49 research outputs found

    Carbon stock in areas of pasture and native vegetation.

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    One of the factors that may indicate the quality of soil is the organic matter (SOM), directly linked to structural, biological and chemical soil characteristics, in addition it is stock for carbon (C) and nitrogen (N). For grazing areas, stocks of C and N vary when compared to natural vegetation inventories. Factors such as the type of management adopted, climatic condition and renewal of plants can contribute to stocks become smaller over land use. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the initial and final C stocks in pasture under two types of grazing and native vegetation

    Dysglycemia and Abnormal Adiposity Drivers of Cardiometabolic-Based Chronic Disease in the Czech Population: Biological, Behavioral, and Cultural/Social Determinants of Health

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    In contrast to the decreasing burden related to cardiovascular disease (CVD), the burden related to dysglycemia and adiposity complications is increasing in Czechia, and local drivers must be identified. A comprehensive literature review was performed to evaluate biological, behavioral, and environmental drivers of dysglycemia and abnormal adiposity in Czechia. Additionally, the structure of the Czech healthcare system was described. The prevalence of obesity in men and diabetes in both sexes has been increasing over the past 30 years. Possible reasons include the Eastern European eating pattern, high prevalence of physical inactivity and health illiteracy, education, and income-related health inequalities. Despite the advanced healthcare system based on the compulsory insurance model with free-for-service healthcare and a wide range of health-promoting initiatives, more effective strategies to tackle the adiposity/dysglycemia are needed. In conclusion, the disease burden related to dysglycemia and adiposity in Czechia remains high but is not translated into greater CVD. This discordant relationship likely depends more on other factors, such as improvements in dyslipidemia and hypertension control. A reconceptualization of abnormal adiposity and dysglycemia into a more actionable cardiometabolic-based chronic disease model is needed to improve the approach to these conditions. This review can serve as a platform to investigate causal mechanisms and secure effective management of cardiometabolic-based chronic disease

    Accuracy of five algorithms to diagnose gambiense human African trypanosomiasis.

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    Algorithms to diagnose gambiense human African trypanosomiasis (HAT, sleeping sickness) are often complex due to the unsatisfactory sensitivity and/or specificity of available tests, and typically include a screening (serological), confirmation (parasitological) and staging component. There is insufficient evidence on the relative accuracy of these algorithms. This paper presents estimates of the accuracy of five algorithms used by past MĂ©decins Sans FrontiĂšres programmes in the Republic of Congo, Southern Sudan and Uganda

    A percepção profissional e comunitåria sobre a reinserção social dos usuårios de drogas

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    O processo de reinserção social de usuĂĄrios de substĂąncias psicoativas tem se configurado como uma das principais estratĂ©gias da PolĂ­tica Nacional sobre Drogas. Haja vista que o uso de substĂąncias emerge como um dos principais problemas de saĂșde pĂșblica na atualidade, o presente artigo teve como objetivo compreender as percepçÔes dos atores sociais inseridos nas polĂ­ticas da saĂșde, assistĂȘncia social e lideranças comunitĂĄrias acerca do processo de reinserção social dos usuĂĄrios de drogas. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de cunho qualitativo, onde foram realizadas doze entrevistas semiestruturadas com diferentes informantes-chave, inseridos em um territĂłrio com elevados indicadores de uso de drogas. Os resultados apontam para os desafios no processo de inserção efetiva dos usuĂĄrios de drogas em razĂŁo da existĂȘncia de uma rede assistencial multissetorial, um profundo processo de estigmatização social, a naturalização do uso de drogas, a responsabilização da famĂ­lia, alĂ©m da sobrecarga de trabalho nas polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas