7,478 research outputs found

    Intergalactic Photon Spectra from the Far IR to the UV Lyman Limit for 0<z<60 < z < 6 and the Optical Depth of the Universe to High Energy Gamma-Rays

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    We calculate the intergalactic photon density as a function of both energy and redshift for 0 < z < 6 for photon energies from .003 eV to the Lyman limit cutoff at 13.6 eV in a Lambda-CDM universe with ΩΛ=0.7\Omega_{\Lambda} = 0.7 and Ωm=0.3\Omega_{m} = 0.3. Our galaxy evolution model gives results which are consistent with Spitzer deep number counts and the spectral energy distribution of the extragalactic background radiation. We use our photon density results to extend previous work on the absorption of high energy gamma-rays in intergalactic space owing to interactions with low energy photons and the 2.7 K cosmic background radiation. We calculate the optical depth of the universe, tau, for gamma-rays having energies from 4 GeV to 100 TeV emitted by sources at redshifts from ~0 to 5. We also give an analytic fit with numerical coefficients for approximating τ(Eγ,z)\tau(E_{\gamma}, z). As an example of the application of our results, we calculate the absorbed spectrum of the blazar PKS 2155-304 at z = 0.117 and compare it with the spectrum observed by the H.E.S.S. air Cherenkov gamma-ray telescope array.Comment: final version to be published in Ap

    Geophysical models of Western Aphrodite-Niobe region: Venus

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    The new topography and gravitational field data for Venus expressed in spherical harmonics of degree and order up to 50 allow us to analyze the crust-mantle boundary relief and stress state of the Venusian lithosphere. In these models, we consider models in which convection is confined beneath a thick, buoyant lithosphere. We divide the convection regime into an upper mantle and lower mantle component. The lateral scales are smaller than on Earth. In these models, relative to Earth, convection is reflected in higher order terms of the gravitational field. On Venus geoid height and topography are highly correlated, although the topography appears to be largely compensated. We hypothesize that Venus topography for those wavelengths that correlate well with the geoid is partly compensated at the crust-mantle boundary, while for the others compensation may be distributed over the whole mantle. In turn the strong sensitivity of the stresses to parameters of the models of the external layers of Venus together with geological mapping allows us to begin investigations of the tectonics and geodynamics of the planet. For stress calculations we use a new technique of space- and time-dependent Green's response functions using Venus models with rheologically stratified lithosphere and mantle and a ductile lower crust. In the basic model of Venus the mean crust is 50-70 km thick, the density contrast across the crust-mantle boundary is in the range from 0.3 to 0.4 g/cm(exp -3). The thickness of a weak mantle zone may be from 350 to 1000 km. Strong sensitivity of calculated stress to various parameters of the layered model of Venus together with geological mapping and analysis of surface tectonic patterns allow us to investigate the tectonics and geodynamics of the planet. The results are presented in the form of maps of compression-extension and maximum shear stresses in the lithosphere and maps of crust-mantle boundary relief, which can be presented as a function of time. We have modeled the region of Western Aphrodite and the Niobe plains to get reasonable depths of compensation. Crust mantle boundary relief is calculated for Western Aphrodite-Niobe relative to a mean crustal thickness of 50 km. The calculations include the consequences of simple crust models and more complicated models with a weak, ductile lower crust, a strong upper mantle and a weak lower mantle layer

    Testing the Hubble Law with the IRAS 1.2 Jy Redshift Survey

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    We test and reject the claim of Segal et al. (1993) that the correlation of redshifts and flux densities in a complete sample of IRAS galaxies favors a quadratic redshift-distance relation over the linear Hubble law. This is done, in effect, by treating the entire galaxy luminosity function as derived from the 60 micron 1.2 Jy IRAS redshift survey of Fisher et al. (1995) as a distance indicator; equivalently, we compare the flux density distribution of galaxies as a function of redshift with predictions under different redshift-distance cosmologies, under the assumption of a universal luminosity function. This method does not assume a uniform distribution of galaxies in space. We find that this test has rather weak discriminatory power, as argued by Petrosian (1993), and the differences between models are not as stark as one might expect a priori. Even so, we find that the Hubble law is indeed more strongly supported by the analysis than is the quadratic redshift-distance relation. We identify a bias in the the Segal et al. determination of the luminosity function, which could lead one to mistakenly favor the quadratic redshift-distance law. We also present several complementary analyses of the density field of the sample; the galaxy density field is found to be close to homogeneous on large scales if the Hubble law is assumed, while this is not the case with the quadratic redshift-distance relation.Comment: 27 pages Latex (w/figures), ApJ, in press. Uses AAS macros, postscript also available at http://www.astro.princeton.edu/~library/preprints/pop682.ps.g

    Experiments with a Malkus-Lorenz water wheel: Chaos and Synchronization

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    We describe a simple experimental implementation of the Malkus-Lorenz water wheel. We demonstrate that both chaotic and periodic behavior is found as wheel parameters are changed in agreement with predictions from the Lorenz model. We furthermore show that when the measured angular velocity of our water wheel is used as an input signal to a computer model implementing the Lorenz equations, high quality chaos synchronization of the model and the water wheel is achieved. This indicates that the Lorenz equations provide a good description of the water wheel dynamics.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. The following article has been accepted by the American Journal of Physics. After it is published, it will be found at http://scitation.aip.org/ajp

    Taxonomic investigation of Ralfsia-like (Ralfsiales, Phaeophyceae) taxa in the North Atlantic Ocean based on molecular and morphological data, with descriptions of Pseudoralfsiaceae fam. nov., Pseudoralfsia azorica gen. et sp. nov. and Nuchella vesicularis gen. et sp. nov.

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    In this study we investigatedRalfsia-like crusts (i.e. excludingRalfsiasensu stricto,Stragulariaspp. and/or Scytosiphonaceae crustose phases) with an emphasis on the North Atlantic Ocean using molecular data (COI-5P, ITS andrbcL-3P) combined with morpho-anatomical comparisons of type material and contemporary specimens. Of the four species ofRalfsiapreviously reported in Europe, onlyR. fungiformisis presently recognized as belonging toRalfsiasensu stricto, Ralfsiaceae, with the remaining species,R. lucida, R. ovataandR. verrucosa, of uncertain taxonomic status. Our study revealed 11 independent genetic lineages ofRalfsia-like taxa, which were not assignable to any of the recognized families of the Ralfsiales. To accommodate this diversity, we propose Pseudoralfsiaceae Parente, Fletcher & G.W.Saunders fam. nov., including two new generaPseudoralfsiaParente, Fletcher & G.W.Saunders gen. nov. andNuchellaParente, Fletcher & G.W.Saunders gen. nov. The first genus includesPseudoralfsia verrucosa(Areschoug) Parente, Fletcher & G.W.Saunders comb. nov. as the generitype (the only species of the three remaining European species of uncertain taxonomic status assigned toRalfsiathat was reassessed here),P. azoricaParente, Fletcher & G.W.Saunders sp. nov. and seven undescribed genetic groups, which require additional vouchers for description. The second genus has as generitypeNuchella vesicularisParente, Fletcher & G.W.Saunders sp. nov., and also includesN. sp._1MP, which was represented by a single sterile specimen from Swanage, UK and consequently not characterized. Three characteristics differentiateNuchellafromPseudoralfsia- the former typically with numerous vesicles, non-synchronous development of the plurangia and hair pits arising from both middle and lower cells of the erect filaments. Species of Pseudoralfsiaceae can be distinguished fromRalfsiasensu stricto (Ralfsiaceae) mainly by DNA sequences and by consistently having frequent hair pits, and typically unsymmetrical thalli.This research was funded by FEDER funds through the Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade - COMPETE and by national funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology in the scope of the MACROBIOMOL project (ref. PTDC/MAR/114613/2009) and under the UID/BIA/50027/2013 and POCI-010145-FEDER-006821 programmes. Work completed in the Saunders Laboratory was supported by the Canadian Barcode of Life Network from Genome Canada in association with the Ontario Genomics Institute, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, as well as other sponsors listed at www.boldsystems.org, with infrastructure support from the Canada Foundation for Innovation and New Brunswick Innovation Foundation

    The infrared luminosity function of galaxies at redshifts z=1 and z~2 in the GOODS fields

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    We present the rest-frame 8 micron luminosity function (LF) at redshifts z=1 and ~2, computed from Spitzer 24 micron-selected galaxies in the GOODS fields over an area of 291 sq. arcmin. Using classification criteria based on X-ray data and IRAC colours, we identify the AGN in our sample. The rest-frame 8 micron LF for star-forming galaxies at redshifts z=1 and ~2 have the same shape as at z~0, but with a strong positive luminosity evolution. The number density of star-forming galaxies with log_{10}(nu L_nu(8 micron))>11 increases by a factor >250 from redshift z~0 to 1, and is basically the same at z=1 and ~2. The resulting rest-frame 8 micron luminosity densities associated with star formation at z=1 and ~2 are more than four and two times larger than at z~0, respectively. We also compute the total rest-frame 8 micron LF for star-forming galaxies and AGN at z~2 and show that AGN dominate its bright end, which is well-described by a power-law. Using a new calibration based on Spitzer star-forming galaxies at 0<z<0.6 and validated at higher redshifts through stacking analysis, we compute the bolometric infrared (IR) LF for star-forming galaxies at z=1 and ~2. We find that the respective bolometric IR luminosity densities are (1.2+/-0.2) x 10^9 and (6.6^{+1.2}_{-1.0}) x 10^8 L_sun Mpc^{-3}, in agreement with previous studies within the error bars. At z~2, around 90% of the IR luminosity density associated with star formation is produced by luminous and ultraluminous IR galaxies (LIRG and ULIRG), with the two populations contributing in roughly similar amounts. Finally, we discuss the consistency of our findings with other existing observational results on galaxy evolution.Comment: Accepted for publication in the ApJ. 33 pages, 15 figures. Uses emulateap

    The Weak Clustering of Gas-Rich Galaxies

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    We examine the clustering properties of HI-selected galaxies through an analysis of the HI Parkes All-Sky Survey Catalogue (HICAT) two-point correlation function. Various sub-samples are extracted from this catalogue to study the overall clustering of HI-rich galaxies and its dependence on luminosity, HI gas mass and rotational velocity. These samples cover the entire southern sky Dec < 0 deg, containing up to 4,174 galaxies over the radial velocity range 300-12,700 km/s. A scale length of r_0 = 3.45 +/- 0.25 Mpc/h and slope of gamma = 1.47 +/- 0.08 is obtained for the HI-rich galaxy real-space correlation function, making gas-rich galaxies among the most weakly clustered objects known. HI-selected galaxies also exhibit weaker clustering than optically selected galaxies of comparable luminosities. Good agreement is found between our results and those of synthetic HI-rich galaxy catalogues generated from the Millennium Run CDM simulation. Bisecting HICAT using different parameter cuts, clustering is found to depend most strongly on rotational velocity and luminosity, while the dependency on HI mass is marginal. Splitting the sample around v_rot = 108 km/s, a scale length of r_0 = 2.86 +/- 0.46 Mpc/h is found for galaxies with low rotational velocities compared to r_0 = 3.96 +/- 0.33 Mpc/h for the high rotational velocity sample.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Hydrodynamics of polar liquid crystals

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    Starting from a microscopic definition of an alignment vector proportional to the polarization, we discuss the hydrodynamics of polar liquid crystals with local CvC_{\infty v}-symmetry. The free energy for polar liquid crystals differs from that of nematic liquid crystals (DhD_{\infty h}) in that it contains terms violating the nn{\bf{n}}\to -{\bf{n}} symmetry. First we show that these Z2\mathcal{Z}_2-odd terms induce a general splay instability of a uniform polarized state in a range of parameters. Next we use the general Poisson-bracket formalism to derive the hydrodynamic equations of the system in the polarized state. The structure of the linear hydrodynamic modes confirms the existence of the splay instability.Comment: 9 pages, corrected typos, added references, revised content, to appear in PR

    Interfacing GHz-bandwidth heralded single photons with a room-temperature Raman quantum memory

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    Photonics is a promising platform for quantum technologies. However, photon sources and two-photon gates currently only operate probabilistically. Large-scale photonic processing will therefore be impossible without a multiplexing strategy to actively select successful events. High time-bandwidth-product quantum memories - devices that store and retrieve single photons on-demand - provide an efficient remedy via active synchronisation. Here we interface a GHz-bandwidth heralded single-photon source and a room-temperature Raman memory with a time-bandwidth product exceeding 1000. We store heralded single photons and observe a clear influence of the input photon statistics on the retrieved light, which agrees with our theoretical model. The preservation of the stored field's statistics is limited by four-wave-mixing noise, which we identify as the key remaining challenge in the development of practical memories for scalable photonic information processing