195 research outputs found

    Investigations of Bis-chromophore Systems: Relationship between Spectral Behaviour and Charge Transfer in 2-(3-coumaroyl)-benzopyrylium Perchlorates

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    The dependence of spectral properties and interfragmental charge transfer (ICT) on excitation, relaxation and excited state deactivation of 2-(3-cou­maroyl)-benzopyry­lium perchlorates has been analyzed. It was found that the positions of emission bands and rate constants of radiationless deactivation linearly correlate with ICT upon excited state deactivation, and Stokes’ shifts of fluorescence demonstrate linear dependence on ICT upon structural relaxation in the excited state

    Patterns of economically safe restructuring of Russian industry

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    The purpose of the article is to propose the main patterns of restructuring (structural changes) of the Russian industrial economy. The task of the study is to reveal the essence and substantiation of each of the formulated patterns. The subject of the publication is the organizational and economic relations arising during the safe restructuring of the Russian industry. The methodology of the study proceeds from objectively existing, recurring, significant dynamic, static or combined relationships and dependencies of phenomena and processes of social production, which characterize the increase in the aggregate result of the country’s industrial system functioning. The main results are reduced to the definition of nine patterns of economically safe restructuring with the justification of each of them and the specification of their essence. Their scientific understanding is quite applicable both in educational institutions of the country in the study of economic theory and security, the restructuring of the industrial economy, and the economic practice of structural changes at all government levels. A general conclusion has been formed, expressing the content of the main patterns of safe industrial restructuring as an economic concept and its objective foundations

    Regularities of the metallurgical industry restructuring process: Content, safety and regulation

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    The purpose of the work is to reveal the content, safety and regulation of the metallurgical industry restructuring. The objectives of the article are to generalize the theory and methods that characterize the essence of the designated industry restructuring regularities, the main directions of their safe implementation and regulation. The subject of the publication defines the organizational and economic relations arising during the implementation of the Russian metallurgy safe restructuring. The methodology of the study proceeds from objectively recurring significant relationships and dependencies that arise in the metallurgical industry restructuring process, the main link of its economy. The key results are reduced to determining a number of regularities of restructuring, its essence, features, priorities, clustering and ways of safe regulation by the state. Their scientific understanding is quite applicable both in educational institutions of the country when studying the theory and methodology of economic science, methods of restructuring of various sectors of the economy, and in real practice of structural changes at all levels of government. In conclusion, a number of findings are formed, reflecting both the content and safety of the restructuring of metallurgy and the corresponding laws, and the regulation of these processes

    Isolation Effects on the Moon: High Topographic Slope Observations from the LRO and LOLA Instruments

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    The extremely low temperatures in the Moon's polar permanent shadow regions (PSR) has long been considered a unique factor necessary for entrapping volatile Hydrogen (H). However, recent discoveries indicate some H concentrations lie outside PSR, suggesting other geophysical factors may also influence H distributions. In this study we consider insolation and its resulting thermal effects as a loss/redistribution process influencing the Moon's near-surface < 1m volatile H budget. To isolate regional (5deg latitude band) insolation effects we correlate two data sets collected from the ongoing, 1.5 year long mapping mission of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO). Epithermal neutron mapping data from the Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND) is registered and analyzed in the context of slope derivations from Lunar topography maps produced by the Lunar Observing Laser Altimeter (LOLA). Lunar epithermal neutrons are inferred to be direct geochemical evidence for near-surface H due to the correlated suppression of surface leakage fluxes of epithermal neutrons with increased H concentration. Regional suppressions of neutrons seen in LEND maps are considered localized evidence of H concentration increase in the upper 1 m of the Lunar surface. To quantify spatially localized insolation effects, LEND data are averaged from sparsely distributed pixels, classed as a function of the LOLA slope derivations

    Observations of the Prompt Gamma-Ray Emission of GRB 070125

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    The long, bright gamma-ray burst GRB 070125 was localized by the Interplanetary Network. We present light curves of the prompt gamma-ray emission as observed by Konus-WIND, RHESSI, Suzaku-WAM, and \textit{Swift}-BAT. We detail the results of joint spectral fits with Konus and RHESSI data. The burst shows moderate hard-to-soft evolution in its multi-peaked emission over a period of about one minute. The total burst fluence as observed by Konus is 1.79×1041.79 \times 10^{-4} erg/cm2^2 (20 keV--10 MeV). Using the spectroscopic redshift z=1.548z=1.548, we find that the burst is consistent with the ``Amati'' Epeak,iEisoE_{peak,i}-E_{iso} correlation. Assuming a jet opening angle derived from broadband modeling of the burst afterglow, GRB 070125 is a significant outlier to the ``Ghirlanda'' Epeak,iEγE_{peak,i}-E_\gamma correlation. Its collimation-corrected energy release Eγ=2.5×1052E_\gamma = 2.5 \times 10^{52} ergs is the largest yet observed.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures; accepted for publication in ApJ. Improved spectral fits and energetics estimate

    The ultraluminous GRB 110918A

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    GRB 110918A is the brightest long GRB detected by Konus-WIND during its 19 years of continuous observations and the most luminous GRB ever observed since the beginning of the cosmological era in 1997. We report on the final IPN localization of this event and its detailed multiwavelength study with a number of space-based instruments. The prompt emission is characterized by a typical duration, a moderare EpeakE_{peak} of the time-integrated spectrum, and strong hard-to-soft evolution. The high observed energy fluence yields, at z=0.984, a huge isotropic-equivalent energy release Eiso=(2.1±0.1)×1054E_{iso}=(2.1\pm0.1)\times10^{54} erg. The record-breaking energy flux observed at the peak of the short, bright, hard initial pulse results in an unprecedented isotropic-equivalent luminosity Liso=(4.7±0.2)×1054L_{iso}=(4.7\pm0.2)\times10^{54}erg s1^{-1}. A tail of the soft gamma-ray emission was detected with temporal and spectral behavior typical of that predicted by the synchrotron forward-shock model. Swift/XRT and Swift/UVOT observed the bright afterglow from 1.2 to 48 days after the burst and revealed no evidence of a jet break. The post-break scenario for the afterglow is preferred from our analysis, with a hard underlying electron spectrum and ISM-like circumburst environment implied. We conclude that, among multiple reasons investigated, the tight collimation of the jet must have been a key ingredient to produce this unusually bright burst. The inferred jet opening angle of 1.7-3.4 deg results in reasonable values of the collimation-corrected radiated energy and the peak luminosity, which, however, are still at the top of their distributions for such tightly collimated events. We estimate a detection horizon for a similar ultraluminous GRB of z7.5z\sim7.5 for Konus-WIND, and z12z\sim12 for Swift/BAT, which stresses the importance of GRBs as probes of the early Universe.Comment: 22 pages, 20 figures, accepted for publication in Ap