63 research outputs found

    Equation-Free Analysis of Two-Component System Signalling Model Reveals the Emergence of Co-Existing Phenotypes in the Absence of Multistationarity

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    Phenotypic differences of genetically identical cells under the same environmental conditions have been attributed to the inherent stochasticity of biochemical processes. Various mechanisms have been suggested, including the existence of alternative steady states in regulatory networks that are reached by means of stochastic fluctuations, long transient excursions from a stable state to an unstable excited state, and the switching on and off of a reaction network according to the availability of a constituent chemical species. Here we analyse a detailed stochastic kinetic model of two-component system signalling in bacteria, and show that alternative phenotypes emerge in the absence of these features. We perform a bifurcation analysis of deterministic reaction rate equations derived from the model, and find that they cannot reproduce the whole range of qualitative responses to external signals demonstrated by direct stochastic simulations. In particular, the mixed mode, where stochastic switching and a graded response are seen simultaneously, is absent. However, probabilistic and equation-free analyses of the stochastic model that calculate stationary states for the mean of an ensemble of stochastic trajectories reveal that slow transcription of either response regulator or histidine kinase leads to the coexistence of an approximate basal solution and a graded response that combine to produce the mixed mode, thus establishing its essential stochastic nature. The same techniques also show that stochasticity results in the observation of an all-or-none bistable response over a much wider range of external signals than would be expected on deterministic grounds. Thus we demonstrate the application of numerical equation-free methods to a detailed biochemical reaction network model, and show that it can provide new insight into the role of stochasticity in the emergence of phenotypic diversity

    Macroscopic coherent structures in a stochastic neural network: from interface dynamics to coarse-grained bifurcation analysis

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    We study coarse pattern formation in a cellular automaton modelling a spatially-extended stochastic neural network. The model, originally proposed by Gong and Robinson (Phys Rev E 85(5):055,101(R), 2012), is known to support stationary and travelling bumps of localised activity. We pose the model on a ring and study the existence and stability of these patterns in various limits using a combination of analytical and numerical techniques. In a purely deterministic version of the model, posed on a continuum, we construct bumps and travelling waves analytically using standard interface methods from neural field theory. In a stochastic version with Heaviside firing rate, we construct approximate analytical probability mass functions associated with bumps and travelling waves. In the full stochastic model posed on a discrete lattice, where a coarse analytic description is unavailable, we compute patterns and their linear stability using equation-free methods. The lifting procedure used in the coarse time-stepper is informed by the analysis in the deterministic and stochastic limits. In all settings, we identify the synaptic profile as a mesoscopic variable, and the width of the corresponding activity set as a macroscopic variable. Stationary and travelling bumps have similar meso- and macroscopic profiles, but different microscopic structure, hence we propose lifting operators which use microscopic motifs to disambiguate them. We provide numerical evidence that waves are supported by a combination of high synaptic gain and long refractory times, while meandering bumps are elicited by short refractory times

    Continuation for thin film hydrodynamics and related scalar problems

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    This chapter illustrates how to apply continuation techniques in the analysis of a particular class of nonlinear kinetic equations that describe the time evolution through transport equations for a single scalar field like a densities or interface profiles of various types. We first systematically introduce these equations as gradient dynamics combining mass-conserving and nonmass-conserving fluxes followed by a discussion of nonvariational amendmends and a brief introduction to their analysis by numerical continuation. The approach is first applied to a number of common examples of variational equations, namely, Allen-Cahn- and Cahn-Hilliard-type equations including certain thin-film equations for partially wetting liquids on homogeneous and heterogeneous substrates as well as Swift-Hohenberg and Phase-Field-Crystal equations. Second we consider nonvariational examples as the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation, convective Allen-Cahn and Cahn-Hilliard equations and thin-film equations describing stationary sliding drops and a transversal front instability in a dip-coating. Through the different examples we illustrate how to employ the numerical tools provided by the packages auto07p and pde2path to determine steady, stationary and time-periodic solutions in one and two dimensions and the resulting bifurcation diagrams. The incorporation of boundary conditions and integral side conditions is also discussed as well as problem-specific implementation issues

    Mitochondrial chaotic dynamics: Redox-energetic behavior at the edge of stability

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    Mitochondria serve multiple key cellular functions, including energy generation, redox balance, and regulation of apoptotic cell death, thus making a major impact on healthy and diseased states. Increasingly recognized is that biological network stability/instability can play critical roles in determining health and disease. We report for the first-time mitochondrial chaotic dynamics, characterizing the conditions leading from stability to chaos in this organelle. Using an experimentally validated computational model of mitochondrial function, we show that complex oscillatory dynamics in key metabolic variables, arising at the “edge” between fully functional and pathological behavior, sets the stage for chaos. Under these conditions, a mild, regular sinusoidal redox forcing perturbation triggers chaotic dynamics with main signature traits such as sensitivity to initial conditions, positive Lyapunov exponents, and strange attractors. At the “edge” mitochondrial chaos is exquisitely sensitive to the antioxidant capacity of matrix Mn superoxide dismutase as well as to the amplitude and frequency of the redox perturbation. These results have potential implications both for mitochondrial signaling determining health maintenance, and pathological transformation, including abnormal cardiac rhythms.publishedVersionKembro, Jackelyn Melissa. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales; Argentina.Kembro, Jackelyn Melissa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas y Tecnológicas; Argentina.Cortassa, Sonia. National Institutes of Health. NIH · NIA Intramural Research Program; Estados Unidos.Lloyd, David. Cardiff University. School of Biosciences 1; Inglaterra.Sollot, Steven. Johns Hopkins University. Laboratory of Cardiovascular Science; Estados Unidos.Sollot, Steven. Johns Hopkins University. Laboratory of Cardiovascular Science; Estados Unidos

    Managing the climate commons at the nexus of ecology, behaviour and economics

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    Sustainably managing coupled ecological–economic systems requires not only an understanding of the environmental factors that affect them, but also knowledge of the interactions and feedback cycles that operate between resource dynamics and activities attributable to human intervention. The socioeconomic dynamics, in turn, call for an investigation of the behavioural drivers behind human action. We argue that a multidisciplinary approach is needed in order to tackle the increasingly pressing and intertwined environmental challenges faced by modern societies. Academic contributions to climate change policy have been constrained by methodological and terminological differences, so we discuss how programmes aimed at cross-disciplinary education and involvement in governance may help to unlock scholars' potential to propose new solutions

    Exploring critical points of energy landscapes: from low-dimensional examples to phase field crystal PDEs

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    In the present work we explore the application of a few root-finding methods to a series of prototypical examples. The methods we consider include: (a) the so-called continuous-time Nesterov (CTN) flow method; (b) a variant thereof referred to as the squared-operator method (SOM); and (c) the joint action of each of the above two methods with the so-called deflation method. More “traditional” methods such as Newton’s method (and its variant with deflation) are also brought to bear. Our toy examples start with a naive one degree-of-freedom (DOF) system to provide the lay of the land. Subsequently, we turn to a 2-DOF system that is motivated by the reduction of an infinite-dimensional, phase field crystal (PFC) model of soft matter crystallisation. Once the landscape of the 2-DOF system has been elucidated, we turn to the full PDE model and illustrate how the insights of the low-dimensional examples lead to novel solutions at the PDE level that are of relevance and interest to the full framework of soft matter crystallisation

    Normal form for the onset of collapse: the prototypical example of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation

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    The study of nonlinear waves that collapse in finite time is a theme of universal interest, e.g. within optical, atomic, plasma physics, and nonlinear dynamics. Here we revisit the quintessential example of the nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation and systematically derive a normal form for the emergence of radially symmetric blowup solutions from stationary ones. While this is an extensively studied problem, such a normal form, based on the methodology of asymptotics beyond all algebraic orders, applies to both the dimension-dependent and power-law-dependent bifurcations previously studied; it yields excellent agreement with numerics in both leading and higher-order effects; it is applicable to both infinite and finite domains; and it is valid in both critical and supercritical regimes

    Optical imaging and control of genetically designated neurons in functioning circuits.

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    Proteins with engineered sensitivities to light are infiltrating the biological mechanisms by which neurons generate and detect electrochemical signals. Encoded in DNA and active only in genetically specified target cells, these proteins provide selective optical interfaces for observing and controlling signaling by defined groups of neurons in functioning circuits, in vitro and in vivo. Light-emitting sensors of neuronal activity (reporting calcium increase, neurotransmitter release, or membrane depolarization) have begun to reveal how information is represented by neuronal assemblies, and how these representations are transformed during the computations that inform behavior. Light-driven actuators control the electrical activities of central neurons in freely moving animals and establish causal connections between the activation of specific neurons and the expression of particular behaviors. Anchored within mathematical systems and control theory, the combination of finely resolved optical field sensing and finely resolved optical field actuation will open new dimensions for the analysis of the connectivity, dynamics, and plasticity of neuronal circuits, and perhaps even for replacing lost--or designing novel--functionalities
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