1,391 research outputs found

    Sonification as a means to generative music

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    This thesis examines the use of sonification (the transformation of non-musical data into sound) as a means of creating generative music (algorithmic music which is evolving in real time and is of potentially infinite length). It consists of a portfolio of ten works where the possibilities of sonification as a strategy for creating generative works is examined. As well as exploring the viability of sonification as a compositional strategy toward infinite work, each work in the portfolio aims to explore the notion of how artistic coherency between data and resulting sound is achieved – rejecting the notion that sonification for artistic means leads to the arbitrary linking of data and sound. In the accompanying written commentary the definitions of sonification and generative music are considered, as both are somewhat contested terms requiring operationalisation to correctly contextualise my own work. Having arrived at these definitions each work in the portfolio is documented. For each work, the genesis of the work is considered, the technical composition and operation of the piece (a series of tutorial videos showing each work in operation supplements this section) and finally its position in the portfolio as a whole and relation to the research question is evaluated. The body of work is considered as a whole in relation to the notion of artistic coherency. This is separated into two main themes: the relationship between the underlying nature of the data and the compositional scheme and the coherency between the data and the soundworld generated by each piece

    Book Review: The Law and Regulation of International Finance

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    The Law of International Finance, as its opening states, revolves around the law and regulation affecting the raising of finance in the international financial markets. Thus, the book is about a very specialized area of finance and law-an area that has come into prominence, or even existence, only during the last two decades. As a solicitor in a large London firm that does substantial work related to financial business in the London international capital markets, Ravi Tennekoon has had considerable practical experience in legal work related to Eurobond issues and transactions and international syndications. London is, of course, the main center of the so-called Euro-currency markets. Most Eurobonds are issued in the London market, and the bonds normally contain a clause selecting English law as the applicable law. As an academic lawyer, who has not had professional practice with Eurobonds or international syndications, my knowledge of these topics is derived from reading. Thus, I am qualified only to evaluate generally the author\u27s detailed examination of the law, regulation, and practice of raising capital in the Eurobond and syndicated loan markets. To evaluate the book from a professional viewpoint would require a lawyer experienced in these areas

    Adopting an integrated, flexible approach to reducing the birdstrike risk from Canada geese

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    Canada Geese overflying the runways at London’s Heathrow Airport have been struck on eleven occasions by aircraft during the last ten years. Four of these occurred during the pre-breeding season and seven during the post moult period. A monitoring study was initiated in 1999 to evaluate the movements of geese around the airport and determine appropriate mitigation strategies to reduce the risk of birdstrike. Moult sites within 13km of the airport were identified. 4,900 moulting geese were caught and fitted with colour rings and radio-transmitters between 1999 and 2004. 2,500 visits were made to over 300 sites resulting in over 10,000 sightings of known individuals. Birds that crossed the airport approaches whilst moving between roost sites and feeding areas in newly harvested cereal crops were identified. Throughout the monitoring period efforts were made to control the risk, but by 2003 it was estimated that 10,000 bird transits of the approaches involving almost 700 individuals occurred during a 50 day period. The knowledge of the movements of ringed and tagged birds was used to inform a revised habitat management, daily roost dispersal and on-airfield bird deterrence programme in 2004. By adopting a flexible approach to management, an estimated 70% reduction in bird transits was achieved. This paper discusses the techniques used to achieve this reduction

    Studies of the nature of Burkholderia cepacia in cystic fibrosis

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    Burkholderia cepacia is an opportunistic pathogen that colonises of the lungs of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients, with a frequently fatal outcome. Antibiotic resistance is common and highly transmissible epidemic strains have been described in the UK. 37 B. cepacia isolates from clinical and botanical sources were characterised via metabolic capabilities, antibiotic sensitivity, fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profiles restriction digest analysis of chromosomal DNA by pulsed-gel electrophoresis (PFGE) (with the use of two separate restriction enzymes) and outer membrane protein (OMP) profiles. This revealed isolates of the UK CF epidemic strain to form a distinct group with a specific OMP profile. Cluster analysis of PFGE and FAME profiles revealed the species Burkholderia gladioli and Burkholderia vietnamiensis to be more closely related to each other and to laboratory strains of B. cepacia than to the CF epidemic strain considered a member of the latter species. The epidemic strain of B. cepacia may therefore be worthy of species definition in its own right. All the strains studied showed a high level of resistance to antibiotics, including the carbapenems. Considering this, carbapenemase production by isolates of B. cepacia was investigated. A metallo-β-lactamase from a clinical strain of B. cepacia was isolated and partially purified of using Cibacron blue F3GA-coupled agarose. The resulting preparation showed a single band of β-lactamase activity (pI 8.45) after analytical isoelectric focusing. The enzyme was particularly effective in the hydrolysis of imipenem. Meropenem, biapenem, cephaloridine, ceftazidime, benzylpenicillin, ampicillin and carbenicillin were hydrolysed at a lower rate. An unusual inhibition profile was noted. Inhibition by the metal ion chelators ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid and o-phenanthroline was reversed by addition of zinc, indicating a metallo-enzyme, whilst >90% inhibition was attainable with 0.1mM concentrations of tazobactam and clavulanic acid. A study of 8 other clinical isolates showed an enzyme of pI 8.45 to be present and inducible by imipenem in each case. This enzyme was assigned PCM-I (Pseudomonas cepacia metalloenzyme I)

    Migrating software products to the cloud: an adaptive STS perspective.

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    Cloud computing, as a disruptive innovation, has the potential to adversely affect companies. The effects can be particularly extreme for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Subsequently, considerations of organisational resilience should be made when integrating with disruptive innovations like cloud computing. This paper reports of a longitudinal study investigating how a set of SME high-value software vendors are migrating their software products to the cloud. Adaptive socio-technical systems (ASTSs) concepts are used to provide a framework for understanding the adoption process. This study draws out a set of macro and micro themes relating to key phases of strategy development, the migration process and the impact on customer perceptions. From the findings, more systemic and holistic approaches are identified to address key tensions through the adoption life cycle while considering organisational resilience

    An innovative use of the arts in an undergraduate curriculum to challenge thinking around diversity and professionalism

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    Tutor experience/student feedback had highlighted the challenges in working with students in developing humanistic approaches to care and constructive professional behaviours. ‘Professionalism’ / Diversity as curriculum areas may be met with suspicion by students. Learning activities are easily dismissed as unnecessary with inherent difficulties in ‘teaching’ in this area. Facilitating learning of important, sensitive information is not well served by traditional didactic approaches, but more creative approaches to learning are easily rejected.We adopted a transformative approach (Mezirow 1990) challenging established views, without patronising. This used a one-act drama ‘The Purple List’, a moving, emotional and involving performance delivered by 'Sam' enacting the impact of his partner Derek's dementia as it progresses over a two year period. We developed a workshop to supplement the play, in consultation with the author/actor, to further highlight important aspects of professionalism, diversity and humanistic care for Year 3 HYMS students.We will provide feedback to delegates regarding our experiences of using this performance, in HYMS and in different academic organisations and departments

    Andrew Carnegie: a model for PFI?

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    The generosity of Carnegie is truly something to celebrate and where better than in the country of his birth. To celebrate that the 68th IFLA conference was to take place in Scotland and devoting part of its programe to the great benefactor the authors of this paper look back at his life and contributions to libraries all over the world

    Sustainable Polymers: Upcycling Poly(vinyl chloride) and Mimicking Low Density Polyethylene

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    In this research, increasing the sustainability of polymers was investigated through two main methods. The upcycling of poly(vinyl chloride) and the creation of polymer mimics to create degradable low-density polyethylene. In the first chapter, an overview of the sustainability issues of polymers is presented and approaches are described on how their sustainability may be increased through the upcycling of polymers or the synthesis of degradable polymers that mimic the properties of petrol-based polymers. Chapter 2 contains the progress on the upcycling of PVC using high oleic soybean oil. Soybean oil can soften PVC making it less brittle than pure PVC. This chapter also contains the current progress in modifying PVC into a pressure sensitive adhesive. Chapter 3 contains the progress to make mimics of LDPE polymer using long chain aliphatic polyesters to improve degradability while using monomers with built in branching to disrupt polymer chain stacking. The synthesis of diol monomers used in the polycondensation reaction, the polymerization, and the characterization of the polymer to show whether it is a PE mimic are given. Chapter 4 is a summary of all the work presented in this thesis as well as an outlook on the projects moving forward