1,409 research outputs found


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    This paper outlines and details historical L2 curriculum development for segments of China’s State education system over a ten-year period beginning with the start of the Sino – Foreign joint programs classes in 2011. A two-year post assessment from 2015~2017. Tracking students continuing test results for both the CET (College English Test) series examinations and the IELTS (International English Language Testing System). And includes a three-year look back period ending in 2021. Also included are institution summaries, skill level and ability gaps examples, diagnostics and assessment examples. Dual language Ministry of Education recommendations excerpts and support justification narrative

    Support for international students at Leeds Metropolitan

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    Analisis Kemampuan Mahasiswa dalam Berkomunikasi secara Lisan pada Tes Simulasi IELTS (International English Language Testing System)

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    IELTS (International English Language Testing System) merupakan salah satu tes kemahiran berbahasa Inggris yang megukur 4 keterampilan berbahasa Inggris seseorang. Terkait dengan adanya beberapa keterampilan berbahasa Inggris yang diukur di IELTS, penelitian ini berfokus pada penelitian berbicara (speaking) yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris pada IELTS Simulation Test untuk menganalisa kemampuan mahasiswa dalam melakukan tes keterampilan berbicara, serta menemukan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan dan menjadi penghambat dalam melakukan tes simulasi yang diberikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat keterampilan mahasiswa dalam melakukan tes simulasi IELTS untuk keterampilan berbicara perlu untuk ditingkatkan lagi karena sebahagian besar mahasiswa masih berada pada rentang nilai 4-6. Sehingga, dapat dimaknai bahwa tingkat keterampilann mahasiswa dalam melakuan tes simulasi EITLS Speaking (Berbicara) sudah menunjukkan keterampilan yang cukup baik karena ada beberapa mahasiswa yang mampu meraih rentang nilai 7, dan sebahagian besar peserta tes juga sudah berada pada rentang 5-6, hanya beberapa mahasiswa yang berada pada rentang 4-4,5. Faktor latihan merupakan faktor utama yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan peserta tes untuk meningkatkan keterampilan mereka dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris, namun seluruh mahasiswa yang diinterview mengemukakan bahwa mereka tidak melakukan persiapan khusus ketika mereka akan melakukan tes, sehinggan hasil yang mereka peroleh masih perlu untuk ditingkatkan. Selain itu, kecemasan pada saat melakukan tes berbicara mempengaruhi keterampilan peserta tes dalam menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan, selain itu kesulitan peserta tes dalam memahami beberapa makna kata yang dituturkan oleh penguji menimbulkan kesulitan bagi peserta tes untuk merepon pertanyaan yang diajukan, namun mengetahui tips dan trik dalam melaukan tes IELTS Speaking dapat meminimalisir hal-hal yang dapat mengganggu selama pelaksanaan tes.  Kata Kunci : Berbicara, Tes Simulasi IELT

    The IELTS Writing Test - text issues and teaching strategies

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    The IELTS (International English Language Testing System) test is growing in popularity internationally both as an entry requirement for students wishing to study in various English-speaking countries and, more recently, as a tool of the migration process. This paper explores some of the issues surrounding candidate performance on the Writing section of the IELTS test. It draws on research which used a functional grammar perspective to compare texts produced in response to the same task prompt by two cohorts - one of native-speaker-writers, and the other of nonnative speaker-writers from non-European cultures. The classroom implications of the identified writing issues are discussed in terms of practical strategies for assisting the written performance of IELTS test candidates


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    AbstractThe field of English for specific purposes (ESP) has developed rapidly to become a major force in English language teaching. IELTS (International English Language Testing System), as one of the ESP branch, is one of the biggest ESL tests needed world-wide.This study was conducted to find validity and reliability of IELTS speaking rubric between three teachers who assess speaking ability for the same students in the same class. This would enable IELTS teachers to measure the students’ speaking ability likely in the same band area. The participants of this quantitative study were 21 Indonesian graduate students who were taking English for Pre-departure program of their Master’s Degree abroad, an English for Academic Purpose (EAP) class. The result shows that the teachers in Inlingua Internatinal English training produce reliable and valid results of the speaking IELTS subtest; even though they have different working span experience because they use the same rubric. Also, the correlation between one group of scores to others are significant and linear. This can be reference for the future in the way Inlingua International maintain their teachers’ marking scheme.Keywords: IELTS, validity, realibility, speaking rubric, ES


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    Abstrak: Mentoring beasiswa ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pendampingan yang intensif dan berkelanjutan kepada para pemburu beasiswa. Mentoring ini sangat dibutuhkan sebagai wadah untuk berbagi informasi dan mempersiapkan aplikasi beasiswa. Program ini dilaksanakan secara online dengan menggunakan grup WhatsApp dan didukung dengan aplikasi zoom. Secara umum program ini meliputi tahap persiapan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Pada tahap persiapan, tim menyiapkan kurikulum dan membuka pendaftaran. Pada tahap pelaksanaan, dilakukan diskusi dan konsultasi. Sementara itu, pada tahap penilaian dilakukan evaluasi untuk mengetahui sejauh mana tingkat keberhasilannya. Hasil akhir dari program ini menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar peserta mengalami kendala pada sertifikat bahasa Inggris (TOEFL/IELTS). Hanya sebagaian dari mereka saja yang bisa melamar beasiswa tujuan luar negeri karena memiliki skor TOEFL/IELTS yang cukup. Oleh karena itu, ketersediaan skor TOEFL/IELTS ini menjadi faktor penting yang menetukan pilihan beasiswa. Sebagian besar dari peserta yang berhasil mengirim aplikasi beasiswa memilih beasiswa NTB. Hal ini dikarenakan beasiswa NTB meminta syarat TOEFL/IELTS yang standarnya relatif lebih rendah dibanding beasiswa yang lain. Abstract:  This program aims to provide an intensive assistance for scholarship hunters. A mentoring is needed to share information and to prepare the scholarship application. The program is conducted through WhatsApp and supported with zoom. The program is mainly divided into three steps namely preparation, execution and evaluation. Preparation includes the work of curriculum development, socialization and recruitment. Execution of the program includes discussion and consultation, while evaluation involves the process of assessing the progress. The result of this program indicates that most of the participants do not have sufficient TOEFL/IELTS score as the language requirement to apply scholarship. Some of them have such great score to apply scholarship to study abroad and the rest of them are eligible to apply national scholarship. The availability of English language certificate influence their preferences in apply scholarship. Most of them apply for Beasiswa NTB (scholarship provided by Government of West Nusa Tenggara) which require a moderate score of English certificate

    The development of L2 Arab writers' proficiency : autonomy, online self-access centres, and advisement : a dissertation presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctorate of Education at Massey University, Manawatu, New Zealand

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    Autonomy has been identified as a contributing factor to language development and may affect the use and effectiveness of self-access centres (SACs). Numerous universities in non-English speaking countries have adopted English as the language of instruction with Western academic writing being a main form for assessment. SACs have been funded in many tertiary institutes to promote language proficiency through autonomous learning. The general purpose of writing SACs is to make a wide portfolio of resources available to aid L2 writers with the place of advisors an emerging field. The use of technology at SACs has been extended with some going completely online. This action research study involved the development of an online SAC for second language (L2) academic writers at a university in Qatar. The SAC provided volunteer students with out-of-class help in the form of multiple resources and tools. Additional help could also be accessed in the form of advisement both synchronously and asynchronously. The purpose of this study was to investigate the form of the L2 students’ individual autonomy to determine how this might be fostered and implemented online to develop their academic writing proficiency. The online research SAC was designed to offer aid with grammar, vocabulary, and writing skills and to be responsive to the needs and demands of the students. Interactions between participants and the researcher were available via email, chats, revisable assignments, and forums. Diverse data sources were integrated and analyzed, including questionnaires and interactive dialogues, to understand deeply the cultural dimension and situated perspective of the participating Arab students. The findings revealed that, contrary to expectations, the Arab participants manifested multi-dimensional autonomy. Most preferred to receive help with their writing via 1-1 advisory sessions together with some use of the online resources. Advisory sessions evolved into multiple dialogues whereby reactive autonomy could gradually become proactive. The addition of a structured component to the advisory sessions enhanced autonomy and writing development. The success of the SAC depended on various factors, such as aiding students’ language development and academic writing in a way that capitalized on the participants’ desires and perspectives without imposing Western ideologies. This study contributed to the body of research on developing academic writing proficiency in an under-researched context of Arab learners and with a special emphasis on autonomy, online SACs, and advisement. In doing so it broadened existing paradigms of constructivism and critical theory in the arena of education, and challenged the use of established concepts in the setting of the Arab world

    The missing link in English language teaching

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    The aim of this workshop is to provide participants with some teaching ideas on how the writing skill may be improved. This is done through error analysis, correction and vocabulary building. The first part of the workshop will explore different ways of identifying students’ weak areas in writing and how these areas may be corrected. The second part will cover ways on how vocabulary building may be carried out, to help students improve their writing skill. The participants will have hands-on experience of preparing materials for vocabulary building during the workshop

    Інтегрування міжнародних стандартів навчання в національний освітній простір (на прикладі міжнародного екзамену ЕССЕ Мічиганського Університету)

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    У статті розглянуто елементи системи міжнародних екзаменів з англійської мови, спрямованих на підтвердження знань, необхідних для досягнення поставленої освітньої мети, вказано особливості екзамену ЕССЕ з англійської мови Мічиганського Університету, обґрунтовано його практичну цінність, надано рекомендації по підготовці до екзамену цього формату. Зроблено спробу довести доцільність використання елементів міжнародних тестових систем при навчанні іноземним мовам