672 research outputs found

    The Small-angle X-Ray Scattering Investigation of Advanced Beryllium Materials

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    The small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) technique allows to determine size distributions of inhomogeneities in materials and to predict their properties in Xray optics devices. A number of beryllium materials for the manufacturing of X-ray optics (refractive lenses and speckle suppressors) have been studied by the SAXS.Various composite materials based on porous beryllium have been studied. The effect of adding detonation nanodiamonds to the beryllium matrix on the scattering ability of the material is discussed. Keywords: porous beryllium, SAXS, detonation nanodiamonds, speckle-suppresso


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    The aim of the study – to describe of the problem of distance learning implementation to the process of postgraduate doctors improvement.The main body. The basic problems of distance learning implementation for students of postgraduate cycles on “General practice–family medicine” specialty are described in the article. Distance learning technics, necessary changes of organizational training principles and measures for educational process improvement are considered.Conclusion. The implementation of distance learning requires improvement and gear to conditions of primary health care functioning as well as for subjective perception of medical specialists. The basis of the distance learning on the postgraduate medical education stage is individual work with information technology usage.Мета роботи – окреслити проблеми впровадження дистанційної форми навчання у процес післядипломного удосконалення лікарів.Основна частина. У статті наведені основні проблеми впровадження дистанційної форми навчання для слухачів циклів після дипломного удосконалення за спеціальністю “Загальна практика – сімейна медицина”. Розглянуті технології дистанційного навчання, необхідні зміни організаційних принципів навчання та заходи, спрямовані на вдосконалення навчального процесу.Висновки. Впровадження дистанційного навчання вимагає вдосконалення та адаптації як до умов функціонування первинної ланки охорони здоров’я, так і до суб’єктивного сприйняття лікарями-спеціалістами. Основою дистанційного навчання на післядипломному етапі освіти лікаря є самостійна робота з використанням інформаційних технологій

    An educational technology for developing professionally-oriented EFL communicative competence: its acmeological potential

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    AbstractThis paper addresses the problem of creating effective educational technologies aimed at developing university students’ professionally-oriented EFL communicative competence in research-oriented higher educational settings. Two techniques (mini-research and individual educational trajectory), being actional components of the educational technology developed, were analyzed from the acmeological potential perspective based on the study undertaken. The study participants were undergraduates and master's students majoring in non-language-related fields

    The orientation towards the implementation of speech technologies in the training of specialists in the system of artistic education

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    При финансовой поддержке Российского гуманитарного научного фонда, проект № 07-06-14162

    The peculiarities of formation the image of future profession by students of VOCAT

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    The article deals with the issues linked with the need to form the image of future profession by college students, based on the analysis of the requirements of the modern labor market as an important condition of their professional self-realisationВ статье рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с необходимостью формирования образа профессионального будущего студентами колледжа, на основе анализа требований современного рынка труда, как важного условия их профессиональной самореализаци

    Formation and Study of Properties of Ta and Mo Nanocluster Films

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    In this article, the results of studies of thin-film samples of nanoclusters of tantalum and molybdenum metals on the surface of silicon dioxide SiO2 /Si (001) at room temperature are presented. The chemical composition and electronic structure of the obtained nanocluster films of Ta and Mo were controlled in situ by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Susceptibility to oxidation during the exposure to the atmosphere of then nanocluster films, as well as their thermal stability when heated in a vacuum to 600∘C were studied ex situ by the XPS method. The size and shape of the nanoclusters composing the film were estimated ex situ by analyzing images obtained with a scanning electron microscope. The band structure before and after oxidation was studied by measuring the bandgap of the formed Ta and Mo films by the method of electron energy loss characteristic spectroscopy (REELS). Conclusions about thermoelectric properties of the formed nanocluster films of Ta and Mo were made

    Состояние и перспективы развития селекции томата в условиях современного рынка

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    Relevance. To meet the needs of the population and commodity producers in the south of Russia in tomatoes, it is necessary to develop varieties and hybrids of various directions that have high productivity, increased fruit quality and resistance to fungal and bacterial diseases, that meet modern production technologies and market requirements, as well as have an acceptable price for seeds.Aim of study – creation of new maternal tomato lines with functional male sterility for open ground for various purposes (for fresh consumption, whole-fruit canning,), which will make it possible to create highly productive hybrids that meet the agro-climatic conditions of the south of Russia in the future.Materials and methods. The studies were carried out in a breeding film greenhouse and in field conditions on the territory of the experimental plot of FSBSI "Federal Scientific Rice Centre" of the central soil-climatic zone of Krasnodar region. The object of research were mid-ripening tomato varieties included in the competitive testing, sterile tomato lines, new F1 hybrids based on FMS, collection and breeding material. The types of crosses used in the work: analyzing, saturating, top-crosses. To speed up the process of developing new sterile tomato lines in winter, artificial climate chambers were used.Results. As a result of the research, promising new functionally sterile lines of tomato were identified, differing in the length of the vegetation period, weight, color, fruit shape, biochemical parameters, with a number of useful economically valuable traits.Актуальность. Для удовлетворения потребности населения и товаропроизводителей юга России в плодах томат, необходимо создание сортов и гибридов различного направления, обладающих высокой продуктивностью, повышенным качеством плодов и резистентностью к грибным и бактериальным заболеваниям, отвечающих современным технологиям производства и требованиям рынка, а также имеющие приемлемую цену на семена.Цель исследований – создание новых материнских линий томата, обладающих функциональной мужской стерильностью для открытого грунта различного назначения (для потребления в свежем виде, цельноплодного консервирования, производства томатопродуктов), что даст возможность в дальнейшем создать высокопродуктивные гибриды, соответствующие агроклиматическим условиям юга России.Материал и методика.Исследования проводили в пленочной теплице и полевых условиях на территории опытного участка ФГБНУ «ФНЦ риса» центральной почвенно-климатической зоны Краснодарского края. Объектом исследований явились стерильные линии томата, новые гибриды F1 на основе ФМС, коллекционный, селекционный материал. Используемые в работе виды скрещиваний: анализирующие, насыщающие, топ-кроссы. Для ускорения процесса создания новых стерильных линий томата в зимнее время использовали камеры искусственного климата.Результаты. В результате проведенных исследований выделены перспективные новые функционально стерильные линии томата, различающиеся по массе, цвету, форме плода, биохимическим показателям, обладающие целым рядом полезных хозяйственно ценных признаков

    Analysis of strawberry genetic collection (Fragaria L.) for Rca2 and Rpfl genes with molecular markers

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    Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) varieties are susceptible to many fungal diseases. Identification of forms, carrying resistance genes, is an important stage in breeding programs leading to resistant varieties. The use of molecular markers allows to determine with high reliability the presence of the necessary genes in the genome and to identify promising forms. Some of the common strawberry's diseases, causing significant damage to strawberry plantations, are anthracnose (Colletotrichum acutatum Simmonds) and red stele root rot (Phytophthora fragariae var. fragariae Hickman). Dominant Rca2 gene is involved in monogenic resistance to C. acutatum pathogenicity group 2. Rpf1, Rpf2, Rpf3 genes are determined in monogenic resistance to red stele root rot. The purpose of this study was molecular genetic testing genotypes of genus Fragaria L. to identify carriers of Rca2 allele anthracnose resistance and Rpf1 allele red stele root rot resistance. The objects of study were the wild species of the genus Fragaria L. and strawberry varieties (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) of different ecological and geographic origin. To assess allelic state Rca2 anthracnose resistance gene the dominant SCAR marker STS-Rca2_240 was used, was linked to the resistance gene Rca2 with a genetic distance of 2.8 cM. Rpf1 gene red stele root rot resistance was identified with the dominant SCAR marker R1A, was linked to the resistance gene Rpf1 with a genetic distance of 3.0 cM. The resistant allele of the marker STS-Rca2_240 was identified in the Laetitia variety (Rca2Rca2 or Rca2rca2 genotype), which allows us to recommend it as a promising source in breeding for anthracnose resistance. The other studied forms have homozygous recessive state of the marker STS-Rca2_240 (putative genotype rca2rca2). The resistant allele of the marker SCAR-R1A in the varieties and wild species of strawberry under study is absent, which presumably indicates their homozygous recessive genotype of Rpf1 gene (rpf1rpf1)