823 research outputs found

    Inconsistency Between Women and Masculine Approach: A Perspective of Gender Identity in Medieval Indian Society

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    ‘Women and gender studies’ has become a part of social science since 19th century, when the right of liberty and equality was strongly emphasised to subdue the long-term disparity on masculine and feminine identity. The notion of discrimination on the issue of gender is actually a psychological factor which human being learns from various socio-cultural forces. It has two reasons; one is to regard the males as physically and mentally strong rather than females, and another is to refute them to be a part of human resource through the traditional treatment of only with a capability of bearing child. Now such consideration simply inherited by each and every civilization of the world except few instances of tribal kingdoms where matriarchal culture prevailed. During our period of study, we have numerous cases to trace the contradiction between manliness and the enforcement over the feminine gender. Of course, we have genius lady figures of that age such as -Raziya Sultana, Nurjahan , Mumtaz Mahal, Jahanara and Zebunnisa. But on the basis of historical method of generalization we have an aspect where insufficient data provides incessant conclusion for a particular fact. That’s why, following few such examples we should not determine the overall status of women as quietly good. In this paper, therefore, I shall try to define the patriarchal dominance over the women and nature of gender dissension in both psychological and social sphere of contemporary society.

    Intelligent Word Embeddings of Free-Text Radiology Reports

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    Radiology reports are a rich resource for advancing deep learning applications in medicine by leveraging the large volume of data continuously being updated, integrated, and shared. However, there are significant challenges as well, largely due to the ambiguity and subtlety of natural language. We propose a hybrid strategy that combines semantic-dictionary mapping and word2vec modeling for creating dense vector embeddings of free-text radiology reports. Our method leverages the benefits of both semantic-dictionary mapping as well as unsupervised learning. Using the vector representation, we automatically classify the radiology reports into three classes denoting confidence in the diagnosis of intracranial hemorrhage by the interpreting radiologist. We performed experiments with varying hyperparameter settings of the word embeddings and a range of different classifiers. Best performance achieved was a weighted precision of 88% and weighted recall of 90%. Our work offers the potential to leverage unstructured electronic health record data by allowing direct analysis of narrative clinical notes.Comment: AMIA Annual Symposium 201

    Transformation of Muslim Civilization from Devoted Believer to Despotic: A Study of Islamic History after Prophet Muhammed’s Death

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    The journey of Muslim civilization started from Arabian Peninsula during the 7th century AD After a long age of inertia an impetus o f regeneration thrived by which all kinds of racial and ethnic discrimination eliminated from Arab society The founder of Islam prophet Muhammed disseminated the gospels of egalitarianism by counter ing century-old evil social order challenged the dogma of violence fostered education for women and slaves Through the victory of Muslims over Mecca in 630 AD the process of infant Islamic state began its shaping Immediately after the death of Muhammed his four legitimate heirs -Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique Hazrat Uthman Gani Hazrat Umar Faruq Hazrat Ali is popularly known as the Rushidun Caliphate by Sunni Islamic theology continued the administration quietly based on prophetic doctrine In the course of time circumstances began to be altered with the hand of Umayyads and Abbasid Caliphate few noticeable changes occurred which turned the holy principles once abided by the four great Caliphs and Prophet himself The Gradual expansion of Muslim civilization from one region to other region diverted the ideology of Muslims and on the eve of 10th and 11th century AD we have seen the rise of Sultanate even on the other hand birth of tribal identity among Muslims largely related to central Asia Such types of factors dealt with the decay of the republican philosophy of Islam simultaneously imparted a concept of despotism based on the monarchical approach and power of the swor

    Does the crayfish tail fan sense chemicals

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    Offline Estimation of Controlled Markov Chains: Minimaxity and Sample Complexity

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    In this work, we study a natural nonparametric estimator of the transition probability matrices of a finite controlled Markov chain. We consider an offline setting with a fixed dataset, collected using a so-called logging policy. We develop sample complexity bounds for the estimator and establish conditions for minimaxity. Our statistical bounds depend on the logging policy through its mixing properties. We show that achieving a particular statistical risk bound involves a subtle and interesting trade-off between the strength of the mixing properties and the number of samples. We demonstrate the validity of our results under various examples, such as ergodic Markov chains, weakly ergodic inhomogeneous Markov chains, and controlled Markov chains with non-stationary Markov, episodic, and greedy controls. Lastly, we use these sample complexity bounds to establish concomitant ones for offline evaluation of stationary Markov control policies.Comment: 71 pages, 23 mai


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    Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) ialah suatu kumpulan gejala penyakit yang disebabkan oleh Human Immunodefieciency Virus (HIV) yang bisa menular serta mematikan.Dukungan keluarga sangat berperan penting dalam memberikan rasa aman pada ODHA yang berada pada tempat tinggalnya agar dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup ODHA dengan cara tidak menghindari, mengasingkan serta tidak menolak keberadaanya sehingga ODHA merasa diperhatikan, bernilai, dan dicintai. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan dukungan keluarga dan stigma dengan kualitas hidup orang dengan HIV/AIDSdipoliklinikVCT RSUP M.Djamil Padang. Penelitianini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode cross sectional. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 44 orang dengan teknik accidental sampling dan dilakukan pada bulan Juni 2022 di poliklinik VCT RSUP M. Djamil Padang..Hasil analisis uji statistik chi-square menunjukkan bahwa p-value 0,000 (0,05), yang bearti terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara dukungan keluarga dan stigma dengan kualitas hidup orang dengan HIV/AIDS di Poliklinik RSUP M.Djamil Padang. Dukungan keluarga yang positif kepada ODHA akan membatu ODHA dalam menghadapi masalah kesehatan dan psikologis yang mereka alami. Diharapkan dari Petugas kesehatan hendaknya melibatkan keluarga untuk perawatan ODHA. Hal ini dilakukan agar keluarga termotivasi untuk senantiasa memberikan dukungan pada ODHA sehingga meningkatkan kualitas hidupnya. Kata Kunci : ODHA, Dukungan Keluarga, Stigma, Kualitas Hidup, HIV/AID

    A monte carlo simulation study on high leverage collinearity-enhancing observation and its effect on multicollinearity pattern.

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    Outliers in the X-direction or high leverage points are the latest known source of multicollinearity. Multicollinearity is a nonorthogonality of two or more explanatory variables in multiple regression models, which may have important influential impacts on interpreting a fitted regression model. In this paper, we performed Monte Carlo simulation studies to achieve two main objectives. The first objective was to study the effect of certain magnitude and percentage of high leverage points, which are two important issues in tending the high leverage points to be collinearity-enhancing observations, on the multicollinarity pattern of the data. The second objective was to investigate in which situations these points do make different degrees of multicollinearity, such as moderate or severe. According to the simulation results, high leverage points should be in large magnitude for at least two explanatory variables to guarantee that they are the cause of multicollinearity problems. We also proposed some practical Lower Bound (LB) and Upper Bound (UB) for High Leverage Collinearity Influential Measure (HLCIM) which is an essential measure in detecting the degree of multicollinearity. A well-known example is used to confirm the simulation results