322 research outputs found


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    History records that the success in the effort to formulate a compilation of Islamic law was overshadowed by differences of opinion from several Islamic legal thoughts at that time. Moreover, there are many offers to include customary law and BW that are familiar to Muslims in the country into the KHI material. The emergence of differences of opinion among ulama is due to many factors, including their differences in using arguments, the method of ijtihad and understanding the al-Qur'an and Sunnah texts, the background, social, educational, and cultural backgrounds of the KHI formators at that time. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research approach. This study answers the hypothesis that certain social values and solidarity play an important role in the conclusions of a legal product. In collecting data in this study, the authors used two techniques, namely direct interviews and documentation. Direct interviews with figures involved in formulating KHI and several Islamic legal experts who are seen as understanding the issues being studied. Also reviewing data from other sources such as documentation related to KHI formulations such as journals, newspapers, magazines, study manuscripts at the beginning of the KHI preparation and other sources of information. The results of the study show the fact that the formulation of KHI through a structural approach is top down from the central government, but still involves the role of the ulama, scholars and practitioners of Islamic law. KHI material absorbs fiqh that is familiar in the country. The dynamics of differences of opinion are found in three patterns of Islamic Law thought that emerged at that time. First, the literalisasi group, which is a group that opposes thoughts that violate the nash qat'i. Secondly, the group is assimilative, this group tries to find a new interpretation in understanding nash qat'i. The three groups are Harmonized, Characteristics of this group may be out of zahir nash, if  judging there are provisions that can be an alternative, inheritance is included in the category of mu'amalat worship which must be open to accepting changes by considering the interests and eliminating the narrowness in society.History records that the success in the effort to formulate a compilation of Islamic law was overshadowed by differences of opinion from several Islamic legal thoughts at that time. Moreover, there are many offers to include customary law and BW that are familiar to Muslims in the country into the KHI material. The emergence of differences of opinion among ulama is due to many factors, including their differences in using arguments, the method of ijtihad and understanding the al-Qur'an and Sunnah texts, the background, social, educational, and cultural backgrounds of the KHI formators at that time.This study uses a descriptive qualitative research approach. This study answers the hypothesis that certain social values and solidarity play an important role in the conclusions of a legal product. In collecting data in this study, the authors used two techniques, namely direct interviews and documentation. Direct interviews with figures involved in formulating KHI and several Islamic legal experts who are seen as understanding the issues being studied. Also reviewing data from other sources such as documentation related to KHI formulations such as journals, newspapers, magazines, study manuscripts at the beginning of the KHI preparation and other sources of information.The results of the study show the fact that the formulation of KHI through a structural approach is top down from the central government, but still involves the role of the ulama, scholars and practitioners of Islamic law. KHI material absorbs fiqh that is familiar in the country. The dynamics of differences of opinion are found in three patterns of Islamic Law thought that emerged at that time. First, the literalisasi group, which is a group that opposes thoughts that violate the nash qat'i. Secondly, the group is assimilative, this group tries to find a new interpretation in understanding nash qat'i. The three groups are Harmonized, Characteristics of this group may be out of zahir nash, if  judging there are provisions that can be an alternative, inheritance is included in the category of mu'amalat worship which must be open to accepting changes by considering the interests and eliminating the narrowness in society

    Responsibilitas Jumlah Buah Per Malai Terhadap Ukuran Dan Kualitas Buah Mangga (Mangifera Indica L.) Varietas Arumanis

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    Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk memperoleh jumlah buah per malai yang tepat untuk mempertahankan kualitas buah dengan produksi tinggi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari pengaruh jumlah buah per malai terhadap produksi dan kualitas buah mangga. Penelitian dilaksanakan di kebun milik pribadi di Desa Maron, Kecamatan Patemon, Kabupaten Probolinggo pada tanggal 20 Juli sampai 24 Nopember 2000. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah buah per malai berpengaruh terhadap ukuran buah dan produksi, tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap kualitas buah mangga Arumanis. Perlakuan tiga buah per malai dapat meningkatkan produksi sebesar 36% dibandingkan dengan satu buah per malai dan 28% dibandingkan dengan dua buah per malainya


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    The research background discusses Google adsense, which is an advertising business collaboration program that is very popular in the world online today. Anyonecan become an advertiser for Google with easy conditions, but the fact is that the adsdisplayed by Google are very general, from the sale of food, services and even Googlealso sometimes displays ads selling liquor, gambling to pornography which in Islam isprohibited. From this phenomenon, researchers are interested in examining GoogleAdsense with the formulation of the problems in this study, namely: 1) What is the formof advertising business cooperation between publishers and Google Adsense. 2) How isthe review of Islamic economic law on the form of advertising business collaborationbetween publishers and Google Adsense. The method used in this research is the research library or library research,which is collecting various secondary data that discusses the form of advertisingbusiness collaboration between publishers and Google Adsense both from the media,journals and literature. The results of data processing were analyzed descriptivelyqualitatively. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that: 1) the form ofadvertising business collaboration between publishers and Google Adsense. Is a form ofcooperation to advertise a product or service owned by the advertiser. With 68% profitsharing for publishers and 32% for Google. So if a publisher is cheating, the adsenseaccount publisher's will be banned. 2) in the review of sharia economic law, this form ofcooperation is included in the form of syirkah abdan and the law is valid if theadvertisements displayed by Google do not contain haram elements. Because in thecooperation itself, it has been fulfilled, such as consent to Kabul, aqidain and itsobjects. Keywords:Business Online, Google Adsense, Syirkah Abda

    The Use of Peace Economics in Promoting the Socio-Economic Growth of Nigeria

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    The current democratic rule in Nigeria has continued to witness more horrors and terrifying encounters. It has witnessed, more than the military rule and the civil war had experienced going down the memory lane of the past historical antecedents of the Nigerian nation and taking stock of the series of the happenings since the inception of the present 4th Republic. Across the six geo-political zones are daily cases of armed conflict, impasse of violence, regional demands and agitations that compromise disintegration and divisive tendencies and test of the Nigerian nation state. To resolve the aggregate of the emerging and growing agitations, the series of conflict issues, social insecurity and backlashes from the Nigerian communities has taken so much toll on the polity and the economy aside of the tensed and severed human relations that are suffered. The cost of all these in human terms, and in response to the conflicts have come with devastations across the varying sectors of the economy. It is but against these backdrops, that this study has endeavored to look into few of the cases of social insecurity and what impact they have on the Nigerian economy, unearth the poor response pattern and the chain of hostile reactions to the conflict handling styles, and, the cost on postconflict rehabilitation despite the need for such. Lastly, the study has recommended among others, that the installation of a stable peace could only be achieved, if a multi-track approach of teamwork and positive role-playing are all encouraged to promote a virile and vibrant economy that improves the per capital income of the country and the earning powers of individuals and businesses in addition to promoting social cohabitation among the entire Nigerian populace. Key Words: Conflict, Nonviolence Resistance, Peace Economics, Socio - Economics, Human Development, Security, Peacebuilding, Postconflic


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    Penanganan saat dan pasca panen memiliki posisi yang strategis dalam ketahananpangan, karena kehilangan hasil panen dan pasca panen padi mencapai angka lebihdari 20 %. Permasalahan yang muncul dalam penanganan panen dan pasca panenterutama berkenaan dengan aplikasi sabit bergerigi dan power threser adalah (a)Petani belum menganggap kehilangan hasil panen sebagai masalah serius, (b)Keputusan pemakaian alat panen dan pasca panen didominasi pemborong, (c) Secarateknis power threser sulit dibawa ke tengah lahan sawah, (d) Sabit biasa lebih murahharganya dan mudah mendapatkannya, (e) Sabit bergerigi sulit didapat di pasaran, (f)Adanya penolakan power threser dari buruh tani. Strategi adopsi teknologi panen danpasca panen padi yang dirumuskan adalah (a). Peningkatan kemampuan ManajemenUsahatani, (b) Penyuluhan Teknologi Panen dan Pasca Panen, (c) Sosialisasi efektifitassabit bergerigi, (d) Sosialisasi efektifitas power threser, (e) Fasilitasi Alsinta


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    Penanganan saat dan pasca panen memiliki posisi yang strategis dalam ketahananpangan, karena kehilangan hasil panen dan pasca panen padi mencapai angka lebihdari 20 %. Permasalahan yang muncul dalam penanganan panen dan pasca panenterutama berkenaan dengan aplikasi sabit bergerigi dan power threser adalah (a)Petani belum menganggap kehilangan hasil panen sebagai masalah serius, (b)Keputusan pemakaian alat panen dan pasca panen didominasi pemborong, (c) Secarateknis power threser sulit dibawa ke tengah lahan sawah, (d) Sabit biasa lebih murahharganya dan mudah mendapatkannya, (e) Sabit bergerigi sulit didapat di pasaran, (f)Adanya penolakan power threser dari buruh tani. Strategi adopsi teknologi panen danpasca panen padi yang dirumuskan adalah (a). Peningkatan kemampuan ManajemenUsahatani, (b) Penyuluhan Teknologi Panen dan Pasca Panen, (c) Sosialisasi efektifitassabit bergerigi, (d) Sosialisasi efektifitas power threser, (e) Fasilitasi Alsinta


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     Pengabdian ini dilatar belakangi  dari hasil wawancara penulis dengan salah seorang hakim Pengadilan Agama Panyabungan yang menjelaskan bahwa perkara permohonan yang paling banyak masuk di Pengadilan Agama di luar perceraian adalah perkara permohonan dispensasi usia nikah, menurutnya pasca adanya revisi undang-undang batas umur calon mempelai wanita yang semula 16 tahun menjadi 19 tahun untuk permohonan dispensasi mengalami peningkatan setiap tahunnya. Tahun 2020 terdaat 49 kasus, sedanggkan tahun 2021 dari tanggal 6 Januari sampai tanggal 27 September 2021 telah masuk perkara sebanyak 55 kasus, hal ini tidak menutup kemungkinan sampai akhir tahun 2021 bisa lebih 60 kasus permohonan dispensasi nikah di PA Panyabungan.(Abdul Aziz, Wawancara, 2 September 2021).Asumsi penulis menduga meningkatnya permohonan dispensasi nikah diantara sebabnya adalah kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat terkait aturan perkawinan yang berlaku di Indonesia.  Adapun Alasan memilih lokasi Pengabdian ini di Pondok Pesantren Mushtafawiyah dikarenakan santri sebagai harapan masyarakat dalam memberikan perubahan pemahaman keagamaan di masa depan.  Namun saat ini pembelajaran fikih perkawinan di Pesantren Musthafawiyah sebagai pesantren terbesar di daerah Tabagsel yang mana pembelajaran fikih yang di laksanakan masih bercorak fikih sentris akibatnya banyak santri tidak tau atau kurang paham dengan peraturan Perkawinan di Indonesia. Dengan pelaksanaan pengabdian ini diharapkan adalah (1) meningkatkan pemahaman santri terkait Undang-undang perkawinan yang berlaku di Indonesia, (2) memberikan pemahaman bagaimana mengharmonisasikan Fikih Munakahat yang dipelajari di Pesantren dengan  aturan perkawinan di Indonesia, 4) memperkenalkan prodi Hukum Keluarga Islam kepada masyarakat khususnya kepada santri Pondok Pesantren Mushtafawiyah Purba Baru. Beberapa metode yang tim PKM gunakan adalah membagikan pre-test dan Postes di awal dan diakhir sosialisasi . Dalam kegiatan sosialisasi dilaksanakan presentasi sebanyak 3 sesi dengan berbeda-beda tema dan pemateri dan juga menyediakan waktu untuk berdialog dan Tanya jawab  yang terkait dengan tema pengabdian. Objek Pengabdian adalah santri Putra kelas 7 dengan jumlah 35 Orang dan Putri 35 Orang. Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan ini mendapat sambutan baik, terbukti dengan keaktifan peserta mengikuti sosialisasi dengan tidak meninggalkan tempat sebelum waktu pelatihan berakhir. melihat hasil Pre-tes dan Postes baik dalam bentuk grafik dan persenan terlihat jelas adanya peningkatan kemampuan santri Pondok Pesantren Mushtafawiyah dalam memahami Undang-undang Perkawinan  di Indonesia, dari 20 soal yang dibagikan kepada 60 santri putra dan putrid  terlihat adanya kenaikan jawaaban yang benar daro jawaban pretes sebelum kegiatan sosialisasi dilakukan dengan kenaikan 62 %. Dalam Pengabdian ini telihat peserta mendapatkan kemampuan tambahan yaitu bagaimana mencari titik temu antara Undang-undang Perkawinan yang berlaku dengan fikih Munakahat yang dipelajari di  Pondok Pesantren dan kedepannya santri yang saat ini berusia pra-nikah dapat mengamalkan dan mensosialisasikan kepada masyarakat sekitarnya apabila mereka kelak terjun ke masyarakat

    Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Survei Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat Berbasis Web di Kantor Kecamatan Bone Kabupaten Bone Bolango

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    The Bone sub-district government conducted a community satisfaction index survey to evaluate public services. However, there are several problems such as; the survey is conducted ahead of data collection from the district, questionnaire answers can be seen directly by the service provider, the process of collecting and processing data is still time-consuming and costly, and there is a lack of technological support. The research aims to increase the value of community services in Bone sub-district through the development of a web-based community satisfaction index survey, for better effectiveness and efficiency. The system development method used is the Agile method. To ensure the use of the system on the user side, System Usability Scale (SUS) testing of the developed system is used. The results of this study indicate that the Community satisfaction index survey information system can support the sub-district in the survey process, management, and data analysis in real time, facilitate the sub-district in printing survey reports, and present survey results in the form of diagrams to facilitate the sub-district in monitoring the results of the Community satisfaction index. An efficient community satisfaction index survey information system. Based on the results of the System Usability Scale (SUS) test, this system has a high level of usability with an average score of 86 (grade A) meeting government needs, and is effective in collecting community satisfaction data

    Kinerja Aparatur Sipil Negara Dalam Memberikan Pelayanan Di Kantor Badan Kepegawaian Dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Kota Manado

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    This study aims to analyze the performance of the State Civil Apparatus in providing services at the Office of the Human Resources Development Personnel Agency in Manado City. This research was carried out from March to June 2022 at the Office of the Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency in Manado City, whose address is Jl. Balai Kota, Tikala Ares, Tikala District, Manado City, North Sulawesi. This study uses qualitative data types, focusing on State Civil Apparatus performance in providing services based on main duties and functions. Informants in research are people or actors who really understand the problem and participate directly in research problems consisting of key informants, key informants, and supporting informants. The data sources in this study are primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation, interviews, and documentation. This study used triangulation techniques as a tool to test the validity of the data obtained. Data analysis in this study includes data reduction, data presentation, and verification and drawing conclusions. The results of the study show the performance of State Civil Apparatus at the Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency in Manado City in the field of Government affairs, the staffing support function and in accordance with Law no. 5 of 2014 concerning State Civil Apparatus, Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency carries out its performance through State Civil Apparatus Management, but from the aspect of work effectiveness and efficiency it is still weak, aspects of authority and responsibility are still lacking in staff and the placement of employees is not in accordance with their competence, as well as aspects of the level of employee discipline and aspects of the level of work initiative still low


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    Sungai adalah sumber mata air bagi warga yang tinggal di sepanjang tepi sungai. Namun semakin lama sungai mulai tercemar dengan adanya sampah. Sampah pada sungai mulai menumpuk seiring berjalannya waktu, menumpuknya sampah disebabkan karena warga yang masih kurang peduli dengan lingkungan sehingga terjadi banjir dan penyakit. Terdapat beberapa alternatif untuk mengatasi masalah sampah di sungai seperti mengambil menggunakan exafator, memperkerjakan masyarakat untuk membersihkan, dan menggunakan mesin pengangkut sampah. Automated River Claner Machine (Auri Cleaner Machine) adalah sebuah alat pengangkut sampah yang bertujuan untuk menanggulangi masalah banyaknya sampah yang banyak mengalir di sungai. Dalam hal ini penggunaan kombinasi metode AHP-TOPSIS cocok dalam menentukan desain pemilihan suatu desain dari produk. Sehingga mendapatkan konsep H sebagai desain dari mesin pengangkut sampah. Konsep H terdiri dari beberapa komponen seperti Kapal, Trash Screen, Trash Hook, Trash Deliver, dan Trash Container. Kata Kunci: AHP, TOPSIS, Auri Cleaner Machin