92 research outputs found

    Sifat Fisis Dan Mekanis Papan Partikel Dari Serbuk Limbah Gergajian Dengan Berbagai Kadar Perekat Isosianat

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    Serbuk limbah gergajian kayu mahoni sangat melimpah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kadar perekat isosianat terbaik terhadap sifat fisis dan mekanis papan semen yang dihasilkan; serta mengevaluasi pengaruh kadar perekat terhadap kualitas papan partikel. Kadar perekat isosianat yang digunakan adalah 6%, 8%, 10%, 12%, dan 14%. Target kerapatan yang ditetapkan adalah 0,7 g/cm3. Jenis perekat yang digunakan ialah isosianat H3M. Papan ditekan dengan kempa panas pada 25 kg/cm2 selama 5 menit dilanjutkan dengan pengkondisian selama 7 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai sifat fisis yang dihasilkan memenuhi standar JIS A 5908 (2003). Dari hasil penelitian ini kadar perekat terbaik adalah 14%

    Aplikasi Dan Implementasi Secret Sharing Menggunakan Kriptografi Visual Pada Citra Biner

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    Secret sharing merupakan salah satu metode untuk mengamankan suatu rahasia dengan membagi atau mendistribusikan rahasia tersebut menjadi beberapa bagian yang disebut share, setiap bagian dari rahasia tersebut tidak memberikan informasi apa-apa mengenai rahasia yang dimaksud bila tidak digabungkan dengan bagian yang lainnya. Salah satu alasan adanya secret sharing adalah perlindungan terhadap ancaman kehilangan kunci kriptografi. Pada skripsi ini dibuat suatu program aplikasi secret sharing menggunakan algoritma kriptografi visual. Kriptografi visual adalah skema pembagian yang digunakan dalam distribusi gambar. Kriptografi visual merupakan salah satu perluasan dari secret sharing yang diimplementasikan untuk suatu citra. Seperti halnya teknik kriptografi yang lain, kriptografi visual memiliki persyaratan kerahasiaan, integritas data, dan otentikasi. Kriptografi visual yaitu teknik kriptografi data berupa gambar atau citra dengan membagi gambar tersebut menjadi beberapa bagian. Setiap bagian gambar tersebut merupakan subset dari gambar aslinya. Hasil dari proses aplikasi ini adalah citra rahasia yang berupa hasil enkripsi citra yaitu citra share 1 dan citra share 2 dan hasil dekripsi. Dari hasil enkripsi citra yang diujikan diperoleh prosentase keberhasilan dalam merahasiakan isi informasi dari citra aslinya.Dan pada hasil citra dekripsi menampilkan isi informasi dari citra asli. Prosentase keberhasilan pada citra share 1 dan share 2 menunjukkan kedua share tersebut 100% tidak menampilkan isi informasi pada citra aslinya

    The Value - Added Analysis of Gayo Arabica Coffee based on Processing

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    Indonesia is the fourth largest coffee exporting country in the world after Brazil, Vietnam and Colombia. Aceh is one of the biggest coffee producer regions in Indonesia.Data from BPS shows that there are six regencies which are the centers of coffee production in Aceh Province. Central Aceh and Bener Meriah distric are the main production centers of the six distric. This study aims to determine the differences in Value-Added of Gayo Arabica coffee beans based on the processing. The research location was taken in the area of coffee production centers in the Province of Aceh, specifically Bener Meriah and Central Aceh Regencies. This study shows that the Value-Added of green beans coffee is higher than the other two processing methods, that is Rp. 28,337 / Kg with ratio 38.40% in Central Aceh Regency and Rp. 26,738 / Kg with ratio 37.14% in Bener Meriah Regency

    Analisis Perbandingan Intrustion Detection System Snort dan Suricata

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    The Growth of the Internet and computer networks that happen in this day and age provide benefits and services to computer users to be able to share resources and information. Behind the ease of accessing information provided by the internet there is a great danger that is lurking, namely the various kinds of attacks that tried to find a gap of computer network security system being used. Attacks that could cause data loss and even damage to hardware. Application of IDS proposed as one solution that can be used to assist network managers in monitoring and analyzing network conditions dangerous packets contained in the network. However, an application IDS is certainly has advantages and disadvantages, so the authors were interested in conducting research to analyze and compare the performance of both the IDS. Analysis and comparison of IDS Snort and Suricata to measure the level of accuracy, speed detection and use of resources. Measurements carried out in a virtual machine, simulating the port scanning attacks, brute force and dos. Using Snorby as the font-end IDS. Suricata is superior research results in terms of detection accuracy will attack, however, the speed and the use of resources on the measurement results Snort always superior

    Analisa Gaya Pada Telescopic Boom Truck Crane XCMG QY50K

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    Telescopic boom / telescopic arm is one of the main components of load lifting system in hydraulic truck cranes. The arm consists of 1 baseboom and 4 section that can extend up to 40.1 m. Lifting media using hook and wire rope mounted on the drum winch. At the time of lifting the load, the elevating cylinder will lift the telescopic boom to form the angle of lift and radius of work and there will be reaction forces in the telescopic boom due to loading. This analysis aims to determine the magnitude of the reaction force acting on a telescopic boom with variations of the addition of arm length from arm 1 (baseboom) to arm 5 (full extended), lifting load 50 tons, elevation angle of 70 ° and pump power required elevating cylinder to lift Telescopic boom due to the reaction force of the loading. From the analysis result of the biggest reaction force due to the loading of telescopic boom with the elevation angle of 70 ° and the lifting load of 50 tons occurred at fully open arm condition 5 section (40,1m) is force Ay = 4677647,65 N, Ax = 1707923,94 N at A pedestal and force By = 5348016,15 N, Bx = 1707923.94 N at pedestal B. As for the power of the required pump elevating cylinder on the condition is Np = 36,28 HP with hydraulic pressure P = 4254587,19 kg/m2, cylinder lift speed V = 0,0311 m/s, and Oil flow rate Q = 3,917x10-3 m3 /

    Perancangan “Salatiga Cultural Center” Sebagai Pusat Konservasi Kebudayaan Dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Biofilik

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    Cultural center is a very important object for fostering and developing culture, especially in areas that have a lot of culture but are still not exposed. The city of Salatiga is a small city that has various cultures ranging from eating, attractions, heritage buildings and so on. The design problem is how to apply the concept of biophilic architecture to buildings as an effort to maximize comfort and well-being in fulfilling each of its functions. The purpose of this design is to provide cultural center for cultural conservation in the city of Salatiga. The method used is descriptive qualitative which is the sintesa to produce a design concept. The results obtained, namely the design cultural center with a biophilic architectural approach that is applied to the concept of mass composition, interior and exterior concepts, structural concepts, utility concepts, and landscape concepts. Through various concepts using natural elements both in materials, ideas and concepts as the application of biophilic architecture

    Kajian Produksi Nanopartikel Dari Arang Akasia Dengan Metode Tumbukan Bola Baja Diameter 5/16, 1/4, 3/16, 5/32 Inchi

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    Nanotechnology is the manufacture and use of materials of very small size reaching 1 to 1000 nm. In this study the materials used for the manufacture of nanoparticles came from acacia plant charcoal. Acacia charcoal is a product obtained from incomplete combustion of acacia plants. This research uses top-down method in particle making. The tool used in this research is the modification of shaker mils with 1000Rpm motor speed, for 2.5 million cycles with variations of the size of the steel ball pounder is sized 5/16, 1/4, 3/16 and 5/32 inchi. From this test the nanoparticles were then tested in PSA, SEM and EDX tests. PSA testing aims to determine the size of the acacia charcoal particles. The SEM test aims to determine the shape of the particles tested. EDX testing aims to determine the composition of acacia charcoal particles. In PSA testing the particles have reached the nano size but some are still micro size. From SEM testing performed spherical, oval and irregular particles. From EDX testing conducted carbon element is very dominant on the particles

    Redesain Pasar Tradisional Banjarsari Berbasis Wisata Budaya Kota Pekalongan

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    The reduced public interest in shopping at traditional markets due to the development of modern markets in a city is a big issue and a concern for the community. Traditional markets are one of the driving wheels of the economy in an area and become a place for people to earn income. The fire of Banjarsari Market in 2018 caused the disruption of trading activities in Pekalongan City. The transfer of traders to the emergency market has not been able to solve the problem because the income of traders continues to decline due to uncomfortable market conditions, causing a decline in public interest. The absence of attractiveness in traditional markets is one of the reasons people are reluctant to visit traditional markets. So there needs to be a rebuilding of traditional markets with design principles that can increase public interest in visiting traditional markets. The culture of Pekalongan City is a potential and a characteristic of Pekalongan City. Culture can be developed into the form of tourism to be an attraction for people to come to the region. Various culinary, batik, and architecture are some of the cultural products of Pekalongan City that can be used as an attraction for the Banjarsari Traditional Market. The redesign of the Banjarsari Traditional Market has the aim of being able to make the Banjarsari Market a traditional market that has the attraction to enjoy the products of the works and thoughts of the people that characterize the condition of Pekalongan City through architecture, culinary, and batik. The method used is through data collection by mapping the cultural tourism potential of the city of Pekalongan, observation, comparative studies with similar objects, and literature review. The results of the redesign of the Banjarsari Traditional Market based on cultural tourism in Pekalongan City include improvements to the circulation pattern and zoning of the buying and selling area, improvements to the facade or appearance of the building, and the ability of the building to utilize environmentally friendly energy

    Redesain Pasar Tradisional Banjarsari Berbasis Wisata Budaya Kota Pekalongan

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    The reduced public interest in shopping at traditional markets due to the development of modern markets in a city is a big issue and a concern for the community. Traditional markets are one of the driving wheels of the economy in an area and become a place for people to earn income. The fire of Banjarsari Market in 2018 caused the disruption of trading activities in Pekalongan City. The transfer of traders to the emergency market has not been able to solve the problem because the income of traders continues to decline due to uncomfortable market conditions, causing a decline in public interest. The absence of attractiveness in traditional markets is one of the reasons people are reluctant to visit traditional markets. So there needs to be a rebuilding of traditional markets with design principles that can increase public interest in visiting traditional markets. The culture of Pekalongan City is a potential and a characteristic of Pekalongan City. Culture can be developed into the form of tourism to be an attraction for people to come to the region. Various culinary, batik, and architecture are some of the cultural products of Pekalongan City that can be used as an attraction for the Banjarsari Traditional Market. The redesign of the Banjarsari Traditional Market has the aim of being able to make the Banjarsari Market a traditional market that has the attraction to enjoy the products of the works and thoughts of the people that characterize the condition of Pekalongan City through architecture, culinary, and batik. The method used is through data collection by mapping the cultural tourism potential of the city of Pekalongan, observation, comparative studies with similar objects, and literature review. The results of the redesign of the Banjarsari Traditional Market based on cultural tourism in Pekalongan City include improvements to the circulation pattern and zoning of the buying and selling area, improvements to the facade or appearance of the building, and the ability of the building to utilize environmentally friendly energy

    Pengaruh Jenis Bleacher Dan Waktu Pemasakan Terhadap Produksi Pulp Dari Ampas Tebu Dengan Proses Soda

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    Sugarcane bagasse is an organic waste that is quite abundant with high levels of α-cellulose. However, bagasse has not been utilized optimally even though bagasse can be used as a raw material for making pulp. Pulp is the basic material in the manufacture of paper, where most of its production uses wood as basic materials. This study aims to identify sugarcane bagasse as an alternative raw material for pulping in terms of the effect of the type of bleacher and the length of cooking time. The type of bleach used is H2O2and NaClO and the cooking time is 30 minutes, 60 minutes and 90 minutes with the soda process. The results of the study showed that there was an effect of using a bleacher type H2O2 with a cooking time of 90 minutes resulting in a higher pulp yield of 29.37%, compared to the NaClO bleacher at a cooking time of 90 minutes which only produced a pulp yield of 29.05%. The results of the FTIR test show typical absorption peaks such as the O-H phenolic functional group, C=O ketone absorption group, aliphatic –CH- and aromatic stretching groups. Identification of the lignin component produced by the pulp yield has an IR spectrum that corresponds to the IR spectrum of standard lignin components and Aldrich and Kraft commercial IR spectrum