hemostasis and fibrinolysis. Importantly, some serine protease–reactive aPL correspondingly hinder anticoagulant regulation and resolution of clots. These results extend several early findings of aPL binding to other coagulation factors and provide a new perspective about some aPL in terms of binding specificities and related functional properties in promoting thrombosis. Moreover, a recent immunological and pathological study of a panel of human IgG monoclonal aPL showed that aPL with strong binding to thrombin promote in vivo venous thrombosis and leukocyte adherence, suggesting that aPL reactivity with thrombin may be a good predictor for pathogenic potentials of aPL

    The Twisted Magnetic Field of the Protobinary L483

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    We present H-band (1.65 μm) and SOFIA HAWC+ 154 μm polarization observations of the low-mass core L483. Our H-band observations reveal a magnetic field that is overwhelmingly in the E–W direction, which is approximately parallel to the bipolar outflow that is observed in scattered IR light and in single-dish 12CO observations. From our 154 μm data, we infer a ∼45° twist in the magnetic field within the inner 5″ (1000 au) of L483. We compare these new observations with published single-dish 350 μm polarimetry and find that the 10,000 au scale H-band data match the smaller-scale 350 μm data, indicating that the collapse of L483 is magnetically regulated on these larger scales. We also present high-resolution 1.3 mm Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array data of L483 that reveals it is a close binary star with a separation of 34 au. The plane of the binary of L483 is observed to be approximately parallel to the twisted field in the inner 1000 au. Comparing this result to the ∼1000 au protostellar envelope, we find that the envelope is roughly perpendicular to the 1000 au HAWC+ field. Using the data presented, we speculate that L483 initially formed as a wide binary and the companion star migrated to its current position, causing an extreme shift in angular momentum thereby producing the twisted magnetic field morphology observed. More observations are needed to further test this scenario

    Relationships between plasma lipids species, gender, risk factors and Alzheimer’s disease

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    Background: Lipid metabolism is altered in Alzheimer’s disease (AD); however, the relationship between AD risk factors (age, APOE ɛ4, and gender) and lipid metabolism is not well defined. Objective: We investigated whether altered lipid metabolism associated with increased age, gender, and APOE status may contribute to the development of AD by examining these risk factors in healthy controls and also clinically diagnosed AD individuals. Methods: We performed plasma lipidomic profiling (582 lipid species) of the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle flagship study of aging cohort (AIBL) using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Linear regression and interaction analysis were used to explore the relationship between risk factors and plasma lipid species. Results: We observed strong associations between plasma lipid species with gender and increasing age in cognitively normal individuals. However, APOE ɛ4 was relatively weakly associated with plasma lipid species. Interaction analysis identified differential associations of sphingolipids and polyunsaturated fatty acid esterified lipid species with AD based on age and gender, respectively. These data indicate that the risk associated with age, gender, and APOE ɛ4 may, in part, be mediated by changes in lipid metabolism. Conclusion: This study extends our existing knowledge of the relationship between the lipidome and AD and highlights the complexity of the relationships between lipid metabolism and AD at different ages and between men and women. This has important implications for how we assess AD risk and also for potential therapeutic strategies involving modulation of lipid metabolic pathways

    How effective are programs at managing transition from hospital to home? A case study of the Australian transition care program

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    Extent: 5p.Background: An increasing demand for acute care services due in part to rising proportions of older people and increasing rates of chronic diseases has led to new models of post-acute care for older people that offer coordinated discharge, ongoing support and often a focus on functional restoration. Overall, review of the literature suggests there is considerable uncertainty around the effectiveness and resource implications of the various model configurations and delivery approaches. In this paper, we review the current evidence on the efficacy of such programs, using the Australian Transition Care Program as a case study. Discussion: The Australian Transition Care Program was established at the interface of the acute and aged care sectors with particular emphasis on transitions between acute and community care. The program is intended to enable a significant proportion of care recipients to return home, rather than prematurely enter residential aged care, optimize their functional capacity, and reduce inappropriate extended lengths of hospital stay for older people. Broadly, the model is configured and targeted in accordance with programs reported in the international literature to be effective. Early evaluations suggest good acceptance of the program by hospitals, patients and staff. Ultimately, however, the program's place in the array of post-acute services should be determined by its demonstrated efficacy relative to other services which cater for similar patient groups. Summary: Currently there is a lack of robust evaluation to provide convincing evidence of efficacy, either from a patient outcome or cost reduction perspective. As the program expands and matures, there will be opportunity to scrutinise the systematic effects, with lessons for both Australian and international policy makers and clinical leaders.Leonard C Gray, Nancye M Peel, Maria Crotty, Susan E Kurrle, Lynne C Giles, and Ian D Camero

    The magnetic field in the Milky Way filamentary bone G47

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    Funding: R.J.S. acknowledges funding from an STFC ERF (grant ST/N00485X/1).Star formation primarily occurs in filaments where magnetic fields are expected to be dynamically important. The largest and densest filaments trace the spiral structure within galaxies. Over a dozen of these dense (∼104 cm−3) and long (>10 pc) filaments have been found within the Milky Way, and they are often referred to as "bones." Until now, none of these bones has had its magnetic field resolved and mapped in its entirety. We introduce the SOFIA legacy project FIELDMAPS which has begun mapping ∼10 of these Milky Way bones using the HAWC+ instrument at 214 μm and 18′′.2 resolution. Here we present a first result from this survey on the ∼60 pc long bone G47. Contrary to some studies of dense filaments in the Galactic plane, we find that the magnetic field is often not perpendicular to the spine (i.e., the center line of the bone). Fields tend to be perpendicular in the densest areas of active star formation and more parallel or random in other areas. The average field is neither parallel nor perpendicular to the Galactic plane or the bone. The magnetic field strengths along the spine typically vary from ∼20 to ∼100 μG. Magnetic fields tend to be strong enough to suppress collapse along much of the bone, but for areas that are most active in star formation, the fields are notably less able to resist gravitational collapse.Peer reviewe