890 research outputs found

    Relevance of Donation to Special Federal Tertiary Institution Libraries in Zaria, Kaduna State

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    This paper examine the relevance of donations to Special Federal Tertiary Institution Libraries in Zaria, Kaduna State, the objectives of the study are: to find out the donor agencies available to the libraries; the donations given to the libraries and to find out how relevant are the donation from the donors. The study adopted qualitative research approach. While structured and open-ended interview and relevant documents, including giftand donation files, acquisition records and library accession registers were used to collect data for the study. The population of the study consisted of the Special Federal Tertiary Institution Libraries under study while thesubjects of the study were the 41 staff, which included the institutions’ librarians (Liaison Officers) and the resources development unit library staff of each library. Descriptive statistical tools were used to analyze and present the data. The study discovered that the most donated resources to the libraries were books and journals; the findings also revealed that, though all the special federal tertiary institution libraries have one type of donor or the other, they mostly benefit from individual and corporate donors and also most of these resources were current but irrelevant, while those that were relevant were not sufficient to meet the needs of the libraries. In the light of the findings of the study, it was concluded that the special federal tertiary institution libraries studied were inadequately funded, thus, the libraries have sought for an alternative means in terms of donation to support or augment the major source of fund for library resource development, which has contributed positively but not sufficiently to the development of the library. The study recommended among others that, there is need for the government to increase library annual allocation to avoid problem of inadequate funds. And there is a need for those libraries under study to seek for support from local donors such as Nigerian Book Foundation (NBF), Sir Emeka Offor Foundation (SEOF) that could contribute financially or other wise to their library; Donors should try to donate relevant resources to libraries this can be done by seeking advice from a professional librarian

    Prevalence of Vaginal Candidiasis among Pregnant Women with Abnormal Vaginal Discharge in Maiduguri

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    BACKGROUND: Pregnancy represents a risk factor in the occurrence of vaginal candidiasis. OBJECTIVES: To determine the prevalence and clinical features associated with abnormal vaginal discharge and C. albicans infection in pregnant women.METHODS: High vaginal swab samples and data on epidemiological characteristics were collected from 400 pregnant women with complaints of abnormal vaginal discharge at booking clinic of University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital. The data was analysed using SPSS 16.0 statistical software.RESULTS: The prevalence of abnormal vaginal discharge in pregnancy was 31.5%. The frequency of abnormal vaginal discharge was 183 (45.8%) among those aged 20-24 years, 291 (72.8%) in multipara, 223 (55.8%) in those with Primary education and 293 (73.2%) in unemployed. Vulval pruritus 300 (75.0%) was significantly related to abnormal vaginal discharge (P<0.001). The prevalence of C. albicans was 41%. The frequencies of Vulval itching, Dyspareunia and vulval excoriation among those with candidiasis were 151 (50.3%), 14 (56.0%) and 75 (75.0%) respectively (P<0.001). CONCLUSION: The prevalence of abnormal vaginal discharge in pregnancy was high in this study and C. albicans was the commonest cause. It is recommended that a pregnant woman complaining of abnormal vaginal discharge be assessed and Laboratory diagnosis done in order to give appropriate treatment. Erratum Note: Ibrahim SM, Mohammed B, Yahaya M, Audu BM, Ibrahim HA on the article ”Prevalence of VaginalCandidiasis among Pregnant Women with Abnormal Vaginal Discharge in Maiduguri” on Page Nig. J. Med2013. 138-142. Should read: Ibrahim SM, Bukar M, Mohammed Y, Audu BM, Ibrahim HM

    Phytochemical composition and toxicity of the aqueous extract of Parkia biglobosa pods in adult Clarias gariepinus

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    The phytochemical composition and toxicological evaluation of the aqueous extract of Parkia biglobosa pods in adult Clarias gariepinus was investigated over a 96-h exposure period. The aqueous extract of the pods was freeze-dried and screened for its phytochemical constituents. This revealed the presence of glycosides, alkaloids, saponins, steroids and triterpenes, tannins, carbohydrates and flavonoids but no anthraquinones and fixed oils. The fish were exposed to varying concentrations of the extract in a static acute toxicity bioassay. The exposed fish showed initial signs of agitated and erratic movements followed by signs of respiratory distress and abnormal nervous compromise, including mortality in some of the exposed fish. No such obvious signs of toxicity were recorded in the unexposed control fish. The appearance and intensity of the signs were both concentrations and exposure period-dependent. Mean mortality was significantly (p<0.05) related to extract concentrations and exposure period. The median lethal concentration of the extract in exposed fish over the 96-h exposure period was calculated to be 115.38 mg/l. Parkia biglobosa pods contained some toxicologically active constituents that can be meaningfully exploited to harvest fish from water bodies. However, this should be done with great care as the abusive use (higher concentrations) of this extract could result in extract residues in the exposed fish that might pose a risk to the consumers of such fish.Keywords: Clarias gariepinus, Parkia biglobosa pods, phytochemical constituents, toxicity

    Radiation protection: an initial assessment of level of knowledge and compliance amongst radiation workers in ahmadu bello university teaching hospital Zaria, Nigeria

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    Medical use of ionizing radiation can result to deleterious effects such as undesirable somatic and genetic modifications, although less radiation dose is involved in diagnostic radiology. This necessitates the need for radiation safety practices, to bring to the barest minimum possibility of these risks. This study was aimed at assessing the knowledge and radiation safety practices amongst radiation workers in Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital(ABUTH) Zaria, Nigeria. Method: The study was conducted amongst radiologist, radiology resident doctors, radiographers, nurses, and technicians, with the use of questionnaire for assessment of knowledge, attitude and covert monitoring of personnel for assessment of implementation. Data was analyzed with Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) for Windows® version 20. Results: Assessment of knowledge was quite impressive with average score 91% and 78% for the radiologists/residents and the radiographers respectively, while the group of “Others” (i.e. nurses and technician) was abysmal with a score 42%. Radiation protection gadgets were either lacking or obsolete. Application of shielding devices such as gonad shield for protection and thermoluminiscent devices (TLDs) were neglected by about 56% of the personnel. The x-ray imaging machines were quite old with no quality assurance tests performed for quite some time. Conclusion: Excellent knowledge of radiation protection was exhibited by the majority of radiation workers in ABUTH, though from self-efforts. However, compliance with the standard radiation protection guidelines is appalling. The need for improved and sustained efforts by both the management and the personnel in radiation protection can never be over emphasized in order to avoid deleterious effects of radiation on both the personnel and patients

    Intra-colonial Population of Macrotermes bellicosus (Smeathman) [Isoptera: Termitidae] in Sokoto, Semi-Arid Zone of North-Western Nigeria

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    The intra- colonial population of individuals within the mounds of mound- building termite, Macrotermes bellicosus (Smeathman) occurring in some selected Local Government Areas of Sokoto State were studied. A total of 72 cone shaped mounds were selected based on their heights. Populationswere estimated by randomly collecting and counting core samples from the mounds using a small bucket as the mounds were being excavated. At the end of the excavation, the total sand removed from the mound was crushed and measured using the same bucket. Total number of termites from a mound was extrapolated from the above estimates. Results indicate the presence of five different castes; reproductives, workers, minor and major soldiers and nymphs. The population of individuals per moundapart from the reproductives, ranged between 14158.00 and 24777.67 with an average of 18,795.49 termites per mound. The nymphs were the largest (5,942.60) closely followed by the workers (5,547.70), while the minor soldiers are the least with 3,279.38. Significant difference (p<0.05) occurred between minor soldiers and nymphs, major soldiers and nymphs, minor soldiers and workers and minor soldiers and nymphs in some of the studied areas. The present study show M. bellicosus to have high population within individual mounds enough to cause damage if ignored. Being a pestiferous species that could promote erosion, appropriate control strategies are required for its control.Key words: Macrotermes bellicosus, Mounds- building termites, intra-colonial Population, Mounds, Castes

    Interpretasi dan Kontroversi: Studi tentang Hakikat Insan Karya Ahmad Laksamana

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    Haji Ahmad Laksamana, a controversial figure known through his work “Hakikat Insan”, is often considered deviant from traditional Islamic teachings, particularly regarding the use of Sharia and Tariqa as well as interpretations of the Quran. This article aims to describe the thoughts and Quranic interpretation methodology of Haji Ahmad Laksamana. This study employs a qualitative method with a literature analysis approach. The primary source is the text “Hakikat Insan,” supplemented by various secondary sources, including journals and relevant books. The study finds that Haji Ahmad Laksamana's teachings emphasize the recognition of the essence of knowledge to achieve the level of Insan Kamil Mukamil. His thoughts, reflected in discussions about the relationship between humans and Allah, the dignity of the soul, the essence of the testimony of faith, as well as concepts of Islam, faith, monotheism, and gnosis, demonstrate a unique approach. However, his interpretation method, such as translating Quranic verses into symbols, has sparked controversy and is considered deviant from traditional Islamic understanding. Haji Ahmad Laksamana's controversial ideas are viewed as contradictory to Islamic teachings, diminishing the honor of the Quran and Hadith.AbstrakHaji Ahmad Laksamana, seorang figur kontroversial yang dikenal melalui karyanya “Hakikat Insan”  sering kali dianggap menyimpang dari ajaran Islam tradisional, terutama dalam hal penggunaan syariat dan tarekat serta penafsiran Al-Quran. Artikel ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan tentang pemikiran, dan metodologi penafsiran Al-Quran Haji Ahmad Laksamana.  Kajian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan analisis kepustakaan. Sumber utama adalah teks “Hakikat Insan” serta berbagai sumber sekunder termasuk jurnal dan buku yang relevan. Kajian ini menemukan bahwa ajaran Haji Ahmad Laksamana menitikberatkan pada pengenalan ilmu hakikat untuk mencapai tingkat Insan Kamil Mukamil. Pemikirannya yang tertuang dalam pembahasan mengenai hubungan manusia dengan Allah, martabat nafsu, hakikat syahadat, serta konsep Islam, iman, tauhid, dan makrifat, menunjukkan pendekatan yang unik. Namun, metode interpretasinya, seperti penerjemahan ayat Al-Quran ke dalam simbol, telah menimbulkan kontroversi dan dianggap menyimpang dari pemahaman Islam tradisional. Pemikiran Haji Ahmad Laksamana yang kontroversial dianggap bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam dan mengurangi kehormatan Al-Quran dan hadis

    Relationship between serum level of ionized calcium, magnesium, phosphate, vitamin d and parathyroid hormone with stages of CKD.

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    Chronic kidney disease is defined as either damage or a decreased Glomerular Filtration Rate of less than 60ml/min/1.73m for 3 or more months. There is destruction of renal mass with irreversible sclerosis and loss of nephron leading to a progressive decline in GFR.Secondary hyperparathyroidism hyperphosphataemia, hypocalcaemia and vitamin-D deficiency are common complications of CKD. Objective: To determine relationship between serum level of ionised calcium, magnesium, phosphate, vitamin-D and parathyroid hormone with stages of CKD. Method: This study was conducted at ABUTH Zaria. 125 consecutive adult patients in various stages of CKD who presented were enrolled and 125 apparently healthy matched for sex and age controls were also recruited. Results: 9% of patients were in stage-1, 16% in stage-2, 22% in stage-3, 12% in stage-4 and 41% in stage-5. Serum ionised calcium, vitamin-D and eCrCl showed a progressive decline as the stage of CKD advances, while serum phosphate, creatinine and iPTH showed a progressive increase as the stage of CKD advances. Changes in serum magnesium showed a slight change with advancing stages of CKD. The difference in mean serum levels of calcium, phosphorus, vitamin-D, parathyroid hormone, creatinine and eCrCl with different stages of CKD were statistically significant. eCrCl correlated negatively with phosphate and iPTH while serum creatinine correlated negatively with calcium and positively with phosphate and iPTH. Conclusion: Majority of CKD patients were in late stage. Correlation of analytes with stages was more in late stages and biochemical derangements occurred in late, rather than early stages of CKD

    Optimization and activation of renewable durian husk for biosorption of lead (II) from a aqueous medium

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    Background: Biosorption of lead Pb(II) by durian husk activated carbon (DHAC) was investigated. The main aim of this work is to explore the effect of operating variables such as pH, biosorbent dose, temperature, initial metal ion concentration and contact time on the removal of Pb(II) from synthesized aqueous medium using a response surface methodology (RSM) technique. The experimentation was performed in two sets, namely set 1 and set 2. Results: For experimental set 1, pH was set to 7.0. The optimum conditions for the remaining parameters were determined to be 0.39 g DHAC dose, 60 min contact time and 100 mg L−1 of initial metal ion concentration, which yielded maximum biosorption capacity of 14.6 mg g−1. For experimental set 2, 41.27 °C, 8.95 and 99.96 mg L−1 were the optimum conditions determined for temperature, pH and initial Pb(II) concentration, respectively; which revealed a maximum adsorption capacity of 9.67 mg g−1. Characterization of the adsorbent revealed active functional groups such as hydroxyl, carboxylic, alcohol and hemicellulose. The equilibrium adsorption data obeyed the Langmuir isotherm and pseudo‐second‐order kinetic models with maximum Langmuir uptake of 36.1 mg g−1. Conclusions: The biosorbent was capable of reuse, so that the abundant durian husk could be utilized effectively for the removal of Pb(II) from polluted water

    Evaluation of serum squamous cell carcinoma antigen as a novel biomarker for diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma in Egyptian patients

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    Background: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the fifth most common malignancy in the world. In Egypt, HCC was reported to account for about 4.7% of chronic liver disease (CLD) patients. Squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCCA) has been reported to be strongly expressed in HCC tissue hampering its extensive use in clinical practice. Aim: To evaluate the clinical usefulness of serum SCCA levels as a serological marker for early detection of HCC among high-risk patients compared to AFP. Materials and Methods: The study comprised of three groups. Group A included 30 patients with CLD diagnosed based on clinical, laboratory, and ultrasonographical investigations; group B included 49 patients with HCC diagnostically confirmed by spiral CT, elevated alfafetoprotein (AFP), and/or liver biopsy; and group C, the control group, included 15 healthy subjects matched for age and sex. All groups were subjected to thorough history taking, full clinical examination, and laboratory investigations including liver functions, viral markers, and AFP and SCCA estimation using ELISA technique. Results: This study revealed a highly significant difference between patients with HCC, CLD, and controls regarding serum SCCA levels (5.138 \ub1 7.689, 1.133 \ub1 0.516, and 0.787 \ub1 0.432 ng/ml, respectively). SCCA level was persistently elevated in patients with HCC with normal AFP levels representing its useful role in early detection and follow-up of patients treated for HCC. The area under the curve (AUC) of SCCA was 0.869 (95% CI 0.783-0.929), the cut-off value was established at 1.5 ng/ml with sensitivity of 77.6% and specificity of 84.4%). The difference between AUC of SCCA and that of AFP was 0.09 which mounted statistical significance. Conclusions: SCCA could represent a useful tool as a marker for detection of HCC

    Evaluation of serum squamous cell carcinoma antigen as a novel biomarker for diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma in Egyptian patients

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    Background: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the fifth most common malignancy in the world. In Egypt, HCC was reported to account for about 4.7% of chronic liver disease (CLD) patients. Squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCCA) has been reported to be strongly expressed in HCC tissue hampering its extensive use in clinical practice. Aim: To evaluate the clinical usefulness of serum SCCA levels as a serological marker for early detection of HCC among high-risk patients compared to AFP. Materials and Methods: The study comprised of three groups. Group A included 30 patients with CLD diagnosed based on clinical, laboratory, and ultrasonographical investigations; group B included 49 patients with HCC diagnostically confirmed by spiral CT, elevated alfafetoprotein (AFP), and/or liver biopsy; and group C, the control group, included 15 healthy subjects matched for age and sex. All groups were subjected to thorough history taking, full clinical examination, and laboratory investigations including liver functions, viral markers, and AFP and SCCA estimation using ELISA technique. Results: This study revealed a highly significant difference between patients with HCC, CLD, and controls regarding serum SCCA levels (5.138 ± 7.689, 1.133 ± 0.516, and 0.787 ± 0.432 ng/ml, respectively). SCCA level was persistently elevated in patients with HCC with normal AFP levels representing its useful role in early detection and follow-up of patients treated for HCC. The area under the curve (AUC) of SCCA was 0.869 (95% CI 0.783-0.929), the cut-off value was established at 1.5 ng/ml with sensitivity of 77.6% and specificity of 84.4%). The difference between AUC of SCCA and that of AFP was 0.09 which mounted statistical significance. Conclusions: SCCA could represent a useful tool as a marker for detection of HCC